#v03 * ( adult verse . )
jasoldblog-2-blog · 7 years
Update: Current Verses
Main, adult verse. Set in the current time and follows the information that is in the bio, where Jasmine is a witch trying to improve her craft.
Teenage verse. Set when she was 15-16. Dealing with the brunt of emotional abuse by her stepfather to protect her mother and siblings.
Childhood verse. Set when she was 7-9. She’s often picked on and forced to watch the other kids have fun. She can normally be found alone at the park.
General crossover verse, defaults to adult, can use any FC. By some strange circumstances, Jasmine has sucked in the world the other muse is in!
Vampire AU, uses adult FC.
There is a city that is filled to the brim with crime, yet also has a very perplexing resident. Just outside of the city is a large ravine with an old rickety rope bridge leading to a large house. Inside was once a human, one witch who had turned to a vampire by way of a spell gone horribly wrong. Sadly, the people of the town shunned her when they found out of this, barely holding the girl in contempt.
However, the police force at least thought she could be of use - a sort of ‘death sentence’ was made for the worst of the worst criminals they caught was to be sent to her in exchange for them not executing her. However, while her vampiric tendencies would eventually take over when these guests were there, she’s far from a monster even if she was forced to believe she was the most vile thing alive. She’d look out for them as long as the police force would allow.
Fate/Grand Order Master AU, uses teen FC.
Jasmine was by no means a member of a mage family; in fact, they were very distrusting of such a thing, especially her stepfather. She too was uncertain, until one day she was met by someone she’d never met before. He explained the potential he saw, but after she tried to ask who he was, he left. It wasn’t long before Jasmine began her decent into becoming a mage, hiding it from her family however she could, even after leaving an abusive stepfather behind.
Then, one day, her world would change with the arrival of a letter.
Her family was all asleep and only she was awake that night, the note flying through her window just above and landing on her head. It was addressed from a security foundation, Chaldea; they were looking for mages, and she was eligible. The young teen spent that night fabricating a letter, a story that she was accepted as a student in an art school, using the excuse that she had entered a contest without telling anyone.
Leaving her family was difficult, but she knew she had to do something. Everyone was in danger, this was the only chance she’d have to fulfill her hopes and dreams of being a hero to someone, anyone - or die trying.
Fate/Grand Order servant AU, uses child FC.
Caster class, one star, 647 ATK, 629 HP. NOBLE PHANTASM.
Most believed this to just be a small story written by a famous author. It was a sad tale, telling of a young life’s end at the hands of the cold winter, yet here she was. The little girl whom the story was based off of, a child forced to fight in a war to save humanity as they knew it. Too poor for anyone to really pay her any mind, the child only knows the kindness given to her by her dear grandmother, as those on the streets were too invested in themselves to buy any matches from her.
Luxury was unimaginable to the little girl, even food more than once a day was difficult to comprehend. Still, she only showers the others with her own kindness and naivete, and keeps their enemies stalled. She may be frail, but she tries regardless of her weakness.
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