#uhh yeah i didn't edit this or proofread or any of that
strxbrymochi · 10 months
chapter 27. cutting class (office edition)
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synopsis: when jeno took over his family's empire, yn was the last person he expected to see given their past. now, she's in a relationship with one of his best friends, and he's left wondering about "what could have been". surely working together wouldn't revive any unspoken thoughts. right?
warnings// none rlly
rest of written chapter after the line break;
word count: around 1k maybe (i didnt proofread this so gg HAHA)
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"you're really insane you know that right?" you say, strapping in your seatbelt. "like, during work hours? what are we? uni students cutting class?" you couldn't believe you were here, sitting in jeno's car. in broad daylight. in the middle of a work day. and you weren't drunk or passed out. you were completely sober. sober enough to tell something was off.
"and you forget i'm the ceo, so i can do whatever i want." he says, smiling at you. you swear your heartrace sped up a bit. but maybe it was also just cause he started zooming out that parking lot and you were fearing your life. well, you knew it wasn't the car or his driving but yeah, let's go with that.
"where are you taking me?" you ask.
"a surprise isn't a surprise if i tell you y/n" jeno answers back. eyes never leaving the road other than occasional glances on you to check if you were still okay. you've been driving for 30 minutes now and you were getting antsy.
"just sleep." he says. "i'll tell you when we get there and you'll have energy to finish your report when we get back."
"we're getting back in time for that? what happened to the report can wait til tomorrow huh?" you challenge him.
"just sleep." he says, arm moving to turn on the radio and before you know it, you're drifting off to sleep.
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"you can wake up now." jeno's voice brings you back to reality and you stir in your seat. eyes adjusting to the light, vision trying to process where you were.
"is that..?" you stutter.
"yup, welcome back." he says, getting out the car.
you follow him. "i thought bringing you down a little trip down memory lane would help you cheer up a bit. i didn't know how much of these places you've gotten to see since you got back since i give you a lot of work i don't know if you have time to go around but these always cheered you up back then so i thought i'd give it a try. so, tada, welcome back to snu!"
you smile at him. he's rambling, he's nervous. you weren't sure how pleased you were with the idea of going down memory lane to the places and times that made you fall in love with him all those years ago but he was trying, so you thought you'd give him a chance. after all, he was right. you haven't been back in a while, maybe nostalgia was good.
you both walk inside campus, and watch as the students walk past, just like you guys once did all those years ago before you moved to new york. you guys walk around, reminiscing about your university days.
"remember when jisung first started uni and he had just joined the group?" you start. "i swear he hid behind that tree and i could see him calming his breathing because he was so scared of you guys." you remember laughing. the two of you were sitting on a bench. one of the many places you and your friends used to hang out in between classes.
jeno laughs. "he was not scared."
"yes he was! he looked petrified" you say, recalling the thought of a first year jisung, nervous to meet his hyungs, who now happen to be his best friends.
"well how about that kid in professor choi's class, the stuck up kid. what was his name?"
"uhh dowoon? doyeon? i don't remember." you try thinking.
"yeah, him. remember when professor choi was asking lee seohun a question and he responded and embarrassed himself in front of the whole class," jeno says laughing.
you follow along, "i remember! i think professor choi said something along the lines of how we were all seated separately and he just went "cause i'm different and just that good" and the whole room went silent."
"that was a good time." he says, staring off into the field.
silence falls between you two, it's comfortable silence. not the type you have to be worried about. just the two of you, reminiscing about university, like old friends would.
"hey you wanna go somewhere else?" jeno asks.
"where would we go?" you ask him, curious.
"there's one more memorable place we haven't seen yet."
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the two of you get to the beach right as the sun starts setting.
"it's gorgeous." you say, sighing out to the distance, not noticing the man staring at you when he responds "yeah, it is."
this was a memorable beach. it was where you and your friends had your outings. it was where they went to play beach volleyball or eat ice cream during the weekend. you would go there often to read, get some peace and hear the waves crashing to calm you down. this was your place. it was where you would run to when things get too much and jeno would often find you here, ready to bring you back home. this beach had a lot of memories. memories you cherished, and memories you wanted to erase. this was the same beach where jeno rejected you.
the truth was, he didn't reject you per se. you had gotten that offer to study in new york and you wanted to tell him. you've had all these feelings for him for the longest time and you thought you should tell him before you left, and so you did. you were willing to give it up if he told you too, that's how much you loved him. it's not wasy to confess to your best friend. he was your person, and you were his. it was a stupid idea really. but when he just stood there unable to speak and respond starting his sentence with "i'm sorry", that was all you needed to hear. you had never wanted to fly out and move away so badly. you left the next week.
