#trofeo tennis world
stateofsport211 · 22 days
Vicenza Ch F: Chun-Hsin Tseng def. Marco Trungelliti [5] 6-3, 6-2 Match Stats
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Trungelliti's two three-set matches yesterday might have taken a toll in his today's showing, but Jason did what he had to do in this match. His aggression was already showed from his passes, which mostly caught Trungelliti off-guard at some moments. As a result, Jason generated 6 break points, converting 67% of them throughout the 2 sets compared to Trungelliti's sole break point creation and conversion in the beginning of the second set, which was due to a service game slipped by Jason.
Besides, Jason's service game appeared more stable. Serving 4 aces than Trungelliti's 3, Jason had a 69% first serve winning percentage, which helped him to get himself out of some troubles. However, Trungelliti's second serves appeared more vulnerable as he could only win 41% of his second serve points compared to Jason's exceptional percentage at 70%, 1% more than his first serves, mostly due to the fifth seed's frequently rushed follow-ups as evident toward the end of the second set.
This marked Jason's second Challenger title of the year (since the Szekesfehervar Challenger several months ago), as well as his fifth career Challenger title, picking up where he left off as he re-entered the Top 200 by ranking 195 live upon winning the title. His next tournament will be the Prostejov Challenger, where he will face a qualifier in the first round. If Jason refined himself as if this was 2022, there is a chance he could surpass his previous career-high ranking, showing more of his potential as his career progressed.
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colmbiavs · 2 months
¿Cuál es el calendario de partidos del torneo Dubai Open de tenis?
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¿Cuál es el calendario de partidos del torneo Dubai Open de tenis?
Fechas del torneo Dubai Open de tenis
El torneo Dubai Open de tenis es uno de los eventos más esperados por los amantes de este deporte. Este prestigioso torneo se celebra anualmente en la ciudad de Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y reúne a algunos de los mejores tenistas del mundo.
Las fechas del torneo Dubai Open suelen variar ligeramente cada año, pero generalmente se lleva a cabo a principios de la temporada de tenis, entre los meses de febrero y marzo. Durante aproximadamente una semana, los espectadores tienen la oportunidad de disfrutar de emocionantes partidos en las magníficas instalaciones del Aviation Club Tennis Centre.
Este torneo forma parte de la serie ATP World Tour 500 y ha contado con la participación de grandes figuras del tenis mundial como Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal y Andy Murray, entre otros. Los jugadores compiten no solo por el prestigio del torneo, sino también por el atractivo premio en metálico que se disputa.
Además de los partidos, el torneo Dubai Open ofrece a los asistentes la posibilidad de disfrutar de experiencias únicas, como encuentros con los jugadores, sesiones de autógrafos y actividades paralelas. La combinación de deporte de alto nivel y entretenimiento hacen de este evento una cita ineludible para los aficionados al tenis.
En resumen, las fechas del torneo Dubai Open de tenis son un hito en el calendario deportivo, donde la emoción, la competencia y la excelencia se unen para brindar un espectáculo inolvidable a todos los amantes de este apasionante deporte. ¡Un evento que no te puedes perder!
Calendario de partidos del Dubai Open
El Dubai Open es uno de los eventos más destacados en el mundo del tenis, atrayendo a los mejores jugadores de todo el mundo para competir en un emocionante torneo. Este prestigioso torneo se lleva a cabo anualmente en la ciudad de Dubai, en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y ofrece una emocionante combinación de talento, competencia y entretenimiento para los aficionados al tenis de todo el mundo.
El calendario de partidos del Dubai Open es siempre esperado con gran anticipación, ya que presenta enfrentamientos emocionantes entre algunos de los nombres más importantes del tenis. Desde los primeros enfrentamientos de clasificación hasta la emocionante final, cada partido ofrece un espectáculo de habilidad y determinación.
El torneo incluye competiciones tanto en la categoría masculina como en la femenina, lo que significa que hay una amplia variedad de partidos para disfrutar durante el evento. Los aficionados al tenis pueden esperar ver a sus jugadores favoritos en acción, desde leyendas consagradas hasta jóvenes talentos emergentes.
El calendario de partidos del Dubai Open está lleno de emoción y drama, con encuentros que pueden cambiar el curso del torneo en cualquier momento. Los aficionados al tenis de todo el mundo sintonizan para ver quién se alzará con la victoria y se llevará a casa el codiciado trofeo.
En resumen, el Dubai Open es un evento imperdible en el mundo del tenis, y su calendario de partidos siempre ofrece un espectáculo emocionante para los aficionados. Ya sea que sigas el torneo desde la comodidad de tu hogar o tengas la suerte de presenciar los partidos en persona, el Dubai Open es garantía de emociones y acción de alto nivel en la cancha.
Horarios de los encuentros del Dubai Open
El Dubai Open es un emocionante torneo de tenis que reúne a algunos de los mejores jugadores del mundo en la glamurosa ciudad de Dubái. Este evento deportivo anual atrae a fanáticos del tenis de todo el mundo, ansiosos por presenciar enfrentamientos llenos de acción y habilidad en la cancha.
Los horarios de los encuentros del Dubai Open son clave para los aficionados que desean planificar su asistencia o seguir de cerca los partidos desde casa. Este torneo presenta una programación variada, con partidos que se llevan a cabo durante todo el día para satisfacer a los espectadores de diferentes zonas horarias.
