#tw: broken bone
spoiledspine · 7 months
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Random Chilchuck Mood:
Do I fucking look fine right now?
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumptember day 8
8. “Don’t come back”
content warning: broken bone, bear trap
Kicked out | Saying goodbye for the last time | Lashing out 
Caretaker’s fingers slipped against the slick metal encasing Whumpee’s leg, making them lose their grip once more. Their fingers were numb and uncoordinated, sticky with Whumpee’s cooling blood. They couldn’t stop shaking. 
The bear trap wouldn’t come off. They’d tried everything, from trying to pull the chain from the earth, to prying the jaws open, to loosening the bolts. They’d been trying for nearly an hour, and all they’d accomplished was hurting Whumpee more. The bear trap remained stubbornly shut.
Frustrated tears filled Caretaker’s eyes. They were so close, so close to finally getting Whumpee back. If they could just stop being useless for ten seconds and do something—
“Caretaker.” Whumpee’s voice called out, thick with pain. They were propped against a nearby tree, face moist with sweat despite the freezing temperatures. 
Caretaker ignored them, squirting in the darkness in hopes of finding some instruction on how to unlock the trap. They knew they wouldn’t find any; Whumper would never be so kind.
“Caretaker, that’s enough,”
They had to focus. If they could just pull themselves together, they could fix this. They could do it, if they just focused.
“Just give me a minute!” Caretaker hissed. They swipped at the tears clouding their vision. “I can do it, I just need a minute.”
They fell back into silence again, the only sound being Whumpee’s pained breaths and the occasional crunch of snow and Caretaker worked. They tried to dig their fingers underneath the jaws again, but their digits were too numb. They’d stopped being able to feel their fingers a while ago.
“It’s not going to come off.”
“No. I just got you back. I can’t lose you again,” They tried at the bolts again. Their fingers slipped. 
“Caretaker,” Whumpee’s voice was stern, and finally, Caretaker turned to face them. Whumpee’s eyes were filled with a cold acceptance. “I need you to listen to me. It isn’t coming off. Whumper wouldn’t make things that simple.
Caretaker knew that. They were fully aware of Whumper’s brutality, and that fact only made the thought of leaving Whumpee more dreadful. “Please, just–”
“Whumper will just find us both if you don’t leave,” Their voice bore no room for argument. “My leg is broken. I couldn’t walk even if you removed it.”
They stared at Whumpee’s leg. Blood dripped from the wound, staining their pants and turning the snow beneath them a dark red. The teeth were sharp, the jaw vice-like. Caretaker remembered the movement the trap clamped shut around Whumpee’s leg, how they gasped in pain before falling to the forest floor. They remembered the snap they’d heard.
They’d pretended it was a breaking branch, but they knew better. Whumpee was right.
“I can’t leave you again,” Caretaker whispered. Their eyes didn’t leave Whumpee’s leg. “I just got you back. I can’t leave you again.”
Whumpee turned away, shaking. Neither of them moved for a long moment, simply listening to the wilderness around them. Caretaker wondered if Whumper was still out there, hunting them down.
“I can’t stand to see you caught,” Whumpee’s voice trembled when they spoke. They didn’t turn to face Caretaker. “Knowing you were out there, safe and away from Whumper, was the only thing that kept me going. If you got caught, I wouldn’t…” They trailed off, finally turning to face Caretaker. There were tears in their eyes. “Please, just go. Don’t make me see you get hurt.”
Caretaker wanted to argue, but the look in Whumpee’s eyes, the desperation and acceptance, stilled their tongue.
They knew if their positions were reversed, Caretaker would tell them the same thing.
“I’ll come back,” every work felt like a stab to the chest, but they forced themselves to speak them. They grabbed Whumpee’s hand, squeezing it. “I’ll save you, I promise.”
“Don’t come back, don’t put yourself in danger again. If Whumper catches you, they’ll kill you,” Whumpee said. Caretaker could feel their hands trembling. “Get help if you can, but save yourself first. Promise me.”
