#very few rides are dangerous almost all injuries are human error. unless it's a bad park like disney where they cut corners and
ousama · 6 months
roller coaster videos make me so mad people will just lie
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rhythmicpirate · 5 years
Prediction for Deltarune Chapters 2-7
 -Spoilers under the cut-
Chapter 2:A fourth player joins the team but it’s not Noelle, it’s Jockington (A Gunner) who only needed to get a pencil. There’s a second fountain in need of closing and Ralsei is concerned about the fourth member. Kris is still mostly sane at this point. Lancer returns but this time as a good guy and this time they fight in a town full of stuffed animals. They seal the fountain and the three return to the outside world. After defeating the boss of this world, Susie also shows Kris that she did her work some point in the chapter and Kris says that they’re starting theirs. Jockington makes a joke about how they might be a thing which Susie gets all angry at. Kris then goes home, learns omnisans secret, and works on the project for a little bit, tearing their soul out and mentioning that “you are not in control of me.” Chapter 3:Susie and Kris go to China town, literally, unaware that they’re getting followed by Catti (summoner). She was curious why Kris and Susie had been skipping class lately. She says she’s gonna tell Alphys about their behavior unless they tell the truth. When she tries activating her phone though, there’s no wi fi so she’s forced to play protagonist number 5 until the final boss. During their time Susie asks Catti if she and Jokcingotn are dating to which she replies,  with a maybe. Kris dosen’t like this and demands a yes or no answer. Ralsei reminds Kris that they are on borrowed time and that now isn’t the right place to fight. Upon returning to the light world, Susie notices a black spot on the wall but thinks nothing of it. Kris shows Susie the progress that they made in their project and as a reward Susie decides to award them by letting them see their home. During their trip to her house Asriel calls saying “Hey Kris! I’m gonna be coming home on Sunday!” Kris starts to cry at this statement.
Chapter 4:You want Noelle to be a protagonist now don’t you? Well here’s the Healer Noelle chapter you wanted. Alphys says that due to something happening the supplies cabinet is locked up. Susie is angry at this and demands Alphys opens it up but is persuaded other wise when Kris says “DO NOT OPEN IT, OR WE DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL BE UNLEASHED.” So Susie and Kris decide to just skip the darker world today until Noelle joins them and says that her dad needs help at the hospital. They fall down a medicine cabnet and find medicine monsters. Ralsei says that there’s no fountain here but understands that Neolle’s father is probably in need of the medicine so he helps. Through out the Chapter it’s obvious that Kris’ is acting...weird. Their soul isn’t there and you seem to lose control of them at times. While Ralsei finds this odd Susie is enjoying this and Noelle, being used to their bullcrap, ignores this. There’s also also a love confession scene with Noelle and Susie...which sadly does not go well, not matter what you do. After finding the medicine Noelle is depressed and decides that it would be best if she walked home alone. Susie thinks that she was kinda harsh and her and decides to make it up tomorrow. Kris is left alone to walk from home to here. It’s there they meet Sans, who has had his eye on them ever since they laid eyes. They talk about their natural distrust towards one another which is soon interrupted by Papyrus offering ravioli. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN. Also there’s a black puddle on the way back home and Toriel seems to be a bit unwell, BUT RAVIOLI INSTEAD OF SPAGETHI IS THE MAIN THING
Chapter 5:Berdly (inventor) is the last one to join team KSR. Ralsei, being Ralsei, tries to tolerate him but it’s very hard to when he keeps brining up science stuff. What makes matters worse is that they’re in the science lab. Susie thinks about how she’ll make things up with Noelle and she’s a lot more nervous then usual. Kris is still like they are in Chapter 4. Ralsei says that there’s one more fountain to be closed but up next is the strongest enemy they’ve faced so far so he’s glad that he brought Lancer along for the ride. Oh Lancer is there as well BTW, it’s 5 vs ? during most of the battles, except the ones in a specific part which is only Susie and Kris. After defeating the boss Ralsei warns Kris that even though all the fountains are sealed, there’s still danger. For the knight still walks alone and the angel is yet to be seen. Upon returning to the light world Berldy realizes how much of class he misses and hopes he can make it up. Susie talks to Noelle about what happened last night in the dark world and you don’t get to see if they make up or not. Upon the walk home, there’s a lot of worry and panic throughout the town. More and more people start talking about a mysterious dark spots in the town. Alphys reports to a local police lady that the world as we know it is going to end and Undyne gives her a big hug. Napstablook, chief police, says he’ll do investigating but when he steps over the puddle something interesting happens. The police hat he’s wearing turns into headphones. And when Kris steps over it they turn into their darkener self. The