Los horarios de los encuentros del Dubai Open suelen anunciarse con anticipación, lo que permite a los aficionados prepararse para disfrutar de emocionantes enfrentamientos. Desde las primeras rondas hasta las finales, cada día ofrece un emocionante programa de partidos que no defrauda a los seguidores del tenis.
Los horarios de los encuentros del Dubai Open se adaptan para brindar la mejor experiencia tanto a los asistentes al torneo como a aquellos que siguen la acción desde sus hogares. Además, se proporcionan opciones de transmisión en vivo para que los fanáticos de todo el mundo puedan disfrutar de cada saque y volea desde la comodidad de sus dispositivos.
En resumen, los horarios de los encuentros del Dubai Open son esenciales para todos los seguidores del tenis que desean sumergirse en la emoción de este prestigioso torneo. Con una programación bien planificada y opciones de visualización accesibles, el Dubai Open continúa deleitando a los aficionados con emocionantes encuentros en la cancha.
Programación de juegos del torneo de tenis Dubai Open
El torneo de tenis Dubai Open es uno de los eventos más destacados en el mundo del tenis profesional. A lo largo de los años, se ha ganado la reputación de reunir a algunos de los mejores jugadores del mundo en un emocionante torneo de categoría ATP 500.
La programación de juegos del torneo de tenis Dubai Open es un aspecto crucial para los fanáticos y seguidores, ya que les permite planificar y disfrutar de los partidos en vivo o a través de las transmisiones en directo. Los juegos se distribuyen a lo largo de varios días, generalmente a lo largo de una semana, lo que brinda a los espectadores la oportunidad de presenciar encuentros emocionantes y de alta intensidad.
Los organizadores del torneo se esfuerzan por ofrecer una programación equilibrada y atractiva, asegurándose de que los principales favoritos y las estrellas emergentes tengan su momento en la cancha central. Además, se programan partidos de dobles y otros eventos especiales para ampliar la diversidad y emoción del torneo.
En resumen, la programación de juegos del torneo de tenis Dubai Open es una parte fundamental de la experiencia tanto para los jugadores como para los aficionados. Brinda la oportunidad de disfrutar de tenis de alta calidad y presenciar momentos memorables que quedarán grabados en la historia de este prestigioso evento deportivo.
Agenda completa del torneo de tenis en Dubai
El torneo de tenis en Dubai es uno de los eventos más esperados en el circuito ATP. Este año, la agenda promete una emocionante competencia con la participación de algunos de los mejores jugadores del mundo.
El torneo se llevará a cabo en el Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium y tendrá una duración de una semana. La agenda completa consta de emocionantes partidos desde las primeras rondas hasta la gran final.
Durante los primeros días, los jugadores se enfrentarán en encuentros de individuales y dobles, luchando por avanzar a las rondas siguientes. Los fanáticos podrán disfrutar de emocionantes duelos en la cancha mientras los tenistas buscan asegurar su lugar en las etapas finales del torneo.
A medida que avanza la competencia, la emoción se intensifica con los enfrentamientos de cuartos de final, semifinales y, finalmente, la gran final. Los jugadores más destacados del mundo del tenis se esforzarán al máximo para conquistar el título de campeón en Dubai.
Además de los partidos, el torneo de tenis en Dubai ofrece a los espectadores una experiencia única con eventos especiales, actividades para los fanáticos y la oportunidad de presenciar en vivo el talento de los mejores tenistas del mundo.
En resumen, la agenda completa del torneo de tenis en Dubai promete una semana llena de emoción, intensidad y espectáculo tenístico de primer nivel que no te puedes perder. ¡Prepárate para disfrutar de un evento inolvidable en el corazón del tenis mundial!
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elsoldesantiago · 3 years
Nick Hardt gana en Serbia su primer torneo M25
Nick Hardt gana en Serbia su primer torneo M25
SANTO DOMINGO.- El dominicano Nick Hardt logró su primer trofeo de campeón en un torneo M25, al ganar el torneo perteneciente al ITF World Tennis Tour efectuado en Belgrado, Serbia. Hardt, que hasta el momento no ha perdido ninguna de las tres finales a las que ha llegado en este 2021, derrotó por 36, 63, 63 al israelí Daniel Cukierman. Con el triunfo, la segunda raqueta dominicana obtuvo como…
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covid19worldnews · 4 years
Tennis court
This article is about the sports venue. For other uses, see Tennis court (disambiguation).
Indoor tennis courts at the University of Bath, England
A tennis court is the venue where the sport of tennis is played. It is a firm rectangular surface with a low net stretched across the centre. The same surface can be used to play both doubles and singles matches. A variety of surfaces can be used to create a tennis court, each with its own characteristics which affect the playing style of the game.
The dimensions of a tennis court.