Caretaker nodded, even if it were the last thing they wanted to do. “...I promise.”
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
Shield, with Warriors and hurt/comfort? Thank you!!
(TW: mention of blood, injury, concussion, mention of broken bone, Wars is an unreliable narrator and feels bad in the beginning)
Time sighed, and Warriors was pretty certain it was his disappointed sigh. He couldn't blame Time, really. If Warriors had been paying attention like he was supposed to, he would have noticed the trio of moblins hiding in the forest, and there would be three less injured heroes.
Four's ankle was being wrapped. The red potion put the bone back together, but it was still swollen and painful. Sky was curled up underneath his sailcloth, nursing a nasty concussion. His head was pillowed on Twilight's lap, and Twilight was rubbing comforting circles on his back.
It could have been worse, Warriors reminded himself. Sky had just taken a club to the head, so he didn't see the sword coming. If he hadn't jumped in front of Sky, the sword would gone right across his throat. Instead, Warriors had a gash across his shoulder.
They were running low on potions. Warriors refused to take one. Time was cleaning and wrapping his wound, so Warriors had his full, undivided, disappointed attention.
Warriors curled his hand into a fist and turned his head away.
"Captain," Time said quietly.
"I can practically hear your thoughts," Time said. "Stop it."
Warriors sighed a weary sigh and glanced at Time. "Stop what?"
"Stop blaming yourself. None of us saw the other monsters, and you saved Sky's life," Time said.
Warriors shook his head. "I-"
"Nope. None of that. I would like to thank you for saving Sky's life, and alerting the rest of us to the monsters in time. Alright?" Time asked.
Warriors frowned.
"Alright?" Time stressed.
"Alright, fine," Warriors said.
"Good," Time said. "So thank you. I'd rather you use a shield next time, though."
Warriors huffed out a breath. It was close to a laugh, at least.
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xandertheundead · 4 months
Sad sacking below
I’m really tired of being in pain. Breaking my ribs has honestly been the lowest point I’ve been in awhile cause I can’t even roll over easily without being in pain.
Everytime I start to heal I end up coughing and popping a rib and the pain comes back all over again. I’m so fucking tired of thinking I’m close to being good again to suddenly being pushed back to the worst.
I really just want to be okay again so I’m not sad or mad about not being able to do basic stuff without pain.
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griim · 2 years
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Guess who broke their foot. Me. It was me. 
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bearhugz · 1 year
Trigger: injury; broken bone
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I broke my left hand a few days ago. Slipped down some stairs. It's been about 23 years since I had to wear a cast (broke my wrist when I was 9), and I'm still not used to it.
I know it's a quick recovery time compared to bigger injuries (5-6 weeks), but man, do I already hate it. 😖
Don't take your healthiness for granted, y'all!
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nanaboo-pumpkaboo · 7 months
Mega finally managed to break one of my braces, my arm, and one of my ribs today in all our playing around, now I'm in timeout (my team has piled around me)
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
Broke my first bone last night 😭
Well, guess who can cross breaking a bone of list? 🙂😭😭😭 it's me- I won't explain how it happened just that I did run into a wall and broke my fourth toe on the right 😭😭 I don't know really who to rant to this about, so I'll just put it here. I really just wish to sob. I had such a wonderful day leading up to it too 😭😭 Like I got to see my one friend's art in a small exhibit, and then I went out to eat with them and my other friend. And it was so great 🥺 then I went to a gas station and ran into an old friend and got to catch up with them too! It was so much fun 🥺💖 I literally felt like a new soul after it all. Then one thing led to another after I got home, and after 2 hours in the hospital, I was sent home w/some tape and a shoe 😭
The good thing is- it was kind of a perfect break like it just split in the middle but fuck- 😭 I knew it was broken 😭 and now it really hurts 😭Like shooting pain type of hurt... It sucks- royal. If you have any tips on what do with a broken bone please let me know. I'm all ears.
