#trebel has its downsides but i'm honestly kind of glad about that
erstwhilesparrow · 2 months
fffffffffriend-ask friday time >:D
I thought you might appreciate knowing that that Lofi Girl series that's so popular on youtube actually has some samplers and such of their music that you can download!
(Also how've your Hoopla musical explorations been going?)
hello!! :D
oh gosh, that's charming! oh that's really nice. i tried to get into lo-fi back in high school and found it just did not work for me. i need lyrics in a language i can understand or else the music just does not really register as Happening when i am listening to it. BUT i do still remember being quite taken with the artist In Love With A Ghost, who titles their pieces such delightful things as "i was feeling down then i found a nice witch and now we're best friends" and "am i a girl? am i a boy? do i really care? i'm hungry anyway"
well. the thing about hoopla is that my music taste is very boring and specific and i could not find much of the specific flavour i wanted nor could i effectively filter for it? and like. i could keep trying. OR i could download Trebel (saw you mention it in the tags of something you reblogged, i think?) and find more music that way. i've been listening to "Rattlesnake" by Abigail Lapell on repeat for the past week because of this, so i think that's quite nice.
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