#wait- who's the 2nd lead in blue whisper? bc that cld have been ning-ge :o
heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.03.31 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324753169891590357
Let’s chat for a bit~
LYN: Hallo everybody, I’m Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Welcome~
Comment: What a surprise. LYN: Isn’t it?
Comment: Why are you here? LYN: That’s the charm isn’t it. I come when I want to. This is my territory.  LYN: It’s been a long time since I last streamed. If I’m not wrong, the last time was the 18th? I feel like it’s been too long so I thought I’d come.
LYN: I’m actually pretty tired today- not trying to make you pity me, but I am a little tired. I got up pretty early- at 5a- for hair/makeup. When I finished up with work I thought it was a little early so I thought I’d come stream a bit. I’ve been getting up really early to shoot the drama lately. I’m a little sleepy- I might be streaming and then suddenly fall asleep in the middle. Like, “I’ll introduce you to a nice song today~ (and then) /snores/.” You’ll all be here watching me sleep.
~- Happy 1 Year Anniversary of The Long Ballad -~ - thanks everyone for the edits and posts they’ve made of Hao Du; says this is what he likes best about being an actor - that he is able to bring a character to life and have that character leave an impression on people and be remembered by them
- shows the ridiculous speed his chat-box is going at LYN: This speed is a little fast... even normal people would think so. Some people don’t even have anything to say, they’re just typing out “hahahaha.” It’s nice, though. It’s like we’re at a concert and everyone is screaming over each other. LYN: It’s okay even if I can’t read what you’re typing because... I can talk for hours on end just by myself. So what you type IS important, but it’s also not. HAHAHA. I can talk to myself for a long time.
- talks about how last time Yin Zheng and Zhu Xudan (and other celeb friends) came into his stream and gave him presents ($$), but he doesn’t stream for the money, so he asked weibo if they could turn off the gift-giving feature for him, and they did. LYN: It’s nice, because people have even criticized me for it, saying that I sing and act, AND also gain money from streaming?? And my fans have been very nice and explained that I don’t like when people gift me things- so they replied, “Then he should learn from YCY and turn the feature off.” I thought that was reasonable, so I did. But weibo was very good to me- because there used to be free gifts you could use to liven up the atmosphere, so now that gifts are gone they’ve opened up some special effects for me- like the strawberries. So when you type in “strawberry” or “liu yuning is so handsome”- I especially asked them for that one- then you can see the special effect.  - shows the speed of his chat-box again LYN: Look at this, everyone. Hey- if you all type the same comment, THEN I’d be able to read it. At this speed, that’s the only way I’d be able to read anything. How about you discuss it and when you want to talk to ask me about something, you can all post the same question?  LYN: I was kidding! (about posting “liu yuning is very handsome/sings very well”; bc that’s ALL they’re posting now) That’s about enough- let’s talk about more important things. I might not be able to stream so late. LYN: Thank you, weibo. They’ve controlled the speed for me. LYN: Stop spamming- if you do that too much, they’ll log your ID and then won’t allow you to comment anymore. Control your emotions, please. 
Comment: Are you streaming tomorrow? LYN: Tomorrow? I’ll.... stream. LOL. No- I can’t stream EVERY DAY. I have other things to do. I was originally planning to go record a song today, but I didn’t feel like I was up for it, so I didn’t go. I thought I’d come here and chat. 
- ppl keep wanting prizes out of him XD LYN: I’ll promise everyone- when I spend my birthday this year- my birthday was January 8th- on my birthday I’ll pick a figure from the cabinet behind me and raffle it out. That’s already the most generous I can be.
Comment: Lao-da, how come you look younger today? LYN: ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! I know I can’t play a middle or high schooler, but I’m still eligible to attend the May 4th Youth Day gala. LYN: The thing is, no matter how old you are, you can still PRETEND to be young. Between the makeup and the outfit, you can make yourself look younger. If you want to see me “mature” all I need to do is not shave for three days. But if you want to see me “young” it’s very easy. /grabs a pair of glasses/ Here we go- Oh. It doesn’t seem like I’ve gotten much younger, though. LYN: Usually when I went to shoot the drama or did some event, my makeup artist is more understanding of me. They’ve been with me three years after all. So when I have work to do the first thing THEY do is use a very light colored foundation. They know of the saying “一白遮三丑 (one white covers three ugly)” - and even though I have seventy “ugliness-es”, at least three of them of covered. Next they cover my eye-bags and wrinkles. Then- they always come early to my door and tell me to put on a face mask. So I always put on a face mask before I have to do my makeup- so that it sticks better. They’ll also get the beauty instrument that Reba gave me and make me use it for 5-10 minutes. So that when the camera starts rolling I’ll look lively and fresh. It’s a process. We haven’t even gotten to the actual makeup yet, but we’ve already spent an hour preparing for it. - talking about how for the drama (Floating World) he needs to wear ~Armani~ Foundation No. 13. No, this is not an advertisement, and Armani doesn’t need him to promote their products for them XD But was saying how when people saw him in the makeup, that he looks very... “textured”- so when this drama is over he’s going to take better/more care of his face/skin for the good of his future dramas. :p Comment: Does the makeup make you look older. LYN: That, and they put it all over my face, neck, and hands. While shooting I keep having to lower/move my head, and also it’s hot so I’m sweating- the foundation has already settled into the natural folds of my neck. It makes it look like 1. this person doesn’t like to bathe themselves and 2. they’ve grown wrinkles. LYN: I like it though, because as an actor, I hope that every role I play is different. I think it’s a unique and precious role- because it lets you see a different me from when I’m streaming. If I don’t have the acting chops, I might as well play around with appearances. At least I’m clear on this. 
