#turns out having a cold aint so bad cuz i get to stay home and experience massive headache which made me want to draw even more
lollytea · 7 years
I have a three hour class coming up, so naturally, I need to give you something that will take you three hours to write to make it fair. Gimme all of them for either Satin Diamond or Jazzle, your choice.
Idk enough about Puzzle to do ALL of these about Jazzle so I went with the sparkles.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Now I’ve said that Guy is a HUUUUUGE impulse buyer who would probably throw money at whatever remotely reminded him of Satin. But I also imagine Satin as the type to spend MORE on stuff for Guy.
Just because while he’ll buy anything that holds his attention long enough, she’s more focused on the quality. If it’s expensive, its good. All shit that goes on her boy gotta be designer and she is hellbent on dressin him pretty.
So Satin. Its Satin.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
Guy. Whenever he has a tight schedule, he’s either working or napping cuz damn son hes exhausted. But the thing is, that leaves him with very little time to spend with Satin. So sleeping in her lap is the best he can get.
Meanwhile, my girl has a way better sleep endurance than he does. She can pull off an all-nighter and still seem perfectly composed the next day. Satin’s fuckin incredible.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
who tf u think
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Guy is often begging Satin to get some sleep. But listen, if she’s in the zone, you cant stop her. Yes, Guy, she’s aware its 2am.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
Neither Satin or Chenille have much experience in cooking. They were pretty spoiled and never had to lift a finger in any kind of housework during their childhood and teenage life. Both of them have had to learn since they moved out but they gotta stick to the basic stuff.
Bless her, Satin’s heart was definitely in the right place. But what she tried to cook was gourmet which she sure as hell was not ready for yet.
Guy’s childhood ran more on a chore wheel kinda thing. He and his siblings had to take turns cooking dinner each week so like he’s a lot more acquainted with it. But is he proud of Satin’s obvious efforts, that’s his girl! You did amazing for your first try!
Tbh he probably tries to eat some of it just to be like “Nonono its fine, we can totally eat this for di-” *Chokes and has to spit it out* “Yeah ok imma make some cookies. You did a good job tho I love you”
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
At a petstore, Guy points at two lizards lying on top of eachother “That one’s me and that one’s you.”
“There’s a fine selection of squeaky toys over here and I'm going to pick one just to whack you with.”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
I mean Guy wears the clothes Satin MAKES so
I'm sure he’s tried on her actual clothes a couple times tho
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
Satin: “Okay okay, so it was a good day. A really good day. A productive day. Bought the groceries for dinner tonight, made the phone calls, picked up the dry-cleaning, went to the post office, got the car fixed, vacuumed the living room-”
Guy: “Aww baby, that’s great. Hey, where’s Jade?”
Satin: “Where’s who now?”
Guy: “Our 2 year old son? You-you picked him up from day-care, right?”
*Sounds of Satin grabbing her keys and tripping out the front door*
Guy: “.....was that a yes orrrr?”
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Guy cant read maps so he drives. Also if they have a kid (or theyre babysitting the other kids) Satin’s better at telling them to behave so its better if she’s not behind the wheel.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Guy poses, Satin draws. Its like part of their whole model/designer dynamic. Duh
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
Guy backflips, Satin has chips
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
After the first article of clothing is removed, Satin is forced to confiscate Guy’s glass.
“Sweetheart, listen. We cant afford to do this again. We cant go back to jail.”
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
They both do ofc
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
Satin did when she was really little but Guy hadn't the foggiest clue why she kept doing in. He just piped up with “That's not your last name, it’s mine, silly!” Then proceeded to tell her what her last name was in case she forgot.
She did start calling herself Satin Diamond a few years before they got married. Like it wasn't his real last name so it didn’t matter much. Plus it sounded classy as hell. You wouldn't wanna fuck with a lady called Satin Diamond.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Neither of them are huge fans of spiders but as Guy always had to suck it up and take spiders out for his little sister’s sake, he’s a lot more equipped to dealing with it.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Satin often doesn't wear jackets so if she cold, Guy’s on that shit in an instant
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
They both got a pretty good relationship with eachothers siblings. Guy’s brothers are all lovable nerds in their heart so they adopt Satin immediately
Meanwhile Chenille is like a sister to Guy so like she knows he’ll cherish Satin with all his heart but like. Like a sister. Tell me Chenille hasn't blown her top several time cuz her annoying little brother/her sister’s boyfriend is being a shit again
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Guy probably. Their relationship kinda develops from friends to occasional flirting to more recurring flirting to constant flirting and like Guy is almost CERTAIN they’re on the same page. Orrrrr flirty might just be a budding aspect of Satin’s personality because hey, it does suit her very well.
