#visitor management system for reception
skyvisitor1 · 2 years
SkyVisitor: Contractor Management Software
Contractor management software digitises and unifies all aspects of how your company communicates with contractor businesses and oversees projects. By doing so, your team is able to create and administer a single repository of contractor businesses, carry out online contractor pre-qualifications, and keep tabs on ongoing tasks and projects.
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run2yoongi · 2 years
daisy | myg
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pairing: cat dad!yoongi x vet!reader
genre: strangers (kinda) to lovers, fluff, comfort, one shot, cat lover yoongi.
summary: a late, winter night at the vet clinic brings you closer to your regular client, a cat-loving min yoongi and his feline companion, daisy. when he was unable to stand seeing another stray cat spend the holidays on the cold streets, he agrees to take her in. you didn't anticipate that helping the new cat-dad would help you feel a little less alone these holidays, too.
note: wc is 3.1k! i might to a part two for this one, so if you enjoy it please send an ask let me know :) not proofread yet! this is dedicated to all the people who get a bit sad on the holidays. here for u if u ever need
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this was the best part of your job, you thought to yourself as you picked up one of the three newly delivered kittens to give them a gentle wipe-over. only a few days old, they hadn't even opened their eyes yet, but knowing that they'd be going home to a warm and safe home instead of back onto the snow-laden streets where their mother had been found brought you incredible relief.
the doorbell sang out, and you hoped that the emergency foster family had finally arrived. luckily, you'd met them before and knew they were the kind to come in for regular checkups, it brought you comfort that you'd likely be able to see the newborns grow up over the next few months as they came in. you wandered out to reception to see them checking in, but your gaze rested on someone else entirely.
the doorbell sang out, and you hoped that the emergency foster family had finally arrived. luckily, you'd met them before and knew they were the kind to come in for regular checkups, it brought you comfort that you'd likely be able to see the newborns grow up over the next few months as they came in. you wandered out to reception to see them checking in, but your gaze rested on someone else entirely.
the doorbell sang out, and you hoped that the emergency foster family had finally arrived. luckily, you'd met them before and knew they were the kind to come in for regular checkups, it brought you comfort that you'd likely be able to see the newborns grow up over the next few months as they came in. you wandered out to reception to see them checking in, but your gaze rested on someone else entirely.
ah, he's here again.
"i think she got into a fight," he mumbled to the receptionist, adjusting his grasp on the pet carrier. mister min, as you'd come to know him from his records, had managed to charm one of the more notorious strays in your area into living with him. she was an old, rugged short hair bombay who had likely been abandoned as she grew older and more temperamental. somehow, she'd managed to find her new home with the young man, making him a frequent visitor in your clinic.
lucky cat, you thought.
you joined the receptionist behind the counter, looking over her shoulder as she entered him into the system. "mister min, let's have a look." you smiled at him, gesturing for him to place the carrier on the bench. he obliged, smiling his hello to you.
"i think daisy gets a little territorial when strays come for the food i leave out," he mumbled quietly, finicking with the carrier door. looking over him, you noted the faint pink tinge on his nose and cheeks from the cold on his otherwise flawless skin. his lips seemed soft and full respite the harsh winds outside. his dark hair was underneath a beanie, strands pushed to the side around his warm eyes. you looked down at daisy, silently agreeing that you'd probably get territorial over him, too.
the latch fell free and you bent your knees to see daisy, curled up and eyeing you skeptically from inside the carrier. other than a reddening scratch to her ear, she looked like a perfectly healthy, well-cared-for old cat. leaps and bounds from when mister min had first come in with her.
"did you want to come in while i check, sir?" you offered, glancing back up to your visitor, whose plush pink lips had fallen into a concerned frown. he nodded, following you as you collected the cat carrier and slid open the door to the examination room. he stood attentively at the metal high-table, watching as you pulled daisy from the cage earning a defiant meow. you saw the corners of his lips quirk up, an adoring look in his eyes.
maybe this was the best part of your job, you reconsidered.
shifting your attention to the cat, you gently examined her for any other wounds or scratches hidden by her fur. her reflexes seemed fine, and she didn't appear in any pain- but that wasn't always an indicator that everything was okay. you petted her soft coat as you lifted one of her claws. "hmmm, daisy seems alright, i'd be more concerned for the other cat, to be honest." you hummed. daisy looked like she'd seen a fight or two over her years, and her claws seemed sharp enough to defend herself if need be.
mister min sighed in relief, the tension in his shoulders finally dropping. "i'm just going to disinfect her ear, we might have to give her some shots just in case," you explained, stroking the grumpy cat who was already wandering back to their carer.
"as for the strays, i'd move the food somewhere she can't see. she might just be a little jealous." you smiled, looking back at him as he grinned proudly at daisy, giving her a soft chin scratch, beaming like she was the sweetest thing on earth.
as you were fetching the disinfectant and cotton swabs, an idea suddenly crept upon you. "is daisy normally okay with other cats?" you asked over your shoulder.
"i think so, she normally ignores them if they manage to get into the house. it's just boy cats, i think." he answered softly. you nodded, feeling a level of understanding with the grumpy, boy-hating cat. "well, at least you don't have to worry about her running off with a boyfriend." you chuckled, turning back to press the disinfectant wipe over daisy's scratch, earning a warning growl from the cat.
"we had a stray in today, pregnant." you continued, calming daisy with soothing strokes as she hissed while you cleaned up the shallow cut. "the kittens are okay, but the mother has nowhere to go." you confessed, attempting to keep the worry out of your voice. you could feel him watching you, softly shaking his head in disbelief. "i even considered taking her with me, but my apartment..." you trailed off, realising you were divulging a little too much information.
"where is she now?" he asked, concern lacing his tone. you didn't know much about the customer in front of you, but you knew his soft spot. stray cats. just as you'd expected- he was eager to help in any way he could. you promised you'd show him the strays after daisy was safe to go, assuring him that she was safely nestled in some blankets with her kittens in the next room over.
giving daisy her shots was a feat and a half, you'd ended up needing yoongi to hold her in place while the overnight receptionist held her head still so she didn't bite you or hurt herself as you inserted the needle. after that though, mister min was looking at you expectantly, eager to see the new kittens and their mother.
"ah," he let out a delighted gasp as he entered the room, slowly making his way over to the family. the mother immediately lifted her head to look at him, accepting his offer to sniff his hand before resting her head again, seemingly approving of whatever cat dad energy he had enough to let him pat her.
you stood behind him, overwhelmed by the precious sight. you almost reached for your phone to take a photo to immortalise the moment before realising that it might come off as wholly inappropriate. "can't believe they have to be separated," he mumbled to himself, cooing over how the little babies were wriggling around their mother for warmth. you hummed in agreement, it was a very rare for foster carers to take the whole family- you weren't expecting it, but a part of you had hoped that the kittens would be able to grow up with their mother- knowing it was what was best for their development, their best chance of survival. their mother had yet to produce milk for its kittens though, and you knew that without proper care- they'd likely become weak within a matter of days. despite this, you cursed the fact that your clinic wouldn't allow you to keep strays, even short-term. they had to go to a shelter or a foster family- and all the city shelters were closed down for the holidays.
almost on queue, the receptionist entered the room, desk phone in hand and extended it to you- a worried look on her face. "the foster carers are here," she whispered, eyes noticing the young man who was now sitting on the floor, looking over the cats.
from his spot, squatting on the floor, the man looked up at you with pleading eyes, not wanting the kittens to be taken from him. you couldn't help the smile from spreading across your face at his childish expression, like a boy who's favourite toy was being taken away. "you can stay with mum, if you'd like." you offered, preparing a transfer box to place the kittens in.
