#to take down a persons platflorm
natty-anne · 4 years
Hello There Inter-Verse...
It’s your girl Natty, it’s been a hell of a year so far huh!?
Quarantine 2020 man!
I’m going on day 35 (officially counted it, I was starting to lose track of time and the days honestly, this is all pretty ridiculous) of self isolation basically with my little family. Trapped in our tiny apartment. Only going out to get food, take him to his essential job (My job unfortunately didn’t make the cut and had to close forcing all us to stay home), or getting her free meal from the local high school down the street from us.
Let me do a quick side note for ya’ll: in case you don’t know me or haven’t been following me for forever, I live in Florida. And here in Florida the public school system has set up this meal thing for families and children to get two free meals (it use to be a day, but they recently put out a public statement saying that starting tomorrow they were only going to be handing out free meals on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) per child of the household.
Alright back to what I was originally talking about:
Leaving the house to gas up the car, or briefly visit my parents. I say briefly cause due to not only my father’s age, but his health, its in his best well being that I as well as his wonderful granddaughter, so maintain our distance and just stay home and see him once in a while.
I visited him yesterday cause we ran out of pull ups and before all this COVID-19 craziness happened my mother had gone to Sam’s Club and bought in bulk her pull ups to help me out. I decided to pick up the last of them. My parents do a lot for me and her, no lie, I love them so much and I am so lucky and blessed and thankful to have them especially during these rough times, oh my Lord.
Anywho it was more of a precaution than anything else cause we’re actually in the middle of full on potty training. I know I know, she’s almost 5 how is she not potty trained!? Well she technically is, it’s just a bumpy road with the going number two and than wiping properly, but we’ve come a very, very, very long way and are so much better with it, so much so that we’re possibly ready for school. -crosses fingers-
Anyway I just realized within the amount of time it’s taken me to type this all out....I could just do a vlog. Hmm. I’m considering diving into that world. Don’t just stick to blogging and re-posting and typing all this hum drum stuff up. It actually might be easier to get myself, my inner self and me out to you all. Would that make me more relate able if you could see me in action and hear my voice? Hmmmmm!!!
Possibly a new step for me?? Open my life and myself up even more to you interverse? IDK, you can only be so personal these days, people seem to be more sensitive, it’s a bit lame honestly.
Anyway just wanted to do a written mental check up for you guys during these crazy times. I know I’m slightly more active on my other social platflorms, more so Snapchat and FB Live with my video updates for the people, and I’ve gone from once in a blue moon posting photos on my Instagram. But I always think about my splendid Tumblr and my following.
I need to open the door to my inner mind and my writings again. It’s been a while since I’ve really written anything, to be honest I kinda started doing a lot of it on my FB to share with my circle there. Mixed but positive reviews. Not that I’m looking for approval, just expressing my inner self and feelings.
So I will end this post with also informing you of a test video I’m about to upload on here, for shit’s and giggles. I’m tweaking with the camera on my laptop, and doing so tests on the idea of vlogging. I don’t expect to be a pro at this all really, but if I dive in, I’m gonna dive in with what I’ve got to work with, which isn’t much, but it is what it is.
Alrighty Tumblr-verse, I know at this point with it being a quarantine time is irrelevant, but I’m kinda tired, thinking of snuggling up with Cali and taking a nap. Everyone stay safe, stay aware, stay healthy and stay hydrated!!!
Love to you all! n___n <3
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