chapter ends with Kris threatening to stab the soul... Chapter 6:...But that doesn’t happen thanks to a restraint from Toriel. The town is in a panic. There are no visits to the dark world today. Kris calls Asriel who still says that he's coming over which is the only good news Kris head. No one is happy, well except Susie, who for once in her life time feels as though there’s nothing to worry about she’s got her side of the project done and Kris is almost done with theirs so they should be good. It’s at this moment the other classmates appear and talk to Susie and Kris about their adventures in the dark world and explain that Ralsei might have been twisting the truth a little bit in his prophecy. Berdly states that, upon doing some research, there was only supposed to be two heroes, a human and a monster and that if they were to seal these fountains the sky would turn black. Susie gets angry all of the sudden and demands that they find Ralsei and have him explain his actions at once. Kris though pulls the dagger out of their pocket and says otherwise and “you’ll have to get through me first, Suzy.” You play as the five other students in their regular forms and although they don’t have Kris’ dagger or abilities they had in the dark they do have their natural abilities. Susie asks what they hell that was about and Kris explains that they are not who is in control at all times sometimes -your vessel name here- takes over. It’s then your vessels pops out of your soul and reveals it’s form that you did. It doesn’t say anything and simply disappears. Suddenly Kris feels in control of their body again and lets go of the knife. Right now they’ve got one more thing to do, find Ralsei and the knight. First things first, Ralsei. After fighting tons and tons of bad guys, the six eventually find him near a forest and they ask him what Ralsei really wanted. “It’s quite simple really,” says the dark prince “I wanted you to be fooled by an innocent look.” In reality he was the angel that was to bring chaos to this land and before you know it, new home is covered in darkness. Everyone is scared now. People don’t know what to do and thus the gang has to fight him. Thankfully, he gave them their powers back. But first, the monsters must find the knight. Chapter 7:Leaving Kris behind they reunite with Lancer and decide to add him to the party one last time meaning it’s basically 6 against 1 and 8 if they can get the knight to side with them. It takes a little why but they do find out who created the Dark World at least “Dr.Gaster” whose from a parralel universe known as Undertale, which he can no longer return too. So he created this universe in his image with a few familiar faces and some new. However it seems that there was an error in his makings or something. The knight appears and fights Dr.Gaster, no matter how good of a fighter you are the knight will grab his soul and run off with it. However don’t lose hope. For with his soul came a hint to the knight’s location. Once they find the knight he asks “where is Kris?” they refuse to tell them their location and get into a fight. The fight is rigged for him to lose no matter what you do. He surrenders but still wants to know where Kris is, for only he and Kris can stop Ralsei. Ultimately they cooperate and each one goes and fights a boss from the world they appeared in but not by themselves. Susie gets help from MK, Temmie Alphys, and Snowy. Jockington gets help from Alvin, Mettaton, Napstablook & Undyne. Catty, Bratty, the blue bunny and Burgerpants help out Catti. Sans, Papyrus, and Rudolph help Noelle and Berdly. Finally Susie and Lancer get help from the Dreemurs and Gaster. Kris and the Knight have to fight the second boss before Ralsei before they can reach him. After that they reach Ralsei once and fight him in his new found angelic form. ZUN helps compose the music for the final boss themes and in order to defeat him you’re gonna need a lot of time to get him. There’s 3 phases, one of him saying that balance needs not be restored and that your’e the ones restoring the balance. The second is of him showing him the true demon behind the angel wings and with wings of familiar colors appear. Scars, injuries and a destroyed kingdom are all explained through this phase. Eventually it seems like the Kris is about to give up but then phase 3 happens with the most unexpected twist. “...No you can’t die now Kris.” he says “And why not?” they ask.
“...Because I haven’t even got you hot choclate yet.” After defeating the demon Ralsei once and for all the truth is explained to Kris. Asriel’s college is were he studies parallel worlds or something like that and the dark world here was a parallel version fo the light world. However Ralsei was sick and tired of balance all the time, he wanted chaos and disorder so he went and did just that. He eventually gets arrested and light and dark is restored again with hometown being a mix of light and dark. Ralsei is jail mates with King Chaos and Lancer transfers schools to go with Susie. She doesn’t get together with Noelle, but she’s moved on to a girl that she meet in the darker world. Undyne and Alphys get together. Omnisan finally tells us their secret. The dog finishes his game. Kris and Asriel go get that hot choclate and life returns  to usual. With Kris pulling out the soul again, but more gently...and setting it down in the cage saying “thank you.”
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