#to clarify I don't dislike Claire I really don't.
I say this with my whole chest Molly Gordon is a good actress who deserves better writing than this
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sims-and-noodles · 4 months
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So I've been casually posting some screenshots from my personal lepacy, and although i don't plan to do any crazy official posting (or at least not with the fun editing i was doing with the white borders), i do think it might be nice to have some kind of explanation to who my sims are. Let's start from the beginning with Clarissa Evermore.
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Unfortunately, I don't have almost any screenshots of Clarissa when she was a young adult (this one is pretty much it), and since this save started before everything started falling apart, it's hard to find anything that clarifies what was going on in her life before this point, but I remember the important bits.
But anyways!
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Clarissa Evermore
Traits: Dislikes Children, Hopeless Romantic, Virtuoso, Artistic, Snob LTW: Master of the Arts
From my memories, Clarissa was a VERY exciting base game sim because of some of the rules I personally set in place for her.
1. Once you reach level six of a career, you HAVE to quit and find a new job. No commitments. 2. Must get divorced at least once. 3. Have an affair and gain the cheater reputation
These were pretty basic rules, but they made my game really fun since I had grown so used to the typically family gameplay.
So Clarissa joined the Law Enforcement career to start and very quickly fell in love with (taken man) Hank Goddard. She convinced him to break up with his fiance, and when she got pregnant, the two married! They had a son named Levi Evermore. He's that little red-head firefighter in my screenshots.
After a promotion to level six of her career, she quit and joined the Business career.
Flash forward just a smidge and Clarissa rolled a want to go the graveyard at night, so I let her. There, she bumped into the ghost of Victor Goth , and the two began having a ~ghostly~ affair, where Clarissa found herself pregnant once again, now with her daughter: Lucy Evermore. When Clarissa gave birth to a ghost baby though, Hank realized something was up and the two began fighting a lot. Things got much worse when Hank was ALSO caught cheating on Clarissa with Jamie Jolina. The two divorced and Hank moved out. Lucy was then changed into a human, just since it's Base Game and I don't wanna play with a ghost yet. Thankfully, Clarissa was also having a different affair that wasn't a ghost, and that was with none other than Thornton Wolff. The two were very in love and had a lot in common, and eventually Thornton divorced his wife and married Clarissa.
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Neither of them have cheated on the other, and they're very in love. They did end up having their own daughter: Claire Evermore. They weren't exactly excited though. Clarissa has now completed her LTW, and has just now quit the Business career and is onto the Journalism career. Thornton has also completed his LTW!
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Levi Evermore
Traits: Brave, Adventurous, Athletic, Handy, Mooch LTW: Firefighter Superhero
For generation two, I combined both World Adventures and Ambitions for my own enjoyment reasons, so Levi became a firefighter! And, if he goes on vacations, he is typically my tomb explorer (and maybe he'll go on the full tomb journey when he's older?)
Levi graduated class valedictorian, and married his first love and high school sweetheart: Khaliah France.
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Although Khaliah, being mean-spirited and an art hater, doesn't get along with ANYONE in the house, she does love Levi. The two get along really nicely. I take it as a sign that Levi doesn't want the life that his parents had <3
Since I've never played it before, I decided to make Khaliah my Ghost Hunter, but she doesn't exactly work a lot with all the maternity leave she gets. The two now have a son (Flynn Evermore) and a daughter (Harper Evermore). Khaliah is also currently pregnant with their third child.
So far, Levi is about level 7 in the Firefighter profession, and he has mastered the Athletic and Handiness skills!
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Lucy Evermore
Traits: Disciplined, Perfectionist, Photographer's Eye, Clumsy, Savvy Sculptor LTW: World Class Gallery Other: Half-Ghost
And then there's Lucy, who I mainly focus on World Adventures with! She hasn't been doing anything crazy in terms of building a family or anything, but she does frequently travel, and she's mastered the Photography skill. I think after I complete her LTW (since I think it'll be soon), I'm going to give her another one (possibly Descendent of De Vinci).
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She did meet a guy in Egypt that she really liked, but nothing is set in stone quite yet. Who says she can't have several lovers in several countries?
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And yeah! That's about it! Meet the Evermore family! It's a lot of fun, and I hope I stay in an area where I'm posting more for once.
