#vkook fan fictions
dreamkle · 2 years
<Vkook - "My brothers best friend"> by @pemad on Dreamkle!
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The kai and wonyoung ship in yamq gave me a major flashback to when the love triangle among Wonyoung, HueningKai and Yuna broke out in 2020 or 2019 i'm not sure.
At that time i haven't stan TXT yet but i found it hilarious. LOLLLLL. The whole thing was just they sort of looked at each other's way and then some of the "aldults" fans sent hate to them. ( i believe the three of them were very young back there, yuna 2003, wonyoung 2004, and HueningKai 2002.)
I really just remembered this 2, 3 days ago and felt pretty ironic and somewhat weird since i saw your anon talking about this now. I would be looking at them too to be honest, because duh have you seen yuna and wonyoung? And hueningkai?
Sometimes fans are even yandere-er in real life than those in fiction, it is scary ngl. And concidently, wasn't the princess who was married to Prince Beomgyu first named Yuna?
-Iv :)
(Have a nice day, dear author)
yeah i remember that. i just went on youtube to watch it again. it's giving
my question is how do they even know who they're looking at? yuna couldn't been looking at any one in the group and she had an unimpressed look on her face and just looked tired and sleep lmao fans really will make the most insane plots in their minds and think they'r onto something 😭
i once saw a vkook video where the editor was actually claiming that they'd snuck off during an award show to have a quickie in the bathroom 😭😭😭😭
fans are on something else. and usually the real couple are people you never even considered before like jihyu and kang daniel????
and yes gyu's wife was originally yuna but that was a coincidence lmao
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Chapter 15
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>> Pairing: Taehyung x Y/N, Taehyung x reader
>> Words: 1,299
>> Notes: I’m going to upload a new chapter whenever possible. Please bear with my hectic schedule! You may leave asks and let me know what you think of my writing (:
Synopsis: You run into a rather strange man one night. He seems terrified, as if fighting battles only he can see. He seems detached from the world, talking only to a voice inside his head. Oh, another strange fact: he keeps talking about angels. You discover later that you were the angel he was praying to.
>> Previous / Next
Did you see that?
Why would he do that?
Young kids these days...
Loud whispers fill my ears as I frantically run from store to store in the bright linoleum floored shopping mall searching for the guy in a white shirt and grey jogging pants.
Where could he be?
The mall is huge, with endless space and a number of corners to run off to. He could be anywhere, or not in the mall at all.
Could he have run back to the apartment?
As observed in his impulsive actions, it is a plausible assumption.
Making my way to the escalator leading to the exit, I glance around one more time. My gaze fixes on a man leaning against the wall just around the corner of a shoe store. He seems to be breathing heavily, his hands grabbing his hair roughly.
I almost sprain my ankle as I jump off the escalator and run towards him. The closer I get to the man, the faster my heart beats.
I grab his sleeve as I reach him, demanding his attention.
Big brown eyes stare into mine with horror, thin lips quivering in fright. He looks like he’s seen a ghost.
“Why did you run off?” I ask, my voice high with frustration.
He doesn’t speak, his eyes frantically darting across my face.
His harsh breaths fill the space between us and his eyes lose focus. I suddenly notice the bags under his softening eyes, the healing lip split and sunken cheeks. How come I didn’t notice these before?
Releasing a deep breath, I look at him tenderly.
“Listen, I don’t know why you did what you did, but let’s just go home.”
He nods faintly, unsure of his choices. I wrap my hand around his bigger hand as I lead him out the mall into the cold air, continuing to my apartment hand in hand.
I place a hot cup of chocolate milk on the coffee table, smiling gently at the guy seated on the floor with his long legs spread before him.
“Do you know my friend?” I approach the subject cautiously.
He doesn’t speak at first and I almost give up the conversation when his booming voice erupts from somewhere deep in his throat, laced with a sadness I cannot understand.
“Kind of.”
Surprised by his answer, I inquire more.
He sighs before continuing. “We went to the same high school. He was good friends with Jimin-ah.”
“Jimin-ah?” I ask, the name not striking a memory.
“He was my best friend,” he says, a noticeable sadness edging his words.
“Was...,” I don’t directly address my curiosity.
“He’s dead,” he dead pans.
A gasp leaves my mouth, unable to hold back my shock.
I can understand why Jungkook nor he ever brought it up. It was too personal and irrelevant to mention to someone you just met at work or ended up staying with for a few days.
However, what piqued my curiosity was the fact that Jungkook didn’t recognise the guy in my apartment although he claims they were school friends.
Maybe he has the wrong guy?
“Where did you school?” I ask, prying for more information than necessary. Afterall, the guy will be leaving in a few days, to wherever he came from and I’ll never see him again.
Strangely, the thought leaves a bitter taste on my tongue, almost as if having him around is what I prefer.
As dangerous as it is bringing home a stranger off the streets- literally- especially for a girl living by herself in the apartment with her only family, Kim Leah, on vacation with her phone switched off, I looked forward to spending more time with this mysterious stranger. There is still so much enigma surrounding his soft brown eyes and overgrown locks of hair falling haphazardly over his forehead.
