#update from january: i regret reposting this
danjaley · 8 months
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Posepack: Victorian Portrait
This posepack was requested in 2017 by @morganaplays. Made after historical reference pictures: 1, 2, 3m, 4, 5f, 5m-p, 3f-p (woman in black, front row, link inaccessible January 2024).
The original post has since been flagged for explicit content (🙄) and got cleared again, but as it still displays the appeal status, I thought it safer to repost.
I added some bonus poses to this one: The variation of the first pose I made for Fiona and Matt in my story. The grumpy toddler (5p2) was an idea I regretted not including in the first place. I also made some very slight tweaks to sets 3 and 5. Toddler 5 is now unresized.
Apart from that, the update is just removing hyphens from the codes and combining preview images, which are now included.
Download: SimFileshare | Dropbox
-> Resizer OMSPs
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adaru32 · 8 months
The Red Devil's Chronicles' Devil May Cry January 2024 News Updates: Peak of Combat, Dense Capcom, etc.
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Hey there, how's it going? Here are January 2024's Devil May Cry news updates that I've come across:
1. Pressslee on Twitter/X is continuing development of a Devil May Cry fan game about Dante's and Vergil's childhood.
2. Capcom is holding another creator collab contest (for USA and Canada only).
3. DMC1 Dante gets featured on Capcom's new promo art of their Trip Tokai.
4. Capcom is getting more strict with their no mods policy.
b) Only to reconsider after fans give their feedback.
c) And pull DMC3 and the original DMC4 off of Steam.
5. More exposing of the company Nebula Joy behind the Peak of Combat game.
b) And what happened with its development.
c) And more.
d) And how the developers are trying to make themselves look good by removing negative criticism and other backlash (also false advertising).
e) And how the developers will ban anyone who asks for a refund of the game (scroll up for more context).
1. Pressslee's game is looking great! Looking forward to what else they have in store for it.
2. It's great that Capcom's holding another creator collab. But I feel bad for those outside of Canada and USA who can't participate, and for those that definitely deserve a spot that don't get accepted. I would love to enter these contests myself, considering how much of a Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, and Ace Attorney fan I am.
But what sets me back are how busy and distracted I am where I can't keep a consistent schedule to make content relating to those games often. And the fact that I'm more of an observer than one who participates in discussions, and such.
3. Awesome how Capcom continues to feature Dante in their official promo arts. I find it hilarious (and hot, NGL) that the straps on Dante's chest look like they're ready to snap off 🤭
4. It's really disappointing what route Capcom's going through...Nice that they sort of reconsidered, but to pull DMC3 and DMC4 off of Steam? Eesh...And it's coincidentally on the time of DMC4's anniversary, and close to DMC3's....At least DMC4 Special Edition's still available, and you can still play DMC3 in the HD Collection.
Another thing that baffles me is Capcom's approach with the Peak of Combat game. I understand there may be contracts and such, but it's still shocking how they've been pretty quiet about the backlash from the fans of it, how they haven't done anything about Nebula Joy's scamming ways, and Itsuno's been reposting the ads about it on his Twitter/X profile...
5. Speaking of Peak of Combat, it's amazing how far down the rabbit hole goes about the ridiculousness of this game's developers, Nebula Joy...Yes, Capcom is taking part of the development of this game by supervising, but Nebula Joy's the one pulling the strings on what happens with it.
I've got a story as well. So yesterday I went to get gas for my car. The clerk notices my Devil May Cry buttons I have on the strap of my purse. He tells me he got the Peak of Combat game. It costed him $100, he only unlocked 2 characters, and he was one of the top players in the 1st week of its launch. His thoughts on the game though? He dislikes it, and regrets paying $100 for it.
One of my friends/followers on Twitter/X RealNerored/Neroredgrave is gonna make a video exposing things he and other fans' experienced with the game and its developers.
** So Devil May Cry V's anniversary is coming up as well. I would love to make a celebratory piece of it, but I can't really think of anything to make. I've got a few unfinished pieces of DMCV fan art in my folders, but I don't think they're worthy enough to be shared as a way of celebrating its anniversary. We'll see, though. **
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