#unless theres legit interest but i bet there's someone out there who's already done this like way better already lmaooooo
wip drabble
A lot of people don’t like huntlow b/c they feel Hunter should go to therapy first, which is valid but still funny b/c im mentally ill, dealing w/some *things*, and i’ve never thought “ya know what would make this worse??? Kissing a girl.” 
so anyway here’s a wip drabble for an post-unity day idea where Willow, afraid she’ll die without ever having her first kiss, asks Hunter (raised by a American “all women are thots” Puritan) to do her a solid (as a friend, because he hasn’t had his first kiss either), and every teenage hormone he’s ever been suppressing just fucking hits him all at once, changing his whole life trajectory. Because that would be the funniest shit to watch. This particular drabble specifically focuses on Hunter, obviously in lust with Willow, pre-first kiss to establish he’d be down if she asked. 
c/w: very vague allusions to masturbation but in a “it’s a sin” sort-of way. 
“Okay,” Willow announced to the group outside the house, letting the front door swing shut behind her, “let me change; I’ll be right there!”
“You made it,” Hunter looked up from where he was tying his shoes, “how was work?”
“They let me leave like five minutes early, so I hustled over here as fast as I could,” Willow stopped to smile at him, and his gaze lingered on a bead of sweat sloping its way down her neck. His heart panged uncomfortably around his chest, watching the little drop until it disappeared under the front collar of her shirt.
“I’ll be right back. Don’t let them leave without me!” Willow turned back down the hallway and ran into the girls’ room to change. Alone. In the girls’ room. Right there, next to the room he slept in.
“Okay,” he croaked, scowling at himself a second later. He didn’t have time to think about stuff like that. He usually hated when he thought about stuff like that. It made him feel slimy and cheap, but from what he could gather, puberty was just like that.
When he was at the Castle, he’d give himself one tiny insignificant 15 minute slot of time every two months to relieve the slimy pressure. For the most part, it had been an easy, methodical schedule to maintain. There was always something going on—terrifying or not—to distract him from his body, and on top of it all, it wasn’t like—like he had much of an imagination to get things going. All the people at the Castle were far too old, and the Coven Scouts were always wearing masks; there was just a lot of things going on in his life that made it difficult.  
Now though—
“Okay, okay,” Willow came running out, and his gut twisted in on itself, “do I look dumb. Be honest!”
She twirled around in front of him fast enough that the hem of her sundress lifted off her legs, exposing a flash of skin that made his hand twitch. Sometimes Willow said that she wished her thighs were smaller; the perverse part of himself that needed to shut up wouldn’t allow him to agree.
“Well?” She asked as the skirt of her dress settled back into place.
“You don’t look dumb,” He breathed, taking his eyes off her thighs. He didn’t think Willow had ever looked dumb before, but the thought of saying that out loud was too big of an idea.
“You better not just be saying that,” She teased. Then, her eyes widened, and she snapped her fingers, “Oh! We should bring some water! It’s hot out today.”
His toes curled in his sneakers as he thought about heat, sweat, and sundresses. Hunter didn’t think he minded the hot all too much.
“Sure,” He stood up robotically, making intense eye contact with anything that wasn’t her, “I’ll get some bottles.”
“I’ll help. Hold on,” Willow chirped, opening up the door. “We’re getting water bottles, be right out!” She called to the others, who voiced their appreciation. Then, she was back in front of him, flushed from the heat and smiling, and it took him a moment to remember how to walk, and when he finally could, it was as if he was hyperaware of his every move.
He had never considered it before but did he walk weirdly? And when he was just standing there, did he stand weirdly? Did he hold his hand out awkwardly when she handed him water bottles? Was he staring too much? And titan, why couldn’t he talk?
His tongue felt like cotton in his mouth as he nodded along to her stories about work. Today, someone had told her she was overwatering a plant, her; it was evidently ridiculous.
“Ugh, and it’s like, I couldn’t get under the shade all day,” Willow complained, bringing a cold-water bottle to the back of her neck. Hunter watched as Willow’s eyes fluttered closed in relief, and something akin to electricity ripped right through him as she moaned with pleasure.
“That feels so good,” She sighed, and Hunter tensed, swallowing thickly.
Please, something deep inside his mind cried, please don’t forget this, while another part of him yelled, Look away! Look! Away!
“Y-yeah,” His voice cracked, agreeing for some stupid, dumb reason. When she started to giggle at his expense, every part of his brain collectively decided it would be okay if the world swallowed him whole.
“That was a bad one,” She smiled, pointing out the crack, and he forced himself to laugh with her.
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