“In Daegu.”
“Wow! That’s far!” I remark.
Wondering how he got from Daegu to Seoul and ended up homeless on the streets baffles me, raising questions and red flags which I push to the back of my head like every stupid horror movie character right before they are killed off in the most obvious way.
His long fingers wrap around the mug, lifting it off the low table and up to his lips. I watch him blow the steam before taking a small sip. He rolls the chocolate in his mouth before breaking into a breathtakingly beautiful boxy grin.
The skin around his eyes crinkle, his brown bangs bouncing above his crescent, smiling eyes. There’s something so pure and innocent in the way he smiles, as if he is the embodiment of the word kind in a cruel world. The sight of this smiling man takes my breath away.
“Do you like hot chocolate?” I ask, feeling my cheeks warm as I watch him.
He nods enthusiastically, grinning between sips. I watch him with sparkles in my eyes, feeling all sorts of warm and soft for this stranger.
He tilts his head to the side, staring at me while he continues to sip.
“Do you not like hot chocolate?” he asks.
“I am more of a coffee person,” I say, adjusting my hair in a bun.
He scrunches his nose in disgust, making his dislike for coffee known. Cute.
I burst into laughter as he watches me with curiosity.
Setting the mug down, he stares at the dark liquid, licking his lips before drowning the brief silence with an unexpected question.
“Does it feel nice?” he asks.
I stare at him quizzically, raising an eyebrow
“To laugh like that... to be that…. happy... does it feel nice?” he asks, his voice laced with a foreign emotion I cannot comprehend.
My mouth opens but closes again, unable to find an answer.
“W- Why’d you ask?”
“It’s been a while since I felt nice,” he says sadly.
My heart cracks as I take in the sight of the man before me, his frame hunched and the corners of his lips dipping low.
I fight the sudden urge to wrap my arms around him, letting him lay his head against my chest as I soothe his worries, letting him know that he can share his burdens with me if it eases some of the weight.
Instead, I seek an answer for the question plaguing my mind since I brought him over.
“What’s your name?”
He looks up quickly, his eyes large before he gulps loudly.
Fearing I made him uncomfortable, I reiterate my question.
“I was just curious because you know, it’s the first thing people learn about each other.”
Nodding in agreement, he takes a big gulp of the now cold chocolate before answering.
“Taehyung...” I roll the name in my mouth. “Nice to meet you Taehyung” I smile.
A few beats of silence pass before I speak up. “Aren’t you going to ask for mine?”
“I already know” he says, his eyes sparkling.
“What? How?” I ask questioningly.
“Because I named you” he says, breaking into his adorable boxy grin.
“What?” I ask incredulously.
To say I’m confused would be an understatement.
“Daffodil” he reveals proudly.
“Daffodil? But why daffodil?”
“Because,” he smiles gently, his eyes softening. “I like Daffodils, it reminds me of home.”
My heart picks up pace as I start feeling light headed, unsure why my body is reacting this way.
He smiles before standing up and walking towards the kitchen, carrying the mug in both hands as if it was something precious.
I stare at his retreating back, the white shirt hanging loosely from his shoulders as I suddenly realize I want to know more about him. His last name, favourite colour and how crowded his hometown is.
And about Jimin-ah and why he holds the memory of him not just fondly, but sadly.
Tag list: @tae-n-u
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ggesib · 2 years
Homeroom 1213
A high school misunderstanding can be the cause of great heartbreak. Now all Taehyung wants to do is make it up to Jeongguk.
So he shows up at his party.
Or: joyful taekook high school chronicles, until they go through heartbreak.
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mydramaspace · 3 years
You're in my (liminal) space - TaeKook AU
Recently, a certain boy with bright blue hair, sparkling eyes and a huge DSLR slung across his neck has been getting into Jungkook's taxi everyday at the oddest hours, and of course, Jungkook's curious why.
In which Kim Taehyung is an art student who is researching liminal spaces as part of his photography assignment, and Jeon Jungkook is one of the many taxi-drivers at Grand Central Station, just waiting to pick up a customer everyday, until he finds a regular who seems to have the weirdest tastes.
Length : six chapters (roughly 7000 words? ig?)
Categories : fluff with slight angst, light tones of jealousy, romantic, set in New York
Read part 1 here, part 2 here
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CHAPTER 1 : "I wanna see New York when the city's asleep." "Asleep? Hun, this is the city that never sleeps."
Jeon Jungkook has been driving people around the city for six years now and there's no alley, no corner, no street that he hasn't already explored in its heyday moment. He's had children puking in his backseat (and a few adults too), he's seen hookups, breakups and make out sessions (sometimes, he wishes he could drive one of those fancy limousines that Princess Mia had in The Princess Diaries so he could put up a barrier between him and that backseat in his taxi), and he's experienced all sorts of treatments from his customers. Not all of them were nice.
And yet...
