#viren's pretty eager about the idea of still living when he's /not/ halfway up the storm spire and terrified
darkmagicmirror · 1 year
This is not a response to any specific post because I've seen so many of them (and I don't remember any specific post(s), I just know I've seen this take), but like I don't really understand why there are people who think Claudia healing Soren was some kind of selfish act done because she wanted it and didn't care about what Soren wanted or whatever. Soren, throughout the entire show up to that point, prides himself on his physical capabilities. He's always on the move, he's the captain of the Crownguard (also something he's proud of), etc. Also I don't think there's anything Soren says to indicate he genuinely is okay with being unable to move.
Like there are plenty of things to maybe analyze/criticize about Claudia there, but it's really hard to get where "Claudia is just being selfish" from, in that specific situation.
I mean the only point I can maybe see toward it is that she doesn't ask Soren directly what he wants. But idk it feels kind of weird to see someone injured and be like "Hey are you okay with this?" while they're clearly upset about it. Plus Soren has been in her life since the beginning, so there's some extra understanding there that would be different than if it were anyone else. (I do think she should have given him some sort of heads up before actually doing the spell, but I don't think that equates to not caring about what he wants.)
Like idk I'm always open to hearing other opinions (if calmly/respectfully discussed), but I find it really confusing.
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