#wait no i'm not willing to be surprised by any of them getting eliminated early though :(
bracingtincture · 1 year
i should give my RPDR opinions here because twitter is full of crazies and i don’t want to take my chances. anyway, s15e01-2:
- people saying they didn’t expect Anetra to be Like This from the MtQ video just don’t get it. she was my early favorite from how subtly irreverent she was there. she just exuded quiet confidence and a great sense of humor. 
- i’ve watched her WALK THAT FUCKING DUCK performance like eighty times now and it’s been less than 16 hours since it aired
- that said, idk how the judges ever chose between her and Jax because Jax was AMAZING. if those two ever have to lip sync against each other, it will be awe-inspiring.
- Marcia³ is adorable and i hope she starts doing a little more makeup just so she doesn’t get booted for “”lack of effort””. i love her fashion sense and i love her style of comedy.
- “Mistress out of drag looks like she owns a pizzeria” had me in tears. whole new innovations in shade this season.
- i didn’t expect to like Sasha as much as i did! on a show with people who’ve been doing this for a blink and are just getting their careers off the ground, it’s hard to cheer for someone who is already a legend (though as she put it, ”’legend’ is code for ‘old’” lol) but she’s so charming and likable and fun that it was impossible not to.
- on that note, i also didn’t expect Sasha to be a weirdo but she is very firmly in weirdo territory. this is a weirdo-heavy season! it’s wonderful. i love weirdos.
- the twins are very polarizing, it seems, but i’m on the “love them” side so far. they’re absolute bimbos and i mean that in the best way possible.
- some of the “safe” performances, and i’m not naming names but they hyped themselves very hard, were pretty underwhelming! the bottom three impressed me more than a few of those just because they all took risks. they failed, but at least they tried! i respect a failed risk more than something bland that succeeds.
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musetotheworld · 7 years
Hi, there, Ashton. I love your fics. Are you still taking prompts? If you are, I'm really craving a domestic Supercat + anyone else, poly. Literally anyone else. From Adam to Lena, even a character from another show or an O.C.. Your pick. Just... I really need some poly that isn't just porn or smutty.
I’m not entirely happy with it (after putting so much into my poly PP fic this one seems lacking in comparison) but here it is! I hope it isn’t completely off base with what you want, and I’m willing to add short bits on if you or anyone else has specific prompts in the verse (they’ll be added to the end of the line with any others so don’t expect them right away), but it’s what I’ve got right now.
Just a note because I 100% don’t want to offend anyone, Kara’s version of polyamory in this is very specific due entirely to her cultural background, and while I try to stress that she’s aware and accepting of the fact humans have multiple forms, this is the one she’s comfortable with for herself based on what she grew up around.
“You know, when I left to find new adventures, it was withthe understanding that things between us weren’t going to change.”
The voice is pointed, nearly deadly in how sharp it is, butKara can clearly hear the hurt beneath the words, and looks up with a frown.
“And nothing has,” she says earnestly, standing from behindher desk when she sees Cat in the doorway of her office. She hadn’t expected tosee her girlfriend before their scheduled date in New York tomorrow evening. “Ididn’t know you were coming back, is everything okay? Is Carter okay?”
“Carter is fine; the trip with his father is going well thistime.” Cat doesn’t answer the rest of Kara’s question as she enters the room,closing the door behind her. That’s enough to tip Kara off that whatever ishappening here is serious, from the very beginning of their relationship Cathas preferred to avoid any personal conversations at work, reluctant to givethe other employees any reason to question Kara’s skill and dedication to herjob. Even now when Cat stops in on her frequent visits home, the time shespends at CatCo is limited.
“What’s wrong then,” Kara asks as she takes Cat’s hand andtugs her gently towards the couch she’d placed in the small side alcove of theroom. “Talk to me, please?”
“Did you check the front page of the Tribune this morning?”Cat asks, taking a seat almost reluctantly, a careful distance between themthat Kara longs to eliminate. She doesn’t yet though, easily sensing Cat’semotional turmoil and need for that very separation right now.