"you're crying again." you hear him say softly next to you. you break out of your thoughts and quickly wipe the tears off your face. "oh, sand got in my eye." you say as an excuse even if you and him both know, it wasn't sand that got in your eye.
"i think we should head back." he says.
"yea i think we should." you reply back.
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taglist: @n0hyuck @toodleeee @vianna99 @mark-geolli @polarisjisung @dinonuguaegi
16 notes · View notes
bragganhyl · 2 years
Ages ago I joked that I would write bad smut bc I wasn't getting prompts. Except it wasn't really a joke, well, not entirely.
So anyway have a Team Gilded Vale threesome whatever, about 6k words long (some of that is plot if you can call it that).
Night was falling and the lanterns aboard The Defiant were being lit to chase away the oppressing penumbra setting on the docks of Neketaka. Gaura's gaze, however, was fixed on Aloth standing beside her. Small, magical flames burst in the lanterns that bathed the ship in blue light. The wizard's eyes widened in surprise and a faint smile spread on his face. Immeasurable relief washed over the Watcher.
'What's with all the blue?' Edér's voice came from behind her. She didn't notice him coming up from below deck. He stepped beside her and absent-mindedly wrapped an arm around her waist. Still, his eyes were fixed on the new lanterns and they were full of questions.
'I just thought I'd prepare a surprise,' Gaura flashed a satisfied grin at the farmer, that faltered when his expression didn't change. 'When we get to Dunnage, I'll prepare another one just for you,' she said already envisioning the cushions she'd get for the menagerie. She turned back to Aloth then. 'So... How do you like it?'
'I haven't seen many arcane lanterns since I left Aedyr,' he grabbed the Watcher's hand. 'Thank you, this is lovely.' His gaze drifted to Edér who was still squinting at the lights, confused. 'They are magical lanterns, they have a blue flame that does not burn, which makes them safe to use on boats.'
'No, I... I get that,' he crossed his arms. 'Just wondering what prompted this,' he looked at Gaura, as his face contorted into a cautious and apologetic expression. 'We missed some occasion or...?'
'No, it's nothing like that,' a quick sigh escaped the Watcher's lips as she turned to him. She gave his upper arm a light, reassuring squeeze. 'I just wanted to do something nice for you. We spend so much time on this boat, and we rarely get to do something just the three of us when we're ashore. I just thought...' she let go of the farmer. Her hand moved to her chest and she idly rubbed a spot in the center of it as if she could smooth out a small knot of anxiety that formed in her as she spoke. 'I figured if most of the time we spend together is spent stuck here then... I'd make things a little more romantic.'
It was an understatement, but Gaura couldn't bring herself to voice a fear within her that time and again reared its head in the back of her mind: that she was wasting time. Without knowing anything certain about Eothas' plans, the best thing she felt she could do was to prepare the Deadfire, to make sure it was stable enough that it could survive whatever the God of Light was up to. But the more time she spent on that, the more she felt like her failure was inevitable. And if that was true, then she had less time than she thought. And yet she couldn't regret a single moment she spent with the men by her side. She just wished she could spend them better.
Aloth reached for the hand on Gaura's chest, snapping her out of her musings. He guided it to his lips and blew a soft kiss on her knuckles.
'I'm grateful, Gaura,' he said. 'Although I need to remind you that we're all in a similar predicament - stuck on this boat, as you said.'
'Yeah, last time I checked you didn't hold it against us that we can't court you proper,' Edér stopped to ponder his own words. 'I suppose that's probably for the best. Doubt my sanity would survive if I had to put up with whatever Aedyrans call courting.'
'Because, clearly, Dyrwoodans have mastered the art of romance,' Aloth rolled his eyes at the farmer, failing to notice his smirk that have grown into a soft chuckle.
'Regardless, Aloth is right,' Edér continued, 'you're taking real good care of us already. No need to worry about us,' he once again wrapped an arm around Gaura's waist and pulled her closer to himself. He left a light, lingering kiss on her forehead. 'I'd say, things are working out just fine as far as we're concerned.'