"where will she go?" he asked quietly, watching as you picked up the tiny kittens to place them on a soft blanket in the box. you rolled your head to the side, wondering if it was too direct to ask what you were thinking. "well, i'll keep her here as long as i can. the policy is that we need to let her go back to where she was found, though." you spoke slowly, examining his face as he pouted at your words. "unless, someone can take her in." you added coyly, not breaking eye contact.
his eyes widened, realisation washing over his features. "i mean, if daisy is okay with it i-" he paused, realising how he sounded. "what about the kittens?" he asked. you sighed, looking over their wriggling forms. "they'll go to a family with a wet nurse. it's an emergency foster situation, the best we could do. we'll see how they take." you explained slowly, attempting to soothe your client just as much as yourself.
"could we introduce them?" he stood from his squatting position, his impressive height catching you off guard as he suddenly towered over you. if his face wasn't so soft and sweet, you might have been intimidated.
you nodded, eyes filled with delight as hope swelled in your chest. "i just have to cover the hand off for these babies, make sure the wet nurse takes to them." you explained, raising the box with the kittens to your face. "and then we can do just that. do you mind staying for a little bit? i know it's late.". he shook his head at you, a smile forming on his lips as he waved off your comments.
"i don't mind," he spoke softly, glancing down to the mother sleeping softly on the pile of blankets that you'd set down for her. "just wish we could keep them all together." he mumbled as you exited, your heart sinking with guilt ever so slightly.
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the hand-off had gone smoothly, the kitten's foster family had already brought along some warm water bottles and cat milk for the babies along with the wet nurse, so you were able to send them off confidently. however, you did advise them to come back every few weeks to track their progress, for entirely professional reasons of course. you'd hoped the kittens would be reunited with their mother soon, if all went well.
your gaze kept getting caught on daisy's dad in the waiting room, though. in fact, you'd caught him staring at you a handful of times as you went over the documentation with your other clients, explaining how to introduce their older foster cats to the new kittens at home.
you dismissed it as impatience or just an eagerness to introduce daisy to the mother cat, but regardless, a gentle wave of butterflies erupted every time you caught his glistening, brown eyes on you. in a lot of ways, he was quite feline-like himself. quietly, patiently watching as you went about your tasks.
you slapped your hands on your thighs and mouthed an 'okay' to yourself, exhaustion beginning to get the best of you as you reached hour 10 of your shift. truthfully, you were meant to leave a few hours ago, but you'd wanted to wait until the kittens were handed off safely before leaving the overnight vet technician in charge.
for your cat-loving client though, you would happily stay back. especially if it meant the stray mother cat would be going to a comfortable home tonight. "ready?" you asked from across the waiting room. his ears perked up and he swiftly stood up, it seemed like you'd snapped him out of a daydream even though he was looking right at you.
he nodded, picking up daisy in her carrier and bringing her into the room with the unnamed stray. "daisy, this is your new friend." he whispered to his cat as he set the cage down in front of the sleeping mother. i guess he's already made his mind up, you thought to yourself. you'd advised to keep the carrier door closed incase things went sour, but as daisy tentatively approached the cage door, you heard a soft mewl that was anything but threatening.
the stray picked her head up at the noise, suddenly alert. she still looked quite frazzled after giving birth to three babies in quick succession but she was still curious about the caged cat, approaching the carrier slowly and cautiously before sitting down right in front of the door.
your attention was caught by a muted, excited noise of adoration coming from daisy's carer, once against catching you off guard. "so far, so good." you spoke, keeping your eyes on his delighted face, his eyes forming two crescents as the stray let out an inquisitive mrrp at the older street-cat.
"i think they like each other," he said, relieved. you wondered if he had some telepathic link with cats that you weren't able to tap into, despite your degree in veterinary science. "should we let daisy out?" he turned to you excitedly. you nodded and he eagerly released the carrier's latch, swinging it open as the stray stepped aside to peer into the cage.
the two of you watched, side by side, as daisy inched out of her carrier, sniffing at the stray tentatively. "will you be open over the holidays?" he asked you quietly, eyes not drifting away from the two cats. "ah, yes. if anything goes wrong, if you take her, i'll be working." you replied softly.
"it would be cruel for her to be alone at this time of year." he mumbled to himself. it seemed like he was already sold, mentally planning his life with his new companion. suppressing the sad wave of feeling that bubbled to the surface after realising that you would likely be the only one in the room alone on the holidays, you took a deep breath and centred your thoughts.
"i can let you borrow some supplies and a carrier from the clinic if you'd like to take her tonight." you offered, glancing up at his smitten expression as the cats brushed their faces against each other affectionately. maybe they'd known each other in another life, you wondered. he accepted and you'd helped him load everything into his car, shivering as the icy winds swept past your face and crept under your clothes. he hesitated before ducking into his car, unspoken words at the tip of his tongue before simply smiling his farewell and driving off into the night.
quite frankly, you hadn't been able to keep him off your mind. the phone would ring and you would eavesdrop as the receptionist took the client's name, hoping that it would be him. luckily, despite it being christmas night, it had been busy- the clinic hardly ever empty throughout your shift, allowing you to focus on other things besides him and his polite smile before he'd left with daisy and the stray that night.
you were mere moments from clocking out, handover to the overnight vet had gone well and you were just saying your goodbyes to the receptionist when the door bell rang out, catching your attention. your stomach tied in knots when you saw him- lips pink and puffy from the cruel winds that had been sweeping through the city. "hi," he greeted you as you stood, stunned at the sight of him, the length of his wavy hair tucked into a cashmere scarf.
"i wasn't sure you'd still be here," he mumbled, shuffling his shoes over the doormat to get rid of any traces of snow that had followed him in. "i was just about to leave- is everything okay?" you asked, regaining your composure. your eyes landed on the carried resting underneath his arm, empty. "just wanted to return this." he walked closer to you and you felt the bubbling of butterflies begin to take hold in your stomach. he moved like a model, collected and composed. part of you wondered if that was his job, or if he was a famous movie star that you'd been too ignorant to know of.
you took the carrier from him, nodding your thanks and placed it on the receptionist's desk, turning to face him once again. you couldn't look away from his face, silently grateful for the harsh weather that had made his cheeks along with the tip of his nose shiny and pink. "the cats are doing great, they're already sleeping together." he added, lingering in front of you. his tone was quiet enough that the receptionist couldn't make out his words, and you wondered what the point of keeping your conversation so private was.