Eventually he just gets confused and impatient and blurts out like “HEY ARE WE DOING WHAT WE’RE THINK WE’RE DOING CUZ I LIKE YOU A LOT AND-”
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Pretty good, considering they weren’t really ready to be parents. The whole nine months was like last minute cramming for a test. They read so many baby books my fuckin god.
But no Satin’s a natural mom. Not as high energy as Poppy and a lot more subdued but still very caring and considerate. She’s calm and logical when helping her kid deal with problems and makes sure he always feel comfortable when talking to her. Jade is REALLY close with his momma.
Also if he gets caught sneaking out at night, he’s shish kabob. But he respects and understands that. His mom is the best person in the world. He just wouldn't dare fuck with her
Guy is also a very devoted father and tends to act as the sillier parent. His relationship with kid can be best described as “Lovingly argumentative.” But no matter, how much he makes fun of his Dad, Jade is probably his biggest fan. He knows the man’s complete filmography by heart and aspires to be an actor too. (Jade cant act for shit but ssssh he’ll change his career choice when he’s older)
But yeah, Guy spent years as his acting coach and tried so hard too because he personally believed his boy could do anything. Turns out he couldn't but ehhh, its the thought that counts. Guy loves Jade to bits and vice versa.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Neither of them use perfect grammar but Satin is most definitely the number thing. Guy is not.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
I dunno if either of them are the type to get bullied. At least in the case of Satin, she just doesn't take crap. But I guess in the case of Guy, who’s just so unashamedly himself, he might piss off a few other kids with that toxic masculinity mind-set. It probably doesn't happen often but if it ever did, Satin would bite their heads off. She aint here for this bullshit.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Guy: *puns*
Satin: “You’re doing amazing sweetie” (I imagine death so much, it feels like a memory.)
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
Hear me out. Guy is the impulse buyer, which is why it shocks everyone when Satin is the one to buy the puppy. She was going through an emotional week ok?? Leave her alone
Guy actually has to be the voice of reason here because babe do we have time for a dog idk if we can do this
They end up keeping it and tbh they are TOTALLY the type of people to call themselves the dog’s mommy and daddy. They’re those people fite me
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
Satin doesn't get tired easily but she wears pinchy shoes a lot so Guy gives piggybacks when she needs it
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
I need to tattoo “Guy is Satin’s biggest fan” to my gotdamn forehead
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
Satin. Guy hates candid photos so fuckin much so like nobody has any pictures of him laughing or sleeping or just walking around with no makeup on.
Except for Satin. Satin has like a billion. Guy just doesn't know about them cuz she knows he’d make her delete them.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
I mean Satin DID give Guy a makeover when he asked. You don't think the legendary Guy Diamond look was a one man job, do you? Nah, the twins helped create the icon.
Hell, his first experience with makeup was Satin hiding him the girls bathroom stall when they were like 12 and covering up the acne on his chin after she caught him getting upset over it.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Look if Satin ever gets a snake, Guy aint gonna be pleased
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Okay but listen to me. Guy makes a big deal every time his hair gets wet. He hates rain. He hates it so fuckin much.
One time when they were teenagers, they agreed to meet at the other end of town to see a movie. Ofc theres a downpour and Guy’s standing with his umbrella at the bustop, waiting for Satin’s bus to show up. But once she steps out, she looks frazzled af, clearly having not expected the rain.
So its been a long day and Satin is pacing back and forth, unintentionally splashing puddled as she rambles about an unfair detention she received, about Chenille stealing her hairdryer, about her homework not making any sense.
The rain suddenly stops pelting her head and a shadow falls over her frame. She turns around to find him with his arm outstretched and his umbrella looming over her.
Guy blinks, confused as she stares at him in shock, his hair a soaking mess. “What?
And Satin is just internally “Imma marry him. I stg imma marry this loser.”
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
Wherever there’s city lights and rooftop penthouses. Theatres, restaurants and glitzy ballrooms. They live for the night glow. Tbh take them to Paris. Let them dance under the Eiffel Tower at midnight. Tell me that isn't the pinnacle of romanticism.