The dimensions of a tennis court are defined and regulated by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) governing body and are written down in the annual ‘Rules of Tennis’ document.[1] The court is 78 feet (23.77 metres) long. Its width is 27 feet (8.23 metres) for singles matches and 36 feet (10.97 metres) for doubles matches.[2] The service line is 21 feet (6.40 metres) from the net.[2] Additional clear space around the court is needed in order for players to reach overrun balls for a total of 60 feet (18 metres) wide and 120 feet (37 metres) long. A net is stretched across the full width of the court, parallel with the baselines, dividing it into two equal ends. The net is 3 feet 6 inches (1.07 metres) high at the posts, and 3 feet (0.91 metres) high in the center.[3] The net posts are 3 feet (0.91 metres) outside the doubles court on each side or, for a singles net, 3 feet (0.91 metres) outside the singles court on each side.
Based on the standard rules of tennis, the size of the court is measured to the outside of the respective baselines and sidelines. The “service” lines (“T” and the “service” line) are centered. The ball must completely miss the line to be considered “out”. This also means that the width of the line (baselines are often wider) is irrelevant to play.
Smaller courts
The ITF’s Play and Stay campaign promotes playing on smaller courts with slower red, orange and green balls for younger children. This gives children more time and control so they can serve, rally, and score from the first lesson on courts that are sized to fit their bodies. The ITF has mandated that official competition for children aged 10 years and under should be played on “Orange” courts 18 m (59 ft) long by 6.4 m (21 ft) wide. Competition for children under 8 years is played on “Red” courts that are 11 m (36 ft) long and 5.5 m (18 ft) wide. The net is always 0.8 m high in the center.[4]
Tennis is played on a variety of surfaces and each surface has its own characteristics which affect the playing style of the game. There are four main types of courts depending on the materials used for the court surface: clay courts, hard courts, grass courts and carpet courts. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) lists different surfaces and properties and classifies surfaces into one of five pace settings:[5]
Category 1 (slow)
Category 2 (medium-slow)
Category 3 (medium)
Category 4 (medium-fast)
Category 5 (fast)
Of the current four Grand Slam tournaments, the Australian and US Open use hard courts, the French Open is played on clay, and Wimbledon, the only Grand Slam to have always been played on the same surface, is played on grass. The Australian Open switched from grass to hard courts in 1988 and in its early years the French championship alternated between clay and sand/rubble courts. The US Open is the only major to have been played on three surfaces; it was played on grass from its inception until 1974, clay from 1975 until 1977 and hard courts since it moved from the West Side Tennis Club to the National Tennis Center in 1978.
ITF uses the following classification for tennis court surface types:[6]
Surface code Type Description A Acrylic Textured, pigmented, resin-bound coating B Artificial clay Synthetic surface with the appearance of clay C Artificial grass Synthetic surface with the appearance of natural grass D Asphalt Bitumen-bound aggregate E Carpet Textile or polymeric material supplied in rolls or sheets of finished product F Clay Unbound mineral aggregate G Concrete Cement-bound aggregate H Grass Natural grass grown from seed J Other E.g. modular systems (tiles), wood, canvas
Clay courts
Main article: Clay court
The French Open is played on clay courts.
Clay courts are made of crushed shale, stone or brick.[7] The French Open is the only Grand Slam tournament to use clay courts.
Clay courts slow down the ball and produce a high bounce in comparison to grass or hard courts.[7] For this reason, the clay court takes away many of the advantages of big serves, which makes it hard for serve-based players to dominate on the surface. Clay courts are cheaper to construct than other types of tennis courts, but a clay surface costs more to maintain. Clay courts need to be rolled to preserve flatness. The clay’s water content must be balanced; green clay courts generally require the courts to be sloped to allow water run-off.
Clay courts are more common in Europe and Latin America than in North America, and tend to heavily favour baseline players.
Historically for the Grand Slams clay courts have been used at the French Open since 1891 and the US Open from 1975 to 1977.
Grass courts
Main article: Grass court
Grass court maintenance at Wimbledon
Grass courts are the fastest type of courts in common use.[7] They consist of grass grown on very hard-packed soil, which adds additional variables: bounces depend on how healthy the grass is, how recently it has been mowed, and the wear and tear of recent play. Points are usually very quick where fast, low bounces keep rallies short, and the serve plays a more important role than on other surfaces. Grass courts tend to favour serve-and-volley tennis players.
Grass courts were once among the most common tennis surfaces, but are now rare due to high maintenance costs as they must be watered and mown often, and take a longer time to dry after rain than hard courts.
Historically for the Grand Slams grass courts have been used at Wimbledon since 1877, the US Open from 1881 to 1974, and the Australian Open from 1905 to 1987.
Hard courts
Main article: Hardcourt
Rooftop tennis hardcourts in Downtown Singapore
Hard courts are made of uniform rigid material, often covered with an acrylic surface layer[7] to offer greater consistency of bounce than other outdoor surfaces.[8] Hard courts can vary in speed, though they are faster than clay but not as fast as grass courts. The quantity of sand added to the paint can greatly affect the rate at which the ball slows down.[9]
The US Open is played on DecoTurf while the Australian Open is played on GreenSet, both acrylic-topped hard court surfaces.
Historically for the Grand Slams hard courts have been used at the US Open since 1978 and the Australian Open since 1988.