"that's good to hear, i'm glad the mum isn't too distressed without her kittens." you replied, sincerely relieved. "have you picked a name?". he hummed, shifting his weight between his feet and shook his head. "not yet, i didn't want to get too attached in case..." his voice trailed off, you nodded in understanding.
"actually," he paused and glanced at your eyes sheepishly. the pale pink hue on his cheeks began to grow into a warmer red blush. "i was wondering if you were free- if you'd like to come and see them.". your eyes widened and you noticed your heart skipping a beat. "no pressure, of course- i mean, it's christmas so i understand if you-"
"that'd be nice, mister min." you interrupted him, too excited to wait for him to finish his sentence. "yoongi," he corrected softly, a delighted spark in his eye. "you can call me by my name.".
as you walked out of the clinic together, you were overcome by the cold, snow falling onto your eyelashes as you made your way to his car. you felt the warmth of his hand envelop your palm, a soft and comforting touch that made your heart swell. glancing down, you squeezed his hand, eyes catching the smile that had spread across his lips.
suddenly, you felt the cold around you turn to warmth, your beating heart aflame with the knowledge that now, you wouldn't be alone on christmas.
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astrxlfinale · 3 months
To the imperfect tomorrow ... and so on, at least so the end of Penacony's hound had come to sound in his final system hours, so one could wonder why the trailblazer's phone went off in the dead of night, hours since Peacony's greatest reset of all time. Magic? A bug? Some odd links distributed by a strange entity?
No, of course not.
It was a text.
From an unknown sender.
[TXT] : Not just anyone can be cremated. [TXT] : You have to urn it.  [TXT] : xd
Penacony has left the Astral Express team respectably exhausted. Fighting one of the higher powers that be can do that to anyone no less. In the even of properly laying the once fervor filled wishes of a line of Nameless to rest, there was a silence that just felt.. right. It felt proper for him to partake in the quieter minutes as if offering his own toast of honor to those lost. At least mostly.
Pom-Pom's emotional outbursts, the way their little tears spilled and the redoubled effort to ensure his crew is fed well has been practically doubled each morning. In the midday, the sounds of either ingenuity being crafted, moments of closure and closeness shared, or the hard efforts of training were forged throughout multiple ends of the Express.
Best believe that Caelus ensured to greedily consume each bit of experience that he could. In the midst of understandable sorrow, they've become even more driven.
Allowing his body to stir to new heights, for his mind to ponder and contemplate, it was the simple improvements that were equally treasured. It also kept the creeping sadness of lost companions at bay. Now and then, that certain bar within the Reverie would get a visitor from him, either as a guest or an extra helping hand. For it'd be in the magic of forging these drinks that another expression can be made.
Much as it'd be like pulling teeth, that old bastard was dearly missed all the same. ..It was odd. Caelus felt like it'd be really nice to even hear a scolding from that messily suave mug in times like this.
Follow the time into the depths of night for some sprawling words out there. It was hard to tell amidst skies that never changed, ensuring they kept the hopes that forged them alive.
"..Ugh. Who in the hell?"
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"C'mon. I even put the damn thing on busy. Wanted a shot of quiet time for a hot minute." He'd grunt out in idle frustration, yet proceeding to not give a damn as the phone found itself fished out anyways. The soft hum of light from the screen catches his attention, and the blotted out anonymous face almost tempts him to delete it then and there. No time, no time. That is..
Until the phone nearly drops from his hand once as a stab of rich emotions caught him. Amazed, mystified, irritated, annoyed, happy.. but curious. Those golden eyes of the Trailblazer would waver at the contents given.
For once, the most indescribable and confusing shot of laughter wracked his body. Laughter woven from relief, from that frustration being so confused as irritation twists into joy at seeing this again. It took no thought to understand who this was, for it'd be this very brand of Fiction that managed to imprint an undeniable sense of life onto Caelus.
Fight the tears. Even as he felt the mild stinging burn of their approach, the waterworks began to bloom with a smile as only, deciding to hope in that Imperfect Tomorrow as he texts back.
Text: What the fuck.
Text: Heaven has a reception now?
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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iconicofficesposts · 7 months
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Classy Reception Desks: Redefining Dubai's Office Elegance - Iconic Furniture
Welcome to Iconic Office Furniture, where luxury meets modernity to create the perfect office environment in Dubai. Our collection features the finest selection of Classy Reception Desks Furniture, meticulously curated to blend elegance with functionality. As one of the city’s top office furniture suppliers, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality pieces that reflect elegance and style.
Classy Reception Desks: Elevating First Impressions
At Iconic Office Furniture, we understand the importance of making a statement with your reception area. That's why our collection includes a range of classy reception desks designed to leave a lasting impression on clients and visitors. With sleek lines, minimalist aesthetics, and ergonomic features, our reception desks redefine the look and feel of office spaces in Dubai.
Sleek Lines and Minimalist Aesthetics: Setting the Trend
In today's fast-paced world, sleek lines and minimalist aesthetics are the hallmarks of modern office design. Our classy reception desks boast clean, uncluttered designs that exude sophistication and create a welcoming atmosphere. With smooth surfaces and understated elegance, our desks set the trend for contemporary office spaces in Dubai.
Ergonomic Features: Prioritizing Comfort and Productivity
Comfort and productivity are paramount in any workplace, which is why our reception desks are designed with ergonomic features in mind. Adjustable heights, ample legroom, and integrated storage solutions ensure that your reception area is both stylish and functional. Because when your employees are comfortable, they perform at their best.
Integrating Classy Reception Desks: Tips for Success
Integrating classy reception desks into your office space is easy with Iconic Office Furniture. When choosing a desk, carefully consider how it will fit in with the overall aesthetic of your workspace and complement your existing decor. With our diverse range of styles and finishes, you're sure to find the perfect match for your office environment. Plus, our desks are designed for functionality, with built-in storage options and cable management systems to keep your space organized and clutter-free.
At Iconic Office Furniture, we're passionate about redefining office spaces in Dubai with our exquisite collection of classy reception desks. From sleek lines to ergonomic features, our desks are designed to elevate your workspace and make a lasting impression on clients and visitors. So why settle for ordinary when you can make a statement with Iconic Office Furniture? Visit us today and transform your office into a space that's truly iconic.
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woodbine-in · 8 months
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Make a Lasting First Impression with WOODBINE Reception Desks in Delhi!
Impress clients and elevate your brand image with stunning reception desks from WOODBINE, crafted by Dhansri Infrax, the leading Reception Table manufacturer in Delhi.
First Impressions Matter.
Your reception desk is the focal point of your office, setting the tone for every visitor's experience. WOODBINE desks help you create a welcoming and professional atmosphere that reflects your brand's values.
Crafted for Distinction:
Sleek Designs: Choose from modern, minimalist styles to warm and inviting wood finishes.
Durable Materials: Built with high-quality materials like laminates, wood, and metals for lasting beauty.
Functional Features: Integrated storage, cable management systems, and custom options for a seamless workflow.
Size and Scalability: Find the perfect fit for your space, from single workstations to grand executive desks.