LYN: I saw someone asking about the drama- 狐妖小红娘 (Fox Spirit Matchmaker)- see? I can’t even get the name right, you think I can go?? But I saw the article- that said Liu Shishi-laoshi is the female lead, and that I was cast as the male lead? I’ll be honest I was quite happy when I read it. I was happy- I thought, “Wow, I can work with Liu Shishi-laoshi~” and then I saw the comments and there were some... muddleheaded individuals who were saying, “I’m looking forward to it!”  LYN: I saw this article and I screenshot and sent it to my group, asking them if this drama contacted us or not. Like, are they not even discussing things with me anymore? They’re just going to make the decision of my first male lead role without me? Were you going to tell me on my birthday, to give me a surprise? Tell me honestly. We don’t need surprises here, just give it to me straight. It’s all out on the internet anyway, you might as well tell me. XD But my staff told me they did not make any decisions for me, and perhaps it was a decision on the drama production’s side of things. LYN: But I looked it up, because I wanted to be prepared if the production ever DID come to contact me, and found out that the male lead role has already gone through a circle of potential actors already. I wasn’t the only one. I was happy for nothing. I thought that seeing a post where I was male lead and seeing comments of people looking forward to it was giving me some sense of acknowledgement. But I found out the comments on posts where OTHER people were named male lead were more welcoming. After all this talk I think it’s not about the male lead, but more of an acknowledgement of Liu Shishi-laoshi. LYN: As an industry insider, I eventually found out who they DID cast. On my part... I think there’s no more hope for me. So uh... let’s work together if there’s ever an opportunity for us in the future, Liu-laoshi. Comment: Who is it, I want to know. LYN: I can’t tell you. But as for working together... I think I still have a chance with the OST, though.  Comment: You want to say, but you won’t. LYN: I don’t want to say. The person they cast has a two character name. That’s all I can say. LYN: Let’s change a topic! In the end, don’t be happy for me about that drama- I wasn’t cast for it, and they didn’t even come to look for me.
LYN: The other day my idol Jing Tian laoshi came to see me on set. Lately she’s been working on... what’s it called? Le You Yuan- I’m sorry, I’m very bad at remembering names. But she came and a production-jiejie for that drama also came with her. I’m not the type of person who saves my words- I’m going to ask what I want to. So when I saw her I asked her if they ever considered me for the second male lead for their project. I just wanted to ask.  Comment: Who would ask so directly like that? LYN: I am exactly that type of person. It’s not a problem that they found Xu Kai for the male lead, but was I not good enough for second? Comment: Shameless. LYN: WHAT DO YOU MEAN??? Am I so pitiful in your eyes??? You think it’s shameful that I want to be Jing Tian’s second lead? :c OMG.  LYN: I know you’re joking around with me. Alright then. Today you “爱答不理 (love to ignore me)” but tomorrow I’ll make you “高攀不起 (reach high but never touch me).” LYN: I was joking around with them- but I think they did come to look for me, but I don’t know what happened. It just didn’t work out. It’s alright- only a matter of time. Who knows, maybe their drama will need someone to play a beggar. Three lines is enough. I happen to be wearing foundation no. 13, I could go cameo. It could count towards me working with my idol just once.
LYN: I only cameo in dramas of good friends of mine. Don’t think I go to cameo for just anything. Also, I don’t go for any money- they can’t offer that much for a cameo anyway- it wouldn’t be worth it even if I did accept. But think about it- if Le You Yuan really did want me for a cameo- I’m just saying this for fun, as a joke- if they did want me, and I went but didn’t accept any payment for it, the least thing they could do is offer me the OST, right? Think about it. People need to broaden their ways of thinking.  LYN: How else do you think I got all these OSTs? It’s all about the relationships- the jianghu isn’t about fighting and killing, it’s about the relationships you make along the way.
Comment: Ning-ge, aren’t you already famous? LYN: I'm not famous. I’m nothing. I’m just moseying along and that’s fine. I don’t even WANT to be all too famous. I just want to have steady work, and my fans. I can come stream when I want to, act a little, and when a drama airs I can gain a little more fans. It’s quite nice. We’re happy, right? I don’t need to be famous.