Carpet courts
Main article: Carpet court
Artificial turf tennis courts in Nicosia, Cyprus
“Carpet” in tennis means any removable court covering.[7] Indoor arenas store rolls of rubber-backed court surfacing and install it temporarily for tennis events, but they are not in use any more for professional events. A short piled form of artificial turf infilled with sand is used for some outdoor courts, particularly in Asia. Carpet is generally a fast surface, faster than hardcourt, with low bounce.[7]
Notable tennis tournaments previously held on carpet courts were the WCT Finals, Paris Masters, U.S. Pro Indoor and Kremlin Cup. Since 2009, their use has been discontinued on the top tier of the ATP. ATP Challenger Tour tournaments such as the Trofeo Città di Brescia still use carpet courts. The WTA Tour’s last carpet court event, the International-level Tournoi de Québec, was discontinued after 2018.
Indoor courts
Some tennis courts are indoors, which allows to play regardless of weather conditions and is more comfortable for spectators.
Different court surfaces have been used indoors. Hard courts are most common indoors, as they are the easiest to install and maintain. If the installation is permanent, they are constructed on an asphalt or concrete base, as with outdoor courts. Temporary indoor hard courts are typically constructed using wooden floor panels topped with acrylic which are installed over the venue’s standard floor. This is the system used for modern indoor professional events such as the ATP Finals.
Clay courts can be installed indoors with subsurface watering systems to keep the clay from drying out, and have been used for Davis Cup matches.
Carpet courts were once the most prominent of indoor surfaces, especially in temporary venues, but have largely been replaced by removable hard courts. They were used on both the ATP World Tour and World Championship Tennis circuits, though no events currently use them.
Historically, other surfaces have been used indoors such as hardwood flooring at the defunct World Covered Court Championships and London Indoor Professional Championships.
The conclusion of the Wimbledon Championships, in 2012, was played on the lawn of Centre Court under the closed roof and artificial lights; the Halle Open has also seen a number of matches played on its grass court in the Gerry Weber Stadion with the roof closed. These, however, are outdoor venues with retractable roofs.
Main article: Glossary of tennis terms
Common tennis court terms:
Advantage service box or ad court: The receiver’s left side service box, or the opponent’s right for the server; significant as the receiving side for an advantage point.
Alley or Tramlines:[10] The lanes on each side of the singles court. These are only used when playing doubles.
Back court: The area between the baseline and the service line.
Baseline: The rearmost line of the court, furthest from and parallel to the net.
Center service line: The line dividing the two service boxes on each side.
Center mark: The 4-inch mark at the halfway point of the baseline used to distinguish the two halves (and service boxes) of a tennis court.
Deuce service box or deuce court: The receiver’s right side service box, or the opponent’s left for the server, significant as the receiving side for a deuce point.
Service box: The area on each side bounded by the singles sideline, the service line, and the net. There are left and right service boxes, separated by the center service line.
Service line: The line that is parallel to the net and is located between the baseline and the net. It marks the end of the service boxes.
Side T: The T shape formed by the service line and the singles sideline. There are four such side Ts, two on each side of the net.
T or Middle T: The T shape formed by the service line and the center service line.
See also
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Tennis portal
List of tennis stadiums by capacity
No-line court
International Tennis Federation (ITF) – Tennis court construction guidelines
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vivirasturias · 5 years
Éxito del Clinic Peugeot en el Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, 67º Trofeo Conde de Godó
– Un año más, Peugeot ha pensado en los aficionados más pequeños al tenis con una nueva edición de su Clinic, celebrada el 21 de abril en la mítica pista Rafa Nadal del Reial Club de Tennis Barcelona.
– Alrededor de 9.000 niños y niñas de diversos clubes y escuelas de tenis del área metropolitana de la Ciudad Condal han tenido la oportunidad de aprender de maestros como Pablo Carreño (28º ATP), Fernando Verdasco (38º ATP) y David Ferrer (152ºATP).
– Fiel a su compromiso histórico con el tenis, Peugeot es vehículo oficial del Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, 67º Trofeo Conde de Godó, que se disputa en el Reial Club de Tenis de Barcelona del 20 al 28 de abril.
El Clinic Peugeot, que se celebra en vísperas del Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, Trofeo Conde de Godó, se ha convertido en toda una tradición entre los aficionados al tenis de la capital catalana. Es una oportunidad única para que los jugadores más jóvenes puedan disfrutar de una mañana deportiva y disfrutar de la compañía y las enseñanzas de sus ídolos.
En esta ocasión, Peugeot ha reunido a un trío de excepción formado por Pablo Carreño (28º ATP), Fernando Verdasco (38º ATP) y David Ferrer (152º ATP) en la pista Rafa Nadal del Reial Club de Tennis Barcelona. Un nutrido grupo de alumnos de escuelas y clubes deportivos de este deporte de la Ciudad Condal y su área metropolitana han podido disfrutar de un intercambio de golpes de raqueta y compartir consejos técnicos con auténticos mitos de este deporte, con el veterano periodista deportivo de TV3 Xavi Bonastre como maestro de ceremonias.
La organización de este Clinic forma parte del compromiso de la Marca con el tenis, que abarca desde la apuesta por nuevos talentos hasta el apoyo a torneos de máximo nivel, como el Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, 67º Trofeo Conde de Godó, que se disputa en el propio Reial Club de Tennis Barcelona del 20 al 28 de abril. Además de ser vehículo oficial de esta cita tenística, la Marca presenta en este torneo, por primera vez en España, el Nuevo Peugeot 208, que iniciará su andadura comercial en otoño. Además, un Peugeot 508 SW presidirá la Pista Rafa Nadal y un Peugeot 3008 estará expuesto en el Village VIP.