WOODBINE Desks in Every City:
Dhansri Infrax serves all major cities in North India, including:
Invest in Your Brand Image:
A WOODBINE reception desk is more than just furniture; it's an investment in your brand's success. We offer:
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Create a Reception You'll Be Proud Of:
Let WOODBINE craft the reception desk that makes a lasting impression!
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businessfurniture · 1 year
Types of Business Office Furniture
When setting up a new business office, one of the most important considerations is choosing the right furniture. Not only does furniture affect the overall aesthetics of the office, but it also has a significant impact on employee productivity and comfort. With so many options available, it can be challenging to choose the right furniture for your office. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of business office furniture and their unique features.
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Desks and Workstations: Desks and workstations are the central pieces of office furniture. They provide a workspace for employees to perform their tasks. These can range from simple rectangular desks to elaborate L-shaped or U-shaped workstations. Some desks and workstations also come with additional features such as built-in storage or cable management systems.
Chairs: Chairs are another crucial piece of office furniture. Employees typically spend a significant amount of time sitting at their desks, so having a comfortable and ergonomic chair is essential. Office chairs can come in a variety of styles, including task chairs, executive chairs, and conference chairs.
Storage Cabinets: Storage cabinets are necessary to keep the office organized and clutter-free. They come in various sizes and styles, including vertical and lateral file cabinets, bookcases, and storage credenzas. They can also be made from different materials, such as wood or metal, depending on the office's aesthetics.
Conference Tables: Conference tables are used for meetings and group discussions. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including round, rectangular, and oval. Conference tables can also come with additional features, such as built-in power outlets and cable management systems.
Reception Area Furniture: The reception area is the first thing visitors see when they enter the office, so it's essential to make a good first impression. Reception area furniture can include a reception desk, chairs, and tables. They can also come in various styles, such as traditional or modern, depending on the office's overall aesthetics.
Lounge and Break Room Furniture: Providing a comfortable and inviting break room is essential for employees to take a break and recharge. Lounge and break room furniture can include sofas, chairs, and tables. These areas can also include amenities such as a refrigerator, microwave, and coffee maker.
In conclusion, choosing the right furniture for your business office is crucial for employee productivity, comfort, and overall aesthetics. The type of furniture you choose will depend on your office's specific needs, including the number of employees and the type of work they perform. By considering the different types of office furniture available, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your office for years to come.
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primesupport · 7 days
The Role and Importance of Soft Services Facilities Management in Iraq
In the evolving landscape of facility management, "Soft Services Facilities Management" has emerged as a crucial component for ensuring the smooth operation of buildings and properties. In Iraq, where rapid urbanization and development are underway, the demand for effective soft services facilities management is increasing. This article delves into what soft services facilities management entails, its significance in Iraq, and how businesses and organizations can benefit from these services.
What is Soft Services Facilities Management?
Soft services facilities management refers to the range of services that support the operational efficiency, cleanliness, and overall ambiance of a building or facility. Unlike hard services, which involve maintenance of physical infrastructure and equipment (such as HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical systems), soft services focus on the more customer-facing and day-to-day operational aspects. This includes services such as:
Cleaning and Janitorial Services: Regular cleaning of facilities, including offices, commercial spaces, and residential buildings, to maintain hygiene and a pleasant environment.
Security Services: Provision of security personnel and systems to ensure the safety of the premises and its occupants.
Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance: Upkeep of outdoor areas, including gardens, lawns, and other landscaped areas to enhance the property’s appearance and functionality.
Pest Control: Management of pests and rodents to prevent infestations and maintain a healthy environment.
Reception and Front Desk Services: Handling of visitor management, answering inquiries, and providing a welcoming atmosphere.
Waste Management: Efficient handling and disposal of waste materials, ensuring proper waste segregation and recycling practices.
The Significance of Soft Services Facilities Management in Iraq
As Iraq continues to grow economically and urbanize rapidly, the role of soft services facilities management becomes increasingly vital. Here are some key reasons why these services are essential in the Iraqi context:
Enhancing Property Value: Well-managed soft services contribute to the overall appeal and value of properties. Clean and well-maintained facilities attract tenants and clients, making properties more desirable and valuable in a competitive market.
Supporting Business Operations: For businesses, having reliable soft services ensures a functional and comfortable environment for employees and clients. Cleanliness, security, and well-maintained grounds contribute to a productive work atmosphere and can positively impact employee morale and customer satisfaction.
Compliance and Safety: In Iraq, adherence to health and safety standards is crucial. Soft services, such as regular cleaning and pest control, help ensure compliance with hygiene regulations and contribute to a safe environment, reducing the risk of health issues and accidents.
Environmental Impact: Efficient waste management and eco-friendly cleaning practices support environmental sustainability. By implementing green practices, facilities management providers help reduce the environmental footprint of buildings and promote a cleaner, greener Iraq.
Operational Efficiency: Soft services providers bring expertise and efficiency to everyday operations. Professional cleaning, maintenance, and security services ensure that facilities run smoothly, minimizing disruptions and allowing businesses and organizations to focus on their core activities.
Benefits of Outsourcing Soft Services Facilities Management
Outsourcing soft services facilities management offers several advantages for businesses and organizations in Iraq:
Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing these services can be more cost-effective than managing them in-house. It eliminates the need for investment in equipment, training, and personnel, while providing access to specialized expertise.
Expertise and Experience: Professional facilities management companies bring a wealth of experience and expertise. They stay updated with industry best practices and use advanced technologies and methods to deliver high-quality services.
Focus on Core Activities: By outsourcing soft services, organizations can concentrate on their primary business functions without being burdened by operational concerns related to facilities management.
Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourced services can be scaled up or down based on changing needs. This flexibility ensures that facilities management solutions align with the evolving demands of the organization.
Improved Service Quality: Dedicated facilities management providers are committed to delivering excellent service quality. Their focus on customer satisfaction ensures that facilities are well-maintained and managed to the highest standards.
Choosing the Right Soft Services Facilities Management Provider
Selecting the right provider is crucial for maximizing the benefits of soft services facilities management. When evaluating potential providers in Iraq, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Experience: Look for providers with a proven track record and experience in managing similar types of facilities.
Service Range and Quality: Ensure the provider offers a comprehensive range of services and maintains high standards of quality.
Compliance and Certification: Verify that the provider adheres to local regulations and industry standards, and holds relevant certifications.
Customer Support and Flexibility: Choose a provider that offers responsive customer support and flexible solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Soft services facilities management plays a pivotal role in maintaining the functionality, cleanliness, and safety of buildings and properties in Iraq. By choosing a reliable and experienced provider, businesses and organizations can ensure efficient operations, enhance property value, and support a sustainable and healthy environment. As Iraq continues to develop, the importance of high-quality soft services will only grow, making it essential for stakeholders to invest in effective facilities management solutions.
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resiliencesoftblog · 1 month
How Do Raipur’s Website Design Companies Drive Success?