The Watcher couldn't suppress the relieved smile creeping in the corners of her lips. She nodded barely visibly but even her own slight gesture helped. Even if the fear remained tucked away in a remote corner of her being.
'In that case,' she sighed, 'I have work to do before our departure in the morning. Those ledgers won't fill themselves.'
She only took a single step before Aloth called after her.
'Then let me help you with it. Simple logistics should not be beyond me.'
'Count me in,' Edér added, then he took the space next to the Watcher again and lightly elbowed her in the side. 'I've been filling out those ledgers before you have.'
Gaura scoffed and playfully pinched him in the arm. 'You think I didn't have to look at ledgers back at Caed Nua?'
'You think I didn't have to look at them back at Dyrford?' The farmer laughed and took her hand.
Edér guided her below deck where they spent what seemed an eternity, checking every crate and barrel, and carefully documenting every piece of cargo that was packed onto The Defiant - which included a certain set lanterns. Still, Gaura couldn't help but feel her spirits lifted whenever she felt Aloth's gaze on herself, only to see a shy smile when she looked up at him - a smile that did not match the shade of red coloring his cheeks and even the tip of his ears - or whenever she felt Edér place his stack of papers on her back to write - which was something he clearly did not need to do, nor did he refrain from stealing light touches along her spine. She felt time move forward in those moments and herself moving forward with it. And it all felt easy and comfortable.
Only when they were finished did the Watcher get a proper sense of the passage of time. She entered her cabin, stretching as she walked towards her footlocker and the window above. The sounds of a bustling city mingled with the sounds of the ocean and streamed into the cabin, when she opened the window. Night has already fallen but the deep blue of the sky was tinted with the lights of a city wide awake. Gaura chuckled with relief and excitement.
'I didn't realize the night was still this young.' she knelt on the footlocker to get a better view through the window. 'Maybe we could still go out, and see what Queen's Berth has to offer.' The Watcher turned back only to see Edér standing barely a step away from her, while Aloth was already casting spells on their bed.
'Or we could stay in,' the farmer said as he closed the distance and sat down beside Gaura. 'You're working pretty hard to keep this ship afloat, we could... practice enjoying it.' He placed a hand on her knee.
'We'll set sail tomorrow morning,' Gaura retorted. 'We'll have days to enjoy it then,' when Edér's expression didn't change, uncertainty took root in her. 'Are... Are you sure you don't want to...?'
'I would prefer a nice, private evening for ourselves too,' Aloth added in between two muttered spells. A moment passed in silence, only broken by the ruffling of fabrics upon the bed. 'No matter what we end up doing, I'm certain it will be special,' he continued then cleared his throat somewhat flustered. 'We are... the farthest thing from mundane, after all.'
'You take that back,' Edér joked.
The Watcher could only reply with a strained smile. She reached for the center of her chest and slowly rubbed at the largest crack running along her sternum. She didn't know how to explain, she didn't know how to shake the feeling that she was being utterly greedy.
'I just want...'
The word got stuck in her, maybe it never even left her heart: more. More space, more time, more of herself to spend with them. She shook her head.
'It's not important.'
'Kinda sounds like it is,' Edér moved his hand from her leg to her chin and carefully turned her head towards him. His eyes were full of concern and Gaura reflexively smiled at him. Anything to make that look disappear from his face.
'It's fine, Edér,' she leaned closer to him. 'I'm just feeling a little restless, I suppose,' she stole a shallow kiss from his lips, a flimsy attempt to hide her downplayed emotions.
Before he could respond in any way, she stood up from her footlocker and made her way to Aloth. He looked up at her approach, still holding on to a pillow he was about to cast a spell on, and shook his head even though he was unable to hide his smile or the blush spreading on his face.
'This is a rather blatant attempt to distract us,' he said but still allowed the Watcher to close the gap between them. Gaura kissed him slowly and as she angled her head to deepen the kiss, she felt a tremor run through the wizard and a moment later she heard the soft impact of the pillow against the floor.
'You say that, but you don't seem to mind.' She lightly touched the wizard's shoulder and ran her fingers down his arm, a grin spreading on her face as she felt goosebumps forming and the most gentle of contacts. 'Besides... was this not something you had in mind when you asked for an evening in private?'
Aloth blinked at her, in a mild daze. 'Y-... I mean, it was an option,' he swallowed and cleared his throat.