“No, I was almost late for work after an early morningsave,” Kara admits, wondering what that has to do with anything.
“So you didn’t see the massive picture on the front page,the one of you staring deeply into a certain Luthor’s eyes?” Cat says, hurt andanger dripping from every word as Kara just gapes at her. “Really Kara, I knowthe distance hasn’t been easy, but to move on without even telling me? Iexpected more from you.”
“I would never cheat on you, Cat,” Kara protests as soon asshe can find words, reaching for her phone to look at whatever picture iscausing this. “You know that. I love you. And yes you being gone so often hasbeen tough, but that doesn’t mean anything has changed.”
The picture that pulls up on Kara’s phone is more damningthan she would have thought, and without context Kara understands exactly whyCat would have flown across the country upon seeing it. She is staring deeplyinto Lena’s eyes, hands on her shoulders. It appears far more intimate than itwas, but there’s no way any reporter could have known Kara was using her x-rayvision to scan for injury from the various impacts sustained before the alienhad been defeated.
“You told me once that Kryptonians believed in and acceptedrelationships involving more than two people,” Cat says quietly, reaching out ahand to take Kara’s in a soft grasp. “And I’m afraid that with my being goneall the time, you’ll turn to her instead of me.”
“I’m not going to say I don’t find Lena attractive,” Karasays as she puts her phone down and turns to face Cat completely, knowing thatshe has to choose her words and explanations carefully. “But you are the womanI am with right now. And that means I will never do anything to hurt you.Whether I even could fall in love with Lena or not, what you want means more tome right now, because I want to be with you.”
“Well now you make me feel as if I’m holding you back fromsomething,” Cat says with a weak attempt at a laugh, and Kara knows she hasn’tsucceeded, not the way she wanted to.
“You’re not,” Kara says firmly, leaning in to close thedistance between them with a soft kiss, grateful when Cat doesn’t hesitate atall. “I’m happy with you being the only person in my life.”
“Would you be happier with both of us?” Cat asks quietly asshe leans into Kara’s side, allowing herself the closeness she’d deniedearlier. “Because if you are, I won’t stop you. It may take some getting usedto, but it’s a part of your life that I won’t try to fight.”
“Happier wouldn’t be the right word,” Kara tries to explain,wishing she had the right words for the situation. Kryptonian marriages andrelationships are difficult to explain to humans at the best of times, and withCat leaning against her, still clearly hurt, Kara doesn’t know how this issupposed to work. “Cat, I could never be with Lena if you weren’t involved. Iknow that’s how things work for some relationships here, but that isn’t howKryptonians are built. I love you, and in order for me to love Lena you wouldhave to as well. It would have to bethe three of us together. So you aren’t holding me back, or stopping me fromhaving anything. I already have you.”
Kara can tell Cat has understood when the tension leaves hersmall frame, letting her relax into Kara’s hold. It makes Kara tighten her gripjust slightly, careful to avoid too much pressure, but wanting Cat to know thatthis is what she wants. That this right here is enough.
“I think we’ll need to reschedule our dinner in New York,”Cat says when she pulls back, confident bearing once again in place. “I’ll takecare of it, but I think I’m going to stick around National City at least alittle while longer.”
“Can I come over tonight then?” Kara asks, not wanting toassume, even though she’s had a standing welcome for months now.
“Six sharp. Don’t be late.”
Cat does indeed take care of scheduling their dinner for thenext night, reserving a table at one of Kara’s favorite restaurants, where thefood is good and the portions are large enough that she doesn’t leave stillstarving. The staff is also very discreet, meaning even with the fact that themedia has been interested in their relationship since they’d gone public theirevening won’t be interrupted by camera flashes or end up in a gossip column thenext day.
Tonight Kara is surprised when the host leads them towardsone of the back rooms, knowing that Cat usually prefers one of the cornerbooths with a view over the bay. The private rooms are well appointed, but thelack of windows makes both Cat and Kara uncomfortable at times. Both, thoughthey usually deny it fiercely, are the slightest bit claustrophobic and tend toavoid rooms without windows if possible. It’s one reason Kara’s office door isso rarely closed.