Website design company in Raipur to generate successful websites use inventive design, user-centric edges, and state-of-the-art technology. Their main objective is to develop visually appealing and receptive websites that improve user interaction and knowledge. These businesses modify their designs to exhibit brand identity and appeal to target demographics by knowing customer needs and market trends. To guarantee that websites rank highly on search engines and attract organic visitors, they use SEO best practices. They also assist firms in streamlining processes and tracking performance thanks to their proficiency in integrating e-commerce solutions, content management systems, and analytics tools. In the end, their all-encompassing strategy guarantees a robust web presence and commercial expansion.
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Top Website Design and Development Firms in Raipur and website design company in bilaspurDeveloping Your Online Presence with a Bilaspur Website Development CompanyA website development company in bilaspur is essential to building scalable, reliable websites that meet a range of corporate requirements. These businesses specialize in creating original websites that capture their clients' distinct brand identities. Their proficiency encompasses the amalgamation of several attributes, including e-commerce systems, content management systems, and interactive components, with the aim of augmenting user experience and stimulating interaction.
Raipur Website Design Company: Creating Stunning Digital WorldsIf you look for a website development company in raipur, you can find professionals who are great at turning your ideas into eye-catching digital designs. Their design approaches take into account user preferences and current trends to make sure your website draws in and keeps visitors. These businesses create designs that look fantastic and function flawlessly on a variety of devices, from responsive layouts to easy navigation.Innovative Mobile Solutions is a Bilaspur-based company that develops Android apps.
An Android app development company in Bilaspur provides creative solutions that are customized to meet your needs if your organization wants to increase its online presence. High-performance Android applications that improve client interaction and expedite company operations are the specialty of these organizations. They provide all phases of the app development procedure, from beginning to testing and deployment, including design and development. They guarantee your app delivers a flawless user experience and meets your business objectives by utilizing the newest technology and industry standards.Enhancing Your Brand through Digital Media and digital marketing company in bilaspur
Businesses aiming to boost their online presence and spur growth must have both a digital marketing firm and a digital media marketing company in Bilaspur. Online advertising, content production, social media marketing, SEO, and other comprehensive digital marketing methods are all provided by these businesses. They employ data-driven strategies to optimize ROI and target your audience efficiently. They assist you in establishing a strong brand presence and drawing in more business by fusing innovative campaigns with insightful analytics.Increasing Mobile Reach with an Android App Development Company in Raipur
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An Android app development business in Raipur has experience building complex mobile apps that are tailored to consumers' changing needs. The primary goal of these businesses is to provide smooth and captivating user experiences through their superior apps. To guarantee dependability and performance, they incorporate rigorous testing and quality assurance into their development process. Working with a trustworthy app development company, you may release an app that distinguishes your organization and successfully engages your audience.
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weddingplanners01 · 1 month
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Many couples are choosing eco-friendly weddings that express their principles of sustainability and conservation as environmental awareness rises. Planning a green wedding is an opportunity to add creativity, purpose, and commitment to the environment to your special day without sacrificing flair or tradition. This is a thorough guide to organizing an eco-friendly wedding in Pune, covering everything from mindful food to sustainable decoration.
1. Choose a Green Venue
Choosing a venue that takes sustainability first is the first step in planning an eco-friendly wedding. Many places in Pune were having green credentials, like trash reduction, energy efficiency, and community support. Seek out locations that offer eco-friendly construction materials, rainwater collection systems, or solar electricity. Gardens, farms, and vineyards are great examples of outdoor events because they don’t require as much lighting or decoration.
2. Go Paperless with Invitations
When you take into account the paper, printing, and transportation that are required, typical wedding invitations can have a big negative impact on the environment. Rather, use electronic invitations, or e-vite, which are simple to use, inexpensive, and green in nature. If you prefer to send out physical invites, think about using seed paper or recycled paper, which your guests can plant after the wedding.
3. Sustainable Wedding Attire
For environmentally aware couples, Pune’s thriving wedding dress market has a plethora of sustainable options. Seek out designers and shops that utilize recycled, natural, or organic textiles. To save waste, think about renting or purchasing used wedding clothing. Repurposing or upcycling antique clothing or family treasures is an additional alternative that respects tradition and the environment while adding a personal touch.
4. Eco-Friendly Decor
Less is more when it comes to wedding décor. Make an effort to use organic components like wood, flowers, and foliage — all of which may be found locally and decompose naturally. Steer clear of synthetic materials and single-use plastics as they are major sources of pollution. A number of environmentally concerned businesses that specialize in sustainable design can be found in Pune. They provide solutions such as reusable fabric drapes instead of synthetic ones or potted plants in place of cut flowers.
5. Mindful Catering
Any wedding celebration revolves around food, so selecting eco-friendly catering alternates is an important step in having an eco-friendly wedding. Select fresh and organic produce to reduce your transportation-related carbon footprint. Menus that are vegetarian or vegan also use less resources in their creation, which makes them more environmentally friendly. Pune is home to caterers that specialize in farm-to-table meals, which guarantees excellent and healthy food made with fresh, in-season products.
6. Zero Waste Wedding Favors
As they might frequently be thrown away, wedding favors are a wonderful way to say “thank you” to your guests. Select environmentally responsible favors that are lasting and meaningful. Seed packets, handcrafted soaps, and reusable products like bamboo straws and cloth bags are some options. As a zero-waste option, think about making a donation in your visitors’ honor to a nearby charity.
7. Transportation with a Low Carbon Footprint
During weddings, transportation can contribute significantly to carbon emissions, particularly if guests are coming from a distance. To lessen carbon emissions, promote carpooling and offer group transportation choices such as buses or shuttles. For an eco-friendly and distinctive wedding party option, think about renting bicycles or electric cars. Your requirement for transportation may be reduced significantly if your ceremony and reception are held at the same location.
8. Eco-Conscious Wedding Gifts
Instead of receiving traditional gifts, ask your guests to make charitable donations or eco-friendly gifting. You can make an eco-friendly brand registry or ask for contributions to be used toward eco-friendly activities such as a home renovation project or honeymoon.
9. Offset Your Carbon Footprint
Even with the best efforts, some carbon emissions are unavoidable during a wedding. To counteract this, consider purchasing carbon offsets. These are contributions to projects that reduce greenhouse gases, such as reforestation or renewable energy initiatives. Many organizations offer carbon offset programs that can be tailored to the size and scope of your wedding.
10. Hire Eco-Conscious Vendors
Assist suppliers who are as dedicated to sustainability as you are. Pune has all aspects of environmentally conscious wedding suppliers and vendors from florists that source local and organic flowers to photographer who use energy-efficient equipment. You can make sure that every element of your wedding is in line with your environmentally conscious beliefs by selecting suppliers who put the environment first.
An eco-friendly wedding in Pune is more than just a trend; it’s a meaningful way to celebrate your love while honoring the planet. By making mindful choices in every aspect of your wedding planning, you can create a beautiful, sustainable celebration that reflects your commitment to each other and to the environment. Start your journey towards a green wedding today, and leave a lasting legacy of love and sustainability.