And yet, Jungkook will never stop feeling that thrill he feels every time he parks into his spot in front of the Grand Central Station. The golden hues of the massive station, the people constantly streaming in and out of its platforms, the conversations, the scents of sweat and cigarettes often interspersed with roses, candy and that incomparable scent of being in a big old city and the sights- oh the sights! - how could he ever grow wary of this beautiful, beautiful place? How could he resent it, when it's the only thing he wakes up for each morning, the only thrill he feels coursing through his veins the entire day? Giving up his job here, his life here would be the end of the fucking world for him.
But today...
Today, he's seriously contemplating an apocalypse, an earthquake, a freaking Godzilla invasion- anything at all to escape the constant chatter that comes hand in hand with his newest customer.
Jungkook is used to talking, of course, he often has to make small talk as part of his business, and most people get the hint, they get that he doesn't want to talk more than necessary. His piercings and his tattoos help, of course, in shutting up extremely chatty customers once in a while, but this guy...
This guy in his backseat has been going on and on about literally anything and everything under the blazing sun it seems. Jungkook dares to glance at his customer once in the rearview mirror and is again struck by the shock of electric blue hair that sits atop his head. Electric blue hair that is currently flopping over his forehead as the dude looks at a camera slung across his neck, fingers incessantly clicking on its buttons while a steady ramble of words streams out of his mouth.
"-I've always wanted to go there more than anything cause I've heard they resemble an igloo and OH WAIT was that a chihuahua in a leotard oh my god that was crazy STOP STOP I think I just spotted Hershey's in the corner there! Hey, did your tattoos hurt you've got ink all over your left arm when did you get them-"
The tires come to a screeching halt as Jungkook finally brakes, letting all his frustration and annoyance seep into the poor pedal beneath his foot and turns around to face the boy in the backseat. "Sir, I prefer to have silence when I'm driving."
The boy stares back, mouth agape, before turning bright red and nodding. Jungkook has to stop himself from smiling at that, because the red of his face and the blue of his hair really are at contrasts with each other. Welcoming the silence, he turns frontwards and eases the clutch and brake, letting the taxi glide smoothly over the road, thanking the heavens above that though chatty, his customer isn't dumb enough to continue speaking even after being chided for it.
It's a few minutes later when he first hears it. Sniff. Jungkook stiffens in his seat, a dull throb beginning to make its way through his chest when he hears it again, louder this time. Sniff Sniff. Jungkook closes his eyes, frustration and irritation clawing their way through his body making him want to desert the car right there and run all the way back to Grand Central.
If there's anything he hates more than homophobes and sexist assholes, it's the people who cry in his car. It's not the crying that bothers him, though he has never been comfortable around people who cry, but rather it's the snot and the wet leather that's left behind in the aftermath. And who has to clean all that up? Why, it's Jeon Jungkook himself.
Jungkook steels himself, deciding to be curt with this crazy haired boy and drop him off immediately, before opening his eyes to look in the rearview mirror.
And the taxi comes to a screeching halt again.
Because a pair of sparkling eyes are glancing at him in the mirror, and mixed with the blue hair, they remind him of ice chips in cold coffee on a hot summer day - refreshing, tantalizing, tinged with memory and nostalgia.
And somehow...
Jungkook can't take his eyes off of this boy with the hair that becomes fatally attractive when mixed with his sparkly eyes.
"Are you..." for some reason Jungkook's voice is hoarse, like he's been screaming all day long. "Are you crying right now? Because I told you I'd like silence?"
Those pretty eyes glare daggers at him, so at odds with the shiny hurt that was reflected in them just seconds ago. "I just was-" the boy lets out a few loud hiccups, trying to calm himself down before he speaks. "I was just- you um- so mean and I just-"
No matter how pretty the eyes, the mumbling is grating on Jungkook's nerves.
"God just spit it out, smurfy."
At that, the boy's eyes go wide. It takes a second for Jungkook to realise why. It's because he just nicknamed this boy, this handsome stranger...this...this customer.
"Smurfy?" the boy's voice is deep when it's not obstructed by hiccups, almost like a baritone. "Because of the blue hair? How original." He snorts, wiping away a few stray tears before shooting a judgy look at Jungkook.
"Well, you were crying because I asked you to keep silent. How mature." he volleys back, making the boy glare in return. "I'm just nervous alright?" the boy spits out, the tips of his ears endearingly red and his eyes trained on the camera in his hands.
"Nervous? Whatever for?" Jungkook trails off as a new thought occurs to him. "Wait..." he can feel his eyes growing wide, his heart speeding up. "Are you... are you trying to hit on me? Is that why you're nervous?"
The boy stares at him in the rearview mirror, those ice-chip eyes speaking volumes and yet nothing at the same time. Jungkook can hardly breathe, can hardly form a coherent thought because a million incoherent ones are sprinting through his mind.
His family.
His dad and his homophobia.
His mom and her begging him to make a 'choice' to date girls instead of boys.
Many nights spent sexy dancing with strangers in clubs.
The thrill of his first kiss with a boy.
Ice-chip eyes looking at his in the rearview mirror.
"God, I don't know what they feed you NYC taxi drivers, but y'all sure are weird." the boy says, a bit too late, before clearing his throat lightly. "I'm nervous because I'm meeting my research team today and I'm not sure if we'll all get along."