'It sure was on mine,' Gaura felt a large hand being placed on the small of her back. One of Edér's fingers tapped on the lace on the back of her vest - a subtle but barely hidden expression of his urge to get it off her as soon as she gives the word. A moment later, however he slid his hands to her slide and turned her towards himself. 'But if you're not really in the mood then...'
'Then,' the Watcher silenced Edér with a finger placed on his lips, 'I'd like you to put me in the mood.' She withdrew her hand and waited for a response. The farmer merely raised an eyebrow then shot a glance at Aloth behind her. She followed his gaze, freeing herself from his grasp, only to see the wizard shrug, at a loss but also flushed. Gaura let out a sigh. 'There will be time to talk once we set sail. I'll... I'll talk then. Or at least I'll try. I promise you both.'
For a moment, there was nothing but silence. Gaura's gaze moved between Edér and Aloth, hoping that if nothing else, that even if they won't distract her the way she tried to distract them, at least they'd let her off the hook. Any feeling would have been preferable over the ones her own thoughts evoked.
'You think you could help me out here, Aloth?' Edér's voice broke the silence. He reached a hand out to him almost like an invitation. Without hesitation, Aloth stepped closer and took it, then uttered a spell, allowing his magic to envelop both of them. The next thing Gaura knew, she was pulled on to the farmer's lips by the back of her head. His kiss was slow but slightly forceful. A comeback for her teasing, the Watcher thought and she couldn't help but smile, both relieved and satisfied. She felt nimble fingers undoing the lacing of her vest and she pulled away to let Aloth take it off her. She turned towards him to help him out of his clothes as well, but that was made all the more difficult by the wizard stealing shy but hungry kisses from her, while Edér reached for her front and let his hands roam along her chest, only stopping to give her breasts some squeezes that took the Watcher's breath away. She felt the farmer's lips against her ear as he spoke. 'I'm real happy you agreed to stay in. Doubt I could've touched you like this out in Queen's Berth,' he pulled Gaura's shirt out of her pants and slid a hand under it, spreading his broad palm on her belly, making sure that he got to touch as many of her cracks as he could, 'or at least not without wrecking Aloth's last nerve,' he chuckled.
Aloth scoffed as a response as he pulled away slightly. A moment later he looked to the side, with a blush that was more akin to embarrassment than lust. 'You're correct on that latter point,' he admitted, then his gaze met Gaura's once more. He took her hands in his, and pressed his lips on hers again - a silent request, and permission to guide his hands wherever she wanted them to be.
The Watcher chuckled at herself. It was almost ridiculous how predictable she was, she thought as she lead Aloth's hands to her pants, urging him to undo it for her. She expected him to reach beneath it and go straight between her thighs, but the wizard pulled away and instead he tugged at her pants by the sides of her thighs. Gaura stumbled slightly in her surprise, only to be caught by Edér behind her.
'Got you.' He reassured her. Still the Watcher straightened up and shuffled to the bed, laughing at her awkwardness.
'I'll need to sit down for this,' she said as she plopped down on the bed. She kicked off her one boot after the other, and wiggled out of her pants. She felt the bed shift just as she was about to remove the rest of her clothes and before she knew it, Edér has already wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. He left a kiss on her temple and tried to leave another on her lips. Their embrace, however only allowed a shallow and somewhat uncomfortable kiss, still, Edér was relentless which only got the Watcher laughing. 'This is a horrible angle,' she said.
'Not quite,' Aloth leaned over Gaura, lightly resting his hand on her thigh, 'not for me, at least.' He slowly slid his hand towards her hips. The Watcher raised herself slightly to let him take her underwear off.
'Do you think you could let me go for a bit?' The Watcher asked Edér.
'If you promise to stay close,' he joked as he loosened his grip on her, so she could sit closer to the edge of the bed and lean back down against him. 'Comfortable?' He asked as he threw an arm around her again.
Gaura's attention was occupied by Aloth, however. He watched her intently, almost fixated by her bare legs and the cracks running along them. He took off the rest of his clothes, then knelt before the bed and left a feather-light kiss on the Watcher's ankle. She in turn spread her legs for him, sinking further into Edér's embrace while Aloth traced a path along her leg with light almost-kisses that got Gaura holding her breath in anticipation without her even realizing it. Only when he reached her crotch and looked up at her did she exhale. She opened her mouth to urge him but before any sound left her mouth, Aloth gently lapped at her clit, holding her gaze, and indulging her impatience by slowly drawing circles around the small nub. Instead of words a soft hum left her lips.