Also Satin takes the pictures. She’s the better photographer between them. Guy gets too eager and so many of his pics are fuzzy
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The Summer in Georgia
Chapter 37. Happy Camper
“God, damn it!” Daryl yelled. “I can’t get this fuckin’ fuel petcock valve to tighten and I busted my fuckin’ knuckles. Fuckin’ piece a shit!” Daryl said, standing up and throwing a wrench down on the garage floor.
“What’s wrong with it?” Isabella asked. She was going through Daryl’s camping gear and checking it off a list Daryl had made her.
Daryl was trying to get his bike to run and wasn’t having very much luck.
“I dunno’. I gotta’ walk away right now, before I bust somethin’ else. What are ya’ doin’?” He asked Isabella.
“Well, I’m just about done going through this container and everything is marked off the list except, a package of utility lighters, a bucket to wash these army surplus dishes in, a clothes line, oh and there’s only spoons and knives, no forks.” Isabella answered.
“The forks are in the kitchen, I gotta’ bucket right here,” He said, taking a bucket off one of the shelves. “We need ta’ buy a clothes line and I’ve got some utility lighters outside on the deck.”
“What about a camp stove? What are we going to cook on?” Isabella asked.
“I usually cook over the fire, but I gotta’ stove up there on that shelf. We’ll take it too. Just in case. We gotta’ wash them sleeping bags too.” Daryl said.
“Already done. They’re in the dryer right now. Are we getting food and ice today or tomorrow?”
“Tomorra’. I’ll make a list tonight and we’ll go to the Publix in the morning. For dinner, we’re gonna’ eat rabbits, rabbit.” He laughed at his corny joke. “and fish. But, we’ll take some burgers and hot dogs, just in case. Maybe some steaks.”
“What about marshmallows? You said we could roast marshmallows. Are we going to do that still?” Isabella asked Daryl.
Daryl laughed. “Yeah, they’ll be on the list. I gotta’ get some instant coffee, too, for the coffee pot. I hope ya’ don’t mind usin’ dry creamer. Cuz, milk would go bad.” Daryl told her.
“That’s fine. I’m so excited! I can’t wait!” She giggled.
“Get a couple a packages of that bacon from the freezer right there and put it in the ice box in the kitchen. Get a couple tubes of that sausage too. That’s some good shit. I killed the pig myself.” Daryl said proudly.
Isabella walked to the fridge and got the meat out, she took it in the kitchen. She came back out the garage and sat down on the floor to watch Daryl attempt to fix his motorcycle again.
“Are we staying here tonight? Because if we are, I need to go home and get some things for tomorrow. I told Rick, I’d do his laundry too. Maybe you could take me back there in a little bit and I can do that, while you finish your bike? What do you think?”
“Yeah, I’ll take ya’ in about 5 minutes. I’ll drop ya’ off and then come back here, when I come pick ya’ up, we’ll pick somethin’ up for dinner and bring it back here. Ok?” Daryl asked.
“Ok. Are you going to the diner and tell James and Nancy we won’t be in tomorrow night? We didn’t go last Sunday because of the… well, you know.”
“I stopped in last Monday and told ‘em I was sick. Why don’t we go there tonight? Whatta’ ya’ think?”
“Sounds good!”
Daryl drove Isabella home and dropped her off and headed back to his house to finish his bike. He finally got it started and was cleaning up the tools, when someone started pounding on his front door.
“Hold on!” He yelled. He wiped his hands off and headed in to answer the door. Before he got to it, it opened and Charlie and Glenn walked in.
“Why don’t ya’ just come on in?” Daryl said sarcastically.
“What’s up, Daryl?” Glenn asked.
“Not much. Whatta’ ya’ guys want? Isabella ain’t here.” He said snidely, looking at Charlie.
Charlie laughed. “Yeah, we know. We were just at Rick’s. I helped her fold laundry.”
“Yer a fuckin’ saint.” Daryl said. “So, whatta’ ya’ want?”
“Can I borrow a camera? My parents are entering their garden in the Home and Garden competition.” Charlie answered.
“Yeah, ya’ know where they are.” He said, pointing to the spare bedroom.
Charlie and Glenn headed into the bedroom and Daryl headed to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. He heard Glenn say ‘holy shit!’ Then it hit him, the pictures he’d taken of Isabella were all scattered on the table in there.
