#u know how teenxian saw teenji's stuffy face and was like. i need to see him break
layzeal · 1 year
hey do you ever think about how MAD Lan Wangji must have been post-Siege. like people talk about the Grieving, because of course he was grieving, but I don’t see as many people talk about how furious he must have been. like there’s him being shown first hand the rank hypocrisy of the cultivation world and how they killed Wei Wuxian and the Wen (and jeez, the fear he must have felt wondering what would happen if people were to find out Shizui was a Wen–) and then how they turned around and said that was Justice. how enraging would it be to hear them disparage Wei Wuxian and then without blinking use his inventions; just using Wei Wuxian while condemning him even after death. truly hanguang-jun is stronger than me, because I think I would go crazy.
ksdjfhjsdkfh in all fairness, i think the reason people don't really talk about lan wangji's rage after wwx's death is because we never actually see it. we watch him drink and harm himself with the wen brand in hopeless despair. we see his sadness, his grief, we see him drag his broken body to yiling and search for days for a single trace of wwx, the only thing forcing him to come back being the sickly little boy he found hiding in a tree... but we don't see him angry, resentful, or vengeful.
other than maybe towards jc, lwj doesnt outwardly show any resentment or disdain, and doesnt treat anybody differently. he isn't violent, and even at the immediate threat of losing wwx (ie the 33 elders) he only attacks them so they cannot impede him from escaping with wwx, it was a rational choice made with a clear goal in mind, he didn't snap. in the present, we watch how he simply removes himself from the situation altogether and chooses to help the common people with his own hands, rather than waste time with clan politics.
we KNOW he must be angry at that senseless injustice, but he simply has a different way of showing it. it's all inner brewing, which he answers by changing his actions, not by snapping with violence.
and thaaaat's exactly why wwx is OBSESSED with making lwj angry. because he sees all that self-restraint and emotion boiling behind that impassive face, and he wants to see it explode!! he wants lwj to never have to hold back with him. he knows lwj feels everything SO much but only allows his own actions to be calculated, so if he can tease him just in the right way to let those feelings explode in a positive manner that makes them both happy? well, call that therapy babyyy
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