#unsure if i predict a bloodbath for this one or if we will all be quiet and polite like previous rounds. guess we'll see
whatzaoverwatch · 4 years
The Reaper of the Opera Chapter 6: Poor Fool, He Makes me Laugh
On with the show right? Right???
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The preparations for the evenings’ performance were well underway. The performers rehearsing one more time before the show, the musicians practicing each note while the tailors take in their fittings. The hustle between everyone was a little overwhelming since the show was completely sold out again. With the news of Hana Songs return, they were eager, while also curious on what happened to [Name]. All the pampering and attention was drawn towards Hana as she awaited her moment. Barely lifting a finger while the managers took care of her needs. What she wanted was what she got. While it seemed a little excessive for anyone new taking in the atmosphere, it was just the same as before Reinhardt and Torbjorn bought the theatre. Fareeha, looking rather tiresome of the praises and gaudy display of Hanas’ preparation, simply rolled her eyes and continued stretching.
“Just when I thought things would be different around here. They are spoiling her just as much as Mr. Morrison did.” She complained to Lena and Amelie, who were at her side with their routine.
“Give Mr. Morrison a little bit of credit, at least he stood out of the princess’ way during the show.” Amelie stated bluntly, stretching her leg up perfectly against her figure.
“I just don’t understand why they just don’t let [Name] lead the show,” Lena pouted, looking towards where [Name] stood with Ana for some extra practice, “Didn’t that note Madame Amari got stated that specifically?”
“Yes, but look at the two of them,” she nodded over to the two men who complimented Hana on her final appearance, offering her a spray to help with her vocal chords, “Tell them all you want, they are too stubborn to see the consequences.”
“What is so dangerous about those notes anyways?” Amelie questioned, looking at the ladies shocked expressions strangely. She frowned as if she had said something rude, “Who is this Reaper anyways?”
“Figured an exchange dancer like yourself would ask such a thing,” McCree finally spoke up. The women looked to the stage handler, watching him climb down from the ladder he was using to adjust the lights, “After all, it is a rather frightening tale that doesn’t escape the theatre.”
“Here we go…” Fareeha mumbled, rolling her eyes as the rugged man leaned towards Amelie.
“They say long ago there was this man who performed here in this very theatre. However one day the man took a sinister turn and began to attack the audience, “McCree began to explain, rubbing his hands with the red rag from his pocket, “Then a fire broke out and supposedly killed the madman in a single night. Now his spirit carries on, threatening any who oppose his words. Even steals young, beautiful girls to consume their pretty lil souls.”
“Aww come on Jesse, you are just making that up!” Lena huffed, seeing the disgusted glare of Amelie. McCree merely smirked with a shrug.
“Okay maybe the tale is a little bit exaggerated. But tell me, where do you think [Name] was after her debut performance?” He asked the group, watching them fall into silence with no answer, “What with the faulty lights and shot ropes I say we may have a surprise guest on our hands.”
“What do you think will happen?” Fareeha questioned.
“Who knows, the new guys aren’t taking in those threat to heart. It could be a bloodbath for all we know. Maybe he will cut a few throats, or hang the managers. Can’t really predict what a monster has in store,” Watching the three of them direct their eyes behind him. Feeling a watchful eye look him down as only one woman could do such a thing. Turning over to see Ana with you by her side in uncomfortable silence, “Oh umm, begging your pardon mam. I was just telling the girls-“
“Trying to scare my girls again McCree?” Ana struck him with a pointed look and a raised eyebrow. The cold stare even sending the stage handler a shiver down his spine. Tapping his chest with her index finger, her gaze narrowed, “I suggest if you do not want to be hanged as you say, keep your hands by your eyes and away from my performers.”
He immediately rose his hands to either side of him, swallowing thickly at her warning. Saying his goodbyes and wishes of good luck to the girls, he left to his duties in a hurry. The three dancers look towards Ana, watching her pinch the bridge of her nose in exhaustion.
“Take Jesses words with a grain of salt girls, he only means to frighten you for his own entertainment. This is just another performance night and will be handled like any other show,” Placing a hand on your shoulder to hold your attention, “Keep your head clear my dear. Although your role is much smaller, you remain a vital part of the show.”
The girls simply bowed to their instructor before she made her leave. Heading to the direction of the managers to shoo them away from the spoiled Hana. Lena turned towards you who continued to look rather distracted. She nudged you gently to snap you back into reality.
“Don’t look so glum love, I’m sure you’ll do great.” She assures you with a smile.
