#v: here's to liquid courage ( canon d )
geneticiism · 1 year
"now i regret that extra pie at lunch."  - ( Frost ) @unitcd​
             Truthfully, Caitlin doesn’t know how they KEEP finding themselves in situations like this, but she’s having a Déja vu. “You keep saying that, and yet you change nothing!” She calls over her shoulder as they round a corner. “What do we do?” She finally slows down and stops, trying to catch her breath. “They’re gonna get us eventually!”
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geneticiism · 1 year
"I like to come here when I need to think."  - ( Winn ) @unitcd​
       Admittedly, Caitlin had found this place by accident, just WANDERING around, trying to clear her head, and she hadn’t meant to disturb anyone in the process. “I’m sorry.” She eventually manages, stopping a few feet away from the other. “I didn’t mean to...” She trails off, glancing up at the night sky. “It’s beautiful, though. I can see why you’d want to come here,”
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geneticiism · 2 years
[ TUG ]: to get someone’s attention - ( Barry ) @supcrfriends
       Staking out a suspect usually isn’t something they do, but they’ve been on the trail of this metahuman for a while, and there hasn’t been any attacks, but the activity has been suspicious, and Caitlin thinks it’s better to be safe than SORRY.
    She glances down at where his hand comes to rest on her arm then, mid sentence, sayin something she’s already forgotten. It’s distracting for a moment, and Caitlin looks up to him, and then across the road towards the small, upstairs apartment. “What? Did you SEE something?”
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geneticiism · 2 years
"now i regret that extra pie at lunch." - ( Frost ) @unitcd​
       Ducking behind the nearest cover to AVOID the blast that’s coming their way, Caitlin makes a huffing noise as she glances towards the other woman. She’s trying her best to keep an eye on all of their friends and coordinate the fight to their advantage, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to do so.
      “Well I told you to hold back!” She then groans quietly, “It’s like not eating anything half an hour before going into the water. You ought to stick to those rules!”
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geneticiism · 2 years
☕️   ─  drink something warm and/or festive - ( Tess ) @ofstarlabs​
        Caitlin LOVES Christmas, or has learned to love it again after all. There’s just something about the lights and music that makes the cold, dark days a little brighter, and even though they might not always have the time, they all try to spend the holiday together as a family.
        For now, however, she’s in line at the coffee shop, glancing over at the menu and then at Tess. “Are you having any of the Christmas specials? They always go above and beyond during the holidays.”
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geneticiism · 2 years
🎄 - decorate a tree together - ( Mon El ) @valorems​
       Caitlin had always ENJOYED Christmas. The lights, the happiness that came with it, and even if her family life had been anything but ideal, there had always been her friends and partners to celebrate with. She’d taken a break in celebrating when Ronnie had died, but this year it feels right to set the tree up again.
     “Looks good, don’t you think?” She smiles, reaching for the star to hold it out to Mon El, a spark of warmth settling in her chest. “Do you want to put this on the top?”
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geneticiism · 9 months
continued from here bc tumblr's being a bitch
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"Yeah, it's difficult sometimes." He agreed, twisting his mouth for a second or two. "I was the guy that was in love with Kara before I knew she was Supergirl, I mean, even after she told me I held a candle for her but - - - she and I are better as friends." And he'd had to tell himself that every single time that he looked at her and thought about how strong and pretty and funny she was. That was way too often for him to be comfortable with saying, though. "I get it." He nodded again. "I fell in love with an alien that threatened to kill me, so that was fun times. I haven't really had the best of luck in that department, but it's okay. I'm fine with it. I'm married to my work now." If that made sense. He hoped that it did.
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"It does make SENSE, yes." Caitlin agrees with a nod. "I'd be careful about saying that though, being married to your work I mean, love does have a tendency to find you when you put things like that out in the universe." She'd been 'married' to her work before meeting Ronnie, and then her whole life had been turned upside down.
"You'd think we'd be TOO BUSY to worry about love, considering we deal with metas and you deal with alien all the time," She then chuckles, glancing over at him. "Speaking of, that alien girlfriend of yours, what's the story there? If you don't mind telling me, if course. You don't have to,"
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geneticiism · 2 years
“ i really want to kiss you right now. “ - ( Oliver ) @hercesofourtime​
        It’s probably a BAD idea, Cailtin knows as much, because this can only end in heartbreak, and yet there’s no denying the fact that she wants to kiss him just as much. Walking away, however, would be the most reasonable thing to do, but her legs do not move, instead she stays close, leaning into his touch.