Comment: When’s your variety airing? LYN: That program.. as you all know- the pandemic is worsening. So recording has been put on hiatus. The last time we went we already recorded enough for two episodes. They’ve already contacted us saying that we will be starting production again soon- but it all depends on the situation. You know what I mean? It depends on the situation, we’re going on a day by day basis.  Comment: Will it air? LYN: Unless there’s no way we can continue filming, it will air, but probably be delayed. But then again- some programs are fixed for a time-slot and cannot be delayed. So in that case it will air in time, but it’s just that filming will be delayed. Comment: I feel sorry for the editing-laoshis. LYN: I think for one variety program, the editors are the most important. Whether a show gets to air or not all depends on them. If they give you more shots, then you have to send them that many more boxes of oranges.  Comment: How long have you filmed for? LYN: We went the once but recorded enough for two episodes. One episode for one day. Each day we recorded for 18 hours, and it’s cut down to two hour-long episodes. Every word is precious.
Comment: When does Zuo Bufan (Floating World) wrap? LYN: I saw some people saying this- I need to explain- some people think that because Zuo Bufan (Floating World) hasn’t wrapped yet, that it has negatively influenced what drama I will be in next. That’s not the case. It’s not because the time didn’t match up that I didn’t take that other job; they ended up using a different person. Also, the Zuo Bufan role is under a timed contract- I’m signed for up until mid-May. LYN: Because I am more familiar with the group and with Bai-laoshi, I had asked him previously- that if I had something else lined up, if we would be able to shoot my scenes first so I can leave the group a little early. But it turns out that the other job fell-through, so I decided we should shoot my scenes as was regularly scheduled. It’s not because I’ve been filming for so long (that I lost other jobs.) I have about 200 scenes in this drama- but I play “The World’s Greatest Swordsman.” How can he prove this? Just using his words isn’t going to cut it. What can he do? He fights whoever he sees. Obviously, they have no chance of winning against him- but even after he defeats them, they have to chat. Like, “You’ve already crossed 60 blows with me. That’s already impressive enough. Usually people don’t last 10.” So I don’t have a lot of speaking scenes, mostly I’m fighting. LYN: The previous drama- ALZ- I was a scholar, and I didn’t have ANY fight scenes. I was so happy to have shot a guzhuang drama that didn’t require me to ride a horse or fight. And then what happened. It balanced itself out with this one. If I’m not fighting, I’m riding a horse and chasing after someone. 
Comment: Do horses still kick you? LYN: I don’t have a face that makes horses want to kick me. Not EVERY horse wants to. It was just that one horse- it has some psychological issues because it usually does all of the dangerous stunts; I can’t blame it, it’s very sad. But every other horse I’ve met is nice- the tamest they can get for more leading members of the crew. Also, I’ve learned and I always keep carrots handy. I used to give them cucumbers and stuff but I asked the trainers and they said horses like carrots the most. If I know I have a horse scene the first thing I do when I get to set is feed my horse four carrots. Comment: Are you still afraid of them? / Have you been so scared of a horse you cried? LYN: If they’re walking normally it’s ok- as long as they don’t run. If they run at me, I WILL cry.
Comment: Ning-ge, how come I think you and Daimi are more and more alike? LYN: So you’re saying I look like a dog.
Comment: So have you confirmed your next drama? LYN: I have. x20 Some of you may be worrying for me but I have work, don’t worry. Comment: Male lead? Second? Third? LYN: It’s not important. I’ll tell you- I MAY pick up a male lead role, and if I do it’s because sometimes the supporting characters don’t have enough lines/content and I don’t think they will satisfy me. In some dramas the supporting characters are more complete and have their own arc and story line; but in others they’re.... they lack presence. You know that feeling when every line a supporting character says is just to drive the lead’s plot further, even if doing so will be out of character for them? When you come to understand the character and their motives, you’ll find that sometimes what the script wants them to do is unrealistic. So I hope I can play characters that are more complete. A good script and a good character. For myself as an actor, I think those are the most important things to consider.  LYN: In my eyes, what makes a good drama is not just who the male and female leads are, but the whole cast and what they bring to it. Nowadays people only care about the leads and don’t care about any of the other actors. It’s like singing, also. You may know that I sing a song, but you don’t know who wrote and composed it. You may go to and enjoy someone’s concert, but you may never know who's back there playing the keyboard. But the thing you have to understand is that without these background players, you will never be able to see a complete/perfect performance.  LYN: You can’t undervalue everyone else just because you like only the leads of the show. I hope you don’t think this way either. It doesn’t matter- male lead, female lead, second leads or whatever- they’re not the most important. Well, they ARE important, but I think looking at the role still takes precedence. I’ve said before- I may accept a male lead role, but if one day in the future I find that the third or fourth supporting character in a drama is a good role, I will still accept it. Because I’m an actor. I came here to act, not compare ranks. 
Comment: Looks like you’ve gotten tanner. LYN: I sure have, shooting outdoors all day. I’m very quick to tan. I wasn’t when I was younger but as soon as I got into this crew...  I tan fast.
