#training negotiation
shannonsketches · 28 days
lays on the floor i am once again thinking about the goku geets foil in terms of their experience and perspective and parenting
tl;dr: Goku sees letting his child do serious battle as a gift, and Vegeta sees it as a failure.
a lot of the 'goku's a bad father' discourse comes from how he trains/puts Gohan into fights and either doesn't know or doesn't realize that Gohan wants to be a scholar and not a warrior; the reason Gohan keeps joining the fray is because he doesn't want to see people he loves get hurt, right, because that's been his entire experience since Raditz showed up (and remains so until Cell dies).
The discourse re: The Cell Games is interesting though, examining the 'how could Goku not know/how could Goku volunteer his child so blithely' etc and his similar attitude toward the kids fighting in Super('s manga), and it's part of why I say/write/read Goku as deeply inconsiderate but never malicious (and this does tie into the foil with Geets lemme just); Goku's experience with serious combat is fun, and exciting.
Goku volunteering Gohan to fight Cell was something Goku considered a gift to Gohan, to be able to flex his power and go all out on an enemy that could handle it/required it -- that's something Goku wishes he had the power to do, especially at Gohan's age! That's super exciting to Goku. It's not pageant mom forcing her kid to do what she wanted energy, it's Goku being sweet and pure and sharing something he thinks he has in common with his kid. Vegeta says Saiyans live to fight! Goku's entire life has been spent bonding with competitive martial artists! It never occurred to him that someone so naturally powerful and talented wouldn't enjoy fighting.
And Goku does not read subtext, that's not a skill he has, so by the time Piccolo spells it out for him, he's genuinely sorry to have put Gohan in that position.
But in Super('s manga), the larger picture of Don't Put Children in Traumatic Situations still doesn't really occur to Goku, because he doesn't consider battle traumatic, no matter how emotionally intense it gets. Goku doesn't hold onto things. Goku lives and lets live, as long as he doesn't have to kill you. That's his super power. It's why he can be friends with all of these people who have done him and his loved ones and his planet so much harm. He consistently ends earth-shattering battles with, 'that was fun, let's do it again sometime'
Vegeta, on the other hand (see I told you I'd get here, I promised), has had the complete opposite experience. Vegeta considers others heavily, it's what made him very good at being malicious. Vegeta does this for survival. Vegeta's climb to the top is for the vantage point, not the view. He's not looking to the stars dreaming about what else it out there. He's squinting at the dark trying to kill whatever it is before it kills him and his home and his family. again.
Vegeta is a child soldier, who has distinct recollection of his culture being built on the rearing of child soldiers. By the times the cell games come around he is experiencing having a child for the first time, and after seeing (a future version of) that child die in battle, he seems to take on a much different opinion on letting kids fight.
Vegeta comes from a culture in which you send your child off-world to conquer a planet, alone, once they're old enough to walk. The stronger kids go into war zones. Vegeta was giving strategic orders to fellow elites by the time he was five. He was treating Gohan like a soldier when he was five.
But, by the Buu saga, Bulma tells Gohan that Vegeta says Trunks is old enough now to start proper training -- when Trunks is eight years old. Even then, Vegeta's telling Trunks not to push himself too hard in the gravity room, to stop and leave when it's too much for him to handle. Vegeta kills himself trying to prevent Trunks and Goten having to fight Buu. He jumps in to protect the kids when the fight gets too intense in Yo! Son Goku and Friends Return. He begs the kids not to fight Beerus in Battle of the Gods when he's barely conscious. He snaps at Goku any time he suggests them for intense battle in Super('s manga).
Vegeta sees it as not being strong enough to handle a problem, Which totally definitely doesn't have anything to do with some kind of deep-rooted trauma about placing the responsibility of making up for your weakness on your children that Vegeta's had to deal with since becoming a father and he for sure doesn't take it personally when a parent volunteers children to solve problems they had nothing to do with. He's fine! It's fine.
