#vut also. i didn't MEAN ti get like this
whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
A lot of e girls are posers.
But also on that girl, she also HATED listening to any criticism or warnings about her practice, she had a fit when I asked her how long she was reading tarot cards
She actually acted like a fucking child when I told her unless you have good cleansing, warding and protections up it's not good to try and communicate with any spirits through a pendulum board
VUT SHE THOUGHT IT WAS OK BC SHE WATCHED ONE YOUTUBE VIDEO ON IT!!??! She also bought a very complex pendulum board to start with. She never wanted to listen when I told her to not mess with it and she also called her "friend" an energy vampire and a toxic person bc she was friends with her ex and they got along really well.
She also left that said friend in a public church ALONE, WHILE SHE WAS TRIPPING ON ACID! Bc she called her ex on the phone bc she was having a really bad trip and was freaking out. While I do not Condone drug usage bc I was raised that way, I think it's worse to leave your friend in a public space while they are having a bad trip bc you are upset that they called your ex
Her and this ex at the time were on speaking conditions, she had a bf but she flipped out bc she still liked her ex??? But was dating someone else for months
She also ended her friendship with this girl, bc she didn't invite her to her 18th birthday party, this party was not a big shebang, I went and it was just kids getting drunk and chatting with food and cake. The irony is
That this girl, didn't invite her "friend" to her birthday party that year either.
She was also chronically online, extremely jealous and possessive and really petty and mean. And a cheater, she cheated on all of her partners
We went to the same highschool 2 years ago (we are graduated now, me for 1 year and her for 2), and she would glare at me in the hallways, bc I posted 1 pic of her boyfriend,, this pic was a dumb pic of him and was posted as friends, and had no undertones of anything other then platonic feelings, she then later came to me after "becoming a witch" and "having a spiritual awakening" to settle the beef between us. As far as I knew. There was never any beef!!
She also blamed anything negative on a "spiritual awakening" literally, it could have been just some bag luck OR THE CONSEQUENCES OF HER ACTIONS!! And she'd go crying to everyone saying she's having such a hard time with her spiritual awakening and people are sending her "the evil eye" and all of this poor me crap.
She stoll acts like this, out of highschool, except now she isn't a "witch" or a "goth" e girl anymore bc it isn't trending atm
The way I hate e girls is much more than just that! It actually has to do with how I believe White e girls actively contribute to the fetishization and violence of east and SEAsian women! I usually find White women/White people who align a little too close to kawaii culture, harajuku, and especially e girl culture extremely suspicious. E girls are the greatest offenders I can see most often. Anime culture is tied closely to e girl culture - so seeing e girls infantilize themselves, use anime voice clips, using ahegao, uwu, nya, ara ara, "is this Asian baiting makeup uwu???", "im a catgirl", and largely take East Asian aliases?? I just,,, I find them wrong. I hate gatekeeping but I just find White people who subscribe deeply to e girl culture problematic and uncomfortable.
I don't mind she's reading tarot but it should be for HERSELF. I've been reading cards for,,, a few years? And don't like reading for other people other than me. I've done like two readings for friends and that was largely situational. idk why people want to talk to spirits and stuff without going through the proper means. Depends on the situation with the ex though, I personally would not be too jazzed if a friend of mine was still good friends with an ex of mine. I don't have much experience with drug usage - I don't have any as I'm the one person the DARE program worked on lol - but that's.... why would you leave someone who is in an altered state of mind somewhere they could get hurt?
I am glad some years of my life are over bc none of this ever happened to me? I had a lot of things going on but socially, it wasn't like this! The spiritual awakening thing is... I don't like saying there's a few things that feel like cults and what not but in witch communities some things just scream "jehovah's witness" or mormons lol.
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