#vbtm snips
elrallin · 2 months
Chrumblr Whump Day 1: Blindfolding
(Character is my OC, Turtle. Some worldbuilding stuff is at play as well. Not fandom; this is for one of my projects.)
Turtle could tell that they weren’t fully in their proper mind as soon as they woke up. There was a fuzziness around the edges of their reason, every part of their body was somewhat lighter and floaty, and they couldn’t bring themself to be afraid of the faint pain threaded through their bones. They tried to open their eyes, and realized there was a thick, scratchy cloth wrapped around their face. They tried to push it off, and found that their arms were bound behind their back. “It’s awake,” a rough voice said from above them. “Get them up, and get going.” Turtle scrunched up their nose, trying to displace the cloth. They should be panicking. They tried to make themself scared as they were pulled to their feet roughly, and as a second stranger hissed in their ear, “Don’t even try to run, monster,” as they were frogmarched roughly along. Turtle wondered hazily what had happened; they must have flurred at least partly. How else would anyone know they were a monster? And why else would they feel this out of it. “Been a while,” they mumbled. “What was that?” They were shaken, roughly. Turtle coughed a little. “Hm?” Hands they couldn’t see suddenly pushed them to the ground, and held them pinned face down. They didn’t resist, and just lay there, trying to gather enough of their right mind to feel something. The ground beneath me is rough dirt. Gravel. The air is cool. It’s still dry here. There’s a rock against my left hip. I’m not tripping over roots—or my own tongue. It smells dusty here. I can see—I can feel the cloth around my head, but I can’t see. They were pulled up again shortly, and Turtle gritted their teeth against the pain in their shoulder. “Careful,” the voice taunted. “You might just trip and fall, blindfolded like that.” “I didn’t—“ they started to say, before they could think, and their legs were swept out from under them by a quick blow to the shins. They yelped as they hit the ground. “I said careful! What, did the bug get your brain as well?” That hit something. Turtle felt tears stinging at the back of their eyes as they were pulled up and walked along. They sniffed, and tried to ignore the slight huff of laughter from their captor. [tbc day 13]
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