#trying to delete a gif because it's marked as explicit.... but oh well
ayo-edebiri · 11 months
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Do you love him? What difference would it make if I did? Red, White & Royal Blue (2023) dir. Matthew Lopez
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writtenwhalien · 3 years
All of You | 02
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pairing ↠ ceo!jimin x reader
genre ↠ friends to lovers | arranged marriage AU (fluff, angst, smut)
word count ↠ 15,676
18+ | warnings ↠ jealousy, mentions of classism and social hierarchy which causes reader to experience some anxiety, mentions of the reader’s difficult past including familial financial struggles, flirting, angst, mentions of arranged marriage, explicit sexual content: neck kissing, marking, a bit of licking here and there, hair pulling, dirty talk, thigh riding, breast/nipple play, multiple orgasms, straddling, handjob, grinding, cunnilingus, penetrative sex, aftercare, fluff.
summary ↠ Park Jimin is your definition of perfect. He’s talented, handsome, and dedicated to everything he does, making him the man of your dreams. But what happens when you both wake up one day and realise that’s all you had together…  a short dream?
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A/N: (reposting because i accidentally deleted the original) part two is finally here! 🤓 apologies for the long wait, but here it is! please make sure you’ve read the previous parts (prologue — the conversations are mentioned more than once throughout the fic, and part 1 !!) if you haven’t already! and enjoy! 🥰 hugs for the lovely ryen @kithtaehyung for making the banner💘 taglist is still open: dm/message/send an ask to be added :) 
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With many papers scattered around him, most of them showing numbers he doesn’t understand, the young male in front of you frowns, muttering quietly to himself before he sighs and looks up to you frustratedly. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Geun-woo apologises sincerely, “I should’ve come in sooner to do this.”
Despite the situation being slightly annoying for you, and the fact that you have more pressing issues to attend to, you just shake your head and smile. 
“How about you come to me at lunch? I’ll work through it with you and you can finish the report by the end of the day, that way I can check it before we leave today.”
Geun-woo grins sheepishly, patting your arm as he gets up. “Thanks so much, Y/N. I owe you big time.” 
He’s well aware of your soft spot for him, although neither of you know why you let him off so much — he really does slack when it comes to the company but still you find yourself making excuses for him, even when you end up with more work yourself.
“That you do,” you chuckle. “You can start by bringing me some lunch from Yang’s when you come here, yes?”
Geun-woo stops by the door, imitating a soldier coming to attention. “You got it, boss.”
“Technically you’re my boss,” you remind him, lightly. 
Snorting, Geun-woo throws you a look. “We both know I’m far off from that.” 
“You’ll get there one day,” you shrug, clearing the papers to the side before you join him to leave for your meeting. 
“Maybe, but you do a much better job than I ever could.”
Geun-woo winks at you, and you grin, ushering him out the door with you. 
“While you’re in the meeting, at least pretend to know what you’re talking about, okay?”
“Oh I can do that,” he says, confidently. “I read all the notes you sent me from last week.” 
“I’m surprised you did,” you say, raising a brow at him as you both walk down the quiet corridor that leads to Jimin’s office. 
“Well, it’s the least I could do to not let you down.”
Smiling warmly, you put your arm around Geun-woo and squeeze lightly. “You don’t let me down Geun-woo. As long as you’re trying, I’m happy.”
“This is why I love you,” Geun-woo grins, as the both of you come to a stop outside of Jimin’s office. 
“You can go in,” Jiho says from behind his desk. “He’s already waiting for you.” 
“Thanks Jiho,” Geun-woo nods, stepping forward first to hold the door open for you.
“Thanks Geun-woo,” you wink at him, walking into the room. 
Geun-woo follows behind you, and you both walk into the small entrance to Jimin’s office, hidden from his view. As you walk up slowly around the corner, your eyes land on Jimin right away. 
He’s looking right at you, with a small, shy smile on his lips. 
Your own lips curve at the sight of him, but you rush to take your seat before anyone else can notice the two of you dazing at each other. Jimin also holds back, proceeding with the meeting as soon as Geun-woo is also seated. 
But despite his best efforts, all throughout the meeting, he finds himself stealing glances at you, remaining unfocused on anything else being said. 
And because of this, you have to avoid looking at him whenever you speak, knowing you’ll break out into a smile if you do.
As the meeting draws to an end, everyone else at the table politely takes their leave, while you linger on the side, waiting to be alone with Jimin. 
“I’ll take a look at it all once you’ve sent it over,” Jimin assures one of the marketing executives, walking around the corner to the door as he speaks, and you can tell he’s rushing to get him out of the room so he can talk to you.
“Thank you, Jimin,” the short man says, taking his leave from the room with a bow. 
“You’re most welcome, I’ll see you next week,” Jimin nods, and finally, you hear the door click. 
Appearing from around the corner, Jimin has the same shy smile he had earlier, except this time it’s not so small. 
“Hi,” he says, eyes never leaving yours. 
“Hi,” you breathe. 
Jimin takes a few steps closer, stopping on the other side of the table. 
“I, um…” he hesitates, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “Did you get... I sent a dress—“
“I loved it,” you cut him off, smiling happily. “I love it. And I’ll wear it on Saturday.”
Jimin exhales, beaming as he walks closer to you. “I’m glad,” he says softly. “I’d love to see you in it.”
Coming to a stop in front of you, he leaves minimal space between you, and his expression changes to a look of mesmerisation. Naturally, he raises his hand, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your head. 
The small gesture has your heart doing somersaults, and you look up at him, nothing but fondness and adoration in your eyes.
Lightly, Jimin’s hand lowers as his thumb skims your jaw and he presses his palm against your skin. 
“You know I have to leave for Busan now, my train leaves in an hour,” he says quietly. 
“I know,” you whisper, appreciating the warm feeling that settles in you from his touch. “You’ll be back on Friday.”
“Mhm, in the evening… but I won’t see you all week.” 
You meet his gaze with a soft smile. “You’ll see me on Saturday though.”
Jimin smiles brighter. “I’ve been thinking about it nonstop all weekend and I…” Jimin’s eyes search yours. “Will you let me pick you up? We can go together.”
“Mhm,” you hum, bringing your hand to rest on top of his. “I’d like that.”
Smiling, Jimin takes your hand, clasping his other hand on top as he caresses your skin. Neither of you say a word but the moment passes with a thousand unspoken thoughts, and from this moment onwards, your heart is no longer your own. 
There’s a quiet knock at the door, but Jimin remains unfazed, eyes never leaving yours as he calls out, “what is it?”
“Your luggage is in the car and your dad is waiting in the lobby,” Jiho answers from the other side.
“I’ll be down in a minute.”
“Okay,” Jiho answers, leaving you and Jimin alone in the quiet, with only the muted white noise of the city around you. 
“I’ll see you on Saturday, Y/N,” Jimin murmurs, bringing your hand to his lips.
“I’ll see you on Saturday, Jimin,” you echo, completely dazed as he places the most tender kiss on the back of your hand. 
His thumb grazes your skin as he smiles and pulls away, rushing behind his desk to grab his coat from the closet. As he heads out of the room, he turns back to look at you, excitement gleaming in his eyes.
Your own world seems to change too, happiness and a promise of love emanating from him, and even when he leaves the room, your mind still soars as you think of the future… and him. 
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Pacing back and forth across your apartment foyer, the tall heels of your Gianvito Rossi’s echo loudly against the marble, but not as loud as your heart, beating fast in your chest in anticipation of this evening. It’s almost 6pm, and Jimin will be here any minute. 
While you’re certainly excited for the evening, there’s still the slight fear of this night not go how you expect it, and with everything that you discussed with Gi last weekend, you can’t ignore the small part of you that worries you might just get hurt in your pursuit of happiness with Jimin. 
Although that doesn’t stop you from wanting to try; Jimin is worth any pain you might experience, as long as you can try. 
A quiet chime comes from your phone, notifying you of a text, and when you look down, your heart skips a beat. 
[5.54pm] Jimin: hey, i’m outside :)
Dropping a quick reply to say you’re coming, you make sure you’ve got everything you need in your purse before walking out of the building and outside. 
Crossing the car park, you walk up the path beyond the gate of your apartment complex, and parked on the roadside is a black Mercedes-Maybach which you recognise as Jimin’s chauffeur-driven car. 
And Jimin is out on the curb. He’s pacing back and forth just as you were, but when he sees you, he stops, mouth parting slightly as his eyes trail up and down your approaching form. 
Stopping a few feet in front of him, you smile nervously, watching his face. 
“Y/N,” he says, finally meeting your gaze and breaking into a smile. “You look stunning.”
His smile comforts you, and although you feel your cheeks heat up slightly because of his compliment, you still smile happily. 
“Well I have you to thank for the dress, it’s the prettiest I’ve ever seen.”
Jimin shakes his head, taking a few steps forward until he’s standing right in front of you. He’s still smiling softly, eyes admiring you in a dreamy haze. “It’s not the dress, it’s you, Y/N.” His fingers brush against your palm, and without a second thought, you’re clasping his hand in yours. 
“You’re beautiful,” Jimin says, raising your hand to his lips to place a kiss on your skin, reminiscent of how he did in his office. 
For a few seconds you’re silent, basking in the warmth and happiness that Jimin brings to you. And then you mindlessly brush a loose strand of his hair back.
“I’m relieved you think so, you’re stuck with me for the evening.”
Jimin chuckles. “And I’m looking forward to this evening, as long as Mr Byeong-chol doesn’t try to steal you from me, again.” 