He does not want Trunks or Goten anywhere near a real battlefield (Bulma and/or the other adults seem to be helping to enforce this; in Res F, Trunks and Goten are not invited to go to the Freeza fight, and in the Moro arc both of them were asked to go be rangers in 17's absence again, complaining that nobody told them there was a fight happening at all), because it's got nothing to do with them. They shouldn't have to fight for their -- or anyone else's -- lives. That's the adults' job. That's his job.
Because to Vegeta, it is a job. Soldier, guardian, prince, lord, whatever. It's a role he has to fulfill, and his pride (and a whole lot of trauma-informed necessity) drives him to be the best at it, period, the end. It's an obligation that he must fulfill, because he's decided he's personally responsible for [gestures to the earth] all of this and its survival. It's where he keeps all his stuff!
For Goku, it's a game. He just wants to fight the strongest guys, and it's his understanding that everyone else wants that too. If he's not the best, GREAT! That's more to look forward to. A whole new rabbit to chase to who knows where. It's adventure! It's exciting! So of course the kids would want to get in on it! He LOVED doing this kind of stuff when he was a kid.
Goku has two hands! ...for former villains Vegeta and Piccolo to try to wrestle away from all the other, much worse villains who do not want to play with him.
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tri-punisher · 1 month
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occasionally LR manage to sneak lesley into their private quarters, afforded to them by their high-ranking status within the eye, when other (poorer performing) trainees are relegated to bunks and have to share rooms. it's just unfortunate a certain someone seems to have a sixth sense for whenever razlo is enjoying himself
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
Get up in the morning on a mission to save prospective clients from the shabby, ill-fitting, overpriced and worthless alternatives that those charlatans - who are your competition - are trying to get away with flogging them.
Chris Murray, Selling with EASE: The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in Every Successful Business Transaction
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strewbi · 1 month
I’m just saying, Suvi’s better than me. if I was sleep deprived, if I recently—within the span of hours saw someone whose safety I was in charge of murdered in front of me while I was unable to defend or move to act because some voluntarily unwashed cannibal decided a light jog warrants death, if I did backflips and risked my LIFE over and over again in the space of hours to make sure BOTH my friends didn’t get murdered, and then took a moment for a well deserved panic attack only for my friends to hand me THAT? First things first, I would scream, secondly I would ACTIVATE. THIRDLY my villain arc would start right there. AND THEN FINALLY, CRUCIALLY, I WOULD GET NEW FRIENDS. SORRY TO MY SUMMER CAMP PALS WHO I REALISTICALLY HAVEN'T SEEN IN LIKE TEN YEARS. ITS TIME FOR SOME INTERNAL RESHUFFLING!
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benevolentcannibal · 2 years
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His fate is sealed.
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mossflower · 3 months
like here’s the thing i don’t hate my job. icecream is a sensory nightmare and i can’t deal with heat whether that’s weather or the grill mounted at face level that’s hotter than the fucking sun. but i like doing coffees and drinks and nattering away to customers and when i’ve done a good job i’m genuinely quite happy with myself
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faaun · 11 months
. anyway after writing the tags 4 this post i told my research partner i will no longer follow his dreams lmao. still helping w it but i need to engage in research that i find satisfying
#i think ive been waiting for something for a while and i will spend the next year waiting for it too#i thought i felt panic but i have decided to read it as anticipation. the thrill of rejection or of moving forward or the latter as#a result of the former. i left you with your backpack unattended in the cafe because on fridays i am done#putting my life on hold for another whim-without-a-warning#this cross country service is delayed by 26 minutes so i will grab a bucket and start shovelling the water away from the tracks#everyone is moving on in some different way and im sorry if you think im mean for telling you getting so drunk will disable you from#recording your brainwaves effectively but it seems like you think i owe you an awful lot. one year ago in four days my friend got me hegel's#science of logic for my birthday and i thanked him for proving to me the existence of things this is what i do he said#and then he will spend the rest of his life breathing philosophy and i dont want to spend the rest of my life#breathing someone elses dreams i wait for the moment of realisation. this is now a 30 minute delay. i was supposed to worship beautiful#things and that is what i will do. i think i have a best friend and i know i have a lover and i know to#restrict my love the way you have. im sorry. i hope you understand when i tell you. i am now sitting on the floor in the luggage section of#this incredibly busy train and i saw a photo of her with her boyfriend and her hair in braids smiling like a fool this is the#except a week ago you told me you almost took too much this time to live. you are a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and you know you#have already changed the world and it somehow was not enough. now you are smiling without any makeup on next to him#and yesterday you cried in an airport in the states when you were too full of love. this is the most extraordinary human being i have met.#tomorrow he heads off to princeton while his best friend heads to harvard. he goes there to make the world a better place. he is the most#extraordinary person i have ever met. the issue with human beings is that we are incredibly good at almost dying and keeping going.#you try to kill yourself and publish a paper and give a talk. you negotiate the seperation between your own parents and submit another#phd application. i am surrounded by extraordinary people with extraordinary minds and incredibly broken happy hearts.#i only see you smile when you talk about robotics. i still dont know how manifolds work and i love the concept anyway. i dont know.#i do know that i refuse to live unsatisfied.#you can keep drinking. im going to drink this reality up#i think i was a horrible person and i refuse to engage with that mentality again no matter what it takes.
