#tubbo will look a ghost in the face and go 'lol nice halloween costume; u get that from party city?'
svtskneecaps · 11 months
ghost investigators au tubbo fully does not believe in ghosts which annoys the shit out of cellbit, considering a solid 90% of their investigations end with SOME kind of supernatural entity being involved and 50% of the time this entity tries to kill them. tubbo consistently comes up with increasingly batshit smoke and mirror tricks that could explain away the supernatural (to which cellbit responds THAT IS SO MUCH MORE UNBELIEVABLE THAN A GHOST WTF). tubbo and ramon somehow always manage to pull off these tricks in fit's auto shop, which at this point doubles as a mad science lab along with its original secret purpose of Testing Thing Go Boom. sometimes dapper helps them, because dapper thinks tubbo's complete stubborn denial is hilarious.
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