#update it was about hyetta elden ring
heyzebulon · 1 year
Update on my Elden Ring playthrough as Vyke's Mimic!
Consider the rest spoilers for both Elden Ring and the Frenzied Flame ending
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Previously, Herald - a Silver Tear copy of the knight Vyke who was the closest of the Roundtable Hold to ever becoming Elden Lord - had slain the festering failure that was his progenitor and taken his spear.
He then headed for Leyndell to kill the last king, Morgott (with the aid of Melina which I didn't realize was a thing this whole time??)
Afterwards he is denied passage through the mantle of thorns (awesome name, needed to be said like 900 more times) and it hadn't previously occurred to me how terrific a story beat that was for this character.
I do not get along great with my brother. He's somewhat of a failure. However, we share much in common. Much of what motivated most of my major life choices was an effort on my part to intentionally avoid becoming him.
So here we have Vyke's doppelganger, their twin, their shadow, their reflection, who is utterly determined to succeed where he had failed - also denied the title of Elden Lord.
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So I internally roleplayed a costume change that included putting on a blindfold and wandering aimlessly for a time (while I did side content).
Finally his self-imposed blindness guided him to Three Fingers below Leyndell and the source of the Frenzied Flame. Ignited by ambition once more, they sought to rebirth the world without failure or sorrow.
Melina disapproved greatly, but they found a new maiden in their short tryst with Hyetta.
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Now with renewed ambition they will set about becoming the Elden Lord that Vyke could never become, as a true champion of the Three Fingers and the Frenzied Flame. A new kind of lord who is not afraid to reimagine what the world could be.
(Also they have both their eyes restored now and their hair got longer again)
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