Although you wished to agree with her, all you could think of was The Reaper and his mask. Hearing the fainted organ and how much he still whispered in your mind. He even now continued to take over your thoughts, thinking upon his desire for you to be his songstress. There was more to it though, you found more of his black roses appearing in your dressing room. Even cloaking your mirror found no prevail to his siren song. Snapping out of it at the curtain call, you turned to the girls with a gentle bow.
“Break a leg guys.” You quietly spoke before running off. Leaving the girls rather confused before Fareeha spoke.
“She must be thinking about that man that came looking for her.” She concluded, causing Lena to gasp and Amelie to roll her eyes.
“A man?? What’s his name?” Lena pleaded for details, only to be called for places once more. Left with the mystery of who it was, they prepared for the performance to begin.
The audience took their places preparing for the show. Torbjorns family occupying the managers box while they assisted with the final touches. Even a surprised Hanzo took his side with Genji once more. He was unsure as to why his brother wanted to attend the show again, but it must have been connected to the young woman Genji wanted to introduce. Claiming her to be an old friend from long ago that was the child of their fathers’ friend. He thought of her as a mere excuse to leave him when the woman didn’t show up. But those excuses were made up by not only the same reserved tickets for tonight’s performance, but affirmation that Hana Song was to perform. Genji might’ve been always wandering, but he always paid attention to what grabbed his attention. He settled into his seat, eyeing Genji as he nervously looked over the stage.
“You seem rather anxious.” He calls his brothers fidgeting, rather annoyed by the movement.
“Forgive me, but I cannot help but worry bout her.” Genji confessed, eyes fixated on the stage with a grimaced look. Hanzo quirked his eyebrow curiously.
“Ah this ‘friend’ of yours. Are you sure the reason she hadn’t appeared was because she simply didn’t want to?” He suggested, receiving a rather stern look from his brother.
“That is not like [Name],” Hanzo suddenly realized the woman he spoke of was the replacement from the night before. Explaining his shock for when she performed, “Although, I can agree that she was rather uncertain on attending. She wouldn’t simply disappear in the night to prove it.”
“People change in time Genji, you know that as well as I do.” Looking over Genjis metal parts, only to look away when his brother sighed.
“Maybe so, but something about this doesn’t sit right. Especially with this ‘Reaper’ that the managers spoke of,” Genji looked around their box with a sigh, “This is to be the box he was to reserve. The managers were more than happy to let us have these tickets. If this man ever does show up, I would like for him to answer a few questions.”
“Why are you so persistent on this matter? This [Name], was she the reason you wanted to leave the clan in the first place?” He asked, bitterly regarding that fateful day. Watching his head hung low, silence lingering between them both before speaking.
“I do not expect you to understand, Hanzo. But as my brother I hope you will place your trust upon my wishes.” Both brothers look into each others eyes, as they did back when they reunited. Hanzo merely sighed before looking to the stage as the lights faded.
“Do what you want Genji. But do not blame me if something doesn’t go your way.”
The show began as Hana took the center stage as the countess. Her bright and youthful voice drawing the crowd to the rather comedic performance beforehand. While she remained poised and graceful across the stage, your role was to act like a mere fool upon the stage. A servant boy that had had a forbidden affair with the countess. Upright humiliation as you purposely fell and acted clumsily in front of Hana. Roaring laughter filled the audience at the entertainment. As any performer must be met with such roles in their lifetime. Despite your foolish appearance, Hana remained her pristine, sassy character who laughed behind her fan.
The performers backstage observed as even Torbjorn had to hush Reinhardt from his fit of giggles. Fareeha, Lena, and Amelie taking in their cues when instructed, following the music performed by Lucio in the orchestra pit. What seemed to be a hilarious show, would soon take a dark turn for the worse.
In the shadows above the ceiling, a sinister presence lingered above the chandelier. Observing the show from above with a rather displeased glare. Cloaked in black with his mask worn behind the hood, The Reaper tapped his finger against his crossed arms while he watched. Disgusted by how much they teased and mocked your performance while praising Hana by her voice. He never liked her voice, it shrilled and ached his ears to no end. She truly was a spoiled brat that forced her way into show business. Looking down below to the audience, watching their high-class mugs laugh at such mediocre work. Finally, his gaze fixated upon his reserved Box 5. Occupied by the young man who desired to see you. Watching him smile and gaze upon you irked his stomach entirely. Finally having enough, his voice carried into the theatre to drown everyone in silence.
“Did I not ask for Box 5 to be empty?”
Quiet gasps and murmurs spread to his interruption of the show. Reinhardt and Torbjorn looking rather bewildered by the voice, feeling the worry kick in as they knew exactly who it was. Genji and Hanzo turning suddenly to their box being called, the youngest looking rather unnerved. The music disappearing while the performers froze in fear. The dancers lingered closer together, huddled in fear with Anas gaze very stoic.
