#using my knowledge for smth that doesn't matter but brings me joy? more likely than you think
kukekakuningaskris · 4 months
since joker out posted a snippet of everybody's waiting (and made me cry) i looked at the form of the lyrics and ordered what i think are also lyrics from bojan's instagram based on the rhyme schemes and syllable counts (as well as the metrical feet used). welcome back to poetry theory!
the real snippet:
hype comes, love goes, everybody fades hiding every day behind the shelter of your shades you can't make it go away ginger shot, vitamins, shower cold, feeling old just do everything the way you are told case closed, soul sold.
what i think is another verse (might not be lyrics and if they are i still might have gotten the order wrong! this is just an educated guess!):
quotas to fill, bills to pay you should be getting ready for the big day starlight effect and a cigarette everyone’s there, no one gives you a call the center of the world on a pedestal, until it's your turn to take the fall
given how the real snippet has an AABCCC rhyme scheme i'm guessing the other verse would be the same, and within the rhyming lines i ordered them based on line lengths. for the CCC cluster i also took into account the fact that one of those lines (the fourth) is dactylic in both instances and the others are trochaic in the snippet while one in iambic in my proposed verse.
also, the lines in the snippet are less strict, having anywhere from 2 to 7 stressed syllables in a line, but with the exception of the fourth line every other line is trochaic with no iambs in sight. but other than that my main sentiments from this post still stand!
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