LYN: I always say that my fans are different. This isn’t a compliment to you, I just hope that you CAN be different.  - advises his fans to please not start shit or attack others (his friends and costars and THEIR fans), even if they’re trying to defend him. LYN: Just let it slide. Let them say what they want. We’re having fun together in our little bubble, and let’s just stay here. There’s really no need (to attack others). LYN: I’ve told you before- I’m an adult. No one is bullying or taking advantage of me and if they are, I can take care of it myself. You don’t need to do anything for me. I just want you to be happy every day. I want your heads full of happy thoughts and dreams. Why do you think I stay up streaming all the time? I just want you to be a little happier. And if you’re watching my stream right now, at the least, you’re not lonely right? Somewhere out here, here’s a guy who may not look very handsome but is willing to sit here and chat with you. You might not like him very much, but he’s still here keeping you company, right?
--- q&a
LYN: Let’s change the topic. If there’s anything you want to ask me about, you can ask. As your “Cousin in Showbiz”, if there are any secrets about the industry you want to know, you can ask me that too. I will answer, within reason. LYN: I may not be able to stream as much later because soon I’ll be doing fight scenes all day and I’ll come back and be too sore to stream.
Comment: Is Ren Jialun handsome? LYN: Is that considered a secret?
LYN: I see everything you’re typing- asking me if certain people are married and things like that- I can’t talk about THOSE things! You’re asking me who some people’s boyfriends/girlfriends are- I can’t talk about that. ARE YOU CRAZY?? Are you  crazy or am I, to be talking about others like that??
Comment: What date in May does Heroes air? LYN: /speechless laughter/ I can only tell you this- the production and broadcast company don’t even know. Do you want me to divinate what day it will air?? It’s predicted- PREDICTED- to air in May. So don’t ask me, because I don’t know. What are you going to do? Set an alarm for the day it airs? Comment: What about the variety show then? LYN: It should air... isn’t it online already? I think it’s May 6?
Comment: Will you work with Zhao Liying-laoshi? LYN: I will. Of course I will. When there’s an opportunity, I hope we can.
Comment: Were you wearing lipstick at yesterday’s L’Oreal stream? LYN: You don’t have to say it so... femininely. It’s not “lipstick” it was a “lip color.”
LYN: Don’t keep mentioning people’s names. I can talk about them, within reason. But if you want me to talk about their gossip or how they are as a person, I can’t do that. Maybe for people I am very closer/familiar with, but I won’t.  LYN: Thank you for letting me know it’s the anniversary of The Long Ballad. Time has gone by so quickly- I didn’t even feel it passing. But it’s already been a year since CGX was released. I’m thankful for this crew, when the stream is over I’ll message the producer-jiejie and thank her. I’ll do a hand dance for her, too.  Comment: You made an apple. LYN: ♥ That’s not an apple! Apples are for horses.  LYN: I’m thankful that a lot of people may have started liking me because of this drama. Liking me is considered winning the lottery, not “falling into a pit.” It’s also fate. Everyone who started liking me because of this drama- then you’ve liked me for a year now, huh? You’re an old fan now. 
Comment: You’re trending. LYN: Am I? [...] Last time I was also made trending because of you, and I thanked all of you and weibo for making it happen. Because honestly... the fact that I stream is a normal thing. I’m probably not like your idol who only streams once a year. I st ream 100 times a year. So the fact that I am able to make it into the trending list every time is really all thanks to you. I thank weibo for indulging me and I thank you all for engaging. If I wasn’t here to control the comments then you can sit here all day; in one hour they can bring up so many topics of conversation. But really, my streaming is an extremely basic thing, but each time you can always get me on the trending list, so I want to thank you a lot. It’s also motivation- for me to stream more. XD LYN: I’ve sung so many OSTs, been spokesperson for so many brands, acted in a few dramas and never made it to trending. (but his streams always do.) /sings awkwardly/ Comment: There are more and more people coming in. LYN: Yeah, because it’s trending and also at this time of night people are settling down- they’ve already eaten dinner, and anyone who went out for fun is already back. If they have nothing to do and didn’t go to the ktv then they’ve all come home to browse weibo for some news. They’ll see that I am streaming, and even if it’s a normal thing, they’ll come in to take a look. Our meeting is like fate.
Comment: Will the next time you stream be April? LYN: What else? It’s already March 31st. The next time I stream will be in April. That’s correct.
Comment: Ning-ge, why do your eyes look kinda purple? LYN: I have a face that asks to be beaten, so when I was walking on the street earlier someone punched me. They gave me panda eyes. Hey- “panda eyes”... you can call me the “male celebrity with panda eyes” in the future. LOL.
