doomonfilm · 7 years
Favorites : The Warriors (1979)
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1970s New York has yielded some of the films that I consider true classics and personal favorites.  Something about that hardcore, gritty, voice of the unheard aesthetic streaming out of the metropolis gets me in the feels every time... I’d venture to say that 25%-50% of my favorite films take place in that location during that decade.  I focused once on Taxi Driver, so now it is time to bring attention to another NYC cult classic, The Warriors. 
The Warriors, a gang from Coney Island, have been invited to The Bronx (along with a majority of the other NYC-based gangs) to an enclave where Cyrus (Roger Hill), leader of the Grammercy Riffs, is planning to unite the gangs in an effort to overthrow the NYPD and take control of the city.  After delivering a rally cry for the ages, he is immediately gunned down by Luther (David Patrick Kelly), the leader of The Rogues.  In the madness that immediately follows, the blame for the assassination is placed on The Warriors, and a city-wide hit is put out on them via the Riffs.  Caught between a rock and a hard place, The Warriors are forced to fight their way back home across the entirety of the city, covering 4 boroughs in an effort to get back home.
For what would basically be considered an exploitation film, there are a number of shots and sequences that became instantly classic and iconic.  From the speech and assassination of Cyrus, and the repeating image was Lynne Thigpen as the mysterious radio DJ keeping all gangs on the same page in regards to the whereabouts of and the bounty on The Warriors, to the Baseball Furies chasing a group of Warriors through Central Park, the iconic imagery comes at a breakneck pace.  If you look very hard, you’ll see vintage New York graffiti on the trains and in the backgrounds from some of the pioneering writers at the time.
Speaking of iconic, the gang production designs are amazing.  From the sheer numbers and all-business outfits of the Grammercy Riffs, the shock-punk aesthetic of the Turnbull ACs, the hugged-out appearance of The Orphans, to the brief but bombastic style shown by The Boppers or the uniform jackets of The Electric Eliminators, even the gangs with minimal screen time leave lasting impressions.  The combined screen time of The Saracens, The Savage Huns, and The Van Cortlandt Rangers is less than a minute, but each gang stands out as a unique band of brothers ready to defend their turf.
Michael Beck takes on lead duty as Swan, bringing a young Charles Bronson-esque air to the proceedings.  This matches well against the pomp, bravado and machismo of James Remar’s Ajax, the character most likely to steal a scene in this film.  Deborah Van Valkenburgh comes on slow but strong as Mercy, with her character arc landing much further away from its point of origin than one would expect.  Tom McKitterick as Cowboy, David Harris as the instantly recognizable Cochise, Brian Tyler as the strong but silent Snow, and Terry Michos as the hilariously nervous Vermin round out my favorite Warriors (although I do like Marcelino Sanchez as Rembrandt, just not as much as the soldiers in the crew).  David Patrick Kelly portrays Luther, the leader of The Rogues, and the oddest character in the film by far based on his stellar (although downright weird) acting choices.  Round it out with Lynne Thigpen in one of the most iconic roles where you don’t even see a character’s eyes, and you’ve got a winner of a New York-based cast.  
I love this film.  Period.  Point blank.  
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