#too much analysis of this story focuses on tuxedo mask i think but that's a separate post
minakoaiinos · 6 months
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She's your boyfriend now <3
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confusedspaceotter · 2 years
Originally this is in daily avatrice analysis(day 6) but I decided to create a separate post
Because I wanna show the internet just how important this show is to me
Link to the analysis itself
Before I got into the analysis itself
I need to tell you a story first
A story about a little girl 
Growing up, she knows that she is different than others 
Different, how you may ask?
She find herself having a hard time focusing during classes
Because she can’t help but to play with her stationeries and textbooks
She often forgot to bring her homework to school
making careless mistakes on her homeworks even when she remind herself countless times not to
Which makes doing her homework a painstaking yet dreadful task
However, when it comes to books that she is interested in, she can devour them in a matter of seconds
She wasn’t doing terrible academically, but not well either
Over the years, she had come to a conclusion:
Maybe she is just dumb and all of this is her fault
She just needed to try harder
A couple years later, when the girl was no longer little 
She is a teenager now
School is somehow more difficult than before
turning in homework on time is nearly impossible 
In the midst of all this, she starting watching silly little TV shows
She loves diving into different fictional worlds
thinking about all the possibilities, all the adventures she could have
anything is better than her miserable life 
And just when she thought she couldn’t get more attached to TV shows 
She stumble upon a silly little show about a hundred teenagers who got sent to earth 
she was intrigued, she started binging the show
She quickly made her way to season 2 where she met 
the commander of the ground people 
seeing how the commander and the leader of the sky people went from enemies, to friends, to lovers
she realized maybe, just maybe, she is like the leader of the sky people
she also likes guys and girls too
This new discovery shocked her, yet she is not surprised 
maybe the reason why she love sailor moon and tuxedo mask’s relationship so much is because she likes them both
Upon finding out this new information, she is relieved thinking this must be why she felt different than others
than she remembered she grow up in a religious environment 
where this kind of being different is a sin
but before she could deal the internal turmoil that's rising rapidly
She begin to develop a crush on one of her close friend 
She was never good with emotions
let alone having feelings for someone else
so she did the one thing that she is good at
She decided to put those feelings in a cage, buried deep down in her heart, and vow to never think about it again.
She did what she think was right at the time, but she didn't foresee the consequences
She slowly become more and more closed off, she distanced herself from her parents, she buried any feelings she might have and put on a smile like nothing happened 
there is price in hiding your emotions
but she didn’t know yet
fast forward a couple years, the combination of school related stress, the self inflicted guilt of think she is the the reasons her team lost in a competition, a misunderstanding between her and her friend and the never ending burying negative emotions and mask it with a smile have send her down to a downward spiral 
everyday is becoming more and more unbearable
she didn’t want to become a burden to everyone around her, so she acted like everything is fine
sure there were signs, but she lied and say that she is just tired 
deep down she knows, those are signs of mental illnesses
distancing herself from her loved ones,letting herself wallow in self-loathing, thoughts about ending it all
life was not kind to her
yet she somehow keeps going 
even though each day she is just barely hanging on
she held on
for a simple reason
she needs to see how her silly little shows ends
so she held on
and that turned out to be one of the best decision she ever made
because one day she came across this new show about nuns that are warriors?
okay sounds interesting she thought
imagine her surprise when she saw one of the nun who not only looks like her 
but they shared similarities in their personalities as well
So when she was watching episode 8, and saw how Beatrice tell Ava her past experience 
the girl felt understood and seen, as there isn’t a scene in media that vividly depicts her situation so well
“My whole life, people have tried to make me into something I'm not.
To make me "normal," or at least "acceptable."
 I became skilled at so many things just so I would still have value... despite my flaws, or what I'd been taught was a flaw. 
Of course I tried to fit in. 
But when you're punished just for being different, you begin to hate what you are. And what you love.
What should make you happy... only brings you pain. 
Pain is what made me a Sister Warrior.”
As if this scene is not making her emotional enough 
Ava replied with:
“Don't hate what you are. What you are is beautiful.”
After hearing Ava’s response
the girl felt something inside her chest
something warm
an feeling she had long forgotten 
even though is just a sliver of it
If beatrice could eventually met someone like ava
who understood her, who doesn’t judge her for being who she is 
maybe she could find someone like that too
she just needed to hang on a little longer 
and don’t give up on life like she was planning 
Recently, the girl had received her official ADHD and depression diagnosis
She had mixed emotions about the diagnosis
For the most part, after getting the ADHD diagnosis 
she is glad to know is not her fault that she struggled academically and having trouble focusing during class
and getting a depression diagnosis
means that even though she wouldn’t admit it, she needed help
And with some help, who knows, maybe she can feel better eventually
At this point I think you all know who the little girl is
the impact this scene alone had on me 
words are not enough to describe it 
I will never forget the first time I watch this scene in 2020
nodding along to almost everything Bea had said
This scene had make me felt seen like no show had before
and sometimes all you need is to feel valid 
to feel understood, to relate to someone, to be seen by someone
and that's enough 
I truly cannot thank the wn writers enough for give me this scene in season 1
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