'Gods, I could melt on your tongue, love,' Gaura sighed the words as encouragement. And it yielded the exact response she wanted.
Aloth drew his tongue along her slit, stopping at her clit once again to lap at it swiftly and erratically. The Watcher stifled a moan and reached down to dig her fingers into his hair. She found a sweet duality in the way the wizard cared for her cunt that was just as arousing to her as his very touch. Aloth traced figures as if he intended to write them into her flesh, as if they were confessions he couldn't voice but he was willing to have them seared into her nerves or as if they were a spell he came up with solely to ignite sparks within her. She saw a system even behind his sloppiness, although she only ever got glimpses of it and her mind was always too hazy with pleasure to make sense of it. But she craved it, she yearned for it, enough that it got her grinding against his mouth.
'You're pretty impatient,' Edér said as he reached down for the Watcher's shirt and pulled it up to her neck, 'it looks real good on you.' He leaned down and kissed her on her forehead.
Gaura looked up at him, struggling to resist the urge to let her enjoyment shut her eyes close. 'You like what you see, huh,' she chuckled, only to feel Aloth suck on her lips and turn her laughter into a short moan. She heard a barely audible groan coming from her side, and somehow that managed to fuel her arousal more. She reached for Edér's thigh and let her fingers dance along the inner side of it. 'Then... how about you... indulge my impatience?' She managed to utter the words between the sounds Aloth has been drawing out of her as she palmed the farmer's bulge. Edér tensed up only for a moment then he shifted his weight, trying to fight the urge to buck his hips into the Watcher's hand. She continued. 'Show me... how much you enjoy yourself.'
Edér stared at her for a moment, then softly laughed. 'Well, I can't say no to that,' he said as he let go of her to undo his pants.
Gaura watched as the farmer pulled out his almost fully erect cock. He wrapped an arm around her once again, while he began stroking himself lazily with his free hand.
'Look this way' he said, prompting to her to try and meet his gaze. She felt a light kiss on her forehead, and Edér's hand reaching down to grab her breast. Her eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the feeling of his staggered breath adding to the sweet rhythms battering at her senses, turning her nerves red-hot and molten running through her, rendering her unaware of anything that wasn't Aloth pushing her closer to her climax and Edér doing a poor job at keeping her grounded. She lost all sense of time, and the space around her began and ended with the precious cage formed by the bodies of her lovers around her. And just then, as if the wizard could guess exactly how close she was to ecstasy, he decided to slide a pair of his fingers past her folds.
Gaura cried out as waves of pleasure washed over her, driven by Aloth's fingers and tongue. She heard a hum coming from between her legs, that sounded almost relieved. She couldn't help but chuckle.
'I adore you, Aloth,' she said, once she regained enough of her composure to speak. She pried Edér's hand off her breast and left a peck on his palm, before she leaned forward and took the wizard's face in her hands and pulled him on her lips. Whatever he wanted to answer was cut short and muffled, and the noises he made against the Watcher's mouth only ended up making Edér laugh.
Gaura rolled over and pinned Aloth on the bed. She lied down on him, allowing the gentle flames adorning her body to caress him. She felt a tremor run through him and he quietly moaned against her lips. The Watcher pulled away with a chuckle and took his jaw in her hand. She turned Aloth's head to the side and ran her tongue from the base of his ear, along his jaw, down to his throat.
'Gaura,' he sighed her name, slightly arching himself towards her, 'I... I adore you too.'
The Watcher in turn began grinding against him, coating his cock with the slick of her arousal. She ran her fingers down along his sides, her nails leaving faint, pink marks on his skin. She sat upright, straddling him so she could take off her shirt. Aloth grabbed her by her hips as if even that fleeting moment of her touching him less, but touching him nonetheless, made him miss her terribly. She leaned down over him again, softly humming a healing chant as she soothed his skin with her kisses. The Watcher glimpsed movement in the corner of her eye.
'You think you could do that... spell of yours again?' Edér lounged beside Aloth. He stripped naked while Gaura wasn't looking. When her gaze met his, he gave her a quick wink.
Aloth groaned, this time out of frustration. 'You really ought to learn it yourself,' he looked to Gaura. 'Can you give me a moment?' He asked apologetically.