“Blimey! That’s the Reaper of the Opera!” Lena whispered in shock, causing the women around her to gasp. Not aware that McCree had stepped away from his place in the commotion.
You were very quick to your feet, wide eyed with fear at the familiar voice. Breaking your character to realize who had spoken. Heart racing and your body trembling. Despite the chandelier covering his appearance, you could feel his eyes upon you in an instant. His voices echoing in your head and infiltrating your mind.
“It’s him.” You spoke in disbelief. A sudden tsk from your co-star was heard, watching Hana sneer at your peril.
“Your role is supposed to be silent! Remember??” She hissed pointing her fan at you like a command. Turning to the audience, realizing the harshness of her works. Forming one of her fake smiles, she snapped at Lucio for his attention, “Maestro, take it from the top of the number please?”
“You still speak high and mighty, little rabbit. Let’s see how you are without your foot.” Reaper growled, disappearing into the dark. Hana took no quarrel to the threat as she asked for her spray again. Not even gazing at what was being used before drawing her attention to the audience.
She began to sing once more, only for her voice to sound raspy and breathless. Her eyes wide in horror as the audience was left to listen in disbelief. Clearing her throat once more, she tried again only for it to sound just as rancid as before. The force and sounds it made left the audience in a mix of shock and laughter. Leaving her in a state of shock and humiliation at her misery. Turning the show into a complete disaster before everyones eyes. Reinhardt and Torbjorn were swift into action while they called for the curtains. Escorting the furious Hana off stage and into Anas care as she is left to sob in croaked tears. As they moved back towards center stage, they drag you along with them.Each arm held by the other.
“Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a slight change to tonight's performance,” Reinhardt announced to the rather confused audience, “Tonight our lead shall be now played by Lady [Name]! In the meantime, please do not leave your seats as we will take a brief intermission with our ballet from the play!”
“Ballet??? That’s not till Act Three!” Lucio whisper shouted from his place, looking frazzled at his music sheets. Torbjorn glared at the musician before clearing his throat.
“Yes, the ballet. So please, take your seats and just…stay,” Torbjorn was quick to say before dragging [Name] behind the curtains. Leaving a confused Reinhardt to search for the split in the curtains to follow suit. More laughter ensued as Torbjorn pulled you along to your dressing room, “Someone get [Name] into the understudy dresses! This is becoming my worst nightmare, and where is McCree??”
The various shouts and rummaging of the stage could be heard from the scaffolding. Reaper observed the chaos from above as he made his way across. Seeing the dancers prepare for the ballet. Watching you being escorted into your dressing room. Knowing he had already planted the understudy dress and a vase of black roses for you in waiting. He knew his warnings would fall on deaf ears, so he had already planned for the backup. Switching Hanas vocal spray with a rather unpleasant concoction. Sabotaging Hana’s voice was only the beginning if his warnings were never to be met. There was still much to be done. Before he could move onto the next course of action, he was halted by the sound of a gun clicking from behind.
“That’s far enough Mr. Reaper,” Turning himself around, he found McCree standing right behind him. A revolver in the stage handlers grasp, pointing at him aloofly. Seeing the rather serious look in his mug, “Don’t you know people nowadays complain about the show in the papers? No need to ruin a couple folks precious evening.”
Reaper merely laughed at McCrees words. His voice ragged as they both stood above the stage at this point. The music returning as the dancers took their place.Dancing beneath them to a song that contrasted the situation above them.
“You think you can take me? You are in over your head, ingrate.” Reaper threatened, facing Jesse completely.
“Tough words for someone who likes to hide in the dark. You may have slipped past me before, but you aren’t getting away so easily this time. So why don’t we cut the charade and take you to where you truly belong: behind bars.” Stepping towards the man, keeping his balance on the high beams that they stood upon.
Before he could take another step, Reaper disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Catching McCree off guard as he aims for the darkness. Unaware that the smoke slipped past him and grabbed McCree from behind. Grabbing McCree into a head lock position. McCree struggled against the shadows grasp as he tried to escape the position. Finding his balance lost, Reaper took advantage by tossing him down against the high beam. The gun skidding across the beam, just balancing against the edge and far from Jesses reach. The stage handler reached for his gun, only for his tattoo arm to be stepped on. Gritting his teeth in pain, he found a large gun pointed towards him. Pressed harshly against the flesh for him to stop his attempts to grab his own weapon. The Reaper stood above him with very intense eyes.