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getting-technical · 1 month
 Let's admit it - managing visitors can be a hassle. Not just for the person at the reception but for the whole building and everyone residing/working in it. But, despite the challenges, visitor management is an essential aspect of commercial and real estate. So, what is visitor management? It's a system to track, monitor and regulate visitors' access to a building or premise. Effective visitor management implies a responsible attitude towards safety, accountability, and the person visiting. Why is it important? It helps create an audit trail of everyone who has walked in-and-out of the building, thereby ensuring security. It also puts everyone at ease - staff and visitors alike. Imagine the chaos that would arise without it! Effective visitor management stresses the importance of safety, accountability, and a high level of professionalism. Don't you agree?
Enhanced security measures
Effective visitor management involves monitoring and recording visitors who enter and exit a building, ensuring that only authorized individuals gain entry to a facility. It is crucial for maintaining the security and protection of a building. By monitoring and tracking all visitors, expected and unexpected, visitor management systems help reduce the risk of theft, vandalism, and other unauthorized activities. And who doesn't love a good reduction in risk?
Streamlined visitor check-in process
In real estate, particularly in sales situations, reducing wait times and making a memorable first impression is key. When checking in, it's not uncommon to wait in a long queue, which can cause frustration or, even worse, the loss of potential business. Aside from making a good first impression, streamlined check-in processes also collect detailed visitor information and enable seamless access, which is particularly useful in the case of emergencies, where the sooner you can locate your visitors, the better prepared you will be. But perhaps the most significant impact of a streamlined check-in process is the welcome that it gives to guests. First impressions count, and a good one can set the tone for the rest of the visit. So why not make it a smooth one?
Improved communication and collaboration
Effective visitor management allows real-time communication with hosts, ensuring visitors are well-received and welcomed promptly, helping to build positive relationships with clients and visitors, which is crucial for building brand image and reputation. Moreover, an effective visitor management system provides seamless access to visitor data, enhancing communication between different departments and functions and improving collaboration within the organization. Real-time data on visitor flow can provide insights into peak visit times and areas of high traffic, enabling better resource allocation and enhancing staff productivity. Effective visitor management systems can also be integrated with access control, CCTV, and alarm systems, creating a comprehensive security network and improving communication and collaboration between security personnel and departments. A cohesive working environment is ensured by streamlining communication and improving staff communication. Additionally, the insights derived from an effective visitor management system can be utilized to optimize resource allocation, thereby improving organizational efficiency and cost savings.
Efficient use of resources
One of the most significant benefits of implementing effective visitor management in real estate and commercial sectors is the efficient use of resources. With a streamlined check-in process, staff members can focus on their core tasks, optimizing their productivity. An automated visitor management system allows visitors to enter the premises without long wait times, reducing administrative burdens. Moreover, the transparency achieved with such systems enables companies to track visitor footfall, notify hosts in real-time, and collect detailed visitor information, thus allowing them to make structured decisions based on data, leading to cost savings in the long term and improved return on investments.
Apart from these benefits, it also enhances the visitor experience, thus garnering a positive reputation for the establishment, leading to more business and increased revenue. Gone are the days of manual registers and endless paperwork. With a modern system, let technology do the job, and watch as it transforms how you manage visitors. The tangible benefits are cost savings, optimized workflow, and a streamlined process for all stakeholders.
Increased compliance and regulation adherence
Compliance is a word that can strike fear into even the most daring of entrepreneurs. Nobody wants to face fines or legal action. To meet legal requirements, compliance with industry regulations is necessary for businesses, particularly in the real estate and commercial sectors. Proper visitor management ensures businesses meet compliance regulations and protect themselves from liability. In addition, visitor management systems can help with preparedness for emergencies which helps to ensure readiness whenever disaster may strike.
Effective visitor management is crucial for safety and security in the real estate and commercial sectors. By monitoring access, protecting confidential information, and reducing the risk of theft and vandalism, visitor management enhances security measures. Improved communication and collaboration become possible through real-time communication with hosts, seamless access to visitor data, and integration with other systems. The efficient use of resources can be achieved by reducing administrative burden, optimizing staff productivity, and cost savings in the long run. Effective visitor management ensures compliance with industry regulations, protection of liability, and preparedness for emergencies. Real estate and commercial sectors must prioritize visitor management for a safer, more efficient, and more productive environment.
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Innovative Basement Renovation Ideas to Transform Your Space
Basements often represent untapped potential in a home. Transforming this underutilized space can not only increase your living area but also enhance the value of your property. Here are some inspiring basement renovation ideas to help you reimagine and rejuvenate your basement into a functional and stylish part of your home.
Home Theater
Creating a home theatre in your basement is a fantastic way to bring the cinematic experience into your home. Basements are ideal for this purpose due to their low natural light, which can enhance the viewing experience. Install comfortable seating, a large screen, and a high-quality sound system. Add blackout curtains and soundproofing to ensure an immersive experience without disturbing the rest of the household.
Home Office
With remote work becoming more prevalent, having a dedicated home office has never been more important. Convert your basement into a quiet, distraction-free workspace. Ensure good lighting, ergonomic furniture, and ample storage to create a productive environment. Adding a few personal touches, such as artwork and plants, can make the space more inviting.
Guest Suite
Transform your basement into a welcoming guest suite for visitors. Include a bedroom, a small sitting area, and an en-suite bathroom if space allows. Use warm colours and comfortable furnishings to create a cosy atmosphere. This not only provides privacy for your guests but also adds an extra layer of functionality to your home.
Home Gym
A basement home gym is a convenient way to stay fit without leaving the house. Equip the space with essential fitness equipment such as a treadmill, weights, and yoga mats. Install mirrors on the walls to create a sense of space and monitor your form. Good ventilation and adequate lighting are crucial to make the gym inviting and practical.
A basement playroom is an excellent option for families with young children. It provides a dedicated space for kids to play and keep their toys organized. Bright colours, durable flooring, and plenty of storage make the area both fun and functional. Consider adding a small reading nook or art station to encourage creativity.
Wine Cellar
For wine enthusiasts, converting part of the basement into a wine cellar can be a dream come true. Proper insulation, climate control, and humidity management are key to preserving your collection. Add stylish wine racks, a tasting table, and appropriate lighting to create an elegant space for storing and enjoying your wines.
Choosing the Right Commercial Renovation Contractors
When undertaking a basement renovation, partnering with experienced commercial renovation contractors can make a significant difference in the project's success. These professionals bring expertise, resources, and industry knowledge to ensure your renovation is executed to the highest standards.
Why Hire Professionals?
Professional contractors can offer valuable insights during the planning phase, helping you make informed decisions about design, materials, and layout. They can also manage all aspects of the renovation, from obtaining necessary permits to coordinating with subcontractors, ensuring the project stays on schedule and within budget.
Finding the Right Contractor
To find the right contractor for your basement renovation, start by seeking recommendations from friends, family, or online reviews. Look for contractors with a strong portfolio and positive client feedback. It's essential to verify their credentials, including licensing and insurance, to protect yourself from potential liabilities.
Communication and Transparency
Effective communication with your contractor is crucial. Assure them of your vision and their receptivity to your suggestions. A transparent contractor will provide a detailed estimate outlining the scope of work, timelines, and costs involved. Regular updates throughout the project will keep you informed and allow for adjustments as needed.