When the door opens to reveal Lena sitting at the tablewaiting for them, Kara begins to understand. And while she wishes Cat hadwarned her before they’d arrived, Kara has to admit that if she’d known whatwas coming she probably wouldn’t have been able to enter the restaurant at all.
“Cat, Kara, how lovely of you to invite me,” Lena says asthey take their seats, a small but pleasant smile on her face. “I’ll admit, Iwouldn’t have expected you to spend your limited time together having dinnerwith me.”
“Yes, well, I know that you and Kara have become close overthe course of my travels,” Cat says as she picks up with wine menu, voicegiving nothing away.
“And you invited me to dinner to warn me off? I must say, Iwould have expected something more memorable,” Lena says, smile not fading inthe slightest as she looks at them.
Kara debates jumping in, but a quick glance between theother two women quickly has her deciding against that option. She isn’t sureexactly what Cat’s end game is here, and risking upsetting either her friend orher girlfriend sounds like a bad idea.
“If that was my goal, then I probably would have,” Cat sayswith a smile of her own, seeming completely relaxed despite the slowly growingtension in the room. “But I trust Kara, and what I know of you makes meinclined to trust you as well. You’re an interesting woman, Lena.”
“I do try to be, though I doubt I could measure up to yourlife,” Lena says, and Kara breathes a sigh of relief as things seem to relax.“So if not to warn me off, may I ask the point of dinner tonight? It’s notoften that someone seeks out my company, especially not someone so firmlyaligned with one of the Supers.”
A quick glance at Kara and a nod in return when sheunderstands what Cat is asking is all it takes for a message to be passedbetween the two, and Cat sits back in her chair as Kara carefully checks theroom around them for any sign that someone could be listening in. When she seesnothing, even when extending her senses to the rest of the restaurant and alittle beyond, she nods at Cat once more. She’d debated telling Lena the truthbefore this anyway, but had always held back out of habit if nothing else. ButCat apparently trusts her, and if the conversation is going where Kara thinksit is, then this is one secret that will need told sooner rather than later.
“Well, it’s that particular relationship I wanted to discusstonight,” Cat says, pausing for a moment when Kara reaches out a hand to stopher when their waiter enters to pour the wine and take their orders. “You knowthat CatCo has been linked to Supergirl from the very beginning, but the relationshipgoes back further than that.”
“Do tell,” Lena says as she sips her wine, looking betweenthe two of them with clear interest written on her face. “I wouldn’t haveguessed that from the way CatCo covered her first attempts at heroism.”
“The criticisms were fair and well deserved,” Kara jumps in,blushing a little as she remembers how badly she’d screwed up at the beginning.And really, this ought to be her reveal anyway. “If not for Cat’s critiques,who knows how things would have turned out. I know that having someone push meto be greater was something I sorely needed.”
“Wait, what are you saying?” Lena asks as Kara’s words sinkin, and with a deep breath Kara takes off her glasses, feeling Cat lay acomforting hand on her thigh beneath the table. “Oh my god.”
“Surprise,” Kara says with a weak laugh, almost afraid tolook up and meet Lena’s eyes.
“I may not have come here tonight to warn you off, Lena, butI trust that I don’t need to warn you that if you expose Kara’s secret I willtear you to shreds?” Cat asks, shaking both Kara and Lena out of the tensestandoff.
“Kara is a friend, of course I wouldn’t betray her trustthat way,” Lena says, clearly offended by the very thought.
“Then we won’t have a problem,” Cat says with a sweetlydangerous smile, and Kara is grateful when their appetizers appear before thetension starts to climb again. Between fumbling to put her glasses back on andthe welcome addition of food to the night, the danger seems to have passed fornow.
“I admit I’m still curious why I’m here,” Lena says as theyfinish their food, and Cat shakes her head warningly while Kara does anotherquick scan to ensure no one is near enough to overhear.
“I would have preferred to have this conversation somewheremore private, but I thought neutral ground was better,” Cat explains when Kara onceagain gives the all clear. “Given the limitations of the room, waiting for Kara’sokay is the only way to be sure we have what privacy is available.”
