#two days before Halloween babyyy
Casper the cum-filled ghost
It is Friday night and josh is getting ready for the Halloween party at his girlfriend’s sorority house. Josh always disliked the large parties Sara’s sorority threw; they are full of drunk dudes trying to prove their manliness and fuck anything that moves. It doesn’t help that Sara’s sorority sisters are some of the most.. slutty girls on campus, for lack of a more polite term. Josh always hated how guys would lump Sara into the group of sorority sluts just by the letters on her little jacket. And guys were always staring at her as she bounces around campus in her sorority mandated short skirts. Josh couldn’t blame them, though. Sara was blessed with a body of a fertility goddess: long legs, thick thighs, a full bubble butt, slim waist, large boobs, and wavy red hair.
As Josh stared at himself in the mirror, he can’t help but worry about tonight. His costume is a baggy ghost costume that Sara sewed for him out of a white bed sheet. Josh mumbles to himself “ugh I look like Casper the socially awkward ghost.” Sara quickly walks up behind him and gives him a firm hug around the waist. “Don’t worry about tonight, babe! Your costume looks super cute, and we will look so adorable with our scooby-doo theme. I make a very sexy Velma, If I do say so myself.” Sara was right, she looks amazingly sexy, as usual. Josh looks her up and down and says “ I Don’t know, Sara, are you sure Velma would show that much… everything? Those guys are gonna see you as a piece of meat to sink their teeth into as soon as possible!”
Sara puts on a pouty face and stares into Josh’s eyes as she runs her finger up and down his chest “But babyyy- all the other girls are wearing sexy costumes. I don’t want to be the only prude there! They will bully me for weeks!” Her hand starts to work its way down Josh’s torso and into his pants. “I may even be inclined to give you a special gift, if you are a good boy tonight. hehe” Her hand grasps his soft dick and starts to slowly move back and forward. Josh begins to moan and says “Babe, that’s no fair! You know I can’t say no to you like this.” Sara looks up at him and coyly says “Then don’t.”
The party
As Josh and Sara walk down from Sara’s room, the music grown louder and louder. There are already a handful of guys from the frats hanging out and drinking with Sara’s sorority sister. The guys are dressed in all sorts of half assed costumes such as lumberjack with no shirt on, fireman with no shirt on, and professor with a cutoff tee-shirt. This is exactly what Josh was trying to avoid. Of course, the girls are eating the costumes up. Its just because they have muscles, Josh thinks to himself. Soon Sara notices a guy she has class with and runs over to talk to him. She turns her head to Josh as she is walking away and says “Hey babe, I know that guy from statistics, I’m gonna go say hi! Why don’t you mingle with the other guys?”
Josh watches with an uneasy feeling in his stomach as Sara salters over to some guy and grabs his arm as she starts to laugh. The guy is wearing a similar costume to Josh. A ghost costume, with the arms cut off, of course. Josh walks over to the other guys and grabs a beer. “Hey man. Is that your girl?” one of the bros asks. “Yea that’s Sara. My girlfriend.” The group whistles and nods in approval. “I didn’t know the girls in this sorority were allowed to have boyfriends haha. With all the party responsibilities and all that.” Josh does not like the sound of that. He knew the sorority had a bad reputation for having lose women, but not that everyone in the frats knew too. Josh swallows hard and replies “Oh yea. Well Sara isn’t like the other girls. She just likes to have fun and hang out with her friends.” The guy motions over to Sara and says “Oh like she is having fun with that guy right now? Haha good luck, bro. Steve is a player if I’ve ever seen one.” Josh’s stomach drops even further as he looks over to see Sara on some dude’s shoulders being spun around in circles… Her skirt is WAY too short for that.
As Josh begins to walk over to Sara to ask her what she is doing, Amanda, Sara’s friend, stops him. “Hey Josh, can you help us move some boxes? They are really heavy and we need a big strong guy to handle them! Pleassseeee.” Josh tries to object, but Amanda is already pulling him into the basement stairway. As he looks back he can see the group of guys he was standing with try and get a good look up Sara’s skirt, but they can’t look long as the guy begins to walk off with her towards the kegs. Fuck. “Hey Amanda, who is that guy Sara is with now?” Amanda looks back at him and smiles “Ow that is Steve! He is so cool. He helps us around the house when anything breaks. He is such a manly man. hehe he also helps a few of the girls out in another way, if you know what I mean.” She says slyly. Josh is confused “You mean like… tutoring services?” Amanda looks at him blankly “No silly. Now take these boxes of beer upstairs for me please! Thanks, hun!” and she scampers up the stairs. Josh sighs.
As Sara sees Amanda lead Josh down the stairs, she quickly turns to Steve and says “Alright baby, its time you show me what my friends have been talking about for the last month! I’m very… curious. Hehe” As Sara moves Steve into the kitchen, away from the crowd, she glances down eagerly to his crotch. Steve looks her up and down and then says “hmm well it won’t be much to look at until its hard so… I don’t know what to do about that.” Sara looks him in the eyes and slowly smiles. She moves over to the counter and pretends to reach for something in a shelf high up. Clearly, she cannot reach, so she looks back at Steve and says “A little help please.” Here words dripping in sensuality. As Steve comes up behind Sara, she pushes her ass into his crotch and begins gyrating her hips back and forward. She can feel a large mass begin to press into her firm ass. After a minute of this, Sara hears a familiar voice out in the living room. It is Josh asking where to put the boxes from downstairs. Sara then hears Amanda tell him to bring them into the kitchen.
