tarbox-fitness-blog · 5 years
. Hey bro . Brossette . I'm here to say, . Don't use drugs as a Band-Aid . They don't work . Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes . You need stitches . A medical professional that probably isn't you . And patience . Self medicating doesn't really work out that often . None of my friends who have or still use drugs feel any better . They're still depressed, sad, loney, angry etc. . So go spend time with your friends sober . You don't need to be drunk in order to dance . And you don't need to be high in order to laugh . So go do something fun with your friends . While you still can . #depression #drugs #drugsdontwork #trybeingsober #havefun #enjoylife #friends #family #emotionalpain https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqpN6gF9Qq/?igshid=pvshykiqgtih
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