Jungkook's thoughts come to a crashing halt, and bright hot embarrassment burns through him, engulfing all the sensations in his body in a giant wave. He ignores that last comment and moves the taxi again, making sure not to look in the mirror again.
That damn mirror. That's where all this trouble began.
"You mentioned research." Jungkook speaks first this time, because for the first time in his life, the silence in his taxi is suffocating him, not comforting him. With a jolt, he realizes he wants to hear more of that voice, that deep, breathy voice that calms his down.
"Yeah, about that," the boy inches forward, his fingers landing on the headrest, inches away from Jungkook's head. Which he is now keenly aware of, for every strand of hair on his head is now on alert, waiting to capture the feeling of this beautiful boy's fingers. "Do you know any liminal places in NYC?"
"Liminal places?"
"Yeah y'know, places deserted after a certain time in the day."
Jungkook risks a glance at the rearview mirror again, only to find the boy staring at him again. He forces his voice down from the pitchy high it rises to just by looking at the ice-chip eyes. "I'm not following what you said." He says, in a lower-than-normal gruff tone that makes his customer's eyes widen substantially.
"Oh come on, Mr. Taxi driver. NYC is so...amazing!" when the boy smiles, Jungkook's heart practically leaps to his throat, because this boy smiles like he doesn't have a care in the world, like the sun is his to keep, like love abounds in every corner of his life. "I want to see the city when it's asleep. In a liminal state."
At that, Jungkook's little trance shatters. How cute of this stranger to assume that New York ever went to sleep. "First, it's Jungkook." Jungkook says, cocking an eyebrow at the boy in the mirror, who turns a bright shade of red promptly. The action is enough to make Jungkook blink rapidly,
"Second, asleep? This is New York, and NYC never sleeps." He winks at the boy, who starts coughing, turning away from the mirror.
And the truth is, Jungkook is now intrigued by this boy. This boy with the crazy hair, icy eyes and the dorky persona that is so at odds with the haute-couture-well-bred-spoilt-brat look he has.
And when Jungkook is intrigued, he hangs on like a leech till all his questions are answered.
Curiosity killed the cat ...but satisfaction brought it back.
And that's the only reason (or so he insists to himself a million times, it would seem) he says, "I can be your personal tour guide if you'd like, available 24/7."
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taekookibb · 3 years
My Updated Taekook Fic Master List!
(All are rated Explicit or Mature)
“You’re the Only Drug I Need” - Complete (ex’s to lovers, canon, angst, addiction - 60,531 words)
“The Art of Love” - Complete (strangers to friends to lovers, college au, some angst - 59,020 words)
“Everyone is a Little Bit in Love With Kim Taehyung” - Complete (old friends to friends to lovers, angst - 83,105 words)
“Halloween Treat” - Complete One Shot (sexy, fluffy fun - 3,484 words)
“My Summer With You” - Complete (friends to lovers, canon, light angst, lots of fluff - 33,685 words)
“Nothing Feels Better Than This” - Complete One Shot (strangers to friends to lovers, smut and fluff, college au - 9,886 words)
“I’ll Catch You if You Fall” - Complete (enemies to lovers, fake dating, some angst, college au - 58,595 words)
“Kiss Me Slow” - Complete (childhood friends to adult lovers, college au, fluffy - 58,602 words)
“Six Minutes in Heaven” - Complete (enemies to lovers, college au, 7 Minutes in Heaven game - 14,487 words)
“U Got it Bad” - Work in progress (coworkers to lovers, friends with benefits, club employees, angst - currently at 21,077 words)
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lily00nies · 2 years
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Okay so I spent literal hours outlining the story and creating interesting plot points and character dynamics. I want this story to make to make you think a little more deeply about who you’re rooting for, and would you support someone whose making peoples lives a living hell? I’m very excited since I haven’t made a story like this before so I’ll be sure to put more effort into each chapter!
This story will be mature so warning to the faint of hearts. There will be be: sex, (mentioned) drugs, deaths, gore, weapons, and harsh language.
Feel free to also comment down what you want in a mafia au! I want this to be something that many can enjoy and if I can include aspects that you guys personally like into the mix then I would love to do so.
Also the image on top is the cover for the story “The Ghost of Han Central” the main character will obviously be Taehyung, but the fic will be switching between two character perspectives (in 3rd person) Taehyung and Jungkook.
That’s all I have for you guys at the moment, but I don’t want to spoil too much so stay turned for chapter 1. I’ll probably have it posted by the end of this week :)
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fanfickibb · 3 years
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: K-pop, 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jeon Jeongguk | Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V Characters: Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin, Jeon Jeongguk | Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V Additional Tags: fuck buddies, Friends With Benefits, Alternate Universe - College/University, Misunderstandings and feelings Summary:
For his first year of university, Jeongkook expects sex. If he was honest with himself, it's one of the things he looked forward to.
What he doesn't expect, is to become fuck buddies with the first person he hooks up with.
My Review and Rec:
Ah, this. This right here. This is the kind of Taekook fic I LIVE for.
The writer takes you on a ride in less than 24,000 words. That’s intense! And it’s a testament to REALLY good writing. I LOVE really good writing and this fic HAS IT!
