#to be fair at least it hasn't been throwing these groups it makes into fps that genuinely need a well-balanced group
vespertine-legacy · 4 years
Groupfinder adventures today:
All-dps Czerka Core Meltdown. Sin, Sin, Operative, and Sorc. Okay, so two with taunts, two with pocket heals, everyone with some decent defensives, but overall a relatively squishy group. This is fine. Thanks, groupfinder. 
We got to the Tatooine biome, and the other Sin asked in group chat “everyone know this fight?” Sorc and I responded affirmative. Operative said “this is my first day playing :)” Other Sin jumped in and started the fight. (me, screaming internally: “WHY DID YOU ASK THEN???”) Other Sin dragged the boss around the room, trying to predict which generator would be active, rather than just holding him in the middle to wait and then bringing him to a generator when it became active, and we had to walk comically slow to the generator and nearly die in the sandstorm simulation, and taunted the second I got threat on the boss to try to just keep him in the middle so we could get him to the generators faster.
In the DK biome, someone (not sure who) spammed the flower pods the second they came up, regardless of where the boss was (possibly the Operative, because “ooh, clicky!” and no one had the time to explain the fight because the Other Sin jumped in before we could have a chance).
In the Vigilant room, Other Sin jumped in and started the fight immediately, so Operative dropped all their zappy circles right on top of us while we were trying to kill the data cores. Luckily Vigilant went down pretty quickly. Overall not terrible, but also not Groupfinder’s funniest work.
Also queued up with @astrifer-bound on their Operative healer Jonesy and me still on Eleison. Still no tanks, but we got matched for Hammer Station with a Sorc and a mid-level Jugg dps who really wanted to be the tank. (We get it, your meat is huge). Would not let me properly los mobs. Kept taunting shit off of me and then nearly died for their trouble (and Lex nearly let them at the droid boss). Unfortunately at the turrets, the sorc’s aoe’s woke up the second turret that I cc’d, so it of course tried to obliterate Jonesy, and the not-tank absolutely did Not Notice (or, more likely, didn’t have a taunt up from having taunted the first turret off of me, and couldn’t taunt the one that had been cc’d to save the healer), but after I kept both of the turrets’ attention and didn’t die, the jugg seemed to stop trying to taunt stuff off of me, and actually let me tank the last two bosses (dude, I appreciate your willingness to die, but if there’s two dwt’s and one of them is nearly twice your level and actively protecting the healer maybe let them skank tank instead of you?; yes, as a Jugg, you should be sturdier than the Sin, but you got your own ass handed to you and ate it, so let the little murder librarian show you how it’s done)
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