#void succss
lex-cursus · 4 years
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Peak Dumb Voidspawn Lore:
A voidspawn is a type of demon that manifests through the naturally occuring energies of the void, the universe’s natural ‘end’ and half of the force responsible for the cycle of life and death. 
As the void is technically dormant, the creation process of a voidspawn is usually random, but generally involves the use of energies left over by the soul, living or not. 
Transmogrification can brought on by forced communication with the void, being plucked out of the cycle by it within its slumber, or assimilating the soul with another voidspawn and subsuming its identity and strength. The latter part is incredibly rare and won’t always guarantee succss or even a healthy vessel. 
All voidspawn vary in terms of strength and ability, however the one constant is that they retain some tie to the void. Some claim to communicate with it in their dreams, others are more directly. Others maintain a more spiritual link as if elevating it to a deified status. 
The manipulation of void energy is difficult, but generally becomes extremely versatile when mastered. It usually comes at the cost of the living vessel’s systems producing a black tar-like ichor substance rather than straight blood, but it doesn’t  a change much about them otherwise.
Almost always a voidspawn gains some sort of animalistic trait upon creation, which also manifests differently depending on the individual. Often times strength and power are factors, some even having the ability to push their forms into something beyond humanoid. 
They almost all have some form of superhuman regenerative ability, but that doesn’t mean they can’t ‘die’. More that they lack a physical limit and require something incredibly strong to take them out, or else it just leads to them healing their wounds. 
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