Peugeot es patrocinador Platino del ATP World Tour, y tiene el status de automóvil oficial en más de 20 torneos del circuito. Cuenta con embajadores de la talla de los españoles David Ferrer, Fernando Verdasco o Pablo Carreño, el alemán Alexander Zverev (3º ATP) o el argentino Juan Martín del Potro (9º ATP), entre otros. El compromiso de la Marca francesa va más allá del circuito profesional. En España, apoya el desarrollo del tenis apoyando las carreras de jóvenes promesas de este deporte.
Clinic Peugeot en el 67º Trofeo Conde de Godó Éxito del Clinic Peugeot en el Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, 67º Trofeo Conde de Godó - Un año más, Peugeot ha pensado en los aficionados más pequeños al tenis con una nueva edición de su Clinic, celebrada el 21 de abril en la mítica pista Rafa Nadal del Reial Club de Tennis Barcelona.
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stateofsport211 · 22 days
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After an erroneous service game secured Jason's early-break to 1-0 to start the second set, Jason misfired his cross-court forehand that resulted in Trungelliti's break-back to 1-1. Subsequently, the Argentinean fifth seed started the next game with a working lob finish moments after his drop shot, but he had to face a break point as a result of his backhand error to Jason's preceding volleys before the said break to 2-1. Then, Jason held his serves to 3-1, and he had not looked back since.
Somehow, exhaustion also kicked in from Trungelliti, as he was unable to finish some rallies properly. The forehand errors then resulted in Jason's double-break lead to 5-2, which earned him the chance to serve for the match. Without any further ado, an unreturned serve secured the second set 6-2, winning Jason his second Challenger-level tournament of the year.
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tmnotizie · 5 years
SAN BENEDETTO – Intitolare la San Benedetto Tennis Cup o creare un trofeo ad hoc in onore del presidentissimo Ferruccio Zoboletti. La proposta è stata fatta dal sindaco Pasqualino Piunti nel corso della conferenza stampa di presentazione dell’ Atp Challanger 54mila dollari di montepremi che inizierà lunedì al C.T. Maggioni, sodalizio che Zoboletti ha contribuito a fare crescere facendolo assurgere anche a livello internazionale.
“E’ ancora fresca –dice Piunti- l’emozione per la sua perdita ed intitolargli questa manifestazione il modo per onorare la sua persona, il torneo e la città”. “E’ la prima edizione senza Ferruccio Zoboletti –aggiunge l’assessore allo sport Pierluigi Tassotti- con cui ho avuto il piacere e l’onore di lavorare proprio nel consiglio direttivo del C.T. Maggioni. Una persona che ha lasciato un segno in tutti noi e che ha sempre lavorato sotto traccia. E’ doveroso, quindi, dare il suo nome al torneo”.
La palla passa ora all’ Atp. Ed in tal senso importanti sono le dichiarazioni del direttore del torneo e Ceo della Crionet Giorgio Garcia Agreda. “Sono già in contatto con la federazione internazionale e faremo di tutto per intestare a Zoboletti il trofeo o trovare una formula per questa manifestazione come ad esempio un premio fair play che ricordi a tutti la sua presenza”.
Saranno 48 i tennistiche da lunedì prossimo si daranno battaglia sui tre campi allestiti dal C.T. Maggioni. Tra questi ci sarà anche il vincitore dell’ edizione 2013, lo slovacco Andrej Martin. Diversi i giovani presenti nella entry list a testimonianza che l’ Atp Challanger Città di San Benedetto rappresenta un trampolino di lancio verso il grande tennis. Come non dimenticare le vittorie di Stanislaw Wawrinka nella prima edizione e poi quelle di Fabio Fognini e di Emanuele Berrettini nel 2017 oggi tutti al top delle classifiche mondiali. Le wild card sono state assegnate ai talenti marchigiani Emanuele Ramazzotti e Emiliano Maggioli, Lorenzo Musetti, Riccardo Balzerani, Francesco Forti e Gianluigi Quinzi alla ricerca del riscatto dopo un inizio di stagione non proprio esaltante.
“E’ stata una settimana molto dura –afferma Afro Zoboletti, presidente del C.T. Maggioni- ma siamo riusciti lo stesso a mettere a punto la macchina organizzativa. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare l’amministrazione comunale perché senza il suo contributo, il torneo non ci sarebbe stato. Per questo motivo abbiamo deciso di mettere nel logo della manifestazione un simbolo della nostra città, il gabbiano Livingstone. Siamo giunti alla diciottesima edizione ma la cosa affascinante che la manifestazione di  una piccola città è diventata tesi di laurea in marketing di Giacomo Polidori. E questo fatto dà conferma all’ importanza della San Benedetto Tennis Cup”.
“Un evento –dicono il sindaco Piunti e l’assessore Pierluigi Tassotti- che danno una rilevanza internazionale alla nostra città. E’ importante anche a livello di crescita sportiva e turistica ed il fatto che duri da diciassette anni ne conferisce maggiore spessore. Al di la delle amministrazioni che si susseguiranno la San Benedetto Tennis Cup deve proseguire negli anni”.
