#vash's anger. ww's amicability. the bloodshed. the pain. the brutality. the list goes on forever
threegunbrainrot · 1 year
yall wolfwood is so silly goofy in the manga
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i'm still not all that far in, but compared to both tristamp and '98, he's so expressive and goofy. sociable as hell, too. he's so upfront kind with everyone, so long as they're not hostile.
he's just like. a complete mess of a man that i'm totally digging lol
he's emotional. he's dramatic. he's a brand new flavor of babygirl all on his own- completely unlike every other rendition of him
he's still got his moments of being a serious, brooding figure, but they're kinda rare honestly. more than anything, he's just Chilling. having drinks, striking up conversations, etc.
it's been awhile since i watched 98 trigun, but i remember that iteration of wolfwood being similar, but more serious overall. he still joked around and had this hilarious funky conman energy, but he still doesn't feel as emotional as trimax wolfwood.
and tristamp ww is basically a completely different person. someone who's pretty much always serious, though still has rare moments of... almost sarcastic/forced positivity. when he jokes around, it's always like there's something else behind it- like when he made that jab at elendira or tried to force-feed meryl bug guts lmao. he's still having fun, yeah, but it's all kinda muted.
idk, it's just interesting to see him so expressive- especially after engaging with fanon ww so much and seeing him portrayed as stoic and brooding all the time. and i wanna clarify that i adore all iterations of wolfwood's personality, all for different reasons. it's just interesting to compare them
...tho his loss of melanin is a crime befitting death. his nose, too. they STOLE from him. what did he do to deserve this.
[EDIT] it's also come to my attention thanks to a lovely someone in the tags who pointed out that trimax wasn't finished when 98 was being made. that changes things! glad i know that now.
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