“It’s Choi,” you grin, a playful lilt to your voice. 
And Jimin just shakes his head lightly, although you know he really would get annoyed if Choi were to approach you for more than a simple greeting tonight. 
“Well,” Jimin says, stepping back to the car and opening the door to reach inside, “Choi doesn’t have the honor of buying you flowers, does he?” he asks rhetorically, pulling out a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. 
Your mouth opens in surprise, and Jimin looks pleased with your reaction as he approaches you, and he suddenly becomes a little shy. 
“Come to think of it. I don’t know if that’s weird, because we’re not… this isn’t, um…”
“Jimin,” you giggle, cutting him off and relieving him of his nerves. “It’s not weird at all, I love them, they’re beautiful.”
Jimin nods wordlessly, once again mesmerised by your beauty as you admire the flowers.
But he’s quickly disturbed by his phone ringing in his back pocket. 
“Sorry,” he mutters to you, pulling it out. “It’s just my dad, it’ll be quick.”
“No rush,” you smile, continuing to admire the flowers while sneakily looking up to stare at him too as he turns to the side to answer his phone. 
“Yeoboseyo abeoji,” Jimin says, glancing sideways at you and smiling when he sees you watching him. 
Hugging the flowers to your chest, you shamelessly continue checking him as he forces himself to look away from you. 
“Have you left yet, son? It’s almost an hours drive, I don’t want us to be unreasonably late and most guests have already arrived now.” Mr Park says to Jimin through the phone. 
“I’ve left home and I came to pick up Y/N first, but we’re leaving now so I’ll be there within the next hour.” Jimin looks at you again, smiling as he pulls the car door open for you. 
Careful with your dress, you take a seat against the leather interior, and Jimin gently closes the door behind you before rushing over to his side and joining you while you greet the driver. 
“I’d scheduled a car for Y/N, but you picked her up?” Mr Park asks, confused. 
Jimin pauses before entering the car. “Yeah I cancelled it, why?”
There’s a second of silence before Jimin’s dad answers. “No reason, I’ll see you both soon okay? Drive safe.”
“Okay, we will,” Jimin says, getting into the car as well. “See you.”
Cutting down, Jimin shuts his door and turns to the driver. “We’re all ready Beom-soo.”
Beom-soo nods, ensuring you’re both wearing your seatbelts before he closes the partition to the back and sets off. 
Your brows raise slightly in surprise when he does, with the closure making things between you and Jimin feel far more private. 
Noticing this, Jimin sits forward and reaches for the partition. “Sorry, he’s used to doing that, I can open it.”
“No, it’s fine,” you say, looking to Jimin. “I mean, you can if you want but I don’t mind. It doesn’t bother me.”
“Oh, okay.” Jimin smiles, leaving the shutter closed and moving back into his seat comfortably. 
“So how was your week in Busan?” you ask, leaning back into your seat. 
“It was surprisingly okay, I got to see my brother and spend some time with a few old friends in the evenings, but the business meetings were a drag”
— Jimin turns to you, a soft yet cheeky smile on his lips — “although it would’ve been much better if I had you there with me.”
Scoffing lightly, you give him an amused look. “What, you needed someone else to do the work for you?”
“No, but my work is a lot easier when I have my lucky star to keep me going.” Jimin’s smile morphs into a smirk, and just like you did, he eyes you up shamelessly.
“Well your lucky star was busy, working endlessly to try and make up for your absence,” you say, trying to hide the blush in your cheeks. 
“I know,” Jimin says quietly, as though lost in his own thoughts. “Geun-soo told me you spent most days working late again, I hope you’ve been looking after yourself…” Jimin watches you as you smile, and all he can think is how he desperately wishes he can be the one to look after you.
“I have been, although I would’ve preferred spending my late nights working with you.” You rest your head back and look across at Jimin, a faint smile on your lips. “The office isn’t the same without you.”
“Are you telling me you missed me, Y/N?” he asks, leaning forward teasingly.
If this was any other person, you’d probably be crawling into a hole from embarrassment, but never with Jimin. Everything about him makes you feel so comfortable; it’s why you like him so much. You’re drawn to everything he does, and in the past few months, he’s been on your mind more than ever. 
And you’ve thought a lot about this night the past week, and you really believe that this might just be the night of a new beginning for you and Jimin.
The beginning of something perfect.
“I always miss you,” you admit quietly, without an ounce of fear for how he might respond. 
Jimin smiles, reaching for your hand. His thumb strokes your skin tenderly as you curl your fingers around his palm. 
“I miss you too. A lot,” he says softly, looking down at your hands. “I missed you this week, and I kept thinking about today…” he looks up at you, a sparkle in his eyes. “I’m really happy you’re coming tonight, you make everything so much better.”
Suppressing a smile, you lightly squeeze his hand while turning to admire the view from the window. “I’m only coming because I got a dress out of it,” you joke, glancing back to look at Jimin who chuckles quietly, resting his other hand on top of yours. 
“I’m glad you like it, I was nervous it might not be to your taste.”
“Are you kidding me? Jimin this dress is gorgeous, you did amazing.”
“Well, I had help,” he grins sheepishly. “Namjoon’s wife helped me, otherwise I might not have chosen something so nice.”
“Nu-uh, considering the suits you’ve worn to work, I doubt you could pick out anything I wouldn’t like,” you tell him.
Jimin raises a brow, smirking. “So you pay close attention to the suits I wear?”
Matching his energy, you lean close to him momentarily and smile flirtatiously. “Tell me you don’t have a favourite skirt of mine…”
Jimin’s face tells you everything you need to know, and he cocks his head approvingly of your comeback. 
Smiling smugly, you sit back again, relishing in the warmth of Jimin still holding your hand. 
But then — coincidentally — your phone rings from your purse. 
“Sorry,” you mutter, already irritated at whoever it is for calling because now Jimin slowly lets your hand go so you can answer it.
And it’s Gi. 
For a second you contemplate ignoring it because she knows you’re going to the gala tonight, but then you realise because she knows, she wouldn’t call, so it might be an emergency.
Pressing answer, you bring the phone to your ear. “Hello, Gi?”
“Heeeey sis, how’s it going?” Her tone of voice and the casual laughter of Sung-ho and Hyun in the back tells you immediately that it is not an emergency, and your previous irritation returns.
“Um, it’s fine,” you answer, hoping she doesn’t say anything stupid because Jimin can certainly hear her through the phone. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just saw the picture you sent me of you wearing the dress and I’m just wondering if Mr CEO has gotten his hands all over you yet, ‘cos you look fucking delicious.”
And there it is.
You can feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, and Jimin holds back his laughter beside you, though you’re too embarrassed to notice it.
“Um, Gi, you…” you stutter, completely panicked.
“What...? Oh my God, you’re with him right now aren’t you? OH MY GOD DID I INTERRUPT SOMETHING?” Although Gi sounds apologetic, she can’t stop giggling either and you already know you’re going to kill her when you see her. “My bad, please go back to whatever naughty shenanigans you were up to, I’ll call you later for all the details!”
And with that, she cuts down, leaving you alone in your embarrassment.
“I, um, sorry,” you mutter, avoiding Jimin’s gaze as you put your phone back in your purse.
“Don’t be,” Jimin smirks. “You do look fucking delicious.”
You almost choke on nothing, turning to Jimin with wide eyes, and he breaks into a small laugh, taking your hand again. 
“I’m sorry if that was too forward,” he smiles warmly.
“I, no, well, I just wasn’t expecting it,” you say nervously. 
“In other words, you really look beautiful, Y/N, you always do,” Jimin says.
Feeling yourself relax, you sit back and smile. “Thanks, Jimin.”
“You’re welcome. How is your sister anyway, and Hyun and Sung-ho?”
“They’re good,” you smile, thinking of Gi’s pregnancy, though you don’t say anything because she doesn’t want to tell people until a few more weeks have passed. “Sung-ho’s still the same as ever, and Hyun has got his hands full with both of them although I don’t think he’d ever have it any other way.”
“I can imagine, they seem happy, and having met Sung-ho, I know that even five minutes with him is enough to brighten up someone's day,” Jimin smiles, and you both recall the day you brought Sung-ho into work like you told Jimin you would that day. And just as he said, he managed to make Sung-ho his best friend within the hour.
“Mhm,” you hum in agreement. “How are Mi-sun and Baek-hyeon?” you ask.
“They’re good,” Jimin smiles fondly when you mention Namjoon’s kids, and you find yourself going all fuzzy inside again as you think of Jimin with kids. It’s become a sort of weak spot for you, and since that day you had dinner together, you can’t help but imagine him as the father of your children, and everything that comes in between. It also reminds you of your conversation with Gi last weekend… 
Jimin watches you as you sit quietly, your face no longer sporting your usual smile he loves so much.
“You okay?”
Clearing your head of any thoughts, you look at him and smile. “Yep, I’m good.”
Jimin smiles back, and you begin asking him about Mi-sun starting kindergarten, and the remainder of the drive there feels like less than twenty minutes as you both fall into conversation, keeping it light-hearted and relaxed.
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As the car pulls up outside the venue, Jimin rushes out first to get the door for you, offering his hand to help you step out into the warm evening. 
While Jimin thanks Beom-soo before he drives away from the valet area, you stand shocked, your jaw almost dropping when you see the magnificent building in front of you. 
“You ready?” Jimin asks, stepping up beside you and holding his arm out.
Nodding dazedly, you take his arm and together you walk up the stone steps into the building, remaining oblivious to the stares and whispers of the pretentious peoples around you, all aware of who Jimin is, and only some of them aware of who you are, and that is enough for them to start gossiping already.