If you are a regular reader of Taekook fan fiction than you surely have read your share of college AU’s. It’s a classic trope and a lot of Taekook writers take it on and write their own spin on a university Taekook tale. Some are plot heavy with angst, and some are completely self-indulgent smut with minimal plot. But no matter which way it goes, you get some true masterpieces from college AU’s. Including this one.
This fic, it has it all. It’s got everything I love in a Taekook college AU. It’s got plot, fluff, smut, angst, character development, incredible writing and a happy ending.
I also love when all 7 members are included and I love it when you have Jungkook and Taehyung unable to face up to how they feel until they finally wise-up and get their heads out of their asses. And the sex is HOT. So well written and so sexy. Taehyung and Jungkook are SEXY in this, so get ready.
Bottomline: I LOVE IT, so you should read it! Enjoy! 
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guksauce · 3 years
🌸Aesthetic Vote : Taekook🌸
Im about to post some fluffy domestic Taekook stuff but Im having a hard time deciding what color aesthetic to make the moodboard for it. Vote below for your favorite color scheme. ⬇️
🎀- Pinks
💋- Reds
🦋- Blues
🌿- Greens
🍋- Yellows
🧡- Oranges
🟣- Purples
🧸- Browns
🖤- Blacks/Greys
🤍- Whites/Creams
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glossyvante · 4 years
Drunken Kiss || taekook au
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Pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook 
At the tone please record your message. When you are finished recording you may hang up or press 1 for more options.
Taehyung slams his phone on the bar counter in frustration after hearing the same voicemail for what felt like the hundredth time. He turns it off before he has the urge to call again, then let’s his head sink into his hands with a groan.
“You alright, Tae?” Jeongguk asks as he slides into the seat next to him. His black t-shirt is slightly damp from all the dancing he was doing with Hoseok; sweat trickled down his temple when he saw Taehyung sitting alone at the bar. He signals for the bartender to get them two more bottles of soju, although Taehyung is not usually a big drinker, he has an empty bottle in front of him today.
Taehyung turns to look at Jeongguk, eyes narrowing and head tilting to the side questiongly. “Do you think I'm unattractive?”
Jeongguk, who’s taking a sip of his drink, practically chokes the moment he hears Tae's question. He assumes it's a joke because ‘Taehyung’ and ‘unattractive’ are two words that would never, ever, fit together. He lets out an airy laugh, waiting for the punchline to come in. Any second now. Unfortunately, Tae’s furrowed eyebrows show no signs of humor, his bottom lip lightly pushing out in a pout. A baby, Jeongguk things. A big cute baby. He registers the question before furiously shaking his head.
“Tae, what-”
Taehyung’s delicate hand flies up to cover Jeongguk’s mouth, quick to interrupt him. “Actually, don’t answer that. Don’t want to get my feelings hurt by one of my best friends tonight.”
He sulks in his seat with a sigh and to be honest, it’s truly not like Taehyung to be brooding at a club on a friday night. He’s usually laughing, dancing, looking pretty (not like he doesn't right now. He does! He always does) and messing around with Jimin. But instead he’s sitting here, rosy red lips that match his jacket out in a pout, checking his phone every three minutes or so. To say Jeongguk is concerned is a bit of an understatement.
“Here you go Mr. Jeon.”
Jeongguk nods at the bartender with a polite smile before opening Taehyung’s drink for him and nudging him slightly with his elbow.
“What's wrong hyung?”
Taehyung only responds by taking his drink from Jeongguk, and staring into it deep in thought, “A couple nights ago...” He starts, but soon realizes the problem sounds rather childish and he doesn’t want to bother Jeongguk, so he just dismissively waves it off with his hand and takes a sip of his drink.
Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows, “A couple nights ago… what??”
“I’m not telling you.”
“What, why?” He whines, dragging the last vowel.
“Because dignity, my dear gukkie. I would like to keep the little bit I have left.” A teasing smile appearing on the boy’s lips.
“Yah!” He shakes Tae’s arm stubbornly.They share everything with each other, and now he’s not going to tell him this one thing that’s bothering him? Nope Jeongguk doesn’t think so. He makes it his mission to help his best friend feel better… and also he’s curious, “Since when do we keep things from each other.”
Now it's Jeongguk's turn to pout, and Taehyung can’t help but smile. He isn’t wrong, Tae thinks, they do share everything with each other. After all, Jeongguk is Taehyung’s best friend (Jimin is his soulmate).
He’s silent for a couple seconds, just staring at Jeongguk’s (adorable) face of anticipation: his doe eyes are round and big in concern, yet they seem to sparkle, the younger one has always had shiny eyes, it’s something that captivated Taehyung from the moment he met him, and lips slightly parted with the bottom one pushed out.
He takes a deep breath.
“So you know how Bogum has been taking me out on dates, right” The words come out rushed, sounding more like a statement than a question.
“Uh, no-”
“Well we finally hooked up Tuesday-”
“You what!”
“But he left right after and won’t return any of my calls now.”
