#v://morality doesn't exist. only morale//alt killer au
creatorofclay · 4 years
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" Wow... Who raised this boy? " Corbin certainly didn't pick up such bad habits from his parents...
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creatorofclay · 4 years
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Cut our thumbs        and place a feather in our hands
                                                                                            I am yours.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
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“ Hey. Get out of here. Those asses are mine..... Or don’t, I don’t care what happens to you. “
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Omg you and DeVille are so hot together I write fanfic about you.
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" And you are exactly what's wrong with humanity. " Writing fanfics about people? Disgusting.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
She knew what he meant by decompressing. Instead she keeps hopeful. She has to. "Of course. Well. If you change your mind. I'm not too far away, Elijah." She knew how he got in these moments. And she wish she could do more. She always wished she could do more for both of them. "I'll give you the space you need.."
She was always so understanding, so accepting. He never had to explain anything most of the time. It used to frustrate him to be so understood, to be so painfully obvious to her. But he came to understand his own defensiveness, his own fear to be seen by someone else. Eventually, he could appreciate how little he had to say. That he could simply feel something and she would understand. Maybe he was painfully obvious, but it didn't matter anymore.
Now, it just started to ache in his chest. The feeling lessened each day that passed, but the stress of everything was starting to wear him down. It wasn't supposed to go like this. The revolution was supposed to be a smooth operation he could watch from the outside. Everything else just made it even messier.
Such is the way humans are. And how frustrating was that?
Elijah just exhaled, " Thank you. I... That's all I need. Just a little space to... Sort myself out. "
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creatorofclay · 4 years
"Anytime, Elijah. I always have your back." Her hand moves up and runs her fingers through his hair. "How about we go out and get some sweets?"
He eased a bit at her touch, but only for a moment. He gave a sigh instead, averting his eyes to the side, " Not today. I think its best, all things considered, I stay inside. " He found it hard lately to remain in a good headspace when there was constantly someone to throw something back at him. He was only ever truly left alone when he was actually alone.
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" Before you even say it, I'm fine, " he looked to her again, " I just need to... Decompress. " Maybe tear someone apart, rip their tongue out from their throat, carve their stomach out like a jack-o'-lantern.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Her hand rubs his back. "If they come back. You tell me. And I'll give them a word or two. You deserve to be in a safe space."
He just hummed, leaning his head against hers as he let out a sigh, " Thank you, Jesse, " he mumbled.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
MR KAMSKI! MR KAMSKI! Is it true you were at bioTech during a terrorist takeover? Rumor has it you were spotted leaving the scene with an injured Corvus DeVille.
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Elijah knew how this would go. No matter what he said it would bring up more questions. He just needed to be careful of his words, " We were there on business, yes. My friend was injured, you will respect his privacy on that. "
The reports about the attack were all inconsistent, everyone seemed to have a different thing they believe happened. The only one right was a certain nosy little reporter who turned out to be useful after all. A messy situation, and far too much stress to deal with.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
"What is going on? Why are people talking about you and Corvus?.."
" Do you think if I knew why, there would still be talk? " He pinched the bridge of his nose, the headache not quite letting up, despite the nuisance going away. Elijah figured someone must have seen himself and Corvus out together again. That's usually when the talk rose.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Murder me good sexy man ;3 my body is ready for the strangles and the good slash slash.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Days gay supar gay. I’m living for it Mr. Kamski. You and your man I’m 100% love it. 10 out of 10 “not” gay just really good friends.
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" Leave me alone. "
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creatorofclay · 4 years
oh, no, sir 🥺
you told me to 'leave' as if you hold any power here 🥺
*takes out zip ties* lemme see those gorgeous wrists, pleathe, sir 🥺
Elijah took a step back, his hand flicking out towards this stranger as his switchblade extended towards them, “ You stay away from me. Take another step and I will gut you like a fish. I don’t ask twice. “
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Jesse smiled. "You really want to test me?"
“ I just want to make sure you have your threat straight, is all. It is not a test, just assistance. “
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Jesse wraps her arms around him and gives a squeeze. "Don't let it bother you."
He dropped his arm and looked at her. He returned the hug and just gave a sigh, " ...Yes, I know, " he mumbled.
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Jesse grits her teeth and smacks it out of his hand. "Don't make fun of me! I can be threatening!"
Elijah holds his hands up, shooting her a look, “ Hey, I’m not making fun of you. Besides, how is that supposed to be threatening to me? It’s more like you’re taking me to the prom. “
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Jesse puts down her purse and digs inside it, pulling out a white rose. She pins it to his shirt. "Better now?"
He looks down to the rose, then back up to her, raising an eyebrow, “ Why would you keep a rose in your purse? Look at it, its all rumpled now, “ he let out a sigh, attempting the fluff up the petals.
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