Entering the foyer, you look around, recognising a few influential faces in this industry, but Jimin doesn’t stop for any of them, walking with you past the many bodies, and through the grand double doors into the huge, busy ballroom. 
He pauses once inside, scanning the room for his father.
Meanwhile, you admire the interior of the hall, glancing around at the table decor, and your brows raise in surprise when you notice a live band playing in front of a large dance floor, although no one seems to be dancing yet. Everyone is still seated or chatting away over some drinks and canapes. And as you continue to glance around, you remain unaware of an old acquaintance watching you and Jimin from the bar on the far end of the hall.
“Y/N! Jimin!” A familiar voice greets you loudly from behind, and you both turn to see Choi beaming as he approaches you. 
Jimin’s other hand suddenly comes to rest on yours that sits on his arm, almost protectively, and he smiles plastically at Choi. 
“Mr Byeong-chol,” he greets, as the both of you bow politely.
“No need for formalities Jimin, we’re well acquainted enough,” Choi says lightly, turning his attention to you. “I hope you’ve both been well?”
Smiling as you feel Jimin gently brush his fingers against yours, you return your hand to his arm and respond to Choi. “I’ve certainly been well, thank you, Choi.”
“That’s good to hear. Jimin, you to— ah, Pil-woo, I was wondering where you were!”
Both you and Jimin turn to see Mr Park approaching, smiling at Choi as he approaches. 
“I was wondering the same, Choi, it’s good to see you.” Mr Park hugs Choi before they both turn back to you.
“It’s a real pleasure to have you all here,” Choi beams. “Please do enjoy yourselves, and I should hope to steal Y/N away from you boys for a dance or two after the dinner,” he winks.
“I would be honored,” you smile, beginning to feel excited for the night, since you’ve never been to a gala as extravagant as this, nor have you ever danced in such a luxurious ballroom to a live band; maybe you might even have a few dances with Jimin.
“The honor is mine, dear,” Choi bows his head. “There are also a few faces I was eager to introduce you to…” Choi continues talking, but your focus has strayed from him, as you watch Mr Park who’s standing next to Jimin, glance at your hand on his son’s arm.
Suddenly you realise that maybe you’re being too bold — you know you’re in an environment surrounded by esteemed and well known individuals, many from wealthy families, and you’re a nobody to many of them, despite how much Jimin, Mr Park and Choi seem to respect you. 
But just as your previous insecurities about not being suitable for Jimin return, Mr Park looks at you once more, and smiles, warmly. Your nerves subside, though only a little, and you smile back before turning to Choi and listening to what he’s saying.
But it all goes in one ear and out the other — you wonder if Mr Park might have a problem with Jimin being so close to you, in such a public space, even though you know he’s fond of you, you’re still not someone who would be expected to be linking arms with Jimin at such an event. But his smile seemed genuine, and even now as he responds to Choi, he doesn’t seem bothered by anything, so you choose not to think about it, and instead focus on having a good night with Jimin.
After all, you already know you might just get hurt in this pursuit, but you wholeheartedly believe Jimin is worth it. And you deserve at least one magical night with him, and what better place to find that than this night.
Just as you begin relaxing again, you suddenly feel a hand on your lower back, startling you slightly as Jimin turns his attention to you, but you quickly turn to see someone you most definitely weren’t expecting to see here. 
Tobias Blume.
“Y/N…” he gives you a dazzling smile, barely looking at Jimin as he greets him also. “Jimin, it’s lovely to see you here.”
Jimin steps closer, and you feel his hand go around your back, sitting respectfully on your waist, but you know this shift in stance stems from his jealousy. And you don’t blame him entirely either. Tobias can be direct in obtaining what he wants, and more than once he’s made it clear — he wants you.
“Tobias Blume!” Choi says, cheerfully, as he and Mr Park move to also greet the handsome man in front of you all. 
“Mr Byeong-chol, Mr Park,” he nods, returning his gaze to you briefly before addressing you all. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of you, it’s such a pleasure.”
“It’s been three months,” Jimin says, a little too plainly, and his tone of voice suggests he most definitely does not agree with Tobias.
Even Choi catches on to his change in behaviour and glances at him before shrugging it off. “I can say the same, Tobias, I’ve definitely missed your company these past few months. But I didn’t know you’d be back in Seoul, how long are you here for?”
Tobias glances at Jimin and Mr Park before looking back at you, a smile on his face, and then you suddenly remember that there’s a major shareholders meeting coming up in two weeks — Tobias represents the company that has the biggest share in Park Motors, and negotiations with him almost always go on for at least three weeks. And not because they have to, but rather because Tobias prefers to drag out the process. 
“Well, I’ll be here for at least a month,” Tobias says, still looking at you. “I have lots to catch up on with Y/N, I’m sure.”
“We’ll certainly try our best to get things done as hastily as possible,” you smile, a little nervously as you feel Jimin tense up beside you, and Mr Park has his eyes on his son.
“Oh, no need,” Tobias says smoothly, “it’s always the highlight of my day to be in your company, Y/N.”
Choi laughs, agreeing with Tobias and while Choi distracts from you for a second, you naturally glance at Jimin. He’s not smiling, but he doesn’t look visibly mad either, which is good. But you can tell he’s irritated by this from the way his jaw shifts when Tobias speaks again. 
“I’ll have to find my seat now, but I hope we can catch up during the evening,” he says politely to all of you, before excusing himself.
“We should probably take our seats now too,” Mr Park says, observing the room. “I see dinner is being served now.”
“Ah yes,” Choi nods, “well please enjoy yourself, I’ll find you all a little later and hopefully introduce you to a few of my other colleagues.”
“We’re looking forward to it, Choi,” Mr Park says warmly, and after exchanging temporary goodbyes, he walks off to join another group on the side. 
Turning back to Jimin and you, Mr Park gives you a big smile. “Was your journey here okay?”
“It was good,” Jimin replies, smiling at his dad and you. 
“Yes, it was comfortable,” you say, wondering if Mr Park is thinking anything about Jimin bringing you tonight.
If he is, he doesn’t show it. He turns to you, and gives you a big smile. “That’s good, and Y/N, I didn’t have the chance to say this earlier, but you look lovely tonight.”
“Oh, thank you, you look dashing yourself, Mr Park.”
“Ah, I find it requires a lot more effort for me to dress up these days,” he sighs, though amusedly.
“Well I can hardly tell,” you grin, relaxing more as Mr Park makes you feel comfortable, as he always does.
“Should we take our seats then?”
“Yes, definitely,” Jimin says, as you and him follow Mr Park to your table. 
There’s a few other people on your table too, three of them from Park Motors who you greet, and the other three are strangers. 
All older — two men and a lady — and they give you hard stares as you approach the table with Jimin ahead of you. Then you notice how they break out of their coldness to greet Mr Park and Jimin, only to stare at you expectedly.
Except you don’t greet them personally, only bowing and smiling as you take your seat. It’s not the first time you’re experiencing stuck up, rich people treating you as though you're less than them, and it certainly won’t be your last; but you’ll never propitiate them to prove your worth — you know your own worth. 
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Dinner passes quickly, as you converse with your work colleagues on your table, and just having Jimin there makes everything feel so much more special. By the time dessert comes out, you’ve laughed so much that you have to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom so you can make sure your makeup hasn’t creased and your eyeliner isn’t smudged. 
Walking across the hall, you feel a few eyes on you and in all honesty, it makes you feel slightly self conscious. Not because you feel any less than them — no, you definitely know your achievements match, if not exceed a good many in this room — but it’s because you know a lot of them have been watching you with Jimin all evening, and the part of you that fears you and him are doomed to fail has planted an insecurity in you that you are stepping out of your league with Jimin.
No matter how many times you tell yourself you deserve him, no matter how many times Gi tells you that your family is now respected, no matter how much Jimin looks at you as though you’re the most beautiful person on this planet… the insecurity remains, battling the part of you that dreams of being with Jimin.
But it is your feelings for Jimin that win every time.
One glance over your shoulder at him, and just seeing him laughing happily is enough to silence the insecurities.
It feels easier to ignore the stares, as long as you picture his smile. These people know nothing about you, nor Jimin. So you shouldn’t care for them.
Reminding yourself of that, you walk back out into the foyer, and up the steps that lead to the ladies room, all the while admiring the lavish interior of the venue. But as you’re approaching the room, the mention of your name has you stopping in your tracks.
“Y/N Y/L/N I hear her name is, though I’ve never heard of her before,” an unfamiliar voice says.
“Nor have I, but from what I hear, she’s one of Park Motor’s most popular employees.”
“And why do you think that is?” another woman scoffs, speaking in a malicious tone. “Did you see how she was all over Byeong-chol earlier, I imagine she thinks she’s smart, using her charms to deceive everyone.”
“You think that’s why the Park’s keep her around?” the first voice asks.
“Well of course, I can’t imagine how somebody like her, ends up being paraded around like some kind of trophy wife by Park Jimin.”
“Oh please, Iseul, you sound bitter. We all know you’ve had your eyes on him for your daughter, but you’ve never even introduced yourself to the Park’s.”
“What do you know?” Iseul snaps back sharply. “I’ve found many more suitors for my daughter, and that doesn’t change the fact that Park Jimin needs someone more well suited to his family, someone who has been raised in a family of etiquette and grace… this Y/N apparently grew up in a two bedroom home with her family of five!”