“Pause. Rewind-” If Jeongguk’s eyes were big before he can’t imagine how they must look like now. He stares at the other boy in shock and confusion because he did not, in fact, know anything about this information. Taehyung was going out with someone else? Taehyung HOOKED up with someone else? He chooses to ignore the light, very very light, barely even there, ache in his heart.
“It’s been three days, Jeonggukkie.”
“So what you’re saying is you got ghosted”
He winces at his poor choice of words, perhaps he could’ve phrased that better, not been so blunt. But also, what the fuck, because Taehyung has been going out with Park-fucking-Bogum for god knows how long and Jeongguk had no idea. This is betrayal. Or something like that.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to... um, i’m sure he probably didn’t…” He pushes his feelings to the side because this is not about you Jeongguk, he needs to be there for Tae.
“No no, you have a point.”
“I’m sorry, TeTe. He’s an idiot if he let go of a gem like you.” Jeongguk places a hand on Taehyung’s knee and gives a light squeeze of encouragement. He knows his comment was sappy and completely fuled by the alcohol he had consumed that night, but it doesn’t stop it from being true. However, the blame is completely placed on the bottle of soju.
“It’s not like i'm even hurt… well maybe a little… but all i want is just an explanation, you know?” Taehyung looks at his drink again, stare deep and cutting, as if it was going to reveal the answers to him, like a magic 8 ball. “What if I’m the issue?”
He says it so quietly that Jeongguk almost misses it, almost misses the way his voice quavers, even for a half a second. He snorts in response, “Yea, that’s definitely not it.”
“You don’t know that.” Taehyung is looking at him now, and Jeongguk can see the uncertainty in his eyes. Taehyung is confident and assertive, with a presence so strong that leaves you breathless. An aura so powerful he makes heads turn in his direction any time he walks into a room. To think that this motherfucker Bogum, who played him, is now making him question how overall amazing he is just makes Jeongguk’s blood boil. He promises himself to put that asshole in place the next time he sees him.
“But what I do know, is that that dude is a dick and you’re better off without him.”
“That’s not the point tho.” Taehyung mumbles into his drink.
“That is the point hyung. He led you on, you don’t deserve that.”
It’s quite clear that Taehyung is tipsy, Jeongguk doesn’t know how many drinks he had before he found him and Tae was never good at handling his alcohol. So he continues with his rant, disregarding everything Jeongguk is saying. “Maybe I’m bad in bed,”
This has the younger one laughing, not because he’s insensitive, but rather because he’s dreamt about Taehyung in bed multiple times and not once was it anything but mind blowing. That is in his dream of course, but he imagines the real Taehyung wouldn’t be any different.
“Maybe I’m not a good kisser.” Taehyung continues, his hands flying to lips to ghost his fingertips over them dramatically.
With those lips? Impossible. “Taehyungieee, stop you know that’s not true.” Jeongguk manages out in between giggles.
“Hmm it’s a possibility, you don’t know--”
Jeongguk stops listening to whatever Taehyung was about to say as his eyes quickly scan around the club, making sure everyone is in their own world before turning his attention back on Taehyung. His words are cut short because, in a matter of seconds, Jeongguk’s lips are on his. Tae’s body stiffens, too in shock to pull away or kiss him back. Right before he could react, maybe start to kiss Jeongguk back or tilt his head so their lips could fit together better, Jeongguk was already pulling away.
“Could be less tense, with a little practice you would be a total pro.” Jeongguk comments nonchalantly. Taehyung doesn’t miss how his tongue comes out to lick over his bottom lip, as if trying to taste the kiss all over again.
“Why… W-what did you just do that for??” Taehyung stammers, his wide eyes looking directly into Jeongguk, attempting to read him, his intentions. Jeongguk swallows the urge to kiss him again.
“You kept rambling on about how ‘bad’ you were, so I figured I should make my own conclusions,” He chuckles. “You were wrong by the way.”
Or: Taehyung is a hopeless romantic who falls too quickly. After being ghosted by some dick, part of him begins to wonder if maybe sucks at sex... His drunken self voices his thoughts to his best friend, until said best friend shuts him up with a kiss. Now Taehyung can't keep him his mind from going back to when the sweet boy's soft lips were on his. Wondering how many excuses he can come up with to kiss Jeongguk all over again.
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rkivepacks · 4 years
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Title: rapturous memory (i want to stay in your sky like a star) Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: fluff, Modern Royalty AU, Prince Jungkook, University AU Word Count: 4,337 Trigger Warning/s: swearing
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NOTES: ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​ ∟ request banner here ∟ request prompt/fic here ∟ first ever teaser!!! as i have been trying to promote myself as a writer with this blog and with most followed me for my edits i hope i have more people getting to read my work? thank you!! ∟ let me know if you want me to tag you once the fic has been posted
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Summary:   Jungkook may be the prince, the one who is treated highly by the society but behind the closed doors he’s a puddle for Taehyung. He’s taken care of. And he has someone to take care of.