“Fuck!” He said to himself and ran into the bedroom.
Glenn was standing there holding up one the pictures. Charlie was sorting through them.
“What the fuck are ya’ doin’? Put them down.” Daryl yelled, walking over to Glenn and ripping the picture out of his hands. “I said, ya’ could borrow a camera, not look through my private shit.”
Glenn’s mouth was open. “Damn, Daryl. You’re my hero!” Glenn’s phone rang, so he headed back into the hallway to answer it. That just left Daryl and Charlie and Charlie was still sorting through the pictures.
“Nice! I especially like this one.” He said, holding up the picture of Isabella on her knees in front of Daryl, holding his open belt. “Nice angle!” He said, snidely.
“Yeah, it is. That was a great night. Now put the pictures down and pick out a camera.
Charlie put the pictures down. His blood was boiling. He was so jealous, he couldn’t see straight. How the fuck did a guy like Daryl, get a girl like her. He was steamed. He walked over to the shelves where Daryl’s cameras were sitting and started looking at them.
“Just pick one, they’re all good.” Daryl said, walking out of the room.
Charlie picked one of the cameras and headed out, he suddenly stopped and looked down at the pictures on the table. He checked to see if Daryl was watching, he wasn’t, so he grabbed one of the pictures, folded it and put it in his back pocket. He grabbed the one of her without her shirt, holding the hat in front of her chest. Daryl and Glenn were out on the deck, Daryl was smoking a cigarette. Charlie walked out and joined them.
“Hey, Charlie! Did you tell Daryl what Amber said?” Glenn said to Charlie, then he turned to Daryl laughing and said. “You’re not gonna’ believe this shit. Tell him Charlie.”
Charlie started laughing. “You know that girl I took to the dance?”
“Yeah.” Daryl said.
“Well, she really liked Isabella. A lot!” Charlie said.
“So, everybody likes Isabella. What’s the big fuckin’ deal?” Daryl asked.
“No! She likes Isabella. She’s bi, she goes both ways.” Glenn laughed.
“What? What the fuck are ya’ talkin’ about?” Daryl asked.
Charlie laughed again. “She’s bisexual and she was turned on by Isabella. She asked me if I thought you guys would be into swinging.”
“What the fuck? What’d ya’ tell her?” Daryl said with a grimace.
“I told her that Isabella was a virgin, she’s still a virgin, right?” Charlie asked.
“That’s really none of yer fuckin’ business now, is it?” Daryl said angrily.
“Just askin’. Anyway, I told her you guys probably wouldn’t be into it. She did like the idea of Isabella being a virgin, though.” Charlie laughed.
“What the fuck ever. Man, that’s twisted. I ain’t swinging with no one and it’d be cold day in hell before Isabella would do something like that. She aint’ like that. Did ya’ tell her that? Isabella, I mean?” Daryl asked.
“No, of course I didn’t. I wasn’t even going to tell you, but big mouth here brought it up.” Charlie said, pointing at Glenn. Glenn just smiled. “It’s kinda’ funny though, don’t ya’ think?”
“Do you see me laughin’? Keep that girl away from Isabella.” Daryl said.
“Why? You afraid she might steal her away?” Glenn laughed.
“Fuck you, Short Round.” Daryl said, snuffing out his cigarette on the picnic table.
The three men went back into the house.
Daryl laughed. “I’m so fuckin’ sure. I mean, can you imagine me and you fuckin’ around… ya’ know like at the same time? Fuck that!”
Charlie laughed. “Yeah! That’d be fucked up. I don’t even like seeing you with your clothes on. You know what I’m saying?”
“Right, I know, huh?” Daryl laughed shaking his head. “I’m gonna’ have fuckin’ nightmares now.”
“Yeah, but the girls? I mean… you know? Nah, that would never happen. Right?” Charlie asked curiously.
“No! That would never happen, ya’ sick bastard. Ya’ got yer camera, now get the fuck outta’ here.” Daryl said, pushing them towards the door.
“Thanks, man. I’ll get it back to you around Monday. Okay?” Charlie told Daryl.
“Won’t be here.” Daryl said.
“Oh yeah, camping. Well, have a good time. Thanks again. Come on Glenn.” Charlie said, walking out the front door.
Daryl and Glenn said ‘goodbye’ and Daryl shut the door.
