#venya's fucking dead to me
hoodie-prince-kid · 2 years
i've had villain phases but now i'm genuinely wondering why none of them ever stuck.
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Loa Bound - Death
It was Raptorblood who stood, the little creatures he took care of all running toward the illusion of Xiao not far from him.  Well, all but the little Sunfire who was curled up on the place where the big raptor WAS, Vol’s lap.  
“Am I dying?”  Vol looked up, staring at Xiao, hoping that this wasn’t the last time he’d see that perfect face.  “This fuck doesn’t listen.”  
The beast that lived in the mind of the hunter moved forward, looking with amber eyes at the pandaren.  “The human hurt him…  the elf hurt him.  You didn’t hurt him.”  The animal towered over Xiao, looking down and dropping his head to headbutt Xiao softly.  “I had to hide, I could not save him from them.  His wants were not my wants then.  He saw you.  You wanted what I wanted.  I could come out then, when he was happy.”  Raptorblood turned his head to look at the troll as he sat, patting the little creature in his lap.  “The witch… Zufli..  She bound all of her descendants.  All the ones she could to a Loa.  Forced us to live with them, guard them.  This one, Bear, Stag, Claw and Wolf.  We were strong enough to stay, bound by the magic.  Where is the one who bore his hatchling?  I thought she would help him, not Claw.”
Xiao smiled ever so slightly, leaning up to nuzzle his head against Raptor’s massive scaled features. “Making him happy is all I ever want…” He said quietly before going silent to listen. When asked of Naddja, he looked down.
“She is… Fon. You know what that means. She is dead, that is all that can be said.”
He gave Raptorblood a gentle look, wanting to say more but knowing if ANYONE held such beliefs close, it would be the Loa themselves. 
“Master.. Please don’t die…”  Aret had taken Jack’s place holding Vol’s head.  He was cold now, the fight too long in the waking world.  Jack had taken to healing Vol’s body trying to keep him alive.  He ordered his sister to stay up where she was and told Pahre if she offered again he’d have her son take her to her house.  Aret refused to leave his lover’s side.  Venya stood by, helpless as Jack and Jura discussed what to do if this went much longer.
“We can make the pyre easily  Make sure you keep Xiao off the fire.”  Jura looked to the still and blind Pandaren.  “I don’t know if he’ll crawl up there with him.”
“Xiao will..  Want his braid.  He will stay safe for the baby…  I hope.”
“Ok Seriously, you dumb fucking chicken.  I’m done with this.  My daughter needs her papa and it’s about time for dinner.”  Vol stood up, bringing the little sunfur to where Xiao stood.  “Here.  Love take this.  Keep it safe huh?”
One good kick to the face made the raptor roar…
Xiao took the little sunfur and then squeaked in surprise as Vol kicked Raptorblood. He took a step back and whimpered. “Vol, please… I… I don’t know what to do. I need you. What can I do?!” He asked desperately as he clung to the little furred creature, protecting it and equally clinging to it as if to protect his heart from breaking.
“Tell Bwonsamdi He’s not getting me today and Tell Jack to NOT cut off my braid.  I think you might kill him!”  
The raptor was still reeling from the kick as Vol got the hint himself.  He was a raptor tamer.  That is how he fed his family, kept them safe and happy.  And he was not going to let some dumb bird win.  Four hundred pounds of troll grabbed the obstinate raptor loa and shoved him to the ground and held him down.  He had tried the easy way, gentling didn’t work.  It was time to push a little harder.
“Now, We are gonna get an understanding.  You are a giant fuck, and I am in charge.  Got it?  Yammer at me all you fuckin’ want…”  The Raptor was screeching at him, fighting to get up.  “Bitch and moan.  When you fuckin’ listen and obey, I’ll let you up.  Now.  if you figure out if you don’t listen to my scrawny ass WE DIE.. not just me.. You.  The bitch stuck you in here with me.  So figure it out!”
In the realm of loa, Bwonsamdi giggled, actually well and truly giggled as he was watching the two raptors stop fighting and the big blue animal fall to its side and kick like it was stuck in a trap.  “Fa’da not winnin’ no more…”
Xiao let the link falter just enough to see what was going on before him, hearing Bwonsamdi giggle. “Loa, I hate to disappoint, but you are not getting my love today. He is not done yet…” With that, he went back into the link, focusing as he moved over to the two fighting, staring down at Raptorblood. “If you two do not get it together, you will both die and there will be nothing that can be done. Bwonsamdi is literally here, I will have to steal the souls out from under him to put you back together and I do /not/ see that happening. So either speak out what is going on or you both die! Talk to me, Raptorblood. If I made him happy, if I made it so you could finally come out, if I did all of that for you, do this for me! How do we fix this? Why are you so upset?”
He wasn’t quite demanding, but he was firm in his tone, hoping the raptor Loa would finally listen and communicate with them since it was now or never.
“WE cannot be alone!”  
It was all that the beast would speak as he and Vol finally were going at it.  Vol let it up, the big raptor snapping at its host.  The hunter was not playing as he sucker punched the animal to knock it back.  Gentling hadn’t worked, now it was on to the more difficult ways.  
Vol’s deep voice bellowed, carrying through the ‘peaceful’ landscape.  “My mate not yours!”  
Xiao huffed between them. “Are you jealous? Is that what this is about?!” He asked finally, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Raptorblood, you are part of him. I love ALL of him. That includes you. I do not love him /because/ of you, but I love every facet of him, even the ones that can cause so much trouble they nearly kill him in a fit of jealousy. Nothing in this world will EVER part me from my Lok’dim. I will go from this world to the next screaming his name until I find him if I have to. You and he are one. I will NEVER let Vol’raka be alone, I will always be by his side until the end of days. That means your side too. If you both do not stop it, there will not be a side for me to stand by and that is a world I do not want to live in!” He tried not to cry as he spoke the last sentence, clearly pained even at the thought.
The animal turned and roared, aimed at Xiao for once.  “ALL LEAVE!”  Raptorblood was in pain, blinded by it.  He was not much more than an animal in fear was dangerous but distracted.  He was convinced that would happen, it was evident in the sound, the reactions.  “MY FLOCK WILL LEAVE!”
Vol was tired, his mind was feeling cloudy now, his body was cold and his head hurt even as he fought against the loa he’d been burdened with.  “Xiao…?”
“Go get Tarja so she can say goodbye, Venyabi.”
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