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“Well...then why DON’T you?”
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geneticiism · 3 years
❛ Oh, you mean after you branded him the Candyman? ❜ - ( Kara ) @akapurplegirl​
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       “Look. He was giving out candy, and he was doing it in a very CREEPY way. I’m not to blame here.”
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geneticiism · 3 years
( continued from here ) @unitcd
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There was a moment of silence from Winn before he settled a gentle hand over Caitlin’s. “I don’t really know the specifics of what you are going through, or HAVE been through but you are not alone.” And it was an utter shame that she felt that way to being with. Why wasn’t Barry around or Iris, and what about Cisco? Why had they seemingly abandoned their friend? “You can talk to me, I will listen and try my best to do whatever I can to be here for you, Caitlin.”
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“Thank YOU.” glancing down at the hand on top of hers, Caitlin held back a sigh. Her life had become significantly better than it had been a year ago, and yet it felt like everyone was moving on, and moving forward, and she was still stuck somewhere between the past and the present. “I don’t want to bother you though. I’m sure you have more important things to do,” A smile, “I just...have bad days sometimes,”
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geneticiism · 4 years
( continued from here ) @caudexiism​
A lazy smile played over Oliver’s lips, his eyes, were locked with Caitlin’s, but it didn’t take long for him to close his eyes. It was easy to just take in the moment. His fingers danced over the naked skin of her back. He leaned forward, his nose brushing against hers. He wanted to say something, but it seemed like he couldn’t find the right words to say. Any words that he might come up with wouldn’t be the right ones. It either felt too cheesy, or not emotional enough. He moved his head down a bit, his lips close to hers, “last night was great,” he began, not sure on what to say next. It had started with dinner, and some wine, and from there things had moved forward, it hadn’t been a surprise, Oliver was sure that it was something that had been growing between them and finally reached it climax last night.
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     It was funny, how this had been something so long in the making, and yet it had completely blindsided her last night. They had always gotten along well, and maybe Caitlin had told herself that things wouldn’t work to a point where she had almost convinced herself, but then life had gotten int he way, though this time in the best way possible. Leaning into his touch, Caitlin smiled, stifling a yawn as she simply let herself enjoy the moment. “It was,” She then found herself agreeing with a nod. “What time is it?” They both had work, like they always did, but she hoped that they could stay in bed just a little longer.
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geneticiism · 3 years
‘  there is absolutely nothing  &  no one who can stop me.  ’
grave suggestion edition
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   “SO...there’s no point in me even trying to convince you to not do it?”
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geneticiism · 3 years
❝ i haven’t been hugged in years. ❞
    touch-starved starters!!
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       There’s a pause before she replies, cocking her head to the side ever so SLIGHTLY. “Because...you don’t want to be hugged, or because there was no one to hug you?” Caitlin had an idea of what the answer was going to be, but she didn’t want to assume after all.
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geneticiism · 5 years
shelter protect them. (from Harry)
nonverbal starters
She hadn´t seen the blow COMING. Which, in hindsight, was probably something she should work on, but Caitlin had been so focused on telling Barry where to escape to, that she hadn´t paid attention to herself.
Being pulled to the floor by Harry, she closed her eyes for a moment, BRACING for the impact. Caitlin needed a moment to get back to herself after, carefully glancing up at him.
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“Thank you:”
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geneticiism · 5 years
“ they were flirting with you ” Barry
  jealous / possessive  meme
     Raising an eyebrow at HIM, Caitlin leaned against the bar, drink still in hand. “Of course they were, I´m not THAT unattractive,” She then added with a slight chuckle. She cleaned up nicely, actually, once she made an effort. And whenever they went out for drinks, or anything else, she did make an effort.
    In fact Caitlin had spent a good hour on her HAIR, and the heels she was wearing were higher than usual, and the dress shorter than she´d usually aim for.
    “What´s wrong? You look like you´re about to march after him to PUNCH him in the face.” She then added with a bemused smile. 
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geneticiism · 5 years
What happened? What-- (Katherine)
✏️ memory loss sentence starters
     Frowning slightly Caitlin glanced at the other woman, which had been peacefully sleeping in the hospital bed just a couple of moments before. “You were unconscious. Though I`m GLAD that you´re awake now.”
     Her expression was serious still as she glanced over her shoulder. “There´s people who´ve been asking for you down at the reception, people who don´t exactly look NICE. Do you know what they could want from you?”
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