Daryl and Isabella left the diner and headed to his house. She had packed all her things for the camping trip that afternoon, so she’d just stay at Daryl’s the rest of the weekend and they’d leave from his house Monday morning. They weren’t going very far, seeing as they were camping on his property. It was a special place that Daryl couldn’t wait for Isabella to see. He’d never taken anyone there before, not even Rick or Charlie. It was completely secluded, miles away from civilization and they could do whatever they wanted and no one would be the wiser. Daryl often went swimming there, skinny-dipping actually and he was hoping Isabella might want to take part this time. He’d planned a romantic first night, that would hopefully lead to sex. He wanted to be with her more than anything, but he was afraid he’d let her down by not doing things the right way and he was afraid it’d be painful for her. He’d bought some condoms and lube, just in case things went that way.
While Isabella was taking a bath in the big bathtub, Daryl got online with ‘theultimateorgasm.com’, he was studying up on his moves, when he came to a part that said that women didn’t usually have orgasms their first time. Not with sex anyway. It said, sometimes it was hard to achieve them ever with just sex alone. He didn’t know that. He started to worry that he wouldn’t be able to satisfy her. Then he read on. It said that using a number of techniques such as one of the partners using their fingers to stimulate the sensitive area, during sex was always a good idea. It also said that oral sex before, during or after was a sure-fire way to satisfy your woman. Daryl was nervous about that part. He’d never gone down on anybody before, what if he didn’t do it right? The site also said that the chance for sexual satisfaction was more probable in certain positions, more than others and that there were positions you could use to stimulate her g-spot and her clitoris. Daryl stopped right there.
If Daryl was reading this right, it meant there were two areas down there that he needed to pay attention to. He thought that the g-spot and the clitoris were the same thing. So, he clicked over to page that was labeled ‘Finding her G-spot’ He had no idea what the fuck he was doing. He was overwhelmed and confused, he wished he could have written all the directions down on his arm or something. He was never going to remember all this shit, he thought. He scratched his head and said ‘two different places? One in and one out. Fuck me!’
That night they fooled around a little bit, she did that thing, he liked so well and he did that thing that, she liked so well. Both were satisfied, but sex was on the back of both their minds. Isabella had read up a little bit on it too, while she was doing Rick’s laundry. Just some information about what guys like during sex, ways to move and about positions. She was a little concerned it would hurt too. She didn’t want that to interfere with them enjoying their first time. Both were putting way too much pressure on themselves. They both told themselves to relax and let things play out naturally. They each took their own advice and they both felt much more confident.
They got up early Sunday morning and Isabella made breakfast. French toast and bacon. Daryl had never had French toast like she made before. She separated the egg yolks and from the egg whites and then beat the whites until they were really fluffy, then she folded them into the rest of the mixture. It was unlike anything he’d ever had. He loved it. Daryl took a shower while she cleaned up the kitchen, then she took one after he was through. She thought to herself that it would have been so much easier if they had just taken one together. All in good time, she told herself.
The headed to the Publix to get their groceries and ice. Daryl picked out some nice steaks, while Isabella looked at hotdogs. She’d never bought hotdogs before, so she didn’t know which ones were good and which weren’t. She looked for the hotdogs she knew, which were Nathan’s hotdogs, but they didn’t have them, so she chose a random package. When Daryl saw what she’d chosen, he shook his head at her. He led her back to the cold case and made her put them back, then he showed her the Ballpark Franks. Always get Ballpark, he told her. Isabella rolled her eyes and told him he’d never had a hotdog, until he’d had a Nathan’s and even better than that, a Nathan’s at Coney Island. He rolled his eyes at her and they went along their way. She headed over to produce, while Daryl had a conversation with the meat man about pork roasts.
When Daryl was done talking, he started looking for Isabella. He was rounding the corner from the meat case into produce, when he saw Isabella talking to some girl. He couldn’t tell who it was until he got up closer. It was Amber, Charlie’s girlfriend and she was all over Isabella. Talking a mile, a minute and touching her the whole time. Grabbing her hand, touching her shoulder, playing with her hair. It was weird, Daryl thought. Poor Isabella, she didn’t even realize this girl was hitting on her. Daryl approached them and said, ‘hi’. Amber got even more hyper when she saw Daryl. She gave him a big hug and he just stood there frozen. Isabella laughed to herself, because she knew how uncomfortable Daryl was with people touching him, especially in public. They were finally able to get away from her. They both looked at each other and shook their heads and laughed. Later, after they’d left the grocery store, Daryl told Isabella what Charlie had told him. She turned bright red and all she could say was, ‘OH, MY GOD!’ over and over again. Daryl cracked up at her embarrassment and teased her for the rest of the day.