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choeziki · 4 years
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[1] Present
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brightlytae · 5 years
Pacts and Pictures Chapter 11
Pairing: Kim Taehyung/ Jeon Jungkook
Warnings: None 
Genre: FLUFF, angst, misunderstandings
Word Count: approx 4,000
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18668128/chapters/50134265
Chapter Summary: 
“All our life Jungkook has told me in so many ways that he loves me, hasn’t he?” Jimin confirms it with a nod and it makes Taehyung shake his head even though another bashful smile breaks out on his face.
“He really loves me,” he says in a quieter tone. Almost as a question, almost stating the fact, letting himself hear it. Allowing him a brief second to basque in that glow. When he comes to again Jimin is waiting in anticipation for what he has to say.
“All our lives Jungkook has told me just how much he loves me and I was too ignorant to listen. Now it’s my turn to give it back to him. Everything. He needs to know.”
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katobobato · 5 years
Beta Readers
So I'm looking for some beta readers for a new BTS fic I am writing. It is a gang au where y/n is the girlfriend of Jungkook, the ruthless leader of the brawler gang. The leader of a rival gang, the Blackjacks, kidnaps y/n and things pretty much go downhill from there. The leader of the Blackjacks is the one and only Kim Taehyung, will he be able to subdue y/n or will she fight to the end?
It will contain A LOT of kinky-ass smut, violence, cussing, angst and a little fluff here and there.
If you're interested in becoming a beta reader comment or pm me :)
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mydramaspace · 3 years
You're in my (liminal) space - Taekook AU (pt8)
Note: access the masterlist here for the all the previous parts!
Hope you enjoy reading this!
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"You got me here. Say whatever it is you want to say." Taehyung crosses his arms across his chest, a gesture that Jungkook knows is an indicator of protection. He shifts on his feet, racking his mind, waiting for the words that he has been thinking and pondering about all day to make an appearance.
And as expected, his mind is blank.
"I just...I just wanted to clear up things between us." He manages to formulate and put out there. Taehyung raises a brow, and his hands seem to clench tighter against his chest. "The way we left things today morning. I don't like that we left it that way. I don't want you to harbor any...misconceptions of me."
Taehyung blinks, probably surprised at what Jungkook has said. Hell, Jungkook is surprised too, at being able to make cohesive sentences. "I didn't realize that you cared what I thought of you." Taehyung's eyes narrow, but his voice is curious.
"Of course I care...you're-" Jungkook stops himself just in time to prevent attractive, intelligent, cute, and quite frankly someone I'd like to hang out with. All the time. from running out. "I mean, you're paying me. The better your opinion of me, the better chances of you not like deducting my pay or something." He finishes dumbly, knowing the minute he stops speaking that he has royally screwed up.
Taehyung shakes his head and begins to walk away, but Jungkook steps in front of him, holding his hands out. "Just what are you doing? This isn't comfortable for me, you know?" Taehyung snaps, eyes wide, moving backwards. "I'm sorry!" Jungkook says, voice loud and panicked, as he realizes how crazy and frazzled he must look right now. "Just... Just let me talk alright?"
Taehyung doesn't reply, but he stops moving.
"I'm bad at talking. I might say more stupid things. But I need to get this out. I need you to listen to me. Please, Tae."
Taehyung just nods, turning his back to him, probably to give him time to compose himself. And Jungkook is very touched by the consideration in that gesture.
"I have trust issues. I'm not that social. And as you might have guessed from our first meeting, I prefer silence and my own company over having other people around." Jungkook takes a deep breath, lets the emotions that are threatening to overwhelm him run their course through his veins. "I come from a family who have made me feel worthless all my life, from parents who have made it clear that I'm nothing but a big disappointment. Who have judged me and cursed me for things that they think are under my control, like my mental health issues, or my sexuality, or my preferences or my passions."
He has to stop there and swallow down the gasps, because he is very close to having a meltdown and he doesn't want to show Taehyung that side of him. He doesn't like showing people his weaknesses, has never been open to confiding in them. But something tells him he needs to try this today, needs to confide with Taehyung.
He doesn't know what it is, or why, but it is taking over his rationality, it is coating his throat, his mouth, his mind, his thoughts with a fog of sorts - a fog that he cannot get through without having this conversation.
"All I've known, my entire life, is people trying to take advantage of my help. I might not seem like it now, because I'm a taxi driver, but I come from a house that was very well-off." Taehyung turns around now, looking slightly intrigued. "My friends always wanted me to go everywhere with them, because I always paid see? I could afford to, and never once did it occur to me that the only reason they wanted me there was because I was their fucking ATM. I was just glad someone looked past the fact that I was well-off and saw me for who I was and wanted me around them."
Jungkook doesn't want to look at Taehyung, doesn't want to see the pity that he is sure is now all over the blue-haired boy's face.
"My life has been a series of meeting such people, and giving them myself, and having nothing in return. It has been me daring to open up, to let them in, and only be shoved out the door. So you can see why I'm hesitant about opening up to you too?"
Taehyung says nothing for a moment, and Jungkook is worried that he has blown this up again. "So you're saying that you've been using this... this blueprint of other people treating you bad to treat someone else the same way?"
Jungkook winces, finally looking at the other boy, who is giving him a hard look. "I know it sounds like an excuse, I do. But I couldn't think of any better way to protect myself from them. You can't get hurt if you don't let anyone in right?"