Whether you're envisioning a home theatre, a cosy guest suite, or a functional home office, the possibilities for basement renovations are endless. Partnering with experienced commercial renovation contractors can ensure that your project is completed efficiently and to your satisfaction. For expert guidance and professional renovation services, consider visiting DeltaHC.ca. Embrace the potential of your basement and transform it into a space that enhances your home and lifestyle.
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urbanskylinephase2 · 2 months
Urban Skyline Phase 2 Ravet Reviews: Sustainable Living in Spacious 3 BHK Flats Near the Mumbai-Bangalore Highway
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Urban Skyline Phase 2 in Ravet is a highly anticipated residential project, offering sustainable living in spacious 3 BHK flats near the Mumbai-Bangalore Highway in Pune. With its towering 40-floor structure and over 70 luxury amenities, this development is set to redefine modern living. If you are looking for 3 BHK flats near the Mumbai-Bangalore Highway in Pune, Urban Skyline Phase 2 deserves your attention.
Prime Location with Exceptional Connectivity
Urban Skyline Phase 2 boasts a prime location with easy connectivity to major industrial and IT hubs like Hinjawadi, Pimpri Chinchwad MIDC, Talegaon MIDC, and Chakan. It is just 70 minutes away from Navi Mumbai and offers effortless connections to PCMC, Kothrud, and Katraj. The project is well-connected to essential services and landmarks, including Bhakti Shakti Chowk, Aditya Birla Hospital, Mukai Chowk, and the Hinjewadi IT Park. This strategic location ensures that residents have quick access to schools, colleges, and healthcare facilities.
Luxury Amenities for a Modern Lifestyle
Notable features include single-click alerts for medical emergencies, round-the-clock ambulance service, and a wheelchair for every building. Fire safety is a top priority, with each flat equipped with a fire alarm system, smoke detectors, and fire-fighting water sprinklers.
Security is comprehensive, featuring a state-of-the-art 4-tier security system, CCTV monitoring, video door phones with large displays, a mobile verification system for visitors, and access card entry to all common areas. Common area amenities include a designated society office, reception, and waiting area in the lobby, a disinfection UV light system, and motion sensor lighting.
Sustainable Lifestyle Features
Urban Skyline Phase 2 is committed to promoting a sustainable lifestyle. The project includes open spaces and green outdoors, offering residents a refreshing environment. Motion sensor lighting in common areas helps conserve energy, while rainwater harvesting systems ensure efficient water management. Each flat is equipped with a solar heater.
Spacious 3 BHK Flats
The 3 BHK flats at Urban Skyline Phase 2 are designed to offer spacious and luxurious living spaces. The pricing varies based on the carpet area:
For a carpet area of 1042 sq ft, the price is ₹11,197,558.
For a carpet area of 1103 sq ft, the price is ₹11,821,421.
For a carpet area of 1125 sq ft, the price is ₹12,046,420.
Urban Skyline Phase 2 in Ravet offers an exceptional opportunity to own a spacious 3 BHK flat near the Mumbai-Bangalore Highway in Pune. With its prime location, luxurious amenities, and commitment to sustainability, it promises a lifestyle of convenience, sophistication, and environmental responsibility. If you are looking for a home that embodies modern living with a focus on sustainability, Urban Skyline Phase 2 is the perfect choice.
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shahdevelopers · 2 months
Future Prospects of Retail Space for Sale at SL Highstreet, Sangli
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SL Highstreet is an exciting new commercial project in Sangli developed by Shah Developers. This project is set to transform the business landscape of the city by offering dynamic office spaces, retail shops, and showrooms. Located at the heart of Sangli on Sangli Miraj Road, and just 500 meters from Vishrambag Chowk, SL Highstreet boasts a prime location that promises high visibility and maximum foot traffic, essential for business growth.
 Prime Location
 SL Highstreet's central location in Sangli makes it easily accessible for both customers and businesses. Being on Sangli Miraj Road and close to Vishrambag Chowk, it ensures a steady stream of visitors. This is ideal for businesses like fashion boutiques, health and beauty services, supermarkets, and home and DIY stores.
 Modern Amenities
 The retail space for sale in Sangli at  SL Highstreet includes an 8-storey parking plaza, which provides ample parking space for both customers and business owners. This eliminates parking hassles and makes visiting the complex convenient.
 Round-the-Clock Services
 The retail spaces in Sangli at SL Highstreet ensure 24/7 uninterrupted power supply and drinking water, which is crucial for business operations. Additionally, it includes EV charging stations, promoting sustainable practices, and accommodating electric vehicle users. A dedicated grand lobby with a welcome reception, elevators, interactive displays, kiosks, and clear signage at entry points enhance customer convenience and engagement.
 Vibrant Atmosphere
 SL Highstreet is designed to create a vibrant and dynamic environment. The inclusion of restaurants, an entertainment zone, and a customer help desk adds to the lively atmosphere, making it a destination for both work and leisure. The project also features green landscaping and efficient waste management systems, emphasizing its commitment to sustainability.
 Flexible Spaces for Events
 Outdoor seating spaces are available for promotional events, product launches, workshops, conferences, and meetings. These flexible spaces provide additional value for businesses, allowing them to host events and effectively engage with their audience.
 High ROI Potential
 Investing in retail space at SL Highstreet presents a great opportunity for high returns on investment (ROI). The combination of a prime location, modern amenities, and a vibrant environment makes it an attractive choice for businesses.
 Don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure your space at SL Highstreet and benefit from Sangli’s growing commercial market. Whether you are buying or selling retail space, SL Highstreet offers the perfect blend of location, amenities, and investment potential.