That night, they curled up on the sofa to watch a movie. He wanted to watch ConAir and she wanted to watch Moonstruck, so they compromised and found something they both wanted to watch. On Cinemax, a new series was starting called, Outcast. It was by a film maker named Robert Kirkman, he did a lot of horror, syfy type projects and his stuff was supposed to be pretty good. So, they agreed on that. Daryl put his arm around Isabella’s shoulder and she snuggled into him, just like always. Daryl had made popcorn, he’d melted real butter in the microwave and poured it all over the popcorn and it was sitting on his lap, in the other hand he had a bottle of Tabasco. He pulled his arm out from behind her and proceeded to sprinkle the popcorn with the Tabasco. Isabella asked him what he was doing. He told her it was the only way to eat popcorn and offered her some. She got the real butter part, but the Tabasco she wasn’t so sure of, but she tried it anyway and it was amazing.
“Let me guess. This is your new favorite?” Daryl teased.
“Yes, in fact it is. You got a problem with that, Dixon?”
“Nope, just makin’ an observation.” Daryl laughed.
After it was over things got a little heated between them. She’d used her hand this time, so he thought he should do something different. He wanted to go down on her, but he knew that if he got her pants off, he’d want to have sex and that would mess up his big romantic first night under the stars. She didn’t want to have sex that night either, because she also had the same plan. So, he stuck to his usual. He wondered if she was getting bored, but he didn’t know what else to do. She seemed to enjoy herself and that was good enough for him.
That night Isabella had bad dreams. Not her usual nightmares, but she dreamt about the show they’d watched. She woke up scared and then woke up Daryl, who talked her back to sleep by telling her stories about the things that he and Jax used to do. She laughed and laughed and then she finally passed out. The alarm went off the next morning at 5:30 am. Daryl got up first and started sharpening knives and bolts. Isabella just laid there and watched him. She was dead tired, but she was also excited. Once she was up moving around, she made coffee and pancakes. She put cinnamon and sugar into the batter and they were the best pancakes Daryl had ever eaten. He was getting spoiled.
They loaded up everything into Daryl’s truck. There were several Yeti coolers full of ice. Yeti coolers kept things cold for days, Daryl explained. They were the best on the market and they cost a bundle. Daryl let her take the down pillows with them, in fact she took 6 pillows all together. He griped about it and told her he never knew anyone that went camping with pillows before, let alone 6. She just shrugged her shoulder and threw them into the back of the truck.
To get to the camping area, they had to pull out of Daryl’s property, drive about 6 miles down the road and pull onto a path that he’d made with his truck by driving back and forth over it several hundred times. It wasn’t clearly visible from the road, which was good, plus there were ‘no trespassing’ signs everywhere. Once they were on the path they drove through wooded forest for a couple of miles. Finally, they came to a semi cleared area that was encircled with large trees. The path drove up beside the clearing, almost like a parking spot. There were trees everywhere, except for this little clearing. There were several trails going to and from the campsite, one out into the woods in the other direction and the other leading to water.
Isabella got out and started exploring, the water was beautiful. It was nice sized swimming hole that was fed by a little water fall and on the opposite side, the swimming hole fed another little waterfall. Straight across the bank were large boulders and a stone embankment. It was gorgeous. Once they had everything unloaded, Daryl put the tent up, laid out he sleeping bags and gathered up some fire wood. There were already a dozen little piles of wood around the campsite, that he’d cut down on past trips. They set out lawn chairs around the fire pit, Daryl even had a folding camp table with four little seats. When they were done, they stood back and admired their accommodations for the next few days.
Daryl looked over at Isabella and she was smiling. “Well, whatta’ ya’ wanna’ do now?” He asked her.
She turned and smiled at him and then she took of her shirt and started to take off her pants.
“Whatta’ ya’ doin’?” Daryl said laughing.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m going skinny dipping.” She answered, taking off all the rest of her clothes. Daryl felt dizzy, he was seeing her naked for the very first time and it was almost too much to handle. She was gorgeous. Brown skin, long hair, clean shaven… everywhere. He was a happy camper.
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