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monsieurenjlolras · 1 year
I'd like to welcome my left index and middle toes to the Broken Twice club (both of my little toes are already members)
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Yo Dante’s leg/ankle is FUCKED. FUCKED. If you wanna see it, this is a fucking WARNING.
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Day 27 - Gifts Are Only Helpful When You Know How To Use Them
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42695589
Summary: Red is badly injured, and Yellow needs to help him.
Note: I wanted to make this about HWS England, but I love writing Yellow so I did this instead. Sorry Hetalians I promise I’ll write you more stuff some time.  
This fic goes by the idea that Yellow can heal Pokemon AND people. 
Cws and Tws: Broken leg, blood
Words: 1,056
Prompt: PUSHED TO THE LIMIT | Muffled Screams | Stumbling | Magical Exhaustion
Fic (under cut):
As the battle raged ever closer, Red was screaming. Well, he wasn’t really screaming, but he was definitely trying not to. His leg was bent all wrong, twisted horribly under his blood stained jeans, and even though he was clearly trying not to let his pain show, the occasional muffled groan or yelp made its way to the surface.
Ooh she was really in a pickle now, was’t she.
Yellow found her hands shaking with more than just tiredness as she struggled to heal him. She knew she could do it, she certainly had the magic for it, but her entire body just felt so weak. Her breathing was difficult to keep steady, partially because she was trying not to cry and partially because she was trying not to pass out. She was just so tired. Her magic was wearing her out.
Besides, as she let her gaze drift up and down Red’s body, taking in all of his injuries (of which there were quite a few), she realized that they might not be able to pull this off without his help. (He was one of their strongest battlers after all) And what would become of their cause then? A failed attempt to stop yet another villain uprising?
Of course, it wasn’t like a broken leg was usually a death sentence or something, but the problem was that it might be one right now. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand in a pathetic attempt to get her hair out of her face. Unsurprisingly, this did nothing more than smudge soot and grime all across her forehead, it certainly didn’t help her to see any better than she could before.
But that was to be expected when they had been locked in battle for nearly the entire day. Of course she was about to pass out. Of course she was covered in dirt. Of course Red was injured. (These things just always seemed to happen.)
Possibly because of the momentary lapse of magical healing, Red let out a sudden yelp of pain, shocking Yellow back into focus. She closed her eyes in concentration, but opened them a moment later, finding it far too hard to stay away when they were closed.
“It’s okay Red,” she murmured, shoving all of her focus back into the healing magic that radiated outward from her hands, vaguely horrified to find that her voice sounded like she was close to falling asleep, “You’re gonna be okay.”
He nodded and leaned his head back against the wall, letting out a shaky breath as he slid slightly further down it. “I know,” he whispered, clearly struggling to keep his voice level and calm, “You’re here with me, that’s pretty much guaranteed.”
Yellow nodded, and bit her tongue in an effort to keep herself awake. Red was counting on her, she had to do this! She stared at his leg and watched as the bone began to shift back into place at the simple force of her magic. She spotted Red fisting at the ground as he struggled to muffle his screams. (There was no way that a broken bone shifting around inside his body felt any good.)
Choked sobs made its way out of him, and Yellow felt her heart shatter. 
But she couldn’t stop. If she stopped, she would pass out, and then both of them would be vulnerable to the ever-nearing battle. She set her teeth into a growl. She could do this. She bit back a yawn. She had to do this.
She looked over her shoulder and was met by the flashing lights of a fire and the high pitched screams of someone that she definitely recognized. Shocked back into her focus, she hissed. She had to hurry, she had to heal Red, but she felt her magic flicker as she slowly lost grip on her conciseness. ‘No!’ She thought, slipping down onto her knees in her struggle to stay awake, ‘I have to stay awake!’
Out of nowhere, she felt Red's hand on her shoulder. She looked up, her magic slowing to a stop as she stared into his eyes. He was smiling ever so slightly (possibly in an attempt to calm her), but she could still clearly see a touch of pain in the back of his eyes. 
