#txt snz
allergyu · 1 month
Soobin sneezing again in day 2 (if he sneezes again in day 3 i swear 😭)
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sneezyminniejo · 2 months
Kai and Taehyun both sneezed in the live that they just did
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aller-geez · 1 year
I'm sure I'm alone here, but does anyone else have the kink but also Misophonia?
I am 30000000% sexually into sneezes. Like yes, sneeze on me during naughty things, and let me love and take care of you when you're sick..
But once I hit the point that my misophonia wants to pump my brain with cordisol and put me into fight or flight mode.......
I swear, husband, you better not sniffle ONE MORE TIME or I will explode.
LIKE, WHY BRAIN? You cant love sneezes and everything about them but hearing approximately 18 sniffles in a row from your partner almost makes you homicidal (^:
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snz-thoughts · 3 months
I'm 20 today!!!
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sunflowersniffles · 2 years
A handful of slightly-damp tissues not quite covering a series of wet tickly cold sneezes well enough. The soupy snuffles that follow aren't enough to take care of the mess, so those same damp tissues (now even damper) have to be used to dab at the poor nose. Then the tissues cause the sensitive chapped nostrils to flair ominously.
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snifflyenby · 3 months
i never get normal hyperfixations do i… wish i could vibe wth the rest of snzblr but no my brain said its k/un/g fu p/an/da fo today
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carelesskinks · 1 year
I know how we feel about someone denying they're allergic to something, but how about someone claiming they have an allergy to something they don't, and then getting called on it and having to fake a reaction?
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firebuug · 11 months
drew 1 more and promptly passed out
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kpopsickiess · 2 years
Hiii, Can u do a really snotty and sneezy Yeonjun (TXT) Take your time <33 hope u can do it thank you
Sickie: Yeonjun
Caretaker: txt
this wasn't specified what kind of requests, so I went with an allergy fic. I hope that's good with whoever requested it)
Yeonjun p.o.v
I awoke to an annoying tickle in my nose. It was obviously annoying because it woke me up. I wasn't sure what time it was, but it was still dark, I was sure it was either really early or really late. But the tickle had woken me up, and knowing how loud my sneezes are, I didn't want to bother or disturb any of my roommates, so I quietly moved to the bathroom. Once in, I fully shut the door, not wanting to make much noise. I grabbed a bunch of toilet paper, there were no tissues, and that was the next best thing. I paused for a second, my breath hitched a few times, before the sneeze finally came out. It was softer than expected, but also much more wet. I threw the wad of soiled toilet paper away, and took another bunch, and blew my nose. I groaned, still not exactly sure what was setting me off so bad, I could tell it was allergies because my eyes and nose were too itchy for it to be a cold. Although I sort of wish it was a cold, because I had made the discovery that my sneezes were much messier when it was my allergies. I blew my nose again, triggering another sneeze, which was equally as messy as the first. 
I decided to go sleep on the couch, not wanting to disturb my roommates. First I went to the kitchen and grabbed a box of tissues off of the table, and took them to the living room with me. I plopped down on the couch, plucking a few more tissues out and blowing my nose. Finally able to almost breathe out of my nose, I was able to doze off. I wasn't able to fully sleep, as every 20 minutes or so I was awoken by the annoying itch in my nose. I wasn't exactly sure what time I went to the living room, but between then and when Soobin started making breakfast at 8:30 I had gone through an entire box of tissues, and had at least 15 sneezing fits. When Soobin began breakfast I decided to just get up, since I was awake and I didn't think I'd get much more sleep anyways. 
I went into the kitchen where Soobin was cooking. "Good morning hyung!" He said cheerfully once he saw me walk in. "Morning" I wouldn't exactly say it was a 'good morning' I was tired, congested, my nose was itchy, and it was only 8:30 and I already had an awful sinus headache. "Are you okay?" He asked, I assumed I looked pretty awful, judging by how concerned he sounded. I nodded, I knew it would be more convincing if i just answered, but there's no way i could have spoken, because my breath was hitching, "are you sure?" I nodded, but as I did so my breath hitched loud enough Soobin definitely heard it. "hhttch-IEW hht-CHuH-hhtChHu"
"Bless you" I kept my arm over my face, "can you hand me a napkin, he nodded and handed me a few. I turned away from him and cleaned the inside of my arm, and then blew my nose, which triggered another itchy sneeze, this one even messier than the previous. I was glad that Soobin had given me more than one napkin. After blowing my nose a fair number of times, I turned back to my dongsaeng. "Are you sure you're okay hyung?" 
"My allergies are really bad today. I'm not sure why" 
"Will you be okay to go to our schedule today?" 
"Yeah, I'll just need a lot of ti-hhiTCHuuh- HHttcchUH HHhtChu-HhtcHUuh" I stopped to grab another bunch of napkins and clean my soiled hand "tissues" 
"Speaking of tissues, where's the box that was on the table in here?" 
