#uhhh but yes remember fandom should be a fun thing if it's causing you stress you can always go do something else (and you should)
supernovaa-remnant · 9 months
my level of curating my online experience is too good why have I seen a bajillion distraction posts and posts reminding people not to doom scroll on my dash? 😭
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simptasia · 7 years
🔥 Lost ships!
ohhhhh-kay im assuming this means canon and non-canon? oh boy
(even if it was just canon this would be a lot, abc’s lost has romance pouring out of it’s glowing orifices. and i mean that in the best possible way)
kate/jack: i like them better than kate/sawyer! (i don’t HATE kate/sawyer tho) i enjoy their banter and their love and like, yeah it’s not a healthy relationship all the time, like it got to a couple of bad places, but overall i do believe they were good together and jack is a better person for kate than sawyer
kate/sawyer: some of their  love-y parts are sweet and great and all but i really do prefer these two as just friends. friends who loved each other and fucked but have since moved on (to claire and juliet respectively. you heard me)
sawyer/juliet, jin/sun, des/penny, kate/claire: i don’t think i have any unpopular opinions on these guys, as far as i know. everybody loves these guys and i’d say most lost fans agree that kate/claire = secret bi endgame
charlie/claire: [uncomfortable hissing sound] oh gosh these two… uhm, okay, i must preface by saying i love charlie/claire, individually and as a couple, and they’re certainly the most adorable of OTPs but, holy shit charlie got possessive and jealous as fuck. it got seriously unhealthy. so i guess my unpopular opinion is that, yeah i love them but i won’t act like they’re perfect together
[sweet dee voice] gahd damn it charlie!
boone/shannon: they’re brother and sister, you guys! c’mon, that shit is fucked up! and to those people who prefer boone/shan to sayid/shan, you got some issues you need to work through because that shit is not cool
sayid/shannon: they were a short-lived but great couple and i will physically fight you if you tell me otherwise. and don’t give me that shit about how “shannon doesn’t ~deserve~ sayid” or like “sayid never really loved shannon” i will fuycking destroy you. (also heavy topic but most of the hate for sayid/shannon is caused, even unknowingly, by racism and sexism)
hurley/libby: [tearing up] i know libby wasn’t around a lot but they were so sweet you guys and i love them too
ben/juliet: i was gonna go on rant but then i remembered that MOST people in the current lost fandom hate ben/juliet (michael emerson seal of approval!) 
thank fucking gosh
daniel/charlotte: maybe… perhaps… i love them more than the average lost fan does? or should? …but actually a lot more people like this more than you’d think. so uhhh my unpopular opinions more pretain to characters than the ship
daniel/charlotte/miles: ohh i def love this one more than it deserves. as such there aren’t even popular opinions for me to disagree with. i just wanted to mention them. which sums up my sci trio shipping in a nutshell
miles/sawyer: no i’m fine with this. throw juliet in there and you got a dharma era threesome. and the best lost fic i ever read… i’m going off topic. oh, i find that miles/sawyer is the most popular of the ships involving miles and for obvious reasons i disagree with that. but like, not in a bad way
miles/richard: the popularity of this pleasantly surprises me but i’m so into it anyways. i think that’s how this ship spreads. one awkward thing tho is that richard took place in the event that killed miles dad… so uh… uh oh
ben/locke: ohh this one is SUPER popular but like, while i low-key ship them, i’m not like, super into it. realistically ben shouldn’t be with anyone, ever. but like, as a just for fun ship, i’m on board with it. it’s not a NOTP im just meh
desmond/charlie: okay so i love this ship and thank gosh when i manage to find a fic for them, but the one thing i disagree with is when like, a writer has them hook up on the island, because i know in my heart des would never cheat on penny. so in my mind, des/charlie happens in an AU where charlie lives and gets off the island and like, theres a polyamory thing going on. imma still read fics where des n charlie bang on the island tho. im legit not that picky
desmond/daniel: this ship is one-sided. sorry. i mean like, dan likes des but des doesn’t like him back. …i’ll happily read stuff to the contrary tho [finger guns]
daniel/juliet (yes this is a thing): from their few interactions i get this like, motherly vibe from it. like a mother and son thing. as such, the concept of dan n jules together wrinkles my nose a bit. like its not bad, its just not my thing
ben/richard: i used to ship this but the more and more i thought of richard as a sort of father figure to ben, the less i shipped it until i just stopped
richard/alex and ben/alex: i will… actually… kill you (and yes, you read that right, these are ships that happened. fic happened. i’ve seen it. i hate!!!!)
charlie/liam and jack/claire: THESE WERE ALSO THINGS. also things i will kill you over. fyi the jack/claire fics kept being written after the reveal that they’re siblings. and there was never any excuse for charlie/liam. i cannot stress this enough: incest, even fictional incest… IS BAD
i used to have incest ships but i got over it and i’m never going back. this is not cool at all. also the fact that i stumble into fics for these pairings a bunch but its hard to find something thats okay to ship… that pisses me off
kate/juliet: the fact that i forgot about them until the end is a sign of what im about to say: i support the idea, but i’m not super into it. not for any moral reason or whatever, i’m just neutral. its a good idea tho. queer lost hcs always welcome
anyways i have like bajillion ships for this show and if i didn’t include one it’s either because i dunno the popular opinions for them or because its like a ship that only me and maybe my friends ship (e.g dan/charlie. too niche)
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