"Yellow," he whispered, "It's okay, I'm okay," 
She felt tears beginning to burn at the corners of her eyes. "But- but your leg-,"
He shook his head and slid a bit farther down the wall, sliding his hand back off her face. "I can still battle without my leg," he pointed out, his voice shaking slightly in the effort to keep talking, "I've still got my Pokemon,"
Yellow was really crying now. (Do you blame her? She was frustrated, tired and very scared.) "Yeah but-,"
He shook his head yet again, "Don't worry about it, I can tell you're tired," he smiled at her, "If you're tired, you should take a break."
"But what if I need to help you-?" She stared, scooting a bit closer to him (and trying not to pay attention to the ever loudening sounds of battle), "What if Saur gets knocked out and you can't protect yourself!"
Red laughed slightly (and she could hear his struggle to keep a cough out of it), "That won't happen."
Yellow, fighting her sleepiness like it was a Rocket executive, looked at him incredulously. "Are you sure-"
He cut her off, putting his hands back on her shoulders. "Seriously. I'll be fine," she blinked at him, her tears disappearing, "And besides," he shifted his leg slightly, "I think my leg is mostly better now,"
She felt a hope glow in her chest as she looked at him, realizing that it was true. His jeans were (obviously) still bloodstained, but the leg underneath wasn't so horribly twisted anymore. "Really?" she said, her word a surprise even to herself.
"Yeah," he grinned, and she could barely see the pain that he bit back, "So," he looked her up and down, taking in her tiredness, "You can rest, I'll be okay." Yellow nodded, and as if he controlled her, darkness took her eyes as the world disappeared into dreams. 
The last thing she heard before passing out was the click of a Pokeball.
And dreams took her soul.
End of fic notes: Sorry I've been so late recently. But we're so close to finishing!
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penandswords · 2 months
*gives her a permission slip for authorised absence if she decides to accept* "For the injury, rest is ordered as well as an explination from your side as to what happened."
Rima is sipping at her canned coffee staring at the permission slip.
She laughs. A small laugh. "oh yeah, I don't need that. Endeavor's already banned me from the office until i'm healed." She really shouldn't be laughing.
"So you SEE, Bakugou stole my sketchbook, and led me through the higher parts of the city, and I TRIPPED in an attempt to catch him." She's eyeing Aizawa now.
"I'm FINE though IT COULD HAVE been way worse. He caught me before I fell to far down."
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the-torn-ones · 10 months
Moon 6 events
Fennelpaw found himself waking up in the worst pain he’d ever experienced. Granted, he’d never experienced pain before beyond a thorn in his paw as a kit - before things fell apart in more ways than one - but he still felt agonized. He blinked his eyes clear, and groaned in soft agony. No sound of anyone nearby, but Sandypaw's scent was fresh. He must have gone to get emergency supplies, seeing as Fennelpaw could smell his own blood through whatever poultices and cobwebs or leaves were on his aching leg. He tried to remember why he was here, but all that came up in his mind was the memory of falling from the sunrise's sky on patrol, hurtling towards the ground and a blurry peach-colored catlike shape, who he knew had to be Sandypaw. Littlepaw probably was there, too.
He instead shifted his mind to remembering the night before this. They'd sneaked out to see the gathering again, giggling at themselves and heckling the other clans soft enough that they went unheard. They were of course close enough to vaguely pick up on the news. Pounceclan chased out some rogues from the barn - obviously a lie - Lilyclan was deflecting flack from Lilacclan and Irisclan about their friendliness, and Kinkclan was boasting about their good news, whilst slyly dodging any negative news involving them from the other four. Sandypaw had fallen asleep by the time the gathering was up, so he and Littlepaw had dragged their friend to an abandoned burrow big enough to house them all, and fell asleep there, on the edge of Tornclan territory.
