#vince and coach would've died there
c28hunter · 2 years
Day 28 of random thoughts
So, another scene idea
Imagine a scenario, where IU and SS are staying in the same hotel before a game.
My idea is that Skarras' room is right above Shakes'. So, it begins with just jumping around, and moving all the furniture. But Shakes isn't the calmest either. He takes a broom and starts banging the ceiling, or throwing stuff at it.
In the end he blasts on full volume some metal songs. And Skarta does the same, but not only metal
Imagine, it's the middle of the night and they are playing some demonic screams, sounds of pigs or other animals, or in the end they're just screaming on top of their lungs.
And I am sure that at some point North would've joined Shakes. At first he could have been annoyed, but in the end he would have been screaming with him
And Skarra would've taken Dingaan, I'm sure
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