#to be fair to i jedi while I wouldn't say I'm enjoying it i don't hate it
littleladymab · 2 years
"read I, Jedi," they* said.
"it'll be fun," they said**.
well tell that to me and my several "AND ANOTHER THING" rants in the chat and also the 2k words i've written because if you need to know one thing about me it's that I will always commit to the bit***
(* = @starwarsbookclub)
(** = no one actually said that)
(*** = writing a 'jedi summer training camp' fic in which Ezra meets Corran)
"What's your real name?" Ezra asks that evening, grinning. 
"Kieran Halcyon," Corran answers. And then, because it is a joke that he doesn't quite know the scope of, he asks, "What's yours?" 
Jabba the Hutt was the first answer, given when they met. They were never properly introduced because Luke allowed himself to be distracted by Ezra's teasing. 
This time Ezra answers, "Hondo Ohnaka, pirate." He keeps smiling like he knows a secret, like he is revealing his real name to someone worthy of it. “Would you like to join my crew? We’re always hiring.” 
It becomes a bit of a game after that.
Any time they cross paths Ezra will give him a studious look before asking, “What’s your real name?” 
And Corran will always reply, “Kieran Halcyon,” because that’s what he’s going by. That’s the Corellian Jedi with a legacy of Corellian Jedi behind him that has been making friends with the others. “What’s yours?” 
Ezra strikes a pose and lifts a hand to his beard. “Lando Calrissian,” he answers in a passable attempt at Lando’s accent. 
Corran wonders if Ezra knows that he knows Lando. He wonders how Ezra knows Lando, because he doesn’t recognize the Jedi from the war despite Luke’s familiarity with him. 
(“An original member of the rebellion,” Leia says when Corran asks her one day. She also has a degree of familiarity with Ezra, though he doesn’t ask for their history and she doesn’t provide it.) 
 “Hey!” Ezra calls two days later when he finds Corran just parting from a training session with Kam and Streen. “What’s your real name?” 
Corran feels something clench in his chest and he looks around to check that no one heard. The last thing he needs is this game of Ezra’s to start sowing seeds of doubt. “Kieran Halcyon. What’s yours?” 
This time, Ezra’s grin vanishes and he lifts one skeptical eyebrow as he looks down his nose at Corran — using the full height difference to his advantage. “I,” he intones in what he must think is a decent Core World accent, “am Commander Brom Titus.” 
Corran waits a beat, then asks, “Who?” 
Ezra huffs out a breath and the illusion is gone. “No, you’re supposed to say, what, but, I’m Brom Titus. It’s a whole thing.” 
“I don’t even know who that is.” 
He waves a hand to dismiss it. “Never mind, it was only really funny to me.” 
Then, the next day as they cross paths in front of the dining hall: “What’s your real name?” 
Corran is ready for the question this time. “Kieran Halcyon. What’s yours?” 
“Sssseevor,” Ezra says in a strained, scratchy voice that catches Corran completely off-guard. “Captain of Crawler 413-24.” He emphasizes random syllables and punctuates them with too-long pauses to produce an altogether unsettling effect. “Want to work for the Mining Guild?” 
Then, when Corran finds Ezra with Leia and the Syndulla kid: “What’s your real name?” 
Leia passes a confused look between the two of them but Corran ignores it and answers, “Kieran Halcyon. What’s yours?” 
Ezra has a hard time controlling his smile but straightens his posture and says, “I am Lieutenant Lyste.” 
There’s a peel of laughter from Leia that she fails to smother behind her hands. 
So it’s another Imperial that Ezra knows and this time Leia is in on the joke. This frustrates Corran more than it should, honestly, because he knows that Ezra sees this as nothing more than a game. “No full name this time?” 
Ezra grins, still preening from making Leia laugh. “It’s Lieutenant.” 
“I think it was Yogar,” Leia corrects. 
“No, I’m pretty sure it was Lieutenant.”
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accidental-spice · 2 years
hULLO your ask made me so very happy that now i've got to ask :DDD do you have any DIY blorbos??? i would love to know about any and all of them if so!!!