Comment: Will you have a break for the Qingming Festival (April 5)? LYN: Usually I would- I’d head back to Dandong and sweep the tombs, but this year is a bit more complicated. I’m afraid that if I go, I won’t be able to come back and continue to shoot the drama (bc of quarantine) and mess up the schedule. So I don’t think I’ll be able to go this year. Comment: When’s your next drama? LYN: After I finish up this one, I’ll take about half a month to finish up a bunch of songs I still owe people. I’ll probably start the next drama in June. Probably- we’re negotiating the contract now. Comment: Is it a guzhuang? LYN: ..... I won’t say yet. Maybe in a few days. ... Alright, fine. It’s a modern drama. You’ll find out when it’s time. Comment: The Dominating CEO type? LYN: No~ I already told you, I’m going to Yuan You- /oops/ Le You Yuan to play a beggar, remember? LYN: When the contract is finished and signed I’ll tell you how I got this job. All of my work comes to me in such mysterious ways. Really. So strange. I’ll tell you who to thank later. Comment: From a meal. LYN: No, ALZ was from a meal. Remember, I told you. But later the producer-jiejie told me not to spread that around, because it makes it seem like they make really arbitrary decisions about casting. I thought about it, and she’s right. But I also just want to say that producers aren’t idiots and they’ve met so many people, they already have in mind who is suitable for a role or not. If I wasn’t good enough, I’m sure she wouldn’t have chosen me. But I think she made the right choice (with me). Thank you, jiejie. - REALLY wants to spill the beans on how he got his next drama role- says it came from attending some event- but reconsiders and doesn’t say. XD LYN: It’s really so funny, but I’ll tell you next time.
Comment: Do you have any “commoner” friends? LYN: There’s no “common” or “not common” here. I’M common. Think about how you got your friends- 1. classmates, 2. neighbors, 3. co-workers. I got out here early, so all of my friends I got to know because they are my co-workers. Now in this industry, all of my friends are either actors or singers. Comment: Internet Friends. LYN: Yeah, I have you too. So I want to share my fun stories with you, my friends. Everyone who is watching my stream right now is my friend. Right fam?
LYN: Is there anyone in my stream who has trouble understanding what I’m saying?  Comments: Sometimes there are words I don’t understand. // I understand what you MEAN. LYN: Everyone’s okay, right? People from Shandong can understand? /starts saying things with a Shandong dialect/. Yeah, because I’m from that region. Even though I speak with a little of an accent it’s still okay, right?  Comment: Learn the Tianjin dialect. LYN: My language skills aren’t very good. I can’t learn. I’ll try to use Standard Mandarin as much as possible.  Comment: Learn the Beijing dialect. LYN: /laughs/ Do you want to hear a Beijing rap? [..] LYN: I care about the customer service, so if hearing my accent was too difficult for you, I would have switched over to standard. 
Comment: Sing “One Love As Always”. LYN: I’m not in a great condition today. If I were able to sing I wouldn’t be here and would have gone to record an OST. I’ll sing for you when I feel better. Comment: How about learning how to dance? LYN: I know a lot of you all want me to be the best at everything, but dancing really doesn’t suit me. People have to have their limits. They can’t do everything. I can sing, dance, act, stream- that’d be too amazing and I can’t handle it. I think just focusing your time on your known talents is enough. I don’t have very good coordination- my small brain isn’t developed enough. Comment: You legs are too long... 
- sets up for a bathroom break LYN: Can you hear my neighbors fighting? Oh, my mic is too good at filtering out the background noise, you can’t hear it. My neighbors are fighting, I must go over there. Wait for me. I’ll be right back. 
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LYN: It’s alright, they were just watching a movie. What can I do? Tell them to turn it down?? I’m always in my house yelling and singing so I can’t tell them to turn it down. I’m sure they don’t want to see me, either. 
LYN: I heard back from the producer-jiejie for The Long Ballad, she congratulated me on the anniversary. Sometimes I feel like acting in a drama is not just that- I find it really meaningful. I’ve played a few roles already, but Hao Du is really special. It’s an odd sense of honor/pride. For example, like if ZBC sings “The Direction of Light” on some stage, the producer-jiejie will always send a message and say, “The Long Ballad yyds.” So I reply to her, “I can’t sing “One Love As Always.” XD Or else she’d want me to sing it. But what I’m trying to say is that it’s not only just a drama for us- it’s something very meaningful.  Comment: You really replied to her like that? LYN: Do you think I would?? I was joking.  LYN: I have feelings for every role I play- as an actor I think it’s really fun. Every role you play- you will have feelings towards it- some shallow, some deep. For me, I will never forget them.  Comment: Why won’t you sing “One Love As Always”? LYN: It’s a little more of an emotional song- it’s not proper for an event, because it’s not like they’re there to listen to your concert. They’re going to pick songs that are a little more lively.
- says that even after he finishes streaming, and after his classes and his nightly routine, he’ll take some time to go back and read the comments from people who have watched his stream. LYN: I see a lot of people say that when they’re watching my stream they’re really sleepy. But right after I stop streaming, they're full of vitality. Another things is that after I stream people are so happy, they don’t want to sleep. They want to chat some more.  LYN: Also what makes me happy is that most of the people who watch my stream are just regular weibo users. And I see a lot of fans of other people come to watch my stream, too. I’ll open the topic to see what everyone has to say, and it’s all pretty nice things. All these things give me motivation. I’m glad that I’m welcome. I know it may not be very meaningful, but I hope that at least you could have gained companionship. I’m also happy when I see fans of other people compliment me and also offhandedly say, “If only my idol could also be like this, it would be so nice.”
