#toki pona gets wordy...
werefeathers · 2 years
what is toki pona? ""brief"" guide by dover
this post is not forcing you to learn toki pona! i just use it a lot and i think its important to know about it if you know me
this post is wordy, but dont panic, i bolded the main points :o)
also im not an expert on toki pona so im pretty underqualified to be mansplaining this to you, do feel free to point out anything you dont agree with (if youre a tokiponist)
If English is a thick novel, then Toki Pona is a haiku.
- Sonja Lang, The Language of Good
toki pona is — (a lot of people have said this, bear with me) — the worlds smallest language, having, you guessed it, less words in its first dictionary (pu) than there are first generation pokemon!
it is also one of the only languages to get an official DLC. the second dictionary (ku) offers a slightly larger range of "official" words, like tonsi (nonbinary) and kijetesantakalu (joke word for musteloid/raccoon). who doesnt need two words for good??
the main appeal of toki pona for me is not its simplicity (although i still like this aspect a lot!), i like it tons because of how subjective it is.
take, for instance, the word "gold". one would usually say "kiwen jelo" (yellow metal), but there are people who would rather say "kiwen suno" (sun metal)! how fun
toki pona is obviously pretty impractical when talking about math and science (to me), so i wouldnt use it to write a thesis or anything, but its a fun little language that really changes the way you see the world! and its fun to speak in everyday conversation, too.
i encourage you heaps to learn it, but you arent obligated to ^.^
mi tawa (that means goodbye)
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