“My apologies,” Lena says smoothly, and Kara decides to takethe lead before the two powerful women start to clash. She’s more certain thanever now that she understands what Cat is doing tonight, and the last thing sheneeds is for a misunderstanding to make the whole thing backfire.
“It’s understandable, you didn’t know,” Kara cuts in beforeCat can say another word, shooting her girlfriend a look and receiving a nod inreturn. “But you’re right, there is a reason Cat invited you. She saw the pictureof us yesterday morning and flew back to confront me about it.”
“I thought you said this wasn’t about warning me off.” Theconfusion is back, and Kara wishes for a long moment that this was as easy asit had been on Krypton. Things were far more ritualized and there was far lessin the way of emotional reasoning behind the bonds, but at least there wasn’tthis awkward stumbling for words and explanations.
“It’s about asking if you’re actually interested,” Cat saysbluntly when Kara stumbles over her words, causing Lena and Kara to both lookat her in shock. “Oh, don’t give me those looks, there isn’t any good way toask and this way we have the main course to sit awkwardly before actuallydiscussing it over dessert.”
“Unless Lena is about to storm out in shock,” Kara pointsout, taking a large gulp of her water.
“Shock yes, storming out no,” Lena says, sitting back in herchair as she looks between the couple. “I’ll admit it wasn’t what I expectedfrom tonight.”
“And that still isn’t an answer to the question,” Cat pointsout.
“The point has always been moot in the past, I haven’t givenit much thought,” Lena says, her voice not giving much away as she scrutinizesthem carefully. “I wouldn’t go after someone in a relationship. But yes, Cat,as I’m sure you can agree, Kara is a very intriguing woman who has a tendencyto capture interest. So what exactly are you getting at here?”
Cat smirks as if happy to have found someone who understandsher, and suddenly Kara thinks that this could actually work. She hadn’t quitebeen able to picture the two having feelings for each other, they’re both sostrong willed that Kara would have pictured them clashing more than anythingelse, but now she can see at least the possibility of a connection betweenthem.
“Kara’s particular background means relationships involvingmore than two people are as normal to her as those involving only two,” Catbegins, and Lena’s eyes narrow as she begins to understand. “When I saw thepicture of you two, I admit to overreacting and assuming the worst, which wasunfair of me. But the point remains that the interest was there, and I’m notopposed to the possibility of exploring it.”
“What Cat is trying to ask, is whether you’d be interestingin dating us, both of us,” Kara cuts in to explain, wanting it out there inplain words. Now that she knows what Cat had planned for the night, rather thanjust guessing, she’s more than willing to step up and take a more active partin asking, knowing she isn’t overstepping what Cat is comfortable with.
“Both of you, huh?” Lena asks, smirking when they nod, Kara’shand keeping Cat quiet while Lena thinks. “Sounds like an offer only a foolwould turn down.”
“Can you believe it’s already been a year?” Kara asks as shecrawls into bed, unsurprised when Cat and Lena both curl into her side withouthesitation. “I mean, our anniversary is in three days, but it seems like onlyyesterday Cat was ambushing us at dinner.”
“I can’t believe she didn’t warn you beforehand,” Lenalaughs, still as amused by that fact as she’d been when she found out.
“If I had she’d have run for the hills. I knew that after I’dbrought it up the day before she’d understand once she saw you, and when we satdown I asked to make sure it was okay.”
“Except you didn’t actually say anything,” Kara points out,even knowing she’ll already lose this battle. It’s not the first time, afterall.
“And yet you still understood me just fine.” And there itis, the same argument Cat brings up every time, the one Kara can’t argue with.
“I’m just glad you asked at all,” Lena murmurs as she leansup over Kara to give Cat a soft kiss, placing one on Kara’s waiting lips as sheshifts back into her side. “You surprised me, but I’m glad you did.”
“And we’re glad you accepted,” Kara says with a smile,pulling both of her lovers a little closer into her side, thinking back overthe last year they’ve all been together, and forward to the many more to come.
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