Josh walks into the kitchen carrying a large box of beer and sets it on the floor with a large grunt. Steve speaks up “Hey buddy, those look a little heavy for you. Do you need a hand with that?” Josh looks up and sees Sara and Steve standing together by the counter. “Umm no they aren’t too heavy for me, but thanks. What are you guys doing?” Sara says “Oh we were just.. looking for cups for the guests. But they were too high up, so I had to get Steve to reach for me.” Josh looks at Steve suspiciously but eventually states that he needs to get the rest of the heavy beers from the basement and walks out.
As soon as Josh leaves, Sara looks at Steve and asks “So, is it ready for me to have a look now?” Steve chuckles and reaches down to his pants, under the cloth of the ghost costume, and zips open his pants. He then grabs the base of his dick and pulls the fabric on the costume taunt. Sara’s mouth drops open. Steve has what looks like a giant, extra thick dildo hidden under his costume. Sara gasps “O.M.G… that can not be real!” Steve seems to like her reaction “Oh its real alright. Just ask Amanda.” Sara growls “there is no way that dumb bimbo is gonna keep this all to herself.” And, with that, she drops to her knees and craws under the ghost costume. As Sara looks up, she is met with the biggest dick she has seen in her life, even watching porn. Suddenly Steve hears a “Holy fucking shit” come from under his costume, and he can’t help but smile.
Soon Steve feels a warm hand grasp the base of his thick cock, followed by a pair of moist lips at the tip. Steve moans and says “Careful babe, it’s been a day or two since I drained these balls. Go easy on me.” Sara notices that each of his balls are big enough to fill her hands. What Sara heard was ‘please suck my soul out of my cock’ and that is exactly what she does. She grasps the monster cock with both hands, and there is still enough room for two more hands to fit. Sara begins to slowly force the bulbous head into her tiny mouth. After a few effortful grunts, the large head squeezes past her plump lips and POPs into her mouth. Steve shutters as he can feel Sara’s moans on his cock head. Slowly, more and more cock is forced into Sara’s tiny mouth and suddenly they can both feel the monster bump into the back of Sara’s tight throat. Sara is trying her best to fit Steve’s big cock into her throat, but she is out of practice due to Josh’s below average dick never making it this far. She gags and slobbers on Steve’s member, but to no avail.
As Josh begins to enter the kitchen with his second case of beer, he is relieved to see Steve standing alone. “Hey man. Did you see where Sara ran off to? I have a few more cases to bring up, but then I want to hang out with her some.” Steve looks at Josh for a second before answering. “Hmm yea.. last I saw her was a minute or two ago. I’ll tell her you are looking for her though.” Josh looks around and then replies “Ok. Thanks man. Hey, can you get me a cup from the cabinet too? I think I need some beer after all this heavy lifting.” And he slaps the case of beer he just brought up. Steve begins to lean to the cabinet, but then he realizes he cannot get close enough with his dick and Sara in the way. Steve decides the only way to keep things inconspicuous is to slowly lean into the cabinet, pushing Sara into the base of the cabinet. Once she is pressed up against the drawers, Steve can almost reach the cups, but he is still about a half a foot away.
Josh takes this opportunity to point out that Steve is being weird “Umm why are you moving so slow? Is this some sort of joke? Whatever, I can just get the cup myself.” Steve replies “No! No, I’m sorry I was just thinking about something else. Here I’ll get it.” And with that he leans forward and forces the remaining half a foot of cock into Sara’s throat, directly in front of her unsuspecting boyfriend. Underneath the ghost costume, Sara has tears running down the side of her face as she fights back the urge to gag and cough. Her nails are digging into Steve’s thighs as she squeezes them for all she is worth. Finally, Steve has the cup in his hand and leans back to give it to Josh “Here you go. Sorry I got distracted there for a second.” Josh takes the cup and says “No problem. Thanks.” And he walks out of the kitchen.
Once Sara hears Josh leave, she begins to have an unbelievably strong orgasm. She starts to shake and moan, and Steve feels all of this through his rock-hard cock. Sara’s orgasm pushes Steve over the edge. His bulging sack pulls up against his cock and Sara feels the monster in her throat begin to swell even larger. The first shot of cum forces its way up through the cock, and Sara can feel her tongue be forced down by the expanding cum vein. Soon She feels a warm sensation filling her throat. This happens two more time before Sara notices the warm feeling is filling her stomach now too. She begins to pull back, but Steve notices and places his hands firmly against the back of her head. “You aren’t getting off that easy, slut. I told you I was backed up!” and with that Steve forces Sara’s chin up against his pulsing balls and continues to fill her with his cum. All Sara can do is count the pulses of cum being unloaded into her stomach. Five, six, seven, … ten, eleven, twelve, … and they finally begin to tamper off around twenty.
Steve lets out a heavy sigh as he feels his balls relax and his cock begins to soften. He releases Sara’s head and she slowly falls backwards, the monster cock sliding out of her mouth like a sick version of the never-ending handkerchiefs magic trick. Once a foot of cock is outside Sara’s mouth, another POP is heard as the fat cockhead is forced from her mouth. Sara collapses on the floor in a quivering pile. She is still cumming. Once she regains her senses, she reaches down to her once tight and toned tummy to find a bulging cum filled belly. Steve puts his cock back into his pants and sighs “Oh Sara… what am I goanna do with you now? I can’t leave you here for Josh to find.” Steve reaches down and picks her up over his shoulder, like earlier, and he begins to carry her up to her room. Steve cant help but notice the stream of girl cum running down Sara’s legs.. he may need to address that shortly.
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