He didn't know why the other clans wouldn't move in on their territory yet, though maybe it was too steep and rocky for them. They definitely knew about the quake, it had apparently affected Lilyclan, Tornclan's other neighbor aside from Pounceclan, too. Their deputy had been nearly crushed by a rock from Tornclan on their midnight patrol when it happened, and was still recovering. Lilyclan's stand-in deputy was no stranger to helping Fernstar, their leader, dissuade negative comments, though.
Dragging his mind away from the news about the Lilyclan deputy that had stagnated for the last few moons, he tried to remember what had happened when he woke up. He remembered Sandypaw and Littlepaw had swapped prey they liked, but couldn't remember what he'd ate. Sandypaw had been spooked by a squirrel on the edge of the woods they'd slept in, as they headed home, and not long after that... Right, the eagle. He remembered now. His leg had been grabbed by an eagle, and had only escaped when he twisted enough to swipe at its flank as he fell out of its admittedly poor grip. He'd screamed the whole way down, that was why his throat hurt like it did. Most of his pain came from his leg, which he remembered had hit the ground, though.
"Momma... please, I don't wanna feel like this..." He murmured, only to hear Littlepaw gasp. She ran in, and started prodding him with her nose, her little voice quivering when she spoke.
"Please don't die! Please!" Littlepaw begged, and he grunted in confusion.
"Why would I die? I'm not sick, my leg broke. That's all." He could barely lift his head to smile at her.
"Promise?" She asked, eyes watery as she stared down at him.
"You know me, Littlepaw... I don't make promises anymore," He spoke softly, voice shaking from his pain. Memories of promising his mother he would protect her and his father, only for them to not return from a border patrol the next week, plagued his mind. He'd been barely old enough to understand death, but seeing their bodies in the center of camp that night had broken something in him.
"Sorry..." She murmured.
"Don't apologize... How many times have you heard a cat talk to the dead, only to die themselves after a few moments?" He laughed a bit, not at her, but at the sad thought of Silverthrush and Graydapple.
"Oh... Yeah, I guess you're right... I'll go sit in a nest, I think I need some more thyme for today..." She seemed defeated at this point - Sandypaw had been giving her a few leaves of thyme every day since Silverthrush died, just to try and help her in case that happened again. If she had episodes of panic like that at all, Sandypaw would step in to give her more than her usual amount.
"I think you're very brave, Littlepaw... If something ever happens to Sandypaw or me, can you do me a favor? Take care of camp, and don't let it stop you from becoming the best cat you can become." He requested, and he cringed a bit when she choked on a sob.
"I don't want to live without both of you, though! How can I, when you're the ones who helped me through everything? Sandypaw keeps me from freezing like that again, you keep me fed! I don't hunt well alone, what would I even do?"
"I don't hunt well alone, either! And Sandypaw does a lot for both of us, you're very right. But whoever lives will make do. We always make it through, don't we?'' He reassured her, and she inhaled loudly and shakily as a tear fell.
"Yeah, I guess... But you're like my brother, Fennelpaw! I can't... lose you, too..." She cried, her hiccups and sobs striking him in the same place in his heart he remembered had been hurting when his mother and father didn't come back alright.
"You'll live. You're strong, I'm strong. Even if one of us outlives the other, we'll always be there to guide each other, one paw at a time."
"... Promise?"
"... Yeah, I promise."
At least he couldn't break that promise.
Littlepaw is eavesdropping on Fennelpaw
Sandypaw was startled by a squirrel
Littlepaw and Sandypaw swapped favorite prey,
Fennelpaw was dropped by an eagle.
(Also littlepaw found an irisclan scent in their territory and couldn't track it... Oh boy.)
Moon 1 - Previous moon - Next moon
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theallblue · 1 year
“I know it hurts, but you have to let me take a look.” ~ Chopper
Injury Prompt |still accepting|
The dangers that existed in the sea was something that Sanji was well aware of since he was just a child, he had gotten a taste of them firsthand before he crossed paths with Zeff. He knew of the storms which brought forth harsh waves, he knew about the different aquatic life that lived in these waters. He knew about pirates and now the marines who were enemies of this reckless crew of pirates, but this was a decision that he didn’t regret. The crew needed a cook, the crew needed someone to make sure that they would be able to keep up their strength throughout this journey. 