“You can’t deny that she does have etiquette and grace though, more than many other girls her age,” the first lady says. “But I suppose you’re right. I know his grandparents and they’ll certainly want a family who has some kind of established business to their name, and a successful one at that.”
The voices drown out as you feel your chest tighten — the anger and frustration at what they’re saying builds up inside of you, but you know better than to cause a scene and insult your elders.
Using all your willpower, you turn back around and head downstairs again.
But it’s hard. It’s so hard having to drown out the classism and judgement that you deal with whenever you’re at events like these. Only those who you’ve worked with have respect for you, and that’s because you earn it with your hard work and dedication. 
Feeling slightly dejected, you take a moment in the foyer to gather yourself, checking your appearance with your compact mirror instead, before reentering the hall. 
As you approach your table, Jimin is the first one to notice you, standing up eagerly to pull your seat out. 
“Thank you.” You give him a small smile, sitting down.
“You’re welcome,” he replies, slowly taking his seat as his hands start to go a little clammy; he wants to ask you to dance since there’s already a few couples on the dance floor, but he finds himself suddenly feeling shy and nervous. 
But he wants this night to be special, and he knows he’ll regret it if he doesn’t ask you, so he wipes his hand, clears his throat and— 
“Y/N…” a tall figure appears from Jimin’s side, completely disregarding him and focusing only on you. 
“Hello again,” you smile politely, looking slightly confused at Tobias.
“Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?”
“Oh, I, um...” you pause, meeting Jimin’s gaze for a second. 
You’re well aware of how he feels about Tobias, but he knows just as well as you that there’s no reason for you to say no to him, and even the smallest offence could cause issues for the company. 
Though if you were uncomfortable with Tobias, you wouldn’t hesitate to say no, but he’s never been inappropriate with you, and is always respectful. 
Plus, dancing with him couldn’t be so bad since you realise it might help to have some practice before you dance with Jimin. 
“Sure,” you say, glancing in Jimin’s direction one more time before getting up, and when he gives you a bigger smile, you know he’s okay with it. 
As you take Tobias’s hand and walk to the dance floor, Mr Park watches as his son’s shoulders slouch in response, and then as Tobias places a hand on your waist, Jimin stiffens up, watching the two of you like a hawk. 
“Y/N really looks lovely today doesn’t she?” Mr Park says casually, while inspecting Jimin to try to gage his reaction. 
A small smile settles on his lips, and Jimin nods. “She does, she always does.”
“True,” Mr Park replies, noting Jimin’s smile disappears as you laugh at something Tobias says. “She definitely seems to be enjoying herself with Tobias too…”
And now a frown appears, and Jimin looks at his dad. “She doesn’t like him, if that’s what you think.”
“Oh, no?”
“No, she’s just polite and she always keeps the company in mind.” Jimin looks back to you. 
“Ah, that makes sense then,” Mr Park nods. “But I don’t think we could say the same for Tobias.”
Jimin’s gaze sharpens, and he doesn’t say anything in response to that.
After a quiet moment, Mr Park leans forward and places a hand on Jimin’s shoulder. “Aren’t you going to ask Y/N to dance? She’s accompanied you here after all.”
Hesitating, Jimin looks to his dad. “I am, I was. But then Tobias came…”
“Well the song’s almost over, unless you want to sit here and watch them the whole evening.”
Jimin looks at his dad for a few seconds, wondering if he knows; Jimin has never been subtle when it comes to his feelings for you, and although no one has ever mentioned anything to him, this is his father. If anyone would know, it’s his dad. 
A part of Jimin wants to tell him, having always confided in him with everything, but the other part… the other part wants to remain oblivious because Jimin is aware of his responsibilities as a Park, and he knows that choosing who he wants to marry has always been out of the picture for him. Though Jimin is a hopeless romantic, and he’s so hopeful that he can have you. He believes he can have you. No matter what his family says or thinks, and that includes his father. 
Because it’s you. 
This also gives him more hope; Jimin knows his dad has respect for you, and could most certainly come to love you like a daughter — if he doesn’t already. 
Although Jimin hasn’t even told you how he feels yet, it might not be wise to tell his father; even if he feels he could do with some advice. 
But his dad seems to be giving him some now. Whether he’s aware of Jimin’s feelings for you or not.
As the song comes to an end, Jimin rises from his seat, eyes on you the whole time he approaches. 
You’re talking politely with Tobias, who is still guiding you along slowly to dance, but when you see Jimin coming, you naturally come to a halt and smile, and he feels his heart rate increase with how you’re looking at him. 
Tobias turns to see Jimin too, but only briefly as your arms drop from his side and he looks back at you, seemingly disappointed. 
“Hey,” you say softly, almost entirely ignoring Tobias beside you right now. 
“Hey,” Jimin smiles, a sparkle in his eyes before he turns to Tobias. “Would it be okay if I were to reclaim my date for the evening?” he asks, not even hesitating with his bold statement, even when Tobias’s smile disappears. 
Jimin turns back to you. “I was hoping I’d get to dance a few songs with Y/N.”
A pale blush tints your cheeks, but your heart is soaring and you beam happily, turning to Tobias when he fails to respond right away. 
“I, well, if Y/N is okay with it…?” Tobias raises a brow at you before glancing in Jimin’s direction. 
The two men look at you, expecting you to choose between them — as if you even have to think about it. 
Turning to Tobias, you bow and smile politely. “It’s been a pleasure, Tobias. Thank you for dancing with me and I look forward to seeing you at the company soon.” 
Tobias barely smiles, his lips pursed to express his disappointment. “I’ll see you later, Y/N,” he nods. 
But his disappointment is of barely any concern to you; not when Jimin is standing in front of you right now. 
“Y/N,” Jimin says softly, extending a hand, “may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?”
Grinning, you take his hand. Butterflies swarm in your stomach as he steps closer and his other hand lightly snakes around your waist to settle on your lower back.
As both of you move along to the gentle rhythm of the song, you resist the urge to rest your head on his shoulder; as much as you’d like to, you’re still aware that you’re at a formal event, and no one besides the two of you know how you feel about each other, so it wouldn’t be wise. Instead, you just enjoy the feeling of being in his arms as you dance together, and after a few moments, Jimin says your name. 
“Y/N?” Jimin’s voice is soft and sweet like honey, so close to your ear. And when you look at him, you feel your heart soar with affection when you see how he’s gazing at you. Being this close you can see every freckle on his face, every line and contour and you find yourself committing each detail to memory. 
“Yes?” you answer breathily, still dazed by how he’s looking at you. 
“God, you’re so beautiful,” Jimin murmurs quietly, more to himself, though you hear him all the same as he naturally comes to a stop while still holding you. “Can I take you somewhere?”
“Now?” you ask, a little confused. 
“Mhm, I just wanna get away from everyone, just you and me.” He gives you a gentle smile, and you feel elated, knowing your dreams are coming true. 
“Sure,” you smile, “I should just get my pu—“
“Y/N, Jimin…”
You turn in Jimin’s arms to see Mr Park has approached you, a warm smile on his face. 
Naturally, you take a small step away from Jimin. Although you don’t know why. 
Jimin glances at you before turning back to his father. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Mr Park says, coming to your side. “I was hoping I could have the honor of dancing with my star employee, if you don’t mind, Y/N?” 
“Of course I don’t mind, Mr Park,” you answer almost instantly, smiling. “I’d love to.” 
Although you’re a little disappointed that your time with Jimin has been interrupted, you know you still have the rest of the evening to be with him.
Jimin smiles, stepping aside as his dad replaces him. 
“I’ll wait at our table,” Jimin says, his eyes still sparkling with excitement as he looks at you, before walking to the table. 
As your dance starts with Mr Park, you can see Jimin from his seat, standing up as he watches you dance, and you can’t help but smile to yourself; knowing he admires you as much as you admire him feels so special, and nothing in this moment could burst your happy bubble with him — not any stares from pretentious snobs, nor any rumours and whispers from them.
Mr Park watches your expression carefully as you look away from Jimin, but doesn’t say anything, continuing to look around the hall as the tune picks up.
“This venue is certainly tasteful, is it not?” he says, interrupting the quiet between you. 
“Hm— oh,” you smile at Mr Park, and nod. “It’s beautiful.”
Mr Park smiles back. “Are you enjoying yourself tonight, Y/N?” he asks, copying those around him and twirling you. 
Giggling, you step back into his arms and find yourself beaming. “Very much, Mr Park. I’m honored to be here tonight.”
“I’m glad. You of all people deserve to enjoy a special night.”
“Thank you, I’ll certainly remember it for weeks to come.”
Mr Park hums in agreement, looking around mindlessly before looking at you. “Jimin seems to be enjoying himself greatly too, and I believe his happiness has much to do with you, Y/N.”
Your body almost freezes, but you manage to overcome your sudden surprise at Mr Park’s statement and keep moving. 
Glancing at his face, he’s already watching you and you find yourself stuck for words so you look away before trying to answer. 
But any words get stuck in your throat, as all the insecurities and feelings from earlier return; and you realise, Mr Park knows how Jimin feels about you, and now you’re afraid of what comes next. Because you know it’s coming. 
“My son likes you a lot,” Mr Park says simply, quietly. And kindly. “And if I’m correct, you like him too.”
Now your body does slow down, the truth of his words weighing down on your heart when you wish they would fill you with joy instead. 
The simple truth — you like Jimin, and he likes you. But it’s not that simple. And the expression on Mr Park’s face as he comes to a stop tells you that too. 
He smiles, almost sadly, and there’s plenty of regret in his expression. 