The Watcher climbed off the wizard's lap. 'Sure. Better you reinforce your protections before you get singed.'
'And I bet you'd have a harder time once she really got going,' Edér added.
Aloth frowned at him, his ears slowly lowering as he held the farmer's gaze. He shook his head. 'That doesn't make your timing any less atrocious.'
Edér merely shrugged. 'I'll make it up to you,' he said as he extended a hand towards him.
'You better,' Aloth took his hand and held it against his chest while he cast protective spells on the both of them. Edér blew a light kiss on his hair as thanks then got off the bed and made his way to Gaura.
'Hey,' he grinned at her as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, drawing a surprised laugh out of the Watcher that he stifled with a kiss. Gaura smiled against his lips then kissed back so ravenously that she could taste her own hunger on his tongue. Then she pulled away and Edér stared at her lips with lust so intense that it felt nearly scorching.
She laughed as she moved to Aloth who looked at her with need and affection in his eyes. 'Do you think you could slide a bit further up?' She asked as she measured the distance between the wizard's hip and the edge of the bed, idly tracing patterns on his belly with a finger. 'So that... if I ride you, I can just lean forward,' she looked towards Edér, 'and I'll be at the perfect spot to suck him,' she gestured at the farmer with her chin.
'Greedy much?' Edér teased, but bit his lip nonetheless.
'That is not the word I would have used.' Aloth sat up and kissed Gaura on the cheek, prompting her to look to him and claim his lips. He moved slightly away from the edge of the bed and laid down again, pulling the Watcher down with him.
'I hope you don't mind that I won't be facing you,' she said and lightly cupped the wizard's face.
Aloth softly laughed. 'It's quite alright,' he pried her hand off his face and kissed her palm. Hearing that, Gaura went on to straddle him with her back towards him. 'Oh, it is... far more than alright,' he added as he savored the anticipation. The Watcher lifted herself up slightly and she guided his cock to her slit. She descended on him slowly, drawing a long, quiet moan out of him.
The Watcher smiled to herself then locked gaze with Edér. She watched him intently as she began rocking her hips, her movements making her flames dance and the friction between her and Aloth painting her building pleasure on her face. She leaned slightly forward, not quite far enough to reach the edge of the bed, and beckoned at the farmer with a finger. He chuckled and met her, leaning down as well. He left a shallow kiss on her lips, then a few more on her shoulder, tickling her with his beard that got her softly giggling against his ear. Then a moment later he straightened up and began stroking himself once again at the same pace as Gaura was moving on top of Aloth.
'Ready?' He asked.
Gaura leaned closer and propped herself up, holding on to the edge of the bed. She bit her lip looking at Edér's cock. She looked up at him with an impish smile, and let a soft moan slip drawn forward by Aloth under her.
'In a bit,' she kissed Edér's thigh, then his belly, then anywhere close enough for her hair to lick at his sex.
'Gods, you're trying to get me to hate you with all this teasing?'
Gaura laughed at that. 'I'm just messing with you,' she stopped long enough to draw a zig-zagging trail with her tongue from the base of Edér's shaft to the head. He responded with a groan, meanwhile Aloth behind her let out a sigh that sounded almost like a complaint. She felt one hand reach up to the small of her back, while the other rested on her hip, ready to set a tempo for her, if she wasn't willing to set one herself. It filled her with a strange sense of smug satisfaction. 'I like it when you get impatient, too.' She said before she took Edér's cock in her mouth.
Getting closer to one meant being further from the other, and yet neither of the Watcher's lovers were truly far, only there was no such thing as close enough, there was only the shattering of Gaura's senses when she would only feel them. Until then, there was only movement, and the heat of pleasure spreading in her. Even time felt like it only moved when she did, according to her tempo and her rhythm. Soon, she heard nothing but the grunts of the men around her, her own moans stifled but loud, almost as loud as her heartbeat in her ears. And then Aloth grew quieter, and Gaura could easily guess that he was covering his own mouth.
'Don't be like that, Aloth,' Edér's voice was hoarse with lust. 'You really oughtta let her know... how she's making you feel.' He looked down at Gaura and gently touched her face and yet she moaned as an involuntary response. The farmer didn't comment on her sensitivity, only his lips curled to a knowing smirk.
