#very overviewy if you want anything more specific I'd be more than happy to provide!!
metalheadcowboy · 2 years
i want to hear about trans eddie. please. my crops are dying.
You're about to start something you'll NEVER hear the end of, anon, an un-closable can of worms 😭😭
I think that Eddie is a very forwards person, so he always told his parents about his issues with his gender. And even if he didn't understand what it meant at the time they did, and it scared them shitless, so they always brushed it to the side, or changed the subject, or told him to keep that kind of stuff to himself. And he did for a while, obeyed and kept quiet about his struggles for the most part.
But then puberty came along and everything kind of just snowballed downwards. Eddie and his parents got into more and more fights, whether it be his mother condemning him about not wanting to wear his cousins hand-me-down dresses and skirts or his father giving him a lecture about how he needs to be more "lady-like" and "proper" things weren't great.
And even though things were bad, they were under control, until... the incident. It was a week after Eddie's 13th birthday when he thought it would be a wonderful 'fuck you' to his parents if he buzzed his head, if the shaved his gorgeous curly brown hair his mother loved so much to the root. He thought that would really show them, show them that this wasn't some phase, that this was real, that this was going to happen whether they liked it or not so they better accept it. Well, to nobody's surprise, they don't accept it.
Mrs. Munson swears she nearly faints when she walks in on Eddie with a half shaved head, and the proudest look on his face. It isn't long before his dad joins and practically drags him out of the bathroom by the hair he has left on his head. He could hear his mother crying, no, sobbing, but couldn't bring himself to care because this is what they deserved, what he deserved after all these years of pretending to be somebody he's not.
Mr. Munson wastes no time calling Eddie's uncle and telling him that his "daughter" needs some time away from home to "sort things out", shortly before telling Eddie to pack what he needs to stay at his uncle's for a few days. Eddie was dreading it to say the least, he always hated visiting his uncle, hated the way his trailer, hated the way he smelled like cigarette smoke and cheap cologne, but he was going to be damned if he let his dad see that he wasn't too happy about the arrangements.
When they got to his uncle's trailer it was nothing short of terrifying. The place was surrounded by woods on either side, lit by nothing but a few street lamps. The play set they had looked like it hadn't been used in years, and it was silent, too silent. Eddie just clung onto his bag and looked out the window until they came up on the one that was his uncles, the man himself awaiting their arrival, sitting on the front porch, if you could even call it that, taking a long drag of his cigarette before letting his attention drag over to their car.
Eddie's dad barely said a word, just enough to do the trade off and that was that, they were driving off with the promise of picking him up when he'd learned his lesson for what'd he'd done and that was that.
To say things were awkward between Eddie and his Uncle Wayne would be an understatement. They never really saw each other, except for around Christmas and a rare Thanksgiving, so they had no idea how to act around each other. Eddie let himself be guided to the bathroom with a huffed out "Jesus Christ" from his uncle looking at the damage to have the remaining hair buzzed away. As Eddie watched it fall away he didn't know whether to be relieved or ashamed. in a way it felt like a weight being lifted off his shoulders as he looked at his head, running his fingers over the short, soft hair, but with the relief came a sickening guilt, one that nearly made him sick to his stomach.
They didn't talk about it that night, Wayne let Eddie crash on the couch, practically able to feel the exhaustion radiating off of his body. They didn't talk about it the next day, though either, or the next, or the next, it was a week before they talked about it, the night of the talent show performance with his band Corroded Coffin. He and his uncle are int he car together on the way hime from Benny's Burgers, Eddie half disappointed his parents didn't show up even though deep down he knew they wouldn't.
"So, what is... this?" His uncle asks, much to Eddie's confusion.
"What is what?" he counters, giving the straw of his paper cup a break from being abused by his teeth.
"What are you, kid?" And the words hit like a brick, make him feel dizzy and halfway nauseous. They end up having to pull over, Wayne patting Eddie's back a few times while he retched, finally releasing his burger and fries onto the side of the road after a few heaves.
It's quiet again after that, the topic fresh on Eddie's mind the whole way home and even once they'd arrived. They'd moved on since then, making small talk while they watched whatever sitcom was on TV just to make fun of it.
But just as Wayne was about to head to bed, leaving Eddie to his wonderful pull out couch, the boy spoke up, "i don't know," he admitted, staring out the window, unable to face his uncle.
"What's that?" Wayne turned back around from where he was heading towards his bedroom.
Eddie sighed, reaching up to scratch his jaw, suddenly itchy with anxiety, "It's just... I don't really know what I am," he explained the best he could, "I don't know how to explain it because you probably wouldn't get it, shit, I don't get it." That was one of the perks of living with his uncle Wayne, he didn't have to worry about watching his mouth.
"All I know is I'm not what they want me to be, I'm not who they need me to be," he sniffled, oversized sweatshirt sleeve, reaching up to wipe away snot, " And maybe I'm not being fair, but I just can't do it anymore, I can't live their lie to please them." at this point hot tears were streaming down his face, and his nose was so stuffed he could barely breath.
He hadn't even realized his uncle was hugging him until the first soft choked hiccup wracked his body, causing him to jolt. Eddie let it all out now, everything he'd been holding in for years, into his uncle's shoulder. And he swore it was hours before he finally calmed down, even if it was only about fifteen minutes.
And it might not have been much, but the weak smile his uncle Wayne gave him was enough to make him feel okay, that everything would work out somewhat fine for him.
(Spoiler Alert his parents never come back to get him and it doesn't matter because Eddie gets to live a more supportive and happy live with his uncle :) )
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