#trying to be terrifying while sounding perfectly innocent to any bystanders like:
asryakino · 5 years
The Monkey God Wears Inlines
-Chapter 6-
At BDC's bold declaration, the black and white marked youths seemed confused. It lasted only a moment, as the shrill whistle seemed to signal something. And even the seemingly scattered gang knew they didn't want to wait for reinforcements to arrive. A whoop and holler sounded from the Black and Whites, and they seemed to surge forward. Around the trio, bystanders scattered out of the way of chairs being rammed away and tables being flipped on their sides. The sudden noise of clattering furniture caused several children to begin crying while parents rushed to grab them and get out of the way.
Juan took the moment of hesitation to put a bit of distance between himself and the two Pact Rats, skating off to the side and throwing his chest forward in a physical dare for the Black and Whites to come after him. BDC crowed with a haughty laugh, drawing even more attention to themselves by leaping up onto one of the chairs, planting a heavy boot on the table's side. The taunt worked as the attention of the gang split between the crowing, orange-headed punk and the golden-booted skater; leaving Maize to duck to the side, shoving tables and chairs out of the way to make an escape path for the innocents who were trying to flee the swiftly filling battlefield. She called out several times to the fleeing families, directing them to the opened exit and away from the oncoming fight.
The Black and White marked gang were surprisingly nimble on their feet, clearing tables, chairs, and each other as they crossed the food court. They leapt and circled each other to surround BDC and Juan in a human wall, several of their number smiling viciously and more than a few still sporting split lips and visible bruises from the last brawl. "You guys are -really- determined to cause problems in the -wrong- turf." Called BDC from the table they had pearched. "And I thought the trouncing the other day had taught you." They pointed at one in particular with a smirk. "Would've been smart enough not to come back and cause problems." The one singled out was a tomboyish looking girl with short, spiked blonde hair. Her lip was still swollen, but the bloodthirsty look in her eyes was animalistic. She answered with a smirk and shrug. "Never was one to take a subtle hint." BDC tutted as he gazed down, sizing up the dozen or so Black and White brawlers, though a careful, attentive, eye was kept on the spike-haired woman. "You skipped your introduction, friend." They emphasized. "You clearly know us, but the feeling's not mutual." To the right, Juan was leading the group around him in a pulsating circle. He'd test the ground by skating close to them, and they'd back away, trying to swing at him from other angles each time he got within arm's range. Wisely, he was keeping them focused on his unpredictable movements. BD vaulted up onto the table properly, boots clanking heavily against the reinforced top that wasn't really made to hold weight that way. The distinctive sound of the custom boots they wore ringing out a warning. "Pandogs." She snapped in response. A murmur of affirmation rolled across the brawlers. "Ravenous." BD mocked; looking down at the brawlers before slamming a heavy boot near the edge of the table. The sound caused several to jump, but the table didn't shift, their balance was perfectly centered. A particularly brave brawler lunged at the forward set foot. The woman began a cautionary shout that came an instant too late and the attempted action was regretted immediately. As soon as the frosted-tip brawler took the bait, BDC's foot was in the air and crashed back down before they could retract their poorly made decision. A gut-wrenching scream sounded like the world's most disturbing klaxton as the man's hand was crushed under the full stomp of a hinged metal-track reinforced boot. Like the whistle, it signaled a new level of action and BDC's other boot swung around, catching the pinned man's temple with their heel as the group surged forward in an attempt to grab and unbalance the Rat. Juan's frustrated circle of Pandogs tried a group rush approach, with several taking sings all at once as they closed in.