'I... I don't think I could describe it,' once again, Gaura felt the wizard gripping her, but now Aloth lightly pulled at her - a gentle, unspoken request that she answered with slamming herself down on him. Aloth groaned loudly and for a moment he was tempted to stifle his noises, but after a moment of hesitation, he only held on to the Watcher tighter. 'I doubt I could...' he continued, 'even if I... could focus on... words. Right now.'
'You ain't gotta wax poetic about it,' Edér chuckled. 'Just tell her that-' he couldn't finish his sentence, as Gaura took a deep breath and pushed herself forward, trying to get as much of him in her mouth as possible. The farmer gasped and grabbed her largest horn, unable to resist bucking his hips. 'Fuck,' he groaned as the Watcher slowly pulled back, 'just like that, Honeycake. Nice and slow.'
Aloth softly laughed. 'Was that... supposed to be an example?'
'Uhh... sure,' Edér loosened his grip on the Watcher. 'Think you could do that again, Gaura? Promise, I... I won't move.'
The Watcher glanced up at him. A satisfied hum got stuck in her mouth. She focused on her breathing as she worked her way down on the farmer with slow bobs of her head. Edér cursed under breath, and placed a hand to the back of Gaura's head, his pleasure and affection clearly written in his touch. Aloth, however squirmed slightly at the sudden, slow pace. Instinctively, he tightened his grip on her and thrusted. Gaura's eyes widened at the sensation. It was such a light thrust but it hit a spot that she could've sworn she felt everywhere. Even muffled, her moan was loud and her arms propping her up grew weak. Edér pulled out, seeing her tense up, then knelt on the edge of the bed, steadying her upright.
'I got you,' he said breathlessly against her ear. Meanwhile Aloth kept moving at the tempo that he craved and missed, repeatedly hitting the point that made the Watcher see stars. Edér kissed her deeply, savoring his own taste on her tongue while he guided Gaura's hand to his cock, that was still slick with her saliva. She did her best to stroke him at Aloth's rhythm and when she felt the farmer pick up on it, and started to thrust into her hand, it was as if a weight fell from her shoulders. The same shoulders that the wizard sat up to kiss. Aloth wrapped his arms around her chest and buried his face in the curve of her neck as he sped up.
'I... I love you,' he whispered.
Gaura tried to pull away from Edér long enough to respond. But the wizard picked up the pace further as he was getting closer to his climax, and it was the exact thing she needed to reach hers. She cried into the farmer's mouth and he answered with a soft, approving hum. Before Gaura could ride out her ecstasy, she felt Aloth's hips stutter and her ears were filled with the wizard's moan. His embrace soon loosened on the Watcher and Edér pulled away as well.
'I love you too,' the Watcher uttered, turning towards Aloth. She received a gentle kiss on her neck as an answer. Then another on her cheek from Edér. Gaura laughed softly. 'And I love you, too,' she said as she looked to the farmer.
A wide grin brightened Edér's face. 'I love you, Honeycake,' he held on to her waist and tried to pull her close. 'You think you could let her go, Aloth?'
'One moment,' the wizard sighed as he held Gaura close. Once he regained some of his composure, he let her go and Edér helped her off his lap, then laid her down next to him.
'I could've done that by myself,' the Watcher shook her head.
'Just wanna make sure you're cared for,' Edér stole a kiss from her lips. Then another. Then Gaura remembered.
'You didn't finish.' There was an apology hiding behind her words.
'Yeah, well... If you're feeling up to it, then-'
'I am.'
Edér stared at her for a moment, then burst out laughing at her eagerness. 'Alright then. Let me just check on Aloth first.'
Gaura followed him with her gaze, and turned to face Aloth. The wizard's breathing was slowly calming down, his gaze was fixed on her, bliss was softening his features. He was lost in thought and only Edér sitting down by his other side snapped him out of it.
'You looked pretty handsome down there just now.' The farmer lightly touched his shoulder and caressed him with his thumb.
Aloth scoffed as he turned towards the veteran. The sound, that usually rang with a hint of bitterness, rang with fondness and joy instead. 'You just want me to cast protection spells on you again, don't you?'
'Well... Yeah, but... That doesn't make it any less true.'
Aloth merely blinked at Edér. He softly chuckled in astonishment then as his laughter died down, he sighed. 'I'm sorry, I feel a bit... spent.'
