#umm but yea I’m just proud of this page for no good reason
smittenbyschmidt · 6 years
11 Questions Tag:
I had originally tagged @trashyforkpop when I did this just the other day, but then she retagged me in her’s to answer her 11 questions!! So, that’s what I’m doing! Thank you, lovely!! 💗
I’m not gonna tag anyone or ask any new questions haha, but yeah here it is!! :)
I’m putting this under “keep reading” because it ended up a lot longer than I thought it would be, haha.
EDIT: i went to edit something on this and accidentally deleted it, so i’m reposting it lmao. good thing I had originally written it out in my notes on my laptop lmao.... deep sigh haha.
1. What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?: Lol, I am lowkey such a goodie-two-shoes??? I honestly can’t think of anything really bad that I’ve done besides maybe lie to someone to get out having to do something (but it would be like??? lying to not hang out or go somewhere I don’t feel like going). lmao
2. Tell me about your day: My day was pretty good! I had a job interview this morning, and I pretty much got the job but I’m gonna be starting off doing some different jobs before I work my way up to the supervisor position I had originally applied for. So, I’ll be working at a Nursing Home/Rehabilitation facility pretty soon!! Today has been really rainy and wet and gross out, so after I got back from my interview, I chilled for a bit. Then, my mom and I met my uncle and grandmother at a farm to go and buy plants to put in our backyard garden (which was kinda gross because again… it’s pouring outside, but everything was in green houses, which was nice). I had a yummy lunch that I made (it was kinda like homemade ramen, but i used rice noodles instead because I’m on a gluten free diet right now). Now, I’m chilling again, and cleaning up around the house, before my mom and I go out to dinner later tonight with my mom’s best friend. All in all, a pretty good day so far! :)
3. What is something about yourself you wish others appreciated about you more?: My ability to problem solve and think on my feet. (sometimes, I feel like people don’t listen to my suggestions?? even though they end up doing what I was going to say/did say in the end??). *insert dramatic eye rolls here*
4.  What languages can you speak?: Unfortunately, only english, fluently. I can speak a bit of Spanish, but only really enough to kind of converse. I’d love to learn more languages though! (Side note: my brother is amazing at languages, he’s a linguistics major in college right now, and has taught himself a lot of languages, so I’m kinda jealous about that).
5. Some of your favorite emojis even if they’re not commonly used: 💫🌷🤧🆗🆒⭐️🌙🤗🤷🏻‍♀️🗣 and my favorite emoji: 💖
6. A misconception you had about kpop (for example I used to think that got7′s JinYoung was an asshole cause of all the fancams where he rejected fans love but in reality he’s the softest bean): I don’t really know? I guess, for me, first impressions are pretty strong and if I see a member that seems to be kind of “cold” or “serious” with their outside appearance during performances or in interviews, I kind of think that that’s how they are. At least until I learn more about them and realize that they are all serious softies that deserve the world. :( (specifically Yongguk, Yoongi, Taeyong, and probably a bunch more hahah).
7.  Any song recommendations?: I’m gonna go down the non-kpop route, because… well, Idk why but yeah.
“Easy” by Mac Ayres
“LY4L” by Katelyn Tarver (actually, anything by Katelyn Tarver ahah: but especially “Love Me Again”, “Hate to Tell You”, “A Little More Free”, “It’s Good” & “Love Alone”)
Literally anything by LANY (they are my favorite band), but specifically: “4EVER!”, “Someone Else”, “ILYSB” (and the acoustic vers. omg), “yea, babe, no way”, “pink skies” (!!!!!!!!!!), “like you lots”, “it was love”, ect.
“Four Walls” by Broods
“Never Be Like You” by Flume
“Drive” by Glades
“Start of Time” by Gabrielle Aplin
((probs more but that’s all i can think of right now lol))
8. Brag about yourself: (I’m deadass gonna grade you like a teacher so the more the better) lol ok this is gonna be kinda awkward because I don’t really like to brag about myself???? but, here we go I guess. I am an incredibly organized and put together person. I am honestly know as the organization queen in my family, because I can literally take anything that may be messy (a closet, a room, a cabinet, a purse, files, anything tbh) and organize it. I also really enjoy organizing, so that makes it even better to me haha. I am a very patient person (tbh I’m not sure who I got it from because my mom can be so impatient lmao, and so can my dad), so I take a lot of pride in that fact? I have always been really great a bullshitting essays? Like, I can write a pretty solid essay on topics i’m not event too familiar with in a short amount of time, and get a really great grade on it. I’m also really great at writing long papers (or papers that have to have a certain number or pages or words minimum). Like, if a professor gave an assignment where we had to write a paper that had to be at least 3-4 pages long, my essay would end up being at least 7 pages (and I almost always did really well on those papers lol). Besides the fact that I may begin working in a nursing home/rehabilitation center in the diet department, I also volunteer at my local hospital. I work under one of the RD’s in the oncology department, and I have been creating handouts for cancer patients that explain the different nutrition considerations that would benefit specific types of cancers. (Like, I just completed a handout that’s made for patients with brain tumors). Umm, I’m not really one to brag about my outer appearance, but I do think I have a great style?? Like, I really love the way that I dress on a day to day basis, and though I may sometimes dress like a grandma, I’m really proud of the cute, young adult but still 22 year old, style that i have?? idk. I also really like my hair and my eyebrows?? Like, I’m super happy with my eyebrows lmao, I take a lot of pride in them??? I also think I’m a really great listener, and I take a lot of pride in being someone that people can talk to, and I always try to give my undivided attention. I also try to give the best advice that I can (I’m not the best at it, but I really try my best to help). I am also really sarcastic and kinda witty (and I can be quite funny once you get to know me), and I really like that about myself. idk, is that enough annah????
9. Do you have any “useless” knowledge?: (pls share an “useless” fact) Did you know that strawberries and raspberries aren’t actually berries, but banana’s technically are?? Strawberries and raspberries both derive from single flowers that have more than one ovary, but a true berry would derive from a single flower that has only one ovary. Technically, bananas derive from a flower with only one ovary, making them berries. Eggplants and tomatoes too.
10. The ocean or space, and why?: Well, as gorgeous as I find the ocean to be, and as long as I have lived near the ocean, I am not an ocean person. I think that the extent and the depth of what’s in the ocean is incredible and completely fascinating, and there is so much in the ocean that we have still yet to learn about, but I find outer space to be completely fascinating. Let me just say that the extent of my knowledge on either subject is very low, but I think find space to be so interesting. There’s this whole universe out there that we have yet to discover, and there’s so much out there (like planets, life, stars, galaxies, ect) that we still don’t know about and i think that’s really awesome. I also can’t swim too well and I hate seaweed, so for that reason, I’m not big on the ocean. but I’d also never want to go to space??? so idk there are things about each I love and find to be fascinating, but there are also aspects of each that I don’t like?? I hope this made sense, hahah.
11. How are you?: (in depth response required “I’m fine” is not allowed) I’m doing pretty well! I’ve got a lot of shit on my mind lately, and I’m trying to figure a lot of my life out still, but slowly but surely, things are working out in my favor, which makes me quite happy. I definitely have my moments where I and definitely not in a great headspace, where I kinda just want to keep to myself and be alone, but currently, I’ve been pretty content. My anxiety was really bad maybe 2 weeks ago, but since then, i haven’t been too anxious or anything. Overall, I’m good right now. :)
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