“I…” you start to say something, though you’re not sure what you would even say, and you trail off. 
Mr Park places a hand gently on your arm and sighs quietly. “I care about you, Y/N,” he says sincerely. “And I don’t just mean as someone who works with me. You’re a lovely, bright young woman who deserves the world, and I mean that completely…”
As Mr Park speaks, you feel your heart rate pick up in apprehension of what he’s going to say. On any other day you’d be thrilled to receive such a compliment from someone you respect so much, but right now the only thing you care about is Jimin. 
“And it’s because of that,” Mr Park says, his expression faltering as he struggles to say the next words as he’s afraid to hurt you, “I must warn you against choosing my son, Y/N. You deserve someone who can be committed to you. My son is the CEO, and he will one day replace me as the chairman… he has more responsibilities than he should have to burden and it comes with the job. I see the way he looks at you, Y/N. And I can clearly see you share those same feelings,” he adds softly. “But it would be unfair on you both to start something together.”
Your throat feels dry, and you try to say something, so Mr Park won’t look at you so helplessly.
“I know he’s busy,” you say coarsely, “I—I wouldn’t…”
Words fail you again as Mr Park looks at you knowingly. And the harsh truth returns. Along with the words of that woman in the ladies room — I know his grandparents and they’ll certainly want a family who has some kind of established business to their name.
“l feel awful having to tell you this, Y/N,” Mr Park says, “but I have to because it would hurt me greatly to see you get hurt, especially because of my son. I’d rather tell you now, before either of you are in too deep.”
But I’m already in so deep.
“You’re referring to his responsibilities outside of the company, aren’t you?” you ask quietly, meeting Mr Park’s eyes for the first time. “To your family…”
And when he nods, you feel your world come crashing down, all at once. 
Mr Park hesitates, seeing your shoulders visibly drop, but he realises that no words will comfort you right now, so he doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, as the song draws to an end. 
Any hope and happiness leaves you, and you’re left feeling empty. And despite the urge to break down and cry, you refuse to do so; especially in front of all these people. 
“I’ll be going back to our table, if you wish to join me?”
You nod stiffly, and look up to see Mr Park’s concerned expression. So you smile, albeit briefly and faintly. He smiles back and the both of you walk together, back to your table. 
You’re quiet, having to steel yourself so you can remain calm and composed in front of Jimin, but when you approach your table, you look up and feel your heart skip a beat. 
Jimin is still standing, with his eyes on you as you draw closer. And it’s his smile that makes you want to melt into his arms and stay there forever. You’re drawn to him, despite everything being against you. 
And then Mr Park speaks quietly beside you. “Please know, I am truly sorry that his burden extends to you.”
And again, your shoulders drop, and now Jimin’s smile hurts to look at. 
As Mr Park takes his seat, Jimin comes up to you and his smile slowly disappears. “Y/N, are you okay?”
You don’t look at him. You can’t. 
“Mhm,” you hum, about to take your seat but he’s reaching for your hand. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah,” you mutter. “I just feel a bit nauseous, that’s all.”
“Oh, here, have some water,” Jimin says, quickly rushing to help you. He hands you the glass, before lightly holding your arm as he watches you take a sip. And it doesn’t help. Especially not when you know Mr Park is watching. 
“I’m going to get some air,” you mutter, placing the glass down and still refusing to look at Jimin as you pull away from him. 
And as you walk out towards the foyer, Jimin watches you, feeling confused and worried about you; less than ten minutes ago, you were happy with him, but now Jimin can easily tell something’s upset you. A lot. Enough for you to walk away from him. 
“I’ll be back,” Jimin says to his father, grabbing his phone and your purse from the table before heading in the same direction you went in. 
And Mr Park doesn’t object, feeling conflicted as he watches his son chase after you.
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The night air feels cold against your bare arms, and you shiver lightly as you walk past the valet towards the quiet grounds of the venue. 
Your mind is all over the place, and the cold air does nothing to help calm you, only making you slip further from your own control, the urge to cry swelling in your throat… until you hear his voice. 
You turn to see Jimin walking up to you, and all it takes is one look at his kind face for any anxiousness to dissipate. 
As Jimin approaches you, he pulls his jacket off of himself and immediately drapes it around your shoulders. 
The close proximity and inviting scent of his cologne has your heart yearning for him, and you feel the most conflicted you’ve ever felt in your life. Having been through so many struggles, you never thought you’d come across any greater than those you’ve already experienced, but this hurts so bad, and you want to scream because of how unfair it is. 
Smoothing the arms down, Jimin smiles softly at you. “Hey.”
Hesitating, you fidget with the rings on your fingers, unable to block out the words of Mr Park. 
“Y/N,” Jimin says again, and this time you can hear the concern. 
“Yeah?” you say quietly, still avoiding his gaze.
And then Jimin’s warm fingers are on your face, raising your chin so you’ll look at him. And when you finally meet his gaze, the words echoing in your head disappear, and the only thought that remains is Jimin. 
He smiles as your face changes, all pain and worry disappearing as you gaze up at him. And although he wants to know why you so suddenly walked out, he’s more happy to see you relax again, especially because he knows it’s because of him.
“Will you come with me now?” he asks.
And before logic and reason can make you say no, you’re nodding. A wave of warmth travels through you when Jimin smiles happily, and gently takes your hand. 
It’s his eyes, you think as he leads you to the car. They put you in a trance and you could never say no to him. You don’t want to say no. Being with him makes you forget about the rest of the world, and at least for now, you’ll let yourself enjoy this night with him. 
Beom-soo opens the door for you both as you approach, and Jimin lets you in first before following behind you, and this time he sits right next to you, taking your hand in both of his again. 
And you don’t object.
He holds your hand the whole time, as you both sit in quiet, feeling relaxed in each other’s company. And though you have moments when you remember what Mr Park said, you find it harder to remember their significance when Jimin is right beside you. 
Twenty minutes passes like five, and soon the car comes to a stop on a quiet hill. 
“Come on,” Jimin says, opening the door and leading you out. 
Jimin takes your hand and leads you to a small fence near the top of the hill, and as you walk, you admire the view from here; being higher up gives a stunning view of the city, and the sparkling lights make the city shine from this quiet spot. 
Both of you slow down as you approach the fence, and Jimin pulls you closer to his side. You stand next to him in silence, holding hands as you both look out at the view. And when you look up to marvel at the many stars adorning the night sky, Jimin smiles, finding you far more beautiful than anything else. 
“How did you know about this place?”
“Namjoon told me about it,” Jimin says quietly. “He showed me around two years ago. Said he used to come up here when everything felt like too much… when things got too hard. It’s amazing how much my perspective would change, when I’d see the city and look up to see the stars. It gave me a lot to think about.”
You turn towards Jimin. “And you came up here for the same reason as Namjoon?”
He nods, smiling sadly. And then the memory of Jimin sitting in your office more than a year ago now returns; when you first realised how hard Jimin has it as the CEO of a company he was born into. And you remember how sad he seemed when he mentioned time is passing him by quickly. You had tried to ask him about it, but he didn’t say much more. But now as you see the same sad look on his face, you know what he was talking about — all the pressure and expectations he faces, especially as the eldest Park grandson.
You hate seeing Jimin upset, and you don’t think there’s much comfort you can give, but you squeeze his hand gently anyway, slipping your fingers in between his. 
Jimin turns to look at you, and when he sees you staring at him with your glimmering doe eyes, he smiles softly and steps closer. 
It’s with those same doe eyes that you looked at him many nights ago, when he came to your office, and from that night onwards, he’s always gravitated towards you, longing to be in your company. It’s on that night that he realised just how special you are to him. And your place in his heart has only grown ever since.
“I haven’t been here in a long time though…” Jimin says, his gaze intensifying as he searches your face. “Things started feeling different at work. Easier. I began to enjoy coming in every day and it wasn’t because I was looking forward to board meetings or anything… it was because of you.”
You feel your heart rate pick up, and everything else around you blurs in a haze as you feel an almost painful longing for Jimin. 
He smiles, reaching up to cradle your cheek in his hand. “You made me see the good in everything, Y/N, you gave me hope. So I stopped coming here, because I didn’t need to. Not when I had my own star so close to me.”
Your breath hitches as Jimin leans closer, his eyes dropping to your lips before he looks back at you. And you’re frozen for a split second; torn between wanting him so badly, especially with everything he’s just told you, but your insecurities take over, and suddenly you take a step back. 
Jimin stops, eyes wide as he looks at you and the sight of him could break your heart. 
“We should go,” you say quickly and quietly, turning away from him and walking back to the car as fast as you can. 
Every step you take feels heavy; it feels impossible. Your heart is pleading with you to go back to him, but your mind tells you it would be foolish. Mr Park said you’d get hurt, and although you were already aware of the possibility and had decided Jimin was worth it, you find it far more difficult to let your emotions rule you now. Especially when it’s coming from Mr Park who you have so much respect for. 
Beom-soo sees you approaching and pulls the door open, smiling as he looks around for Jimin. 
And you glance over your shoulder to see him still standing at the hill, looking in your direction — in this moment, your heart silences all reason and you don’t care about any consequences when you see the look on his face, but you’re snapped back to reality by Beom-soo. 
“Is he coming?” Beom-soo asks, confused. 
Nodding, you look away from Jimin and get back into the car. Beom-soo glances back at Jimin before he closes the door behind you, and you sit in silence, feeling your heart beat loudly in your chest as you wait for Jimin to return; and despite all the world wanting you to stay away from him, you find yourself desperately wanting him to be close to you again. 
