#unlike lydia and the parody twins when rhythmi is added to the code world she'll be fully alive and aware
duckapus · 4 months
(So, most Storyweavers are just as terrible as Lydia, some even more-so, and I thought of a funny way to show that. Don't worry about when exactly this would take place, it's probably just part of one of CCC's Cosmos-based promotional videos so technically it doesn't happen in-universe of the AU at all.)
Lydia's wandered out from her and the girls' hideout, looking for a good hook for her next meal, when she hears one of her least favorite sounds in the world.
"Yoo~hoooo! Ly~di~aaaaa!"
"Fucking hell," Well, so much for the one benefit she thought her banishment had.
As she resigns herself to her inevitable torment, a comically small and cutesy Storyweaver with green twintails and a blindingly bright yellow dress comes up to her, "Oh my dear sweet Lydia, I'm so delighted to see you again!"
"Hello, Rhythmi..."
"It's been quite a long while since we've seen one another, hasn't it?" several decades, not that that was really all that long for a Storyweaver, and horribly short compared to the 'rest of forever' that she'd been hoping for, "It was before your banishment, wasn't it. I could scarcely believe it when I heard the news. Hm, then again, you always did love playing with your food growing up. Where are the delectable little morsels you threw your life away for, anyway?"
She doesn't even try masking her contempt, "What do you want, Rhythmi?"
"Mmm, sore subject?" A wince and pout never looked so smug, "Very well, I did have something I wanted to show you." she begins leading her much taller 'friend' along, their casual stroll crossing hundreds of lightyears in seconds, "See, I've just created a true work of art, and exile or no I just had to show it to my oldest, dearest friend before anyone else."
They come to a stop at a universe bustling with activity, "And here we are! Please, take a peek darling."
Lydia rolls her three functional eyes and kneels to take a look, only to gape in astonishment at what she sees, "No way..."
"Beautiful, isn't it?" She looks inside as well, reveling at the sight of what the audience will recognize as the setting of Connected Cosmos: The Game, "Nine worlds snared in my web at once, with plenty of room -and time- for more. That's a record, if I'm not mistaken."
Indeed it was. Lydia would know, seeing as she'd been the previous holder with a count of four.
"I'll admit that The Twilight's not the most complex antagonist -especially compared to yours, you really do have such a way with words, my dear- but it's ever so versatile."
After a few more moments watching the narrative below play out, Rhythmi stands up and makes a show of brushing the stardust off her dress, "Well, it's been lovely catching up with you, but I'm afraid I must be off," translation; I've had my fill of rubbing my successes in your face and proving my superiority, again.
She opens up a portal to wherever it is she's staying while maintaining her current web, waving demurely to her 'dear friend,' "do tell your adorable little pets their auntie Rhythmi said 'hello,' darling! Ta~taaaa!"
"...Fucking condescending bitch."
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