Taehyung snorts. "That is true. In fact, you could call me a hypocrite, because I am giving you a hard time for doing something that I've been doing myself."
Whatever Jungkook has been expecting to hear, it sure as hell isn't that.
Taehyung continues to speak, not letting Jungkook respond. "Look... I'm sorry too. That was uncalled for, just now." He says, uncrossing his arms with a sheepish look. "I shouldn't be judging you for that. Especially when I do it too. Not let anyone in, I mean."
"Yeah, no kidding." Jungkook is stumped, unable to think of a witty reply or a scathing remark.
"I've had people judging me all my life. Calling me names, saying I'm a fluke, saying my work isn't worth anything. All sorts of shit. And why?" Taehyung lets out a humorless laugh, the look on his face shifting into something infinitely sadder, darker, more broken. "Because they think I can bat my lashes and get everyone bending over themselves to be on my good side."
Jungkook cannot breathe, because he remembers thinking almost the same things about Taehyung when he first met. That he's a pretty boy from a well-off family who's accustomed to having everything in life and shouldn't be complaining about anything.
"They don't see all the nights and days I haven't slept, or how close I've come to throwing my camera away and giving up on everything and everyone." Taehyung's voice gets louder, and Jungkook thinks the other boy has forgotten that he is still there with him.
"What's so wrong with being this way anyway?! Why I can't I be nervous around people who are judging my work? Why can't I anticipate their reaction and overthink it and be stressed out about it? Why can't I feel shy around people I'm attracted to? Why can't I feel confident and comfortable with my camera when I know what I'm doing? Why can't I show any of my emotions without being called names for doing it?" Taehyung is very close to yelling now, and Jungkook suspects the boy has kept all this smothered down for a very long time now.
"Y-you know the p-people who know m-me-" Tears begin to drop from Taehyung's ice-chip eyes, and he still manages to look ethereal. Still manages to make Jungkook forget to breathe, to think, to do anything. Because he is so very captivated by this boy. "People who know me d-don't judge me that way." Taehyung takes a breath, shakes his head, steels himself. "They know me. They don't think I'm a chameleon or whatever, that I put up a front. They understand."
Jungkook wants to comfort him, wants to tell him that it is not his fault that people judge anyone and everyone who manage to be a little different every once in a while. That the world has a shortage of understanding people, and an abundance of assholes who think their opinion of you is the final word.
Ice-chip eyes meet his and hold his gaze for a beat, two, three before Taehyung blinks and looks away, hands immediately moving upwards to wipe away the tears, almost like he's disgusted with himself for letting Jungkook see them.
"It's normal to feel all those things." Jungkook offers, stepping closer to the other boy. It is almost unconscious, like something is pulling him to the other boy, pushing against his back with a gentle touch until he is right in front of Taehyung and can see his eyes up-close, glittery, icy, clouded with the tell-tale signs of crying. "I'm sorry I treated you that way. It was very wrong of me to do that. I think we're always taught that emotions are a weakness, that strength lies in consistency and predictability and being easy to get along with."
Around them New York buzzes and bumbles, as busy as it could possibly be, the entire effect of it all slightly modified by the relative silence of the theatre they are standing right now.
"The world is often scared when it can't make sense of something, when it can't push someone into a box and break them and turn them into that shape. It can't grasp that one person can be a lot of things, because that is a variant, see? You can't be controlled by one single factor, you know how to protect yourself against any attacks. You are a threat to those who feel insecure that they cannot be as expressive as you are." Taehyung sniffs, his eyes downcast and his face red.
"Me included." Jungkook adds, making the other boy look up immediately. "I'm sorry I judged you earlier. You're right. You can be all of those things, you don't have to limit yourself to being one of them. I think I got too carried away thinking that you were taking advantage of my offer and said things I didn't quite mean."
Taehyung rewards him with a smile then, and it is a weak form of his other smile, the one that makes Jungkook's heart do weird things. But it is a smile nonetheless, and it eases Jungkook's stomach a little, makes him breathe easier.
"I'm sorry too. I think...I think I got defensive too quick too. You're not...you're not as bad as the others Jungkook. You're understanding, you're willing to apologize. That itself sets you apart from the rest of them." He says, finally meeting Jungkook's gaze.
Jungkook feels his cheeks heat up and ducks his head, a little laugh escaping his mouth. The wind whips around them, wafts of fried food and chocolate lingering around them tauntingly. A loud grumble makes both boys jump a little, before they break into full-out laughter. Taehyung is laughing, his head thrown back, and there is nothing that sounds better to Jungkook.
"I think we better go feed ourselves." Jungkook offers, and Taehyung nods, his ear tips red, a small smile gracing his lips. He seems to have trouble looking Jungkook in the eye, and the knowledge of that thrills Jungkook. Because Jungkook remembers everything that Taehyung said a while ago. And one thing stands out in stark contrast to him.
"Why can't I feel shy around people I'm attracted to?"
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taekookibb · 3 years
“Kiss Me Slow” Complete fic now on Ao3
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