It was the reason why Luffy had asked him to come in the first place, someone with his skills were needed while he had gotten the right push. A push from everyone back at the Baratie even though tears were going down his face. He was able to survive because of Zeff, a man who did so much for him after they both ended up on that stranded rock. 
Everyone had their own reason for why they were aboard this ship while he wanted nothing more than to find that one part of the sea which seemed like a legend. Sanji knew that it was real, it had to be instead of it just being more than a story from the book he used to read as a child. One of the many books which helped keep him company when he was behind those iron bars. Bars that kept him from the outside world because of the decision that Judge had made while it was Reiju who gave him the chance to escape. It was because of his beloved older sister that he was free without having to worry about the burden of the Vinsmoke name even though it tended to linger over his shoulders. Despite being away from Germa, there were times when it was difficult for him to escape from those painful memories. A past which he wasn’t allowed to utter because of the words that were unfortunately promised to the man who he no longer saw as his father. 
Injuries unfortunately became apart of the journey while it was because of Chopper that the crew was able to recover from any illness or injuries which decided to make an appearance. It was because of the small reindeer that they were able to recover properly despite the stubbornness which existed aboard the ship. Sanji himself could be stubborn when it came to resting sometimes even though he would sit still more than Luffy would, it was always difficult to get their captain to sit still sometimes. 
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The latest fight is what caused the state of the crew while some injuries were worse than others, everyone was feeling it. Everyone was exhausted while it was obvious who had the worst injuries so far that Sanji was trying to ignore, but it was difficult. It hurt, the throbbing in his leg hurt which caused the uncomfortable pain. He was trying to put on a brave face, but it seemed that Chopper was able to figure out what was going on with him. Letting out a tired breath, he moved to allow the doctor to look at his leg “It could be broken, but I’ll be okay Chopper. Not the first broken bone I’ve dealt with.”
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shinobinvku · 1 year
@kcgarashi asked: “  What can I do to help?  ” [to chitose]
𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, as though it were the right place at the right time. Some of the students were outside the Academy school yard, playing amongst themselves, when both women noticed that a young boy fell to the ground while climbing a large tree, but not before hitting a branch on his way down and landing directly on his wrist.
immediately, Chitose knew that the wrist was broken and his wail was like the sound of an alarm.
❝ Try to hold him steady, and if at all possible keep him calm. I have to physically reset the wrist and splint it before I can heal the broken bone. It's going to hurt, ❞ She replied, remaining fully composed under the pressure.
Although her area of expertise is pathology, Chitose has undergone the same rigorous training as any other medical-nin and served as a field medic in the past. That is to say, however, never has she worked on a child before.
Resetting the wrist in it's proper place was about as horrific as you could imagine. The child screamed as tears sweltered from the corners of his eyes, but that was the difficult part. Forming hand signs one after another, a modified Ox and Tiger signs respectively, a glowing, teal colored aura engulfed Chitose's hands and she pressed them against the boys wrist, accelerating the body's natural healing ability.
Soon the boy's wails turn into whimpers, tears still staining his dirty cheeks.
❝He'll need to be taken to the hospital after this for a cast and an evaluation of his head injury,❞ Chitose says, turning to meet Rera's gaze.
The teacher also appeared as though she was in a state of panic knowing one of her students was hurt. In this instance, it's good practice to offer a teammate positive feedback to keep them calm and steady.
❝The boy may be lightly concussed, but I'm able to mend the bone in place just enough that he won't be in too much pain. He'll be fine, and it was a good thing you were here to support him, Sensei. ❞
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indieyuugure · 22 days
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Episode 5 of Ninjas in New York! Last book it took 4 chapters to get bloody and gory, this one it took 5 episodes 👍
Previous: Episode 4
Next: Episode 6
See All…
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