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Jimin watches as you walk away, utterly confused as to what just happened. This whole night has been nothing short of perfect, and he knows you’ve felt the same — he knows you. So why you just rejected his attempt to kiss you is beyond him. There must be a reason you would walk away from him so abruptly because he doesn’t have a doubt about you liking him as much as he likes you. 
He racks his brain for what could’ve happened… you were fine when dancing with him, and then you danced with his dad. Jimin remembers watching as you had both come to a stop on the dance floor when his dad was talking to you, and he remembers the almost pitiful look on his dad’s face. Then you returned to him, looking upset. 
And now Jimin realises— his dad said something to you about his familial responsibilities. 
The one thing that Jimin was hoping would never come between you despite it being the only thing that could ever stop him from being with you. His dad has only ever spoken to him once about his duties as the future chairman of the company, his duty to marry someone suitable for his family, and that was two years ago; since then, Jimin has been hoping that things would change and he would be able to find someone himself. Someone he loves. And that someone is you. 
Jimin looks back towards the car, as Beom-soo opens the door for you, and when you look over your shoulder at him, Jimin feels his heart stop. 
He wants you. More than anything he wants to be able to call you his. 
And he doesn’t care what anybody else has to say about it. Not even his family. 
As soon as Beom-soo closes the car door behind you, Jimin finds himself moving back to the car, determined to show you how much he loves you, regardless of anything his dad has said to you. 
“Keep the partition closed,” Jimin says quietly to Beom-soo, barely glancing at him, instead keeping his eyes fixed on the door as he approaches. 
Beom-soo nods, pulling the door open. 
Jimin gets in wordlessly, and he stays quiet until the car starts moving. Only then does he look across at you.
You’re sitting, looking down at your hands in your lap, fiddling with the silky material of the dress Jimin bought you, and his jacket still sits loosely around your shoulders.
Jimin feels his heart soften when he sees you, and before he can even think, he’s saying your name quietly in a desperate bid to reach out to you somehow. 
“Mhm?” you hum quietly, battling with your conscience to not look at Jimin, because if you do, you’ll give in to your heart’s one desire. 
“Please look at me…”
His pleading yet soft tone shatters your heart and you wish you could give him what he wants. But you can’t. Your lower lip trembles, and you shake your head. 
Seeing you like this pains Jimin, and he knows he won’t stop until he sees you smile. He won’t let you believe anything his father said. Especially because he doesn’t believe it himself. 
He reaches for your face, cupping your cheek in his hand and sighing softly as you give in to his touch, letting your head rest against his warm skin. And when a tear rolls down your cheek, he moves closer, and turns your face towards him. 
Your eyes glisten with tears in the faint light as you look up at Jimin, who gently strokes your tears away.
“Y/N,” he says softly, with a sincerity you’ve never seen from him before. “Nothing anyone says can change the way I feel about you. It never will. And I promise you, I won’t let anything come between us, if you would please, just give me a chance. Please.”
“I can’t,” you whisper, pressing your eyes shut as Jimin’s tender voice and touch breaks down the walls to your heart. 
“You can, baby, please” he murmurs, shifting even closer, and within seconds, you feel his warm breath against your skin. 
It’s almost magical, the effect he has on you; feeling him so close, hearing his voice and having your senses drown in his comforting scent… your eyes flutter open and you can’t help it when you place your hand over his, curling your fingers around his palm. 
Jimin takes a hold of your hand, and never takes his eyes off of you as he brings it to his lips. 
“You’re all I want, Y/N,” he murmurs, before he places a tender kiss on the back of your hand. 
And from the second his lips graze your skin, the last of your walls disappear, and your heart beats freely for Jimin. 
His touch is delicate as he holds your hand, and presses his lips into your skin again. 
“Jimin…” you breathe, falling under some kind of spell. 
“Yes, my love,” he murmurs, smiling softly at you before kissing your hand again. 
And this time, he trails upwards, placing soft kisses along your forearm, gradually moving towards your shoulder, all while you feel weak beside him. 
You can feel your heart beating faster in your chest, so loud that you’re certain Jimin can hear it above your heavy breathing and the muted sounds of his kisses. 
But you can’t help it. Not when he’s doing the bare minimum and you already feel so wanted by him — so loved by him. You want more. 
As he approaches your shoulder, he pulls his jacket off of your shoulder, gently smoothing your skin before kissing softly. And then his hand is on your face again, and you’re keening towards him, eager for more.
Jimin doesn’t need you to say anything, not when he can feel you grip his arm harder as his lips press into the dip of your collarbone. 
You feel him smile against your skin, and you smile too, feeling high on him as you move your hand across his back, feeling the firmness of his body through the material of his shirt, and you’re desperately curious to know what he looks like shirtless.
As his lips approach your neck, Jimin opens his mouth a little wider, and when you feel his warm saliva against your skin, you let out a breathy moan, fingers curling into his shoulder. 
Jimin responds immediately, this time sucking lightly too to draw out the same lustful noise from your lips. And each time he sucks a little harsher, getting incredibly turned on by your soft whimpers in his ear. 
“If you want this, Y/N,” Jimin murmurs, kissing up to your ear where he nips lightly before pulling away, “I won’t stop.”
Jimin looks at you, gently holding your cheek as he waits for you to give him the permission he needs to love you. 
You’re still dazed, yearning for more of him, in every way you imaginable. So when he asks you, you don’t need to think about anything before you’re nodding. “Yes.”
Jimin smiles, placing a delicate kiss on your forehead before leaning towards the partition. Opening this, he mutters quietly to Beom-soo, telling him to take you both to his place, before closing it and moving back towards you. 
You pull gently on his arm, bringing him closer to you as you rest your head against his shoulder for the remainder of the journey. 
Jimin smiles happily, leaning his head against yours as he squeezes you gently, before turning to kiss the crown of our head. 
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Within fifteen minutes, the car pulls up in the driveway of a stunning apartment complex; even more grand than your own. 
Beom-soo opens the door for you both, and Jimin gets out first to help you. 
“Thank you, Beom-soo,” Jimin smiles at his driver who nods his head politely at you both with a smile before getting back into the car and driving off. 
“Come on,” Jimin says quietly to you, smiling as you admire the interior of the building.
He leads you into the building, making straight for the elevator and smiling at any staff he sees, but most of his attention is on you. He still can’t get over how stunning you look, and he’s already picturing many more days with you coming back to his apartment with him.
You feel giddy the whole time, and your heart is wholly content to have Jimin beside you. And when he walks you up to his door, pulling it open to reveal his luxurious apartment, you feel yourself grow excited, remembering the feeling of his lips on your skin.
Following Jimin further into the large hallway to his apartment, you smile, feeling invited by the warm scent that you associate with him. And when you glance around, you get a glimpse into the rooms and you’re not surprised that you love Jimin’s choice of furnishings; you know he has good taste from his office and the clothes he wears.
Jimin steps closer to you, smiling as you look up at him. “D’you like it?”
Smiling, you intertwine your fingers with his. “I like it a lot. It’s very… you.”
Chuckling, Jimin pulls on your hand and leads you into the lounge. He stops in the middle of the room before letting go of you, and you watch, a little confused, as he takes his phone out and connects it to a speaker on the shelf. And then his favourite song plays quietly, slow and melodic in the background. 
He comes back to you, smiling when he sees you frown in confusion. 
“Come here,” he says softly, taking his jacket off of your shoulders to toss it onto the couch, before taking your hand and stepping closer to you. “I never got to finish dancing with you,” he says quietly, meeting your gaze. “And definitely not how I wanted to.”
“And how did you want to dance with me?” you ask, placing your hands on his chest. 
Jimin smiles, leaning in to kiss you on the forehead again before taking your hands in his, and guiding them around his neck, and then he snakes his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, with only a few inches between you. “Like this,” he whispers, as he begins swaying along to the gentle rhythm of the music. 
“This is nice,” you smile, feeling engulfed by his warmth and his smell. 
Jimin hums in agreement, and when you drop your head to his shoulder with your nose brushing his neck, he smiles, feeling all of his dreams come true. 
“This is better,” he says, closing his eyes as he relishes in the feeling of finally having you in his arms. 
And you do the same, feeling empowered and certain by Jimin, his words and his promise. You remember what Gi told you, how Jimin wouldn’t want to hurt you, and you believe it yourself. And now, even as you think of what those women were saying earlier today, you realise you don’t care about anyone else; you deserve this. You deserve Jimin and the happiness he brings you, and you won’t let anything spoil that. 
The song comes to an end, but neither you nor Jimin move for a few moments after, until your feet begin to ache in your heels from standing, and you slowly pull back. 
With your arms still around his neck, you stay close to him, eyes roaming across his face as you smile contentedly.  
“I’ve always wanted to do this,” Jimin admits, with a shy smile. 
“Dance with me?”
Jimin nods. “And have you here, in my home with me.”
You feel your heart expand, and you realise how hopelessly in love with him you are as he holds you tightly with that beautiful smile of his. Sliding your hand down, you gently cup his face, memorising every detail of this moment. 
Jimin’s gaze intensifies as your thumb brushes over his lips, and he swallows, his eyes dropping to your lips. 
He leans closer, tilting his head to yours, and looking back into your eyes. “I’ve also really wanted to do this,” he whispers, and then his soft lips are on yours. 
Every fear and concern you’ve ever had disappears the second Jimin kisses you, and you melt into his arms, your heart beating triumphantly as he slides his fingers into your hair. 
Nothing matters except Jimin.
