#unfortunately if they ever 'guess' the password they're 100% metagaming so it remains a dream
svtskneecaps · 6 months
honestly my deepest wish is for someone to somehow guess the bolas rojas group call password during a conversation along the lines of the breast milk discussion. i want them to be attempting to spy and walk in on some absolutely BONKERS horseshit. i want someone to be all serious and Lore Mode and then enter while the team is once again trying to guess what carre ate based on the sound of his fart. the spy comes in expecting coordinating or task comms or location information and instead the team is discussing nuclear meltdowns in switzerland and whether a gas mask can save you. there's a disaster. it's poison gas. they're celebrating.
(my other wish is someone tries to read their subtitles and figure out if the subtitles are mistranslations. the subtitles go crazy. they're barking)
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