Comment: What’s Zhao Liying’s next drama? LYN: LOL. Are you just here to get insider information from me? I think it’s already all over the internet, though. I saw it, at least. You didn’t? I mean, of course I KNOW, but I can’t go around saying it. Should I just change my channel into a tabloid?? Every drama has it’s own schedule, and I can’t go messing it up for them. LYN: If you want to know, add me on WeChat and send me $10. Comment: Ning-ge, what’s your ID? LYN: Life up your QR code, I’ll scan you. Come on. LYN: Liying-laoshi is really nice, though. She is always introducing work to me, and wanted me to be in the drama she was working on. But the timing really just didn’t work out, otherwise this time I really would have been able to work with her. Hopefully there’s a next time. 
Comment: How come there’s no cartoon today? LYN: I lost my childlike innocence. I am no longer young, so I don’t want to watch anymore.  LYN: No- the frame is too small, it doesn’t fit. Today’s stream was a little sudden, and the table I bought for it hasn’t arrived yet.
Comment: What’s with the song? LYN: This song is Shanghai Disney’s theme song, called “Magical Surprise” sung by Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Shanghai Disney is a place full of happiness. No matter if you’re male or female, old or young- when you’re there you will attain happiness. It’s a wonderful place. When you go you will experience a magical surprise. Comment: Is this Jing Xiang’s (?) voice? LYN: This song was sung by Liu Yuning. Do you know LYN? He’s a singer. He’s started acting recently. Do- Do you know him? If you don’t, go take a look at the trending topics!
Comment: You don’t know LYN? He’s a professional streamer. LYN: What nonsense is that?! I’ve spent four years to prove that I’m a singer and an actor, and you’re saying I’m a professional streamer!? You can say that my streaming is professional, but not that my streaming IS my profession. I’ve told you- in terms of professionalism, being a chef is my profession. Singing, acting, and streaming aren’t my profession; because I only have a certification for being a chef. Comment: You didn’t graduate high school? LYN: I did. It was a career school. I learned two years and had one year of practical experience. But I don’t know why they made us pay for that year... A lot of people think that maybe the people who go to career schools don’t have a very high education. Of course, I think being well-educated is very important. I want you all to study, go to a good college, and great a great job. That’s my wish for you all. BUT! On the other side of things, I don’t think college is the ONLY way to go, you know? Some people are suited for schooling and some people aren’t, like me. When I was in school I couldn’t absorb anything and my teacher would make me leave the classroom. I couldn’t pay attention so I would hum songs and my teacher would tell me to get out so I don’t disturb my classmates.  LYN: Honestly, my home situation wasn’t the greatest, so I thought if I couldn’t learn in school, I might as well so something so that I didn’t starve. There’s an old saying - What profession can never let you go hungry? You can’t starve a cook. I was afraid of going hungry, so I went to learn how to be a chef. I was my class’s rep in the English course, too! I was checking people’s homework like, “This “noodle” isn’t spelled correctly.” I didn’t take English seriously in middle school, but here I am being the class rep in chef school! I have my homeroom teacher to thank for that, because they specialized in English. LYN: So let me sing a song for you in English! :) - Lemon Tree [t/n: I’m sorry Ning-ge, I laughed.] LYN: Someone’s out here spamming “sounds bad.” First of all- do you not have friends in real life? Or are you small and weak in real life and online you’re aggressive? If it was just one time, it would have been fine but you keep on spamming it. Your words can influence my future work with OSTs- because I won’t have any. I think ending one person’s way of life is too cruel. Listen up- you can do whatever to get ahead in life but not ending another person’s way to make a living. 
LYN: Don’t think that when I’m streaming I’m high and mighty- actually in real life I’m small and helpless. When I go out with friends, I’m the one who talks the least. Some of them tell me how nice it would be if I actually talked as much as I do when I’m streaming. But some people don’t know me as well, and think that when I’m not talking it’s because I’m unhappy. Then I have to actively explain that when I stream I’m a little “crazy” but I’m not actually like that in real life. Then they understand, and say “Right- if you did talk that much, you really WOULD be crazy.” LYN: I’m able to be like this when I’m streaming because no matter how much you yell at me- I can’t hear it. But in real life you could be yelling at me and pointing fingers straight into my face. LYN: When I stream I hypnotize myself, and tell myself that everyone who comes to watch all love me very much. No matter what I say, they will think I’m right. No matter what I sing, they’ll think it sounds good. It gives me a lot of confidence, and when you’re confident you can talk a lot. When you’re not confident in you rself you talk less because you don’t know if what you’re saying is right or wrong, or if people would even care to listen. 