Jimin. Jimin. Jimin. 
Your lips move against his in tandem to the sweet rhythm he kisses you to, and every inch of your body feels alive in his arms. 
Slowly pulling back, Jimin rests his forehead against yours and beams at you. “I think all of my dreams just came true,” he grins. 
“Mine too,” you smile happily, and you’re unable to resist kissing his nose before returning to his lips.
You feel him smiling against you, and he kisses you back before briefly pulling away again. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Jimin smiles. “I just wanted to let you know, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
Shaking your head, you return his smile. “No, I want to. Unless you don’t?” you add, suddenly a little unsure. 
But Jimin’s smile puts you at ease instantly, and he tenderly caresses your cheek. “I’ve waited so long for this, I don’t want to wait any longer. I want you, Y/N, all of you.”
Smiling softly, you nod. “You can have me.”
Jimin’s eyes flash with excitement, and he leans in to kiss you again, this time with more fervour; when your fingers curl into his hair, his tongue sweeps forward into your mouth and you feel a wave of warmth rush to your core. 
As the kiss grows more passionate, Jimin becomes more comfortable, his hands roaming your body freely, spurred on by your muffled moans when he squeezes your ass or presses his palm into your breast. 
And when Jimin tilts your head back to begin sucking on your neck again, you find yourself gripping on to him for dear life as your knees feel weak beneath you. 
Kicking your heels off, your grip on Jimin grows tighter, and he continues to take pleasure in your moans, and keeps at it, licking and biting the skin too.
“Ohh, Jimin,” you murmur breathily. By now you can feel the dampness of your underwear as it sticks to you, and as Jimin continues his assault on your neck, you find yourself loving every second of it.
“My jagi smells so sweet,” he murmurs against your skin, squeezing your breast and smirking when you whine in his ear. 
“Fuck, kiss me,” you mutter, pulling on his hair as you hungrily attach your lips to his. 
Jimin obliges easily, letting you take the lead as you kiss him roughly, ignoring the need for oxygen as you find the taste of him so addicting. 
After a few moments of this, you become more needy and impatient, and you begin unfastening his buttons. 
Chuckling, Jimin pulls back and helps you, smirking as you eagerly strip his shirt off of him.
And when you see his toned upper body, you almost moan again, becoming excited to see the rest of him. You glide your hands across his skin, marvelling at his defined abs, and glancing up at him as your thumb swipes over his nipple. 
Jimin’s stare intensifies as he breathes a little harder. But before you can do anything else, he’s pulling you in to him and kissing you again. And this time it’s slower, but with the same insistence. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he murmurs, pulling back for a brief second. 
The sight of him — with his hair messed because of you, and his pink swollen lips — sends your heart wanting to burst out of your chest. 
“I’m sure,” you smile, leaning in to kiss him on the lips. “I want you, Jimin.”
Jimin stares at you for a few seconds, wondering how he got so damn lucky, but he doesn’t waste much time, intertwining your fingers with his as he leads you out of the lounge.
He walks you across the massive apartment, and coming to a stop at the end of the corridor, he opens the wide doors to his bedroom and takes you inside. 
Jimin doesn’t give you anytime to admire his room, because as soon as you’re in, his lips are on your neck and your back is pressed up against his door. 
“Oh,” you whimper, lightly tugging his hair as his teeth graze the sensitive spot below your ear, before he gives small kitten licks and snakes his arm around your waist. 
Attaching his lips to yours, he pulls you away from the door and kisses you as he backs you into the room. 
“You want more?” he murmurs, voice low and seductive.
“Yes,” you shakily exhale. 
Jimin smirks, holding you firmly by the waist as he steps behind you and brings his bare chest flush against your back. Gently, he holds your cheek and turns you so you’re met with the reflection of you both in the floor length mirror. 
He lowers his lips to your ear, kissing lightly as his fingers trail down from your cheeks and onto the display of pink love bites all over your neck. 
You bite your lip involuntarily, feeling proud and happy to have reminders of his love littered across your skin, as well as feeling more turned on than before. 
“You like that?” Jimin whispers huskily into your ear. “You want the whole world to know you’re mine, hm?”
Meeting Jimin’s gaze in the mirror, you nod breathlessly.
He kisses your temple before bringing a hand up to your breast and squeezing lightly as his lips brush your ear. “Baby, I’ll make sure the world knows it. I’ll make you moan so loud, all of Seoul will know who’s making you feel that good, and when you beg me for more, I’ll give my baby anything she wants.” Jimin moves his hand from your breast to turn your cheek to face him before he speaks firmly and lovingly…  “Because you’re mine, Y/N. And I promise you, I’m yours.”
Jimin seals his words with a tender kiss on your lips, and the gesture has you swooning. 
Raising your head, you kiss him hard, and he kisses back with the same purpose while his fingers find the zip for your dress and he deftly pulls this down. 
When his fingers graze the skin at the small of your back, you pull away from his lips and breathe in in anticipation. 
“Is this okay?” he asks quietly. 
“More than okay,” you breathe out, looking forward in the mirror again.
Jimin nods, kissing your shoulder lightly as his hand slips around further and the dress falls off your body.
With only your underwear on now, you almost gasp as the air feels cold on your bare skin and naked breasts, but then Jimin is winding his arms around your waist and you feel his bare chest against your back, and just like that, you’re warm. 
He smiles as you lock eyes with him in the mirror, and only then, does his gaze drop your breasts. 
His gaze darkens and his hand drags up your torso, to meet the lump of flesh, and he begins massaging lightly before running his thumb across your nipple, and again, and again, experimenting what you respond to and growing hornier with every sound you make.
When he pinches your nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, you moan and roll your hips back. 
“Jimin,” you whine, turning around in his arms to kiss him. “I need more, I need you.”
Chuckling softly, Jimin brings you closer so there’s not an inch between your bodies. “What is it you need, baby? I’ll do anything for you, just tell me.”
With Jimin’s words, a frequent fantasy of yours comes to mind and your lower lip gets caught between your teeth as you feel heat rush to your cheeks. 
Noticing this, Jimin lowers his head and kisses all over your face, stopping millimetres from your lips. “You can tell me, Y/N. I’ll do anything that makes you feel good.”
You hesitate slightly, feeling a little shy but Jimin stays reassuring you with a gentle hand rubbing your back. 
“It’s okay baby.”
And those quiet words whispered into your ear fill you with confidence, and you’re pushing Jimin back towards the bed, smiling coyly as he looks at you in admiration. 
When he’s sitting on the end of the bed and you’re standing in front of him, your eyes meet his for a split second before dropping to his thighs.
Jimin smirks, catching on to what it is you want to do. And because he still senses your hesitation, he decides to help you out. 
“Y/N,” he murmurs, standing up and kissing you sweetly. 
For a second you forget about everything else, and you melt into the kiss, but when Jimin’s hands reach between your bodies and he quickly undoes his belt buckle, you find your own hands eagerly helping him to pull off his pants. 
Swallowing thickly, you step back as your eyes roam his legs, and you clench over nothing when you see the bulge of his semi-erect dick through his boxers, and his thighs.
As though hypnotized by them, you push Jimin back down, and hold his shoulders as you meet his gaze. 
He smirks, proudly. “Come on, baby.”
Leaning forward, you kiss him as you straddle one of his legs, and then Jimin’s hands are on your hips, guiding you to sit on his thigh. 
Jimin groans in pleasure into your mouth, pulling back to roll your hips against him. “I can already feel you’re soaking, Y/N,” he mutters, staring at you through half lidded eyes. “My baby’s getting all wet and ready for me, isn’t she?” He sucks at the skin around your nipple, biting when you moan in pleasure. 
“Mhm,” you whimper, picking up the pace you’re riding his thigh. Your panties are giving more friction and as you continue grinding your clit against his firm muscles, you feel hotter with pressure building in your core. 
Jimin cups your breast as his lips close around your nipple, and you feel a rush of pleasure shoot through you as he uses his tongue to toy with you.
“Oh shit, Jimin,” you whine, rocking your hips desperately against him.
He moans softly, as one of his hands lands on his boxers. Before he can do anything, you replace his hand with yours and begin palming him through his boxers. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groans, looking up at you. 
Lowering your head, the movement of your hips slow down as you kiss him feverishly, your hands continuing to stroke him over the fabric.
Hearing Jimin’s low moans turn you on even more, and as he bites on your lower lip, you slip your hand past his boxers and feel his warm, wet length against your palm. 
Lips brushing his, you grope his balls as you work your hips on his thigh again, and Jimin stares at you in a lusty haze. 
Kissing you once on the lips, Jimin returns his lips to your other nipple and sucks, tugging the perky bud with his teeth before licking over you.
Both of you moan breathily as you pleasure one another, and when your hand begins faltering and you drop your head to Jimin’s shoulder, he sucks harder, coaxing you on as he squeezes your ass. 
“Is my beautiful princess gonna come for me?” he whispers huskily against your lips.
Nodding hurriedly, you whimper quietly as you pull your hand from his boxers and circle your arm around his neck. 
“C’mon, Y/N,” Jimin murmurs, “I want you to come on me, you’re making me feel so good right now, baby.”
“I’m gonna come,” you whisper, eyes pressed shut. 
Keeping a hand on your ass to keep you moving, Jimin holds your face and brings you closer to him. 
“Look at me when you come, baby,” he says huskily, biting his lip as you open your eyes. And the look in his eyes has your high approaching that much faster, and when your orgasm ripples through your body, Jimin keeps a firm hand on your face, watching you come as you get off on his thigh. 
