#twitter accounts with the name Censored Men that have Plato's bust as an icon are probably not the most reliable sources
dragonomatopoeia · 7 months
Palestinians are enduring unimaginable violence and acts of genocide, and we should be doing everything in our power to elevate their voices, report on these ongoing injustices, and lend our aid.
Most of the posts that I have seen recently are in service of these aims; however, as I have seen a few posts and usernames circulating with good intentions but less than thorough vetting, it is worthwhile to remember that there are those who take advantage of the speed and ferocity of atrocities to further their own goals. Some of the posts currently circulating originate from known neo-nazis, 'traditional masculinity'/'inheritors of the classical world' brand fascists, and other assorted figures associated with the alt-right.
I ask that some care be taken to check up on the sources or original posters before sharing posts. This plea is not intended to discourage you from sharing information or trusting your fellow advocates and protestors, but rather that we foster a stronger, more effective network for advocacy and the sharing of information and resources
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