L’assessore ai lavori pubblici Andrea Assenti focalizza il suo intervento sul progetto di ristrutturazione del C.T. Maggioni. “C’è grande collaborazione tra l’amministrazione comunale ed il circolo. Abbiamo individuato il percorso normativo da seguire che deve portare al bando di appalto. La volontà è la stessa ma il percorso è intricato. Il Comune dovrà preparare una classica variante per poi arrivare all’ assegnazione dei lavori tramite un bando”.
Per Emiliano Guzzo, presidente regionale Fit “La San Benedetto Tennis Cup è una delle manifestazioni più importanti delle Marche. In campo ci saranno i nostri migliori talenti ed anche il Comitato regionale si riunirà a San Benedetto nel corso del torneo. Una manifestazione che è cresciuta nel corso degli anni ed è diventata un esempio per tutti a livello organizzativo, sportivo e di marketing”.
Fra gli iscritti al torneo lo slovacco Andrej Martin e Federico Gaio, rispettivamente campioni della San Benedetto Tennis Cup nel 2013 e 2016. Da tenere d’occhio anche la folta pattuglia azzurra, capeggiata da Gianluca Mager, Alessandro Giannessi e il veterano Luca Vanni. Tre i campi interessati dai match che sono stati opportunamente coperti dai teloni anti pioggia. Le partite potranno essere seguite in diretta via streaming sul sito Atp World Tour. La Crionet sta lavorando anche per la telecronaca della finale che andrà in onda sul canale Supertennis del digitale terrestre.
Con la riforma del circuito Challenger, oltre all’allargamento del tabellone principale a 48 giocatori (16 teste di serie sono direttamente ammesse al 2° turno), il torneo diventa più compresso, con l’inizio delle qualificazioni nella giornata di lunedì 15 a partire dalle 10 del mattino. Domattina alle 9.30, alla presenza di Carmelo Di Dio, supervisor dell’ATP, verrà sorteggiato il tabellone di singolare e redatto successivamente il programma di gioco della prima giornata.
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Rafael Nadal
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Este hombre es Rafael Nadal, uno de los tenistas más famosos en España. Tiene una impresionante línea de victorias del deporte; ganó 14 veces en los solteros Grand Slam, 4 títulos de los Davis Cup, una medalla de oro olímpica, y muchos trofeos ATP. 
Nadal era nació en Manacor, España, el 3 de junio de 1986 a un empresario y su esposa. Sus tíos eran deportistas profesionales; uno de ellos, Miguel, jugó fútbol y el otro, Toni, jugó tenis. 
Nadal empezó jugar tenis cuando tenía 3 años. Por 1994, había ganado un torneo regional para jugadores menores de 12 años. Claramente, él era muy talentoso; cuando tenía 12 años, había ganado varios torneos de tenis dentro de su grupo de edad.  Cuando Nadal tenía 15 años, empezó jugar tenis profesional. El 2002, Nadal ganó contra Ramón Delgado en su primero partido de ATP. Pero esto fue sólo el comienzo. A lo largo de su carrera, también ganó contra Roger Federer, Andy Roddick, Mariano puerta, y otros jugadores famosos. También, Nadal rompió varios registros de acuerdo a su edad y el tiempo que mantuvo sus victorias.
tenistas - tennis players
victorias - victories
solteros - singles (literally)
títulos - titles
medalla de oro olímpica - Olympic gold medal
trofeos - trophies
empresario - entrepreneur
esposa - wife
tíos - uncles
deportistas profesionales - professional sportsmen
torneo - tournament
jugadores - players
menores - below, under
claramente - clearly
dentro - within
talentoso - talented
contra - against
el comienzo - the beginning
a lo largo de - throughout (in terms of time)
registros - records (think world records)
mantuvo (mantener) - to hold
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teleindiscreta · 7 years
El Peugeot 3008 será el coche oficial del Conde de Godó
Fuente original: El Peugeot 3008 será el coche oficial del Conde de Godó Puedes ver más visitando Teleindiscreta - Las mejores noticias de actualidad, famosos, salud, belleza, cocina, motor, música y mucho más.
El Peugeot 3008, flamante “Coche del Año en Europa” será el vehículo oficial del Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell, 65º Trofeo Conde de Godó. La cita tenística tendrá lugar en el Real Club Tenis Barcelona del 22 al 30 de abril.
Además de la presencia del Peugeot 3008, la marca estrenará ante el público español el nuevo Peugeot 5008, y estará presente mediante la celebración de diversas actividades para los visitantes. Los jugadores, jueces y personalidades invitadas se desplazarán en diferentes modelos Peugeot, prueba de su fuerte compromiso de con este deporte.
Peugeot es patrocinador Platino del ATP World Tour, y tiene el status de automóvil oficial en más de 20 torneos del circuito. Además, cuenta con embajadores de la talla de los españoles David Ferrer, Tommy Robredo o Fernando Verdasco. El compromiso de la Marca francesa va más allá del circuito profesional. En España, apoya el desarrollo del tenis apoyando las carreras de jóvenes promesas de este deporte a través del Peugeot Tennis Team.
Para los más pequeños, algunos de los miembros del Peugeot Tennis Team – David Ferrer, Nico Almagro, Pablo Carreño y Roberto Carballés – serán los protagonistas de esta cita ya que impartirán un clinic durante el domingo 23 de abril.