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…I thought Renesmee was part of the werewolves or was like one of Edward’s family members (like his mom or something). Doesn’t she get with the guy named Jacob or something? (And is Jacob an actually important character or no?)
I know that Edward has an egg outfit, the thing about vampires not being able to change forms, and that someone in the family has the ability to see the future. Oh, and that there’s a character named Alice who someone thinks is pretty
I have to admit, I have a bad memory so I don’t remember everything.
I’m sorry for offending you, and the other twilight fans with my lack of knowledge. (/lh)Anyway, I hope that you are doing well.
Oh boy where to even start--you're close, but not quite there. You've got the details, but they're not quite connected. But no worries! I can help with that!
I'll first say it's Emmett, not Edward, who has the thing with the eggs. Which is unique to the movie and not from the books, and is mostly a fandom joke. Emmett is one of Edward's adopted brothers and one of my favorite characters. And Alice, who Roisin (and I) think is pretty, is the one who can see the future--but conditionally. There's rules to it, which are actually really cool and interesting in my opinion
Back to Renesmee: she is one of Edward's family members, she's his biological daughter with Bella, though her name is similar to his adoptive mother's, Esme. Which is, like I said, because her name is literally a combo of Renee and Esme. Bella named their daughter ship names of their parents.
And yes, she is connected to the werewolves as well, which is another very significant thing in book 4. And yes, Jacob is an incredibly important character--he's the other point of the infamous love triangle. Have you ever heard of Team Edward vs Team Jacob? That's typically the one thing non-twilight people know about it, aside from the sparkling skin. I don't even have the space to get into all the reasons why's he's important here. But like, Bella, Edward, and Jacob are the trifecta of Most Important Characters
Alright, buckle up, I'm about to throw a lot at you. In the twilight universe, there's this thing with werewolves called imprinting. When a werewolf lays eyes upon the subject of their imprinting for the first time (they don't get to choose who, it's kinda like a soulmate situation?), their entire world shifts and this person becomes the center of their universe, they are irreversible drawn to and infatuated with this person. They are bonded, and the wolf becomes whoever their person needs them to be, completely devoted to their service.
It is not inherently romantic, as the imprintee may need a platonic partner more than romantic, or a caretaker, etc. And the wolf will fill that role without complaint and completely willing, not wanting anything more than what their imprintee wants.
It is also not limited by age. After a werewolf has shifted for the first time, any member of the opposite sex can be their potential imprintee. Which includes children. There are two instances of children being imprinted on in the saga--first by Quil (no, I did not name myself after him, that was a coincidence) upon Claire, who is a toddler, and second by Jacob upon newborn Renesmee.
This is why Smeyer clarifies the not inherently romantic part, saying that in a situation like Quil and Jacob's case, that's not at all what Claire or Renesmee need from them, and they instead serve brotherly/caretaker roles. However, it is also said that their relationships will change as the imprintee ages to suit changing needs, and at one point the question is raised as to "who would reject that level of commitment?" (paraphrased). Which is in reference to romance, implying that once the kids are older, it's assumed it will become romantic. And yes, even though werewolves also don't age so long as they're routinely shifting and will remain young, that is very fucked up and creepy. It's one of the most discussed, disliked parts of the series, and almost no one's happy about it. Like the entire fandom lives in fear that one day Smeyer's join to write a Jacob/Renesmee book
So Renesmee is a human-vampire hybrid, and she's tied to the werewolves. Which is really important to the plot for a variety of reasons. Werewolves and vampires don't get along, so having one as part of both worlds builds a bridge between them--and on a more personal level, allows a relationship between Bella and Jacob after her transformation, when they'd previously thought they'd never see each other again (because vampires and werewolves hate each other). And finally puts an end to Jacob's pining after Bella, because now he's not focused on her. They solved the love triangle by setting up the third with the other two's daughter...Also, Jacob's former pack intended to kill Renesmee because she's a creepy fucked up half-breed and breaks the truce, but the most sacred werewolf law is that you cannot kill the object of another's imprinting. So since Jacob imprinted on her (mere minutes after birth, there truly is no age limit) she's now save from being killed by the other werewolves.
There's more I could say, and this probably also raises even more questions, but I hope that helps clarify some of it! And that you're also doing well!
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