Maize had picked up one mother's crying five year old and was ushering her and her two toddlers away from the soon-to-be war along the food court wall. Two Pandogs had split off from the others to block the escape, forcing Maize and the mother to pull up short. Maize set the child down, then stepped between the Pandogs and the bystander, glaring at the pair of smirking self-assured boys. "No way, Rat." One snarked, raising the corner of his lip. "Where ya goin'?" The other asked in a mocking tone. Maize eyed them, her hands out to the sides defensively, keeping her stance open and between the mother and her frightened kids. "You don't want to do this." She commanded, palms toward the pair. "Leave us alone and you won't get hurt." The pair laughed. "Whatcha gonna do about it little momma?" "Think you're big and bad?" Maize shook her head, narrowing her eyes at the pair in focus. Behind her, the mother crouched down, she seemed to be staring past the pair. When one of the pair grabbed forward, Maize spun on her left foot and crouched down, hands going over her head.
"PAIN TRAIN!" "COMING THROUGH!" The Pandogs never saw the pair of broad-shouldered women bearing down on them. But they certainly felt them as the pair of derby blocks slammed the boys into the wall with their shoulders, leaving the stunned pair to slide into a heap on the ground. The pair, grinning the widest smiles, high fived before skidding to the cowering mother and protective Maize. Block, a stocky woman on black and lime green road quads and sporting bright green and pink streaks through her shoulder-length chocolate hair offered a hand to the woman while her bubblegum-coloured partner, Clock, helped the kids to their feet. The mother smiled appreciatively to them as Maize stood up and brushed off. "Nice one. Make sure the way's clear for everyone else. "Barrel and Shock are already on it, Bosslady. Cleared three of 'em out who were trying to block the exit." Clock smiled mischievously. "Told 'em t'cool off." Maize smirked and nodded her approval, ushering the pair off. She turned to give the open dining area a check, making sure everyone was clear.
Fortunately, the few bystanders that had been in the food court had cleared out fairly quickly, the halls to the exits were cleared. Maize kept to the outside of the concrete planters edging the dining area, trying to keep an eye on the fighting. After the report from the last Pandog encounter, she didn't expect a police response to be coming any time soon, if they came at all. Beyond that, the black and white boneheads seemed…. Different than other alien gangs that had come through. Most of them were wearing new clothes or carrying higher end bags and the like. The way most of them moved, they weren't an established crew. From where she could observe, they were disorganized, lashing out at the command of a small handful of members who seemed fine with sending the fresh wannabes into the fray. The tactic made her blood boil. "Fucking cowards." She grumbled lowly, muttering several unsavory and unflattering descriptions in Taishon as well.
BDC, meanwhile, seemed to be enjoying the attention from the group of Pandogs who seemed to believe they could land a solid hit on the flighty, limber Rat. By now, two of them were sporting broken hands thanks to fruitless attempts. The smashed fingers seemed to serve as a warning to the others to… not try to grab the Rat's feet. Which prompted them to immediately begin taking aimed shots at whatever body part an uncautious Pandog presented. They had leapt from the first table claimed and was now lunging through the air to land, surprisingly gracefully, at an adjacent table. Not all of the Pandogs were idiots or ungraceful. In a matter of three tables' movements he had a trail of black and white marked morons who were trying to outrun them to close them off. They slid over tables, leapt chairs and seemed determined to get around BDC again. Perched on one of the planters was the spike-haired girl, shouting orders at the group. Juan's movements seemed much more focused on leading the Pandogs around in circles. Having broken through the wall they'd had, the group around him was now attempting to chase him down. Distressingly, two of them had already pulled weapons out, one a baseball bat, another had mashed a broken chair and was wielding a partial metal frame. Maize didn't have to worry much, it seemed; as the group was uncoordinated, and Juan's speed was keeping him out of reach for the moment.
A sharp whistle signaled an all clear from the hallway toward the arcade's exit. It was followed by the whooping battlecry of a half dozen Pact Rats who came as a wheeled force. The clattering sound of wheels on concrete was intimidating enough. But the fact that the riders were various sizes and all sporting protective gear was downright terrifying as they looked like a wheeled calvary. The Pandogs who had been chasing the rather flighty BDC and Juan realized the delay tactic too late as the spare Pact Rats split off from each other to join the springy boys as they dodged and avoided the now confused Pandogs.
@aspiderperday @apatheticalchemist @nerdyblogname
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