Comment: Do actors get weekends? LYN: No. Not only are there no weekends, there isn’t a day or night. If it’s night time in the drama, it’s usually filmed in the daytime. Scenes that are filmed inside rooms- where you see the “sunlight” come in- those are filmed at night. There are no rest days in acting. Even if you’re sick- if you’re scheduled to shoot that day, you’re going to have to go. Unless it’s an emergency. At least that’s what I do. Because I know how much money just one day costs the production company. If you don’t go, there’s nothing for them to shoot. I think most actors are like this- there are practically no rest days and if you’re sick you still have to work.  Comment: Will rain effect the production? LYN: Yeah. If we’re shooting outdoors and it goes from sunny to raining- that’s going to be a problem. There are two ways to fix this: 1. change your plans and 2. wait for the rain to stop. Once we went to shoot a fight scene and got two cameras in before it started pouring rain. I suggested to the director we change it to a rainy fight scene- that’s pretty impressive, too. The director said it was no problem, but the thing was that there was another scene elsewhere that was supposed to take place at the same time as this one. The time was the same- but it would be raining in one location and not in the other, which would make it seem like we weren’t in sync. So we waited for the rain to stop. Phones nowadays are so amazing- there are apps that will estimate when the rain will stop! We started shooting at 8p, and the app said the rain would stop at 10p. So I asked the director what our plan was- he said to wait the two hours or so, and the best thing would be if I sat in my chair and prayed. Pray for the rain to stop. I don’t think my prayers would be very effective against this. It wasn’t just a light rain- it was storming- there was lightning and torrential rain pour. I told him I didn’t think the rain would stop, and that we should try filming something indoors in the meantime, but he wanted to wait. After about half and hour I think he figured the rain wasn’t letting up so we wrapped for the day. So those are the two options... but if it’s a light rain, we could set up a tent. One of the scenes in The Long Ballad took a week to film- you think it didn’t rain in that time? It did. We set up a tent. 
Comment: Do you want to act in a xianxia drama? LYN: There’s no genre in particular that I WANT or don’t want to try. There’s just one that I might try to stay away from and that is- pure romance. I’m not saying they’re /bad/- because a lot of my friends are in those types- but I myself don’t really want to be in them. LYN: It’s just.. I don’t know how I would act in them. I just don’t have the confidence.  LYN: I can do xianxia dramas, but I haven’t yet. I have received scripts for xianxia dramas before, but I’m thinking that if I have the choice, I want to shoot a few more where I can understand what I’m saying. My imagination has its limits. If you tell me that my previous life was that of a cook- and before that I was a guqin-playing fairy- and before THAT I was a little kid who sold bread on the streets... I’ll be confused. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with that information or how I’m supposed to act.  LYN: I’m curious. I WANT to act in one, but I’ve never encountered one. So I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m sure when the time comes- when I have the job- I’ll figure it out.
Comment: Is it hard to memorize the script? Are there any secrets to it? LYN: Memorizing the script is like memorizing a textbook. There’s not really any secret to it, you just have to understand what you’re reading. It depends on the director, too. Some directors don’t want you to stray from the script for even ONE word. Never any of the directors I’ve worked with, though- I always heard this from friends. If there’s a line that reads: “You must be a fool. Ha. Ha.” There are two laugh sounds, so you have to laugh twice. This is just an example. The reason why is... I don’t know. Well, maybe it’s because they fear that the script isn’t complete. Just in case they aren’t able to cut the scenes together correctly. LYN: As for me, as long as I get the general meaning and logic of the script I can say my lines well. They may not be exactly like how it’s written, but it comes out okay. There was a longer line once... “When I was young...” /trying to remember it/ “I hadn’t been in the sect for very long.... and I was bullied by my senior brother...” “Every day, he wanted me to...” /stops trying/ My memory is too good! /suddenly spews a very long line of dialogue from his drama/
LYN: Heroes is about to air- my group went to check out some clips of it and sent them to me. I think I did a pretty good job with the voice acting. So I think that as long as I am able/allowed to voice my own characters, I will. Comment: Do you have a lot of scenes in Heroes? LYN: The most I’ve shot so far, yes. I think it was around 360? That’s quite a lot. The drama I’m shooting now, I have around 200. ALZ was just under 200. LYN: When I first got the role of Bai Choufei I asked the production company how many scenes I had, and they told me it was less than 300. I was happy, because I didn’t want to be wasting my time. So if I could shoot more scenes in the allotted time, then I would. Then when I finally started shooting the scenes I got curious and asked specifically how many? They said 298. That’s less than 300 alright. But later, as we kept filming the director- because there is a script, but the director will also go over the materials and create his own understanding of the characters and events- during the course of the shooting, kept adding scenes. It doesn’t stray from the novels at all, there’s just TOO MUCH content- he took a bit of each character’s story line to incorporate into the single drama. Let me clarify- he didn’t only add scenes for me, he added scenes for ALL the actors.  LYN: This isn’t a very... action-driven plot, that comes at you hard and fast. The beginning of this drama takes time to set up a lot of backstory, and then all of a sudden you get into it.  Comment: If he added scenes, did you get more money from it? LYN: Why do you have to make everything about money? I’m not the type of person who is so poor that all he thinks of is money first. The director added scenes because he looked well upon me, and the others. I don’t have any resources and didn’t “buy” him off- he just got so excited about the drama and made it a little more abundant. They don’t pay us more- we’ve already negotiated before signing. What am I supposed to do if they say they wrote more scenes for me, and asks if I would like to play them out? Say no?? I’d be crazy. 