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ohnoitsz1m · 4 months
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I finished Entropy Zero Uprising
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@cantillat asked: ❝  I  didn’t  realize  I’d  become  a  prisoner.  ❞ pick your snarky Shirou of preference
A Court of Mist and Fury starters - No Longer Accepting!
She'd already promised him she wouldn't ask: Shirou would tell her the details of his missions as he wished to divulge them, and in turn, she would provide support if and when it was needed.
The problem became when they didn't agree on the latter: particularly, what entailed necessary support. Yes, she accepted he could heal himself faster than a regular human, but when he'd showed up at her door with plenty of cuts, a gunshot graze, and barely standing from complete exhaustion, she hadn't hesitated to hire the expertise of a discreet physician while insisting he stay in bed, with rest and food (that she hadn't prepared), until he was able to get back on his feet again without swaying from left to right, flopping back onto the mattress in defeat.
Currently, she sat on the edge of his bed, a pile of clean dressings and disinfectant on a tray on the nearby table. She kept him on a schedule of antibiotics, in case he was susceptible to septicemia, clean bandages, and steady meals. By the look of him, he seemed like he hadn't had consistent meals in quite some time.
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"I would ask you to not overreact quite so much to your current predicament," She retorted, peeling back one of the soiled bandages away from his upper back. "You did come to me for help. You aren't a prisoner: you are convalescing until you are strong enough to leave again."
She didn't warn him this time before applying the disinfectant. She'd used to, but his snarky, sour attitude had resulted in Sonia using a firmer, steadier hand in treating him. "If you agree to your bandages getting changed and eating the beef stew that's currently on the stove for you, I'll bring a selection of superhero movies for you to watch. I remember you telling me years ago that you enjoyed superheroes, and the sentai shows."
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shgshsh788 · 8 months
Best Sales Training in India
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duoduotian · 11 months
ch. 600
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thepersonalwords · 4 months
If you sound like a contestant from The Apprentice or if the customer believes that they are being sold AT, you have already failed.
Chris Murray, Selling with EASE: The Four Step Sales Cycle Found in Every Successful Business Transaction
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wyrddogs · 2 years
Spent tonight’s agility class practicing rewarding with toy in the ring for our upcoming USDAA trial, where we are entered in Jumpers and FEO Standard.
Kermit has one (1) course in him during which he is willing to work for a toy, and then after that I had better pay with food or he is not working.
So the upcoming trial will be interesting! XD
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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chamerionwrites · 1 year
Complaint #3722 about TCW is that they made Admiral Ackbar and Saw Gerrera into annoying monarchists
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prithadubey · 1 year
Corporate Sales Training by Pritha Dubey
Any revenue-driven organization having 10+ salespeople hires me to train their sales team on selling & negotiation skills so that they can be more productive and generate consistent growth in revenue. Corporate Sales Training Programs on negotiation skills, sales performance, revenue growth, pipeline management, conversion ratios, Sales Cycle, and Strategic Sales Management.
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