'I get that, don't worry about it,' to make his point clearer, Edér left a shallow kiss on the wizard's lips before he got up, and made his way to the Watcher's desk on the other side of the room. Meanwhile Aloth snuggled up to Gaura. She wrapped a leg around his hip and rested a hand above his heart. He in turn tried to tuck a flame behind her ear. Gaura heard the fading magic around his fingers just for a moment, before those same fingers ran down her neck, then her arm until his hand eventually rested on her hip. Edér returned with two vials - one he gave to Aloth, and he drank the contents of the other. Aloth awkwardly propped himself up long enough to drink. Then as he plopped back down on the bed, Gaura could have sworn he actually managed to get even closer to her.
The farmer spent a moment watching them get comfortable before he reached for the Watcher's thigh.
'You look real nice and inviting,' he said as he ran his hand to her knee then reached below it to lift her leg. 'Mind holding it for me?'
Gaura bit her lip and obliged, anticipation already getting her heart rushing. Edér entered her excruciatingly slowly, lowering her leg back down, then leaned over her for a kiss. For a few moments the only thing that moved was his tongue in her mouth, and the Watcher was certain every second could reach into infinity if she left it up to the farmer. She tried moving her hips as much as she could, lying on her side, which only got Edér laughing and pulling away.
'Is this revenge for my teasing?' She asked.
'Maybe,' Edér smirked at her. 'Why? You don't like it?'
Gaura pondered her answer and in that short moment she felt Edér's cock throbbing in her, sending pleasant shivers down her spine, that we're only soothed by Aloth's touch.
'I do, in fact,' the smugness in her voice was drowned out by her lust on the last note.
Edér's smirk died down hearing that, only to reveal his craving for her instead. 'Joke's on me, I suppose,' he said and thrusted in her slowly, allowing each other to feel every last inch of one another. 'You feel so much tighter like this.'
He picked up the pace slightly and Gaura felt arousal starting to pool in her belly once again. The hand she placed on Aloth's chest started to feel like an anchor. He, however, had a different idea.
'Kiss me,' he whispered to her and the Watcher obliged. But once her lips met his, she had a hard time containing her need for him. For both of them. She kissed him hard if shallow, and kept nipping at his lower lip if he wanted to pull away, drawing groans out of him that mingled with Edér's.
'C- Come closer,' she pleaded, 'let me... let me kiss your neck.'
Aloth angled himself to grant her wish, and Gaura latched on to him as if the curve of his neck could dispel the sounds coming out of her. Her hand moved to his back, trying to keep him as close as possible without obstructing Edér, and to her surprise, the wizard responded by letting go of her hip and reaching for her clit instead. It only took him a few rubs, to get her to clench around the farmer, and to have her moans break her kisses. She let her forehead rest against his shoulder while Edér kept thrusting her harder and harder.
'Look at me,' the farmer grunted, and leaned down over Gaura. She twisted herself so he could claim her lips, pulling her arm away from Aloth. Their contact encouraged him to let his voice be heard, comforted by the knowledge that his moans would be muffled and even if they weren't, he couldn't possibly get louder than his lover under him. Meanwhile the Watcher tried to blindly reach for Aloth's face, only for her fingers to find his lips and for the wizard to take one of them in his mouth. Gaura squirmed, losing more and more of herself in the sensations the two of them invoked, sensations that felt hot even for her and sweet beyond what she could put into words. This only spurred Edér on and that slight change in pace, that little extra friction was enough to push her over the edge. Her cry broke her kiss and the farmer instead rested his forehead against hers, as he kept moving, unable to stop himself this close to his climax. It wasn't long, however, before he pulled out and let his seed spill on the Watcher's hip. He stayed leaning over her for a while longer while he calmed himself. Then he straightened up, took a shaky step and dropped on to the bed next to her. Laughter bubbled up from him as he turned to his side and moved on to cuddle Gaura.
'Was this a sufficient enough distraction?' Aloth asked the Watcher, but smiling at both of them.
Gaura thought back to the fear gripping her heart not so long before. Or at least, she thought it wasn't all that long. She lost all sense of time in the hands of her lovers. Their love making felt both fast and as if they all took their sweet time with one another. As if every moment stretched on limitless and yet they were as precious as the most fleeting of beauties.
'It was more than that.'
'More than sufficient or more than a distraction?' The question came from behind her.
She let her eyes flutter shut, the thought that she should probably get cleaned up slowly being suppressed by her exhaustion.
'It was... more.'
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