Comment: Between singing and acting, which is more important to you? LYN: This questions sounds so much like.. a trap. There are a lot of fans here. Of my songs, of my acting, of my legs- LOL. I don’t think either is more important than the other. What’s important is that I have work in either one. If you want me to act, I will put all of my effort into acting. If you want me to sing, I will take responsibility for it and sing it with the emotion you want from me. It’s all the same. In my mind, I think of myself as a singer. But from the perspective of whoever is hiring me, what I am may change. 
Comment: When’s ALZ airing? LYN: It should come out this year... if you calculate it, add a year to the wrap date, plus or minus a couple months. The Blue Whisper, which came out recently started airing fairly quickly, because Director Zhu’s works are all fast. Director Zhu- who I’ve worked with this time- puts a lot of work into the drama before we start shooting. He thinks of everything from the script and storyboard that he wants and so when we get around to shooting the scenes it all goes very smoothly. He’s very good at editing while we’re shooting. It’s a rough edit, but he’s already cut 70-80% of what he wants and there’s a very quick pace in post-editing. He creates things very quickly but efficiently.  Comment: Have you watched it? LYN: I haven’t. I don’t want to. I’m a little sad because the 2nd male lead was originally going to be me. It’s a missed opportunity. I was filming Zi Chuan at the time, and ended up not being able to take the job. Not that they were SET on me- I’m just saying that I was in the lineup of potential actors for that role. The timing just didn’t work out. 
Comment: Have you done the voice acting for ALZ? LYN: Not yet. It’s still in editing. Usually the voice-acting is one of the last step. You have to get the story ironed out first before you can do the music, special effects, and voice acting. It’s still way too early for this drama.  Comment: Are you voice acting for Zi Chuan?  LYN: 60% chance we’re using original standing audio for Zi Chuan. We’ll use 60% real-time sound and then make up the rest later. [..] The hard thing about it is that there’s a high standard for sound quality. But in Hengdian... we could be shooting our scene, while a neighboring crew is slaughtering a pig or something.  Comment: What happens when you’re voice acting and find that you didn’t act well? LYN: What else are you going to do? Cry? It’s normal to be disappointed in your acting. This profession will leave you with a lot of regrets. People are always improving, so looking back on past works will leave you disappointed and thinking how you could have done it better. If you have good dialogue, your acting will be good. Sometimes someone’s acting can be improved with the voice act! /gives an example/ You can always try to make up for it somehow.  LYN: I’m not speaking as a professional, but as an outsider. These are just my experiences. The way I explain things are very ridiculous, insubstantial, and unprofessional; but this is just me sharing my thoughts on these things to the people watching my stream.
Comment: If you can see this, touch your hat. LYN: What are we doing, sending secret signals? I’ll pick my nose. I saw you, I’ll pick my nose.
Comment: Ning-ge, are you LYN’s anti-fan? LYN: I’m just thinking if I diss myself first no one else will be able to diss me any worse. 
Comment: I want to see you in an idol drama. LYN: The thing is- whether something counts as an “idol” drama or not is very simple. It just depends on if the actors are good-looking or not. If most of the actors are good-looking, you can get away with calling it an “idol” drama. But if all the actors are ugly, you’ll have a harder time of it. So this phrase in itself, “Liu Yuning in an idol drama” is flawed. If you think I’m handsome then all the dramas I’ve acted in should be counted as “idol” dramas. So this just proves that you still don’t approve of my visuals.  LYN: What I’m shooting right now isn’t a “gu-ou” (guzhuang ouxiang) drama. Take the “ou” out. It’s just a gu(zhuang) drama. Because I am very ch-ou (ugly). 
LYN: Oh, it’s already 11p. I really should stop streaming now. I’m afraid that if I don’t hit the breaks now, I really won’t be able to stop myself and I’ll stream past 12a. So, it’s about time now. Alright. If you haven’t yet subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. A lot of people may not know me, or may know OF me but have never watched one of my streams before. Since your’re here, it’s fate. Don’t miss the next time I stream and subscribe to my weibo. You can come the next time I stream. Thank you for the trending topic today. Thank you for spending time with me. Thanks for staying with me until the closing. Tomorrow is Friday so you may have work or school, but I hope everything goes well. I hope you had a wonderful night. It was great to have you all. I’ll see you the next time. Good night~
LYN: Since it’s the one year anniversary of The Long Ballad, I’ll wear these glasses and sing you a song. - /sings Sa Ding Ding’s The Long Ballad OST, If You Return/ - starts off normally enough... and THEN. HA-AAAH~! AHHHHH!  LYN: Just trying to convey how tragic and miserable the story is... The highlight of this song is really the chorus. Let me sing it again and then I’ll go. LYN: Good night everyone!
[[* There are now two more streams out- one 25 minutes (he didn’t really get to do anything before he was called to set) and another 4 hour one. :’) I’ll work on those next... ]]
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