Awww, I'm so glad it did!!!!!!
Oh, thank you so much!! I'm no writer, but I do make up OCs. Possibly too many OCs, so I'll throw out a few of my favs!!
Dark O'Reilly: Dark is one of my FAVORITE OCs, I admit. Though, I wouldn't enjoy him half as much without his people, to be fair. Dark's a former Imperial assassin (pretend like that's a real thing please) turned gang member (I'll touch on the gang he joins later, they're cool) who is also Force sensitive. Luckily for Dark, Luke Skywalker doesn't know he exists. If he did, Dark would ghost him 24/7, because he hates the idea of fame, publicity, or working with the New Republic for two reasons. The first is he's an introvert. The second is, his dad works for the New Republic, and we don't particularly like him, so there. Also, he's dating a librarian named Kaiya who has a random adopted child named Ookami, and I ship them a normal amount. The last important things you should know are that Dark makes REALLY good grilled cheese, and he has a super cool leather jacket. This is important to me, and no one else
Zemira Kessden: Zemira is a Zeltron woman who after the time of the Rebellion, starts a gang. But it's no ordinary gang. It is a gang that operates as Crime Man does, if you're familiar with that legend of Tumblr. Anyways, she does that, and annoys the New Republic to NO END, partially by accidentally stealing one of their best agents, Ky Hunter, to marry work for her. He's awesome, but I digress
Thaiv Carr: Thaiv is Zemira's older bro. His dad, Finian, adopted her when her family was killed by slavers, and Thaiv was like. Yesssss. A SISTER!!!!! He's SUCH an older brother. Like, it's his favorite job. Though, he also loves his job as member of Zemira's gang (her own gang!! *sniffs* he's so proud...), and his OTHER job, which is the lead singer/pianist/guitarist/whatevertheheckelseisneeded of his band, whiiiich I still haven't named. He travel a lot for that part of his job, which he mostly loves, except for missing his family. While he's traveling, he meets a lovely half-Pantoran, half-human doctor named Miriam, who he can't help but be drawn to....
Trill and Oran Gedyc: Trill and Oran are the adopted twin daughter and son of a Mandalorian Jedi hunter named Cinya, who used to kill Jedi for the Empire, until she bailed on them. Now, one of her best friends is a Jedi. Anyways. Trill and Oran's dynamic goes a bit like this:
Oran: Y'know, Trill, it's not the end of the world to feel... things
Trill: Guess not. It's up there, though
She just do be like that. Also, Oran has a cool leather jacket (not as cool as Dark's, obviously), and Trill can beat people up with her quarterstaff
Senator Gianetta Riera: Gianetta's the Senator of some random made up planet, and is both very much inspired by Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec and Elizabeth McCord from Madam Secretary, and just as very much her own person. She's stubborn and outspoken and LOVES people. Her husband Elio, who is also the head of her personal guard, might occasionally wish she was slightly LESS outspoken.... but not that often, because that's who she is, after all!!
Taneer and Vikki Gedyc: Taneer is Cinya Gedyc's uncle, and also a Mandalorian Protector, and Fenn Rau's bestie. He's like. My himbo-est OC. He makes REALLY good soup (the secret ingredient is love. And respect women juice), and is an excellent cooking general. Also, he plays a mean kazoo. Vikki is his awesome wife, and she holds the braincell in the relationship, mostly
Sierra Waspee: Sierra is one of my two other Jedi OCs, and she's ridiculous. Once, my sister wrote a fic (as of yet unpublished) with her in it, and her introduction featured her singing "Spirit In The Sky" by Norman Greenbaum at the top of her voice. While in jail. Because she punched someone for saying something rude about her clone vod'e. Sierra is a rather unique Jedi. She isn't much of a dueler, to be honest, but she can hold her own. She can see the future through the Force, which is how she escapes Order 66
Stars, this is just. So much. Thanks for bearing with me, and thank you SO much for the ask!!!
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