Hips stuttering, you whine quietly as you slowly become sensitive, but still, you can’t take your eyes off Jimin. 
His pupils are blown out just from watching you come, and his cock is straining hard through his boxers, begging to be relieved. 
“How’re you so fucking hot?” Jimin mutters breathlessly, grasping your hips and rolling you onto the bed towards the pillows. 
You smile shyly, feeling flushed. “Thanks,” you say quietly, stroking a few strands out of his face as he hovers over your side. 
“Anytime, baby, that was enjoyable for me too,” he grins, taking your hand and kissing it before kissing your lips. 
He keeps it slow at first, hands caressing your skin gently as your body recovers from your first orgasm, but as you feel his bulge pressing into your thigh, you boldly push him back and swing a leg over his hips.
“Fuck,” he mutters as you bury your head in his neck and kiss him softly. His hands trail up your body, all while you shower him with love, moving down his body where you can etch your own affection into his skin. 
He exhales shakily as you suck at his skin below his collar bone, and you move lower towards his nipple with each hickey. Reaching his nipple, you flick your tongue back and forth a few times, and shimmy your ass back so you’re sitting on his erection. 
“Shit,” Jimin hisses, looking at you dazedly as you slowly grind yourself against his cock.
You lick and bite his nipples, sitting back up to admire the marks you’ve left on his chest. Gliding your hands across his chest, you lean down and kiss each one softly — a move which has Jimin’s heart soaring with affection for you. 
As you kiss the last few, Jimin winds his arms around your torso which makes you smile contentedly, feeling safe and happy in his arms. 
“I love you,” you whisper, lips brushing against his skin as you kiss the purple bruise before mapping a path between each one, and with every kiss, you whisper again, “I love you… I love you… I love you.”
Jimin pulls you up, cupping your cheek in his hand as he stares at you earnestly. “You’re everything to me, Y/N. I love you,” he murmurs. “So damn much.”
Your heart swells with a thousand emotions, and you feel yourself tearing up at his words. But before you let any tears fall, Jimin kisses you ardently, making up for all the times he had to hold back.
But he won’t hold back now. He’ll love you freely like he wants to. Like you deserve. 
Sitting up, he pushes you back into the mattress, his hand stroking your sides before he hooks his thumb into your underwear and pulls this down. As he takes them off from around your ankles, he sighs softly, discarding them carelessly to the floor before lowering your legs to the bed. 
You feel shy, hesitant to be completely naked in front of him, but then Jimin gently holds one of your ankles and kisses you, slowly working his way up your leg. His hands, his warm touch, his lips, they have a way of putting you at ease, and when he lowers himself to the bed and spreads your thighs apart, you easily comply. 
“My pretty princess,” he purrs, kissing your folds softly before dragging a digit along your wet sex. “I love you.” He places a kiss on your inner thigh, and then spreads your lips apart, and without hesitation, he starts licking around your clit. 
“Oh, Ji-jimin,” you whimper, your back already arching off the bed. 
“Fuck, my jagi’s so sweet,” Jimin groans quietly, hooking his arms around your thighs as he begins sucking on your sensitive bud. 
And within minutes, you’re a writhing mess on the sheets, your fingers tugging at Jimin’s hair as he eats you out, switching between teasing your clit, and then fucking you with his tongue while his thumb rolls over your throbbing bud. 
“Jimin,” you gasp, heels digging into his back. “Please, I want you, now.”
Jimin breathes against your sex, his wet lips kissing your skin everywhere. “You want me inside of you, Y/N?”
“Yes, Jimin,” you whimper, your hips bucking upwards desperately as he ascends your body. “I want you to come inside of me, please.”
“Anything for you, baby,” Jimin mutters, desperate to get inside of you himself. He kisses you on the lips before sitting back to pull off his boxers. 
You sit up with him, watching as he removes them and he’s left kneeling on the bed, naked in front of you. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, almost mesmerised by his cock — thick, pink and pretty as it stands erect, his shaft glistening with pre-cum, some of it having been spread by you earlier. 
“Come here,” he says softly, taking your arms and kissing you tenderly. 
But it doesn’t last long, not with you both naked in bed together. 
As you feel his wet erection against you, you moan and press your body into his, your fingers curling in his hair. 
Jimin kisses you feverishly, his tongue moving in bold strokes, arousing you even more as you feel his hard nipples against your own breasts. 
Slowly, Jimin pulls back, eyes roaming your face. His hand slowly travels down your back, his fingers, feather light against your skin trace the curve of your spine. 
“God, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this for,” he murmurs as he intertwines his fingers with yours. 
“Show me,” you whisper, meeting his gaze.
Jimin gazes at you with half-lidded eyes, clouded with lust, and he locks lips with you as he lowers you to the bed. He starts off slow, hands tenderly caressing your skin all over, but soon you both become desperate to have one another, and every touch holds an urgency, an eagerness. 
Rolling your hips, you moan when his cock rubs against your clit, and Jimin pushes back onto his hands and looks down at you.
“Whenever you’re ready, baby.”
Smiling, you hold onto his back and nod.
Jimin reaches down for his cock, taking this into his hand he pumps a few times before lining himself up with your entrance. Dropping to an elbow, he holds you as he slowly pushes into you, watching carefully for any signs of discomfort.
Although it’s been a long time for you, there’s more pleasure than pain, especially knowing it’s Jimin you’re with right now. 
“Oh,” you breathe out once his hips are nestled snugly against yours. You feel full—whole with him inside of you.
He breathes heavily, looking down between your bodies before looking back at you. “You good?” 
“Mhm, please move, baby.”
Jimin doesn’t wait to be told twice, and he pulls out, inch by inch, watching as you react to every move of his, and when he thrusts back into you, both of you moan, feeling exhilarated. And each time your moans grow louder, as the pleasure builds up again, this time far more intense than your last orgasm. 
Feeling his orgasm grow closer, Jimin grasps one of your legs, putting this over his shoulder before doing the same with the other one, and when he thrusts again, he hits the perfect spot, making you gasp loudly as your euphoria begins to escalate. 
As your high approaches, you grip Jimin’s arms tightly, and when he kisses your leg tenderly before a harsh thrust, it’s enough for you to go hurtling over the edge. 
Pleasure courses through your body, enlightening your senses and the sight of you coming undone is all it takes for Jimin to follow suit, riding out his high to the sweet sounds of you moaning his name. 
Breathing heavily in post-orgasmic bliss, Jimin lowers himself to his forearms, burying his face in your neck. 
Your fingers tangle in his hair and you turn to kiss his head, feeling the happiest you’ve felt in a long time. And when Jimin moves in to kiss your forehead, you know that regardless of what the future holds, you will never regret this moment. 
“You good?” he asks. 
“Never been better,” you smile, pulling him in for a slow kiss before he carefully pulls out and grabs some tissues from the nightstand to clean himself off, then quickly before turning his attention to you. 
Jimin delicately wipes between your legs, kissing you every so often with a happy smile while he savours the memories of his first night with you — one he knows he’ll cherish forever.
You smile at the sight of him, and you’re already excited to cuddle up beside him in bed.
When he’s done, he grabs a clean pair of boxers for himself and one of his tops for you. 
“Thanks,” you grin, pulling the tee overhead. 
Jimin smiles as your hair falls in front of your face messily, and can’t resist pulling you in for a hug. 
“What’s this for?” you ask quietly, bringing your arms around his back. 
“For letting me love you,” he murmurs, promising to himself he’ll do everything to make you happy.
Smiling to yourself, you hug him a little tighter, blocking out the rest of the world that threatens your happiness, here in his arms. 
Eventually, you both pull apart to get up to wash off for the night. 
When you’re done, you head out of the bathroom and back towards Jimin’s room, and when you walk in to see him sitting in bed waiting for you with the covers pushed back, you’re swarmed with a warmth and comfort that blooms even further when he beams as you skip over to him.
“Do you need anything?” he asks, pulling you into his side and bringing the sheets back over you. 
You hum quietly, shaking your head against his chest. “I have everything I need right here,” you murmur, tightening your arm around his waist. 
Jimin sighs softly, kissing the crown of your head. “I’m so happy you’re with me, Y/N,” he says quietly.
“Me too,” you whisper, closing your eyes as your palm rests on his chest, and you focus on the steady beating of his heart. 
Holding you close, Jimin feels euphoric, finally having you here with him. The sweet smell of you, the warmth you give him, the feeling of your fingertips tracing his chest lightly — he loves it all and he can’t wait to spend many more mornings like this with you. 
He hopes he can…
Jimin remembers that his dad must’ve spoken to you about him, his responsibilities, and Jimin knows he needs to talk to you about it properly — he doesn’t want to leave you in the dark at all, so he will speak to you. 
But with you in his arms right now, he doesn’t want to bring it up in case it makes you upset and spoils this perfect moment, so he decides he’ll talk to you tomorrow. 
But one thing he knows for sure, is as long as you’re happy with him, he won’t let you go. Not for anything, nor anyone. 
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A/N: thank you for reading! <3 please let me know how you found it :)
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@mylanngmon @anna-muse​ @ot7lonelylover @christiandosworld @helenazbmrskai @ownthesunshine @yesalexus @heyjiminnie @daydreambrliever @parkjiminisme @subtlepjiminie @vonvi-blog @holywitchwhispers @vaekth @pjmnoir @maashj @lachimolala-2l @chubsjmin @parkkyeoreumm @bts-7-shadow @storms-and-stars-blog @jalexad  @halesandy​
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