"I used it"
"All of it?" I could hear the shock in his voice, I nodded, "Hyung that was almost full"
"Sorry" I felt a bit embarrassed, especially because I could feel moisture on my upper lip. "I wasn't scolding you. I'm just kinda concerned, are you sure you're okay?" Before I could answer, I heard Beomgyu speak from the kitchen door, "is hyung sick?" 
"No, just really bad allergies" Soonin answered, and as if to prove his point, I doubled over with a harsh, itchy, double. I kept my arm over my face, and Soobin thankfully noticed and handed me a few napkins. My name had already gotten raw and sore with how much I was blowing it. "geez hyung you sound miserable" I nodded, "I kinda feel like it" 
"How long have you been like this?" 
"I'm not sure. I woke up in the middle of the night, and was like this. I'm not sure why it's so bad, but it's not getting any better" i sniffled, my nose was running so much, it felt like no matter how much i blew it, it was still runny. 
Beomgyu took his phone out of his pocket, after a few seconds, he looked at me, "the pollen count isn't even that high. So I don't think that's it. The pollen count would have to be pretty high for you to be this bad." 
"Then wh-hh-hEtchu-uttcHUh-hhHtchUu- *snf* sorry, what could it be." 
"Have you changed anything recently?" 
"I don't think so, have we done any new cleaning supplies?" They both shook their heads. "maybe we ask the maknaes, see if they know what it could be" Beomgyu said, leaving the kitchen. "In the mean time, you should shower and see if you can get whatever it is off of you" i nodded, and left the room, stopping in the hall once to sneeze, I kept my hand over my mouth the rest of the way to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I washed my hand, which had been covered in the aftermath of the recent fit. I took a handful of toilet paper and blew my nose, which soaked through the paper, and I still couldn't breathe through my nose. So I threw those away and took more out. It took four rounds of this before I could finally actually breathe. I got into the shower, loving how the warm water loosened the congestion that had settled in my head and chest. 
I almost just wanted to rinse off, feeling tired from the lack of sleep, combined with all the sneezing. But I thought about how if I was reacting to something like the laundry detergent, it wouldn't help to not wash my hair. I picked up the random bottle of shampoo that was in the shower, I wasn't sure where it came from or whose it was, but I had used it the night before and really liked it, so I picked it up, and squeezed some into my hand. As soon as the scent reached my nose, I realized why I had been sneezing, I think I'm allergic to this shampoo I thought to myself, before placing my hand on the wall, bracing myself. "Hhugtchu- HhtcHUuh eehTChuU eehTChuU hhgtChHUu heptTChuU HHttcchUH HHhtChu-HhtcHUuh HhtcHU hhhAtChu hht-CHuH-nngtchuHh hhhTTChhu-hhhAtChu hht-CHuH-" i finally got a breath in and washed my hands off, i tentatively sniffed my hands, thankfully I had gotten the shampoo off enough that it didnt agrravate my sinuses more than they already were. I was SO GLAD I didn't use the shampoo, but for good measure I washed my hair.. with a different shampoo, obviously. After getting out, I got dressed and brought the shampoo downstairs to where my members were eating breakfast. "Hey hyung! How're you feeling?" Beomgyu asked, alerting the others to my presence. "Better, especially because I found out what's wrong" 
"Oh good, because none of us had any clue!" Kai explained, to which the others nodded. I showed them the shampoo. "It's this, I'm allergic to it, I used it last night, and then went to use it this morning, and it made me super sneezy" 
"Where'd that come from?" Taehyun asked, Soobin, Beomgyu and I shrugged. But Kai looked about to burst out laughing, "hyung, that's women's shampoo" he giggled, "it's my sisters, after she went shopping yesterday she came here to shower, becausd her dorm was locked and she forgot her key." The others laughed, "wow hyung I didn't know you liked smelling like a pretty girl" Soobin playfully teased, I rolled my eyes, "very funny guys" Kai gave me an evil smile. "I'm telling my sister you said she smells good" I rolled my eyes again. "You're hilarious" although I wasn't that bothered, and I was really happy I wasn't sneezing anymore.
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allergyu · 1 month
Soobin sneezing
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sneezyminniejo · 2 months
Beomgyu sneeze
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aller-geez · 1 year
I’m sure it’s a long shot, but do any of my followers have any extra toyhou.se invite codes? I have been trying to find one for YEARS ;-; I just want a Remi x Levi archive as well as my side characters 🥺
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sunflowersniffles · 2 years
Imagine someone laying under a weighted blanket and not being able to move their arm out from under it fast enough to cover their sneeze. So they just kinda sneeze out in the open and all over themself
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snifflyenby · 2 years
i think my friend group has gone past the point of just being a friend group
i think the word for it would be a queerplatonic polycule but whatever it’s called i love it
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8kane8 · 2 years
I love how he sneeze
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shizuuu · 2 years
Why is grief a b/tch? Like I asked you to leave three years ago, why are you still here?
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