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jobtendr · 2 months
Secretary/Receptionist (PM)
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Job Title:  Secretary/Receptionist (PM) Posting Start Date:  6/20/24 Req Id:  2280 Job Title:  Secretary/Receptionist (PM) Job Title:  Secretary/Receptionist (PM) Job Grade:  GSA4 Employee Class:  Regular Number of Openings:  1 Posting Date:  June 20, 2024 End Date:  July 22, 2024 AU Organ:  The African Union Commission Job Description:  Download CV Template Here Please download the African Union CV template here. Kindly fill it out correctly and upload it to the "Resume" tab of your profile. This is MANDATORY. Organization Information Reports to: Finance and Administrative officer Directorate/Department/Organ: African Union Permanent Observer Mission to the UN Number of Direct Reports: 0 Number of Indirect Reports: 0 Job Grade: GSA4 Number of Positions:1 Contract Type: Regular Location: New York, USA Purpose of Job The incumbent is responsible for: Providing secretarial and clerical support services to the assigned supervisor or the Office in  general for its effective functioning. Perform secretarial and office administration/management duties. Type and proof read documents, reports, correspondences, messages, queries, etc. as may be required by assigned supervisor(s). Assist in preparing correspondences and documents as required. Perform office management and documentation duties as required. Main Functions •    Provide timely operational support •    Implement operational activities as scheduled and report. •    Assist in the follow up on logistical arrangements, activity implementation and provision of updates. •    Liaise effectively with internal and external stakeholders. •    Follow up meeting decisions and correspondence outcomes and ensure their implementation. •    Prepare routine office communication and assist in compiling data and information for reporting purposes. •    Assist in the creation, improvement and maintenance of record and retrieval systems •    Follow up on provision and maintenance of office facilities and materials. Specific Responsibilities •    Draft responses to routine correspondences for the signature of the supervisors; •    Type and proof-read documents, reports, etc as may be required by assigned supervisors; •    Attend visitors and staff and provide them with basic information on relevant issues and procedures; •    Assist in the follow up on logistical arrangements, activity implementation and provision of updates; •    Maintain a proper filing and recording system for all incoming and outgoing correspondences and documents; •    Respond to and screen various correspondences such as telephone calls, e-mail messages and ensure follow up with supervisors and partners; •    Keep an up-to-date diary of appointments for supervisors; •    Keep equipment in use in good condition and report on defects for maintenance and other necessary action; •    Provide day to day routine administrative supports to various work units of the assigned Units; •    Ensure availability of stationery stock, equipment and furniture in offices assigned; •    Perform reception services where required; and •    Perform any other relevant duties and responsibility as may be assigned. Academic Requirements and Relevant Experience •    Diploma (Bac+2) or Bachelor (Bac+3) Degree with three (3) and two (2) years in Secretarial Studies or Office Management is required, or a related field with relevant work experience in public organizations, diplomatic missions, international organizations or international non-governmental organizations •    A higher qualification will be an added advantage. •    Communication related training is an added advantage. •    Experience within the African Union Commission, United Nations and other international organizations involving diplomatic engagements, and familiarity to the working environment will be an added advantage. Required Skills •    Excellent knowledge of computer office applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook and Power Point •    Sound planning and organizational skills •    Very good typing skills, of at least fifty words per minute. •    Good interpersonal skills •    Strong communication ability both orally and in writing •    Proficiency in any one of the AU officials working languages (English, French, Arabic, Portuguese,   Spanish and Kiswahili) is a requirement, while fluency in two, specifically English and French is an    added advantage. •    Excellent team player and able to work in a multi-cultural environment. •    Good analytical skills and ability to identify workable alternative and solutions, firm yet flexible, confident. •    Able to manage stress. •    Strong personality but friendly, polite and patient. •    Work quickly, accurately and efficiently, meeting tight deadlines. •    Be able to work unsupervised on your own initiative; Leadership Competencies Core Competencies Building Relationships Communicating with impact Functional Competencies Job Knowledge and Information Sharing .... Conceptual Thinking Drive for Results Continuous Improvement Orientation .  TENURE OF APPOINTMENT: The appointment will be made on a regular term contract for a period of three (3) years, of which the first twelve months shall be considered as a probationary period. Thereafter, the contract will be for a period of two years renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and deliverables. GENDER MAINSTREAMING: The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. LANGUAGES: Proficiency in one of the AU working languages (Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish) and fluency in another AU language is an added advantage REMUNERATION: Indicative basic salary of US$ 12,834.00 (GSA4 Step1) per annum plus other related entitlements e.g. Post adjustment ( 56% of basic salary), Housing allowance US$ 16,813.44  (per annum), and education allowance (100% of tuition and other education-related expenses for every eligible dependent up to a maximum of US$ 10,000.00 per child per annum), for internationally recruited staff and a maximum of $3,300 per child per annum for locally recruited staff.   Applications must be submitted no later than July 22, 2024 11h59 p.m. EAT. -Only candidates who meet all job requirements and are selected for interviews will be contacted. -Consideration will be given only to those candidates who have submitted a fully completed online application with a curriculum vitae (CV), an African passport, and the required academic qualifications, such as Diplomas (Bac+2), Bachelor's degrees (Bac+3), Master's degrees (Bac+5) and any relevant certificate in line with the area of expertise. -The African Union is an equal opportunity employer, and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. -Candidates from less represented countries within the African Union are strongly encouraged to apply for positions that fit their profiles. These countries include Algeria, Angola, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Comoros, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Sahrawi D.R., Sao Tome and Principe., Seychelles, Somalia and Tunisia. Requisition ID: 2280 Read the full article
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designliciousness · 3 months
Choosing the Best Website Design Agency in Northampton: A Comprehensive Guide
Your website is the foundation of your online presence in the ever-changing digital world. Your company's website represents the initial impression it gives to prospective clients, and its design can make the difference between growth and stagnation. Selecting the best website design services in Northampton might be difficult due to the abundance of options. But if you take the appropriate approach, you might find the ideal partner to improve your online presence.
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Determining Your Needs for Web Design.
Prior to starting your hunt for a Northampton website design company, it's critical to ascertain your needs and business objectives. Think about the following:
Business Goals: With your new website, what are your goals? Is the goal to raise brand awareness, get more leads, or boost online sales?
The intended audience What are the preferences and pain points of the people you are trying to reach?
Desired Features and Functionality: Are e-commerce features, content management system capabilities, or certain integrations necessary?
Design and branding: What visual representation of your brand do you desire and which design components are essential to you?
Timeline and Budget: What is the deadline for the launch of your new website, and how much money do you have available for the project?
It will be easier for you to choose a website design company in Northampton that can provide a customised solution if you can express your needs precisely.
Investigating Possible Northampton Web Design Firms
Now that you've established your needs, it's time to look for the best website design company in Northampton. The following actions will help you:
Make a List of Possible Partners
To get a list of nearby companies, start by Googling for "website design agency in Northampton" or "web design services in Northampton."
Look through industry directories like Manifest or Clutch to identify top-rated web design firms in the Northampton region.
Request recommendations from members of your industry groups or other business owners in your professional network.
Analyse the Portfolio and Experience of the Agency
Examine the agency's portfolio to determine the calibre and range of their output.
Seek references or case studies that illustrate their capacity to complete projects successfully for customers in your sector or with comparable requirements.
Make sure the agency is familiar with the particular platforms, technologies, or features you need for your website.
Evaluate the Agency's Communication and Approach
To have a sense of the agency's communication style and project management methodology, schedule an introductory appointment.
Ask them about gathering requirements, working with clients, and incorporating input into their design process.
Analyse how willing and receptive the agency is to answering your queries and addressing your problems.
Take into Account the Agency's Credentials and Reputation
Look out the agency's ratings and reviews on websites like Clutch, Yelp, and Google.
Make sure the agency has a solid track record of producing high-quality work and is registered and licenced to operate in Northampton.
Seek out partnerships, industry accolades, and certifications that attest to the agency's legitimacy and experience.
You can choose the website design company in Northampton that best suits your demands and objectives by doing extensive research on possible candidates.
In summary
Selecting the best website design company in Northampton is an important choice that may greatly affect the success of your company's online presence. You can make sure that your website turns into an effective tool for drawing in, holding the attention of, and converting visitors by outlining your needs precisely, carefully vetting possible agencies, and working closely with your selected partner. Keep in mind that a well-designed website aims to create a smooth, user-friendly experience that speaks to your target audience and reflects the distinct identity of your business. It's not just about looks. Investing in the knowledge of a premier Northampton website design agency will set up your company for long-term online success.
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