“I thought I taught you better than that, Jesse,” He snarled, clicking his gun. The music building quickly below them. The dancers pirouetting faster and faster to the music, “But you are nothing more than the show boater from the Deadlock Freakshow.”
McCrees eyes widened, looking up to the masked man as he pressed the gun against the arm at the end of the high beam. Looking into the hollow eyes to see a familiar glare.
“Gabriel??” Was the only thing he could say before a shot cracked through the theatre.
To be continued
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The Angel Among Us (Cordelia X reader) part 6
Two posted in one day? what? Never heard of her. Its a short one. Like 2000 words. I considered saving this for the next chapter but I can’t  without slipping up that one and I don’t really want to at the moment. Could change later.
Warnings: Murder
Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4,  Part 5 , Part 6, Part 7 (will be added when done)
Upon heading upstairs and to the woman’s office, the three had fled. The man got enraged, claiming this was unfair. They're gone! Where would they have gone?
Michael spoke to Mead, who told him to forget about the witches and change plan.
You walked around the room getting a good whiff of the air. Your hand glided across the backing of one of the chairs located in the middle of the room. They heard the gunshots and the screams of their students dying. The two older ones rushed to the doors to lock them. Mallory complained telling her that they needed to save them but Mallory wasn’t ready.
“They teleported out of here.”
“Obviously.” Michael spat. “Where would she go?”
“This was the only place that she had. I can’t predict this.” The man huffed. “Ms Mead as a point,” you looked over at the woman. “Not like it matters but isn’t the world meant to end in flames or something. Are witches really worth your time? End the world before she can end you.” You make your move over to Cordelia’s desk chair. Now that she was gone, you could sit there. You’ve never been compelled to sit there until now. Maybe it was the hyperthecial power of it, it is only hers, the Supreme’s. You ran your finger of the grooves of the armrest. Resembling the woman towards the end of her life cycle, the arms had indents from being dug into. “Life is a game of, I don’t know chess- never played but that’s beside the point. You got all your pieces laid out and you go back an forth knocking each other’s out. Some pieces have a power to end the game if you get rid of them, but you don’t have to. There are other ways to end the game if that’s what your wish.”
“I don’t think you understand chess.”
“And now I hopefully never will.”
“You got aboard this really quickly.”
“You promise answers, something these witches couldn’t.”
To test your newfound loyalty to him, he schemed up something that would kill two birds with one stone. The two of you reached the warlock school in record speed. He refused to explain your purpose for being there until you stood outside the sculpture that hid the entrance of the underground school.
Your task was simple and if you chose to accept it would grant you a spot beside his side in the end times. “Kill them all,” was his instructions. “In the name of my father.”
You smirked, “Why not for us? Doing it for someone else seems better than for selfish reasons and I thought we needed to be as bad as possible.” The boy handed you a dagger. You removed it from it’s sheath and ran your finger along the edge of the blade. “A knife?”
“Make it a pure massacre.”
“A bloodbath,” you said chipperly. “Let’s go, Michael.”
There was no way you could fake this.
“Ladies first,” the boy said using his magic to open the door. You skipped onto the grounds. No one was guarding the entrance allowing the both of you to easily slip in. “I should warn you I’ve never killed before.”
“What about all those women- Oh~ I forgot. You’ll do fine.” What women? You shook your head and removed the knife form its cover. “You don’t need to be clean. The messier the better.”
The two of your stormed the school removing anyone who crossed your paths. At first, you had to hide your pained expressions as you had to stab the students. As time went on, it became second nature. Screams filled the air, students crying out for help. Soon you ditched the knife and used your powers figuring out tricks that Michael did and copying him.
The two of you strutted into the last room. Your joints was loose like a ragdolls. You would have toppled over by now you didn’t force yourself to finish the job.
“Who are-” The staff’s eyes shifted from you to your associate. “Michael.”
“I’ve got to thank the both of you, I wouldn’t have found my kin without the both of you,” Michael said. “I would thank the other two as well but sadly there gone. I guess you’ll have to thank them for us.”
John’s eyes flicker back to you. He analysis your face. It was Behold that said your name first, “Y/n?” it came out more of a question unsure due to you ghastly appearance.
“Bingo.” You cackled yourself to insanity. The man found you to be nothing but nice to him when he had his short stay at the school.
“The She-devil,” the other man muttered out.
“Hey! That’s mean,” you squeaked out getting up close and personal.
“You don’t kill men-”
“-I kill whomever I like.” You stabbed him in the chest. Michael made quick work of the other man.
“I warned Cordelia-” the man crocked out. You got into his face and dug the blade deeper into him.
“She’s dead. All the witches are dead-” you ripped the blade clean out of him. “and so too are you.”