Coche del Año en Europa 2017
El Peugeot 3008, “Coche del Año en Europa 2017” llega a la Ciudad Condal con un poderoso y atractivo diseño, que impacta por su estilo deportivo y moderno, aportando elegancia, fuerza y robustez a los códigos estéticos del segmento. El arsenal tecnológico del Peugeot 3008 y su puesto de conducción Peugeot i-Cockpit®, le han valido también para ganar el premio al Interior Más Bello del Año otorgado por el Festival Internacional del Automóvil, y hace más fácil la navegación y el manejo de las principales funciones del vehículo.
Por su parte, como gran primicia nacional, el nuevo Peugeot 5008 estará en Barcelona mostrando la visión de la marca sobre los grandes SUV de siete plazas del segmento C. Peugeot llega a este mercado prometedor con el objetivo de convertirse en la referencia. Cuenta con grandes bazas, como las innovaciones del Peugeot i-Cockpit® y su amplio interior, que se aprovecha al máximo por su gran funcionalidad y modularidad.
Fuente: AS
La entrada El Peugeot 3008 será el coche oficial del Conde de Godó aparece primero en Teleindiscreta.
from El Peugeot 3008 será el coche oficial del Conde de Godó
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stateofsport211 · 22 days
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📸 ATP official website
Meanwhile, in Vicenza...
The Vicenza Challenger completed its backlog that was caused by overnight rain delay the other day, as both players played their quarterfinals and semifinals on the same day yesterday. In this case, Chun-Hsin (Jason) Tseng stunned first seed Francesco Passaro 6-3, 6-3 in the semifinals, while fifth seed Marco Trungelliti cumulatively spent 5 hours and 15 minutes to win 2 marathon matches, which was against third seed M. Tomas Barrios Vera in the quarterfinals and Nerman Fatic in the semifinals, with the latter's scoreline being 6-3, 4-6, 7-5. This could have been an intriguing match at their best depending on their pacing, but it was not the case this time.
To start, Trungelliti's drop shot to Jason's volley error forced a deuce, but the break did not necessarily happen as Jason held his serves to 1-0. Somehow, a jumping backhand error from Trungelliti secured Jason's break point before the latter's forehand winner secured the early break to 2-0, followed by a consolidation to 3-0. Trungelliti then put his name on the board with a service game hold to 3-1, including his slick volley response to Jason's preceding tweener.
It took several more games before Jason fired a successful forehand pass in response to Trungelliti's preceding volley to secure his game point before he held his service game to 5-2. Two sets later, he earned an opportunity to serve for the first set, which he successfully did to take the first set 6-3, as well as setting himself one set ahead in this match.
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stateofsport211 · 25 days
Vicenza Ch R2: Marco Trungelliti [5] def. Jacopo Berrettini [WC] 6-4, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP official website
Jacopo tried to stay competitive in the second set, but it was not until M. Trungelliti backing up his aggression well that resulted in his better showing in this match despite the thin margin. Through his power, he tried to find the lines until not only the Italian wild card went off-balance but also affected his backhands as one of his most vulnerable shots (apart from his frequently got-passed forehand side, or volley as well). This way, the fifth seed came up with 9 break points even though Jacopo converted 50% of his 2 break points back in the first set, but he was not offensive enough to create any damage toward the end of the match as M. Trungelliti's consistency remained.
Besides, M. Trungelliti appeared more solid on serve as he mostly followed up his breaks properly in this department. Scoring 2 aces than Jacopo's 0, the Argentinean fifth seed won 73% points behind his first serves, which mostly got himself out of most troubles. On the other hand, even though the former double-faulted thrice than Jacopo's 1, but the latter's frequent forehand rushes did not help except fading his second serve winning percentage 24% below M. Trungelliti, which partly explained the second set situation.
M. Trungelliti will face third seed M. Tomas Barrios Vera in the quarterfinals, as the Chilean won competitively 7-5, 6-3 against Giovanni Fonio in the second round. Interestingly, their latest meeting came in the French Open/Roland Garros first qualifying round back in 2022, where M. Trungelliti won 6-3, 6-4. Recognizing the ups and downs since then, this could be intriguing to see how their balance of power fare this year, especially considering the importance of the baseline game to both players. Could be tricky, but could also be an exciting one to follow!
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stateofsport211 · 25 days
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📸 🎥 ATP official website
The second set turned out to be slightly different than the first, where M. Trungelliti appeared firmer as soon as he found his lines, while trying to pass Jacopo through such positions. It all started from the first game, where the former's forehand down-the-line approach outhit Jacopo's forehand response for his initial break point, but the Italian wild card still managed to hold his serves to 1-0. Two games later, Jacopo generated his first game point through a cross-court backhand winner, but the Argentinean almost broke at that game as soon as several deuces also happened, but Jacopo still held firm to 2-1.
It was not until the fifth game, where M. Trungelliti broke to 3-2 due to Jacopo's cross-court backhand error. In the next game, the latter almost broke back thanks to his backhand down-the-line winner that started the said game, having a handful break points along the way before the fifth seed had a massive hold to 4-2. He had not looked back since, even passing Jacopo's volley side from his forehand 2 points into the seventh game, almost doubled the break (once again) even if Jacopo held to 4-3. It took two games later as M. Trungelliti started the next game through his swift return, which was followed by Jacopo's forehand errors that only resulted in the Argentinean breaking for the match, taking the second set 6-3 to secure his spot in the quarterfinals.