You watched the man’s life fade from his eyes. Michael clapped and congratulating you on passing his test with flying colours. The man worked on his little display piece as you cleaned your blade on your skirt.
You caught a glance of yourself in the mirror, your skin paled revealing noticeable veins in your face. Eyes pitch black, covering the white of the eyes. No wonder they didn’t recognise you. The ‘you’ was gone. The colour came back into your skin and your eyes settled down by the time Michael was done with his inverted pentacle of human corpses.
“We should head home.”
The two of you ended up at mead’s house. The three of you rested at Meads dinner table. In the short time you were there you’d gotten along well with the woman which shocked you since she was a Satanist and that went against everything you had stood for… You guess a lot had changed today. You spent half an hour in her bathroom reliving what you had done. Crying didn’t solve your problems. You didn’t cry because of what you had done, you cried because you enjoyed it. You wanted your old life back and if you had the chance, which you were well aware you didn’t, you would have to burn for your sins. You played your part, slowly loosing yourself in the act.
Mead ended up suggesting going to the men that rebuilt her after all of Michael’s terrible ideas of how to end the world including the plot of omen 3.
 You asked about these men she spoke of, and Michael filled you in about these two coke heads with bad hair that ran a robotics company. You said you wouldn’t mind meeting the men who played god by creating a replication of a life. Worse case, you waste a day. You asked Mead to call them up and telling them you were heading right over. You grabbed Michaels and asked him where it was located. A second later you were outside a tall white building with the company’s logo pasted up the top. “Not bad,” he complemented. You told him you would stay by his side and make sure he didn’t accept any stupid ideas and just introduce her as a business partner or something.
The men hand him a list of names and all of them were members of the Cooperative which was really the Illuminati but with a new name. All members had they've sold their soul to the devil and therefore, Michael controls them. Jeff and Mutt encourage him to use nuclear weapons to end the world, You second the idea. Michael agreed but only if it'll also destroy the witches. Jeff and Mutt reassured him that it will, but he needs to talk to the Cooperative first.
“Will it kill them?” Michael asked you. You had stolen one of the desk chairs and you were now playing with a robot part. You looked at them like they asked you’re the stupidest question on earth.
“They’re human, of course nuclear bombs will kill them.” You wouldn’t allow it; you’ll find them before the bombs go off and save them. Then you can warn them of what’s to come.
The idea for the end of the world was simple, a few hotspots full of people will be saves. The richest of the rich, and some others to help work. But all, the best in their fields. Michael placed you in charge keeping Jeff and Mutt in line as well as overseeing the project. You had managed to gain the antichrists trust by then.
You sat in the corner of their lab reading one of their occupant leaders strange requests. “God this woman is a riot,” you chuckled to yourself.
The clicking of heels signified the entrance of their secretary/Human resources person along with everything else important. For someone who walked with a can, she was quiet with it, her heals made more noise than it did.
You never bothered to turn around and look at her, too busy working to care about the likes of her. Your back was always facing her, so she never got a good look at you either. She gathered you worked there now even though it was never passed through her. One day you didn’t work here and now you did. The men the woman worked for acted like you’ve been there for years, they didn’t even call you by your name anymore but by an assortment of nicknames, none of which you were fond of.
“Thanks Ms Venable. Oh, that minds me, you will receive an email about the purchases for outpost… which one again?”
“3 and 4,” you answered.
“Yes, 3 and 4 by the end of the day, we need to you place the orders today before you leave.”
“Can you also order some cigarettes? I’m out. Order a lot please.”
“Is that all?” The woman was dismissed.
“Wait? Is that Venable?” You spun around to see the woman, but she was already gone. “You gave your secretary a job as outpost leader?”
“That or she would quit.” You nodded before going back to work.
“Hmm~” After sending your email, you decided to go one break. You groaned, your eyes aching from the constant strain they’d been forced to endure. You tossed your glasses of your head and rubbed your eyes furiously. “Stupid piece of shit doesn’t even work,” your eyes were better off without the stupid eyewear. It was probably time for a new pair you thought. You swung your chair around notifying the two you were popping out for a bit. One of them men notified you that a packet of cigarettes had been brought up for you. They tossed it to you as you walked towards the back exit.
When you returned you noticed a change in the air immediately. A presence that didn’t belong here entered when you were gone. Light. “Did you two have client while I was out?”
“No. We did however get four tickets bought for outpost 3.” You hummed, walking up to the board to see who bought it. St. Pierre Vanderbilt. Oh, those witches, they are good.
“All good. This works with my order. Everything’s good.” You were happy at the knowledge that at least one of your students was alive.
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