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stateofsport211 · 25 days
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📸 ATP official website
Sealing the evening in the Vicenza Challenger was the match between wild card Jacopo Berrettini, who came back to save 4 both points in the first set and 2 set points in the second set to defeat Santiago Rodriguez Taverna 7-6(6), 7-6(5) in the first round to continue his fine form from the last few weeks, and fifth seed Marco Trungelliti, who defeated wild card Lorenzo Carboni 6-4, 6-2 in the previous round. This could have been an exciting match as both players' aggressions were being sought, but only those who executed them right prevailed by the end of the match.
M. Trungelliti started by outhitting Jacopo's backhands, which was evident right from the start of the match, but the latter's forehands that were fired too wide resulted in the former's early break to 1-0. It took a while for the Argentinean 5th seed to consolidate to 2-0, but Jacopo tried to match the pace through his point construction, as he fired a forehand winner as an equalizer before breaking back to 2-2 due to M. Trungelliti's backhand errors. However, the moment did not last long as Jacopo's forehand errors resulted in the break-back to 3-2.
Subsequently, M. Trungelliti followed this up through a service game hold (4-2), followed by another forehand pass from Jacopo before he held his serves to 4-3, surviving several deuces along the way as M. Trungelliti attempted to double the break. It took three more games before the latter earned an opportunity to serve for the first set, where he secured his set point through a fiery forehand winner before taking the first set 6-4, setting himself one set away, technically, from another quarterfinal spot.
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stateofsport211 · 8 months
Bergamo Ch F: Jack Draper [1] def. David Goffin [5] 1-6, 7-6(3), 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
Goffin initially took control of the pace by firing a lot of important winners in the first set and making it return-heavy, but J. Draper successfully turned it around thanks to the trust to his forehand, allowing him to appear more aggressive. It often came with a risk, especially when he set up the third set, but it paid off once he maximized his chances with a 100% break point conversion rate, while Goffin had a whopping 19 chances to break, but could only break five times throughout the three sets and got overwhelmed when J. Draper passed in toward the end of the third set.
Interestingly, both players had their own service game strengths as the match developed. Firing 6 more aces than Goffin (11 to 5), J. Draper somehow trailed 15% points from his first serves since Goffin stood out from there with a 80% winning percentage. In contrast, J. Draper had exceptional second serves instead with a 53% winning percentage despite double-faulting twice, while Goffin only won 15% lesser points even if he double-faulted once, which showed how dependent on their return game and rallying (which pacing also counts) this match ended up to be.
This marked J. Draper’s first Challenger title of the year since last year’s Forli sweep (5, 7, and 8) & St. Brieuc Challenger and several months after being sidelined from his injury, finally being back on track by ranking 82 live, which could be a confidence booster coming into the Sofia (250) next week. On the other hand, another runner-up for Goffin means he is now 4 lines away to return to the Top 100 after having a tough season, heading to the packed Helsinki Challenger next week as well.
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stateofsport211 · 8 months
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📸 🎥 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
The third set became its own rollercoaster when both players’ rally tolerance collide, but the more offensive one would stand out by the end of this match. It all started from Goffin’s forehand pass to break early to 1-0 in the third set while capitalizing on J. Draper’s previous errors, to the latter’s dismay, followed by his consolidation to 2-0. J. Draper hung in there and held his service game to 2-1 to at least minimize his the gap, even if he survived Goffin’s forehand down-the-line winner that opened the path for his break point creation. Eventually, J. Draper found a way to break back by trusting his forehand, eventually resulting in Goffin’s unforced error when converting his break point (2-2).
Subsequently, while being 2 points behind, J. Draper found his steal through a backhand down-the-line winner in a defense-to-offense execution attempt, even if Goffin ended up converting his latest break point at that game thanks to his preceding volley to J. Draper’s volley error (3-2). The moment did not last long once J. Draper broke back at the cost of Goffin’s double fault (3-3). Back on serve, J. Draper held his service game to 4-3, and put more trust on his forehands once again, which drove Goffin’s balance off by getting overhit en route to the break to 5-3, thus having an opportunity to serve for the match. Without any further ado, J. Draper served it out, taking the third set 6-3 to secure his first Challenger title of the year months after being sidelined due to his injury.
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stateofsport211 · 8 months
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📸 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
Upon being breadsticked in the first set (6-1), J. Draper started to formulate his response through absorbing Goffin’s pace. While both players had their chances, the second set turned out to be settled in a tie-breaker, which depended on how they constructed the most pressing points possible.
Initially, Goffin’s forehand error in response to J. Draper’s previous shot led the latter to lead a mini-break to 3-2. However, it took two other points before Goffin’s forehand ended up being up in the air for J. Draper’s mini-break again several points before he created his set point thanks to Goffin’s forehand unforced error in response to J. Draper’s preceding backhand. Eventually, J. Draper served it out for the second set, where Goffin’s down-the-line finish was not enough to respond to J. Draper’s backhand, hence J. Draper took the second set 7-6(3) to force a decider.
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