#wampus takes over the mic
Ilvermorny house music taste
Obviously, over the years music taste has changed and evolved with American culture. However, each Ilvermorny house has held on to certain genres and styles of music.
Thunderbird: Jazz, Folk music, Motown; Thunderbirds are all about change, variety, and adventure with anything they pursue. The first real style of music they latched on to was folk music. Thunderbirds have a tendency to travel all over the country to experience the variety of regional and state cultures. This resulted in them loving to see the folk music that each region of the country would come up with. Especially booming during times of high levels of immigration to the United States that brought many new and diverse cultures, Thunderbirds love how different cultures, regions, and backgrounds get mixed together to form American folk music. Next, Thunderbirds went wild for jazz. It started when wizards would travel to the New Orleans area for a wand from the famous wand maker Violetta Beauvais; they would stay in town and go to local venues where jazz groups would be playing. The intricacy and constant flux and variability of jazz music was like honey on the ears of thunderbirds. They especially love when a musician will improvise and find their way through a song; not forcing a sound or melody, just letting the music carry them and letting their soul take over. Finally, it would be a great injustice to the house that values the soul to not talk about the home of soul: Motown. Born in the Midwest, motown music makes Thunderbirds just feel something stir deep within them. It’s a perfect mix between true romance, bold ingenuity, improvisation, honest and deep lyrics, and unabashed individuality. Even in 2017, there is a Thunderbird tradition of having a yearly throwback Motown-style dance that is a highlight of the year for everyone in the house.
Wampus: Rock & Roll, Hip-hop, Rap, Latin pop; Wampus is the house of warriors so it should be no surprised that they naturally venture towards music of rebellion and ardent individualism. Many Wampus have served the United States during times of war, but during the mid-twentieth century there was a bit of a division within the house; half continued to fight for the nation while others fought for social causes and became more rebellious against the status quo of American culture. Rock and roll was the anthem in the hearts of Wampus students. During the 1950s, they actually installed magical amps in the Wampus dorms that allowed the music to blast loud enough where it was a disturbance and could be heard anywhere on campus but still wouldn’t actually damage students’ ears. Later, starting in the late 1970s when hip-hop started to arise not the music scene, many black Wampus students started listening to it. It became a way for students to talk about social issues and what American culture was dealing with while also feeling the full-bodied, blood pumping, fast-paced music that makes a Wampus truly feel alive. Finally, in the late twentieth century, an increase in Latino students brought Latino pop music to the Ilvermorny campus. Many students from different Latin American countries would teach Wampus house and other students how to dance to this new type of music and it took Ilvermorny by storm; students felt the music move them and it became a constant staple of Wampus culture.
Pukwudgie: Country, Blues, Pop; To Pukwudgie house, music is all about how it makes them feel and what kind of emotional tie they can make to the music. They started out really digging the blues. When Thunderbirds would come back from Louisiana with jazz, they started getting interested in it but when they found the blues oooh baby it was a perfect fit. It quenched their thirst for something that resonated deeply within them and gave them something that most anyone could deeply empathize with. At one point it became like a drug, where whenever a new blues album came out there was a mad rush to buy as many copies as possible. To this day, many New England record shops remember that whenever a blues artist came out with a new record, a horde of teenagers in navy blue and red would come apparently from nowhere to buy, sometimes, every copy the store had on hand. Many No-Maj students from rural communities who knew how to play the harmonica suddenly became some of the most popular kids in school. Soon after, Pukwudgies would experience both country music and bluegrass together that many students would simply call “home music” because it just feels like home. Finally, in the seventies and eighties when pop music became more popular, many Pukwudgies became enthralled with the Michael Jacksons and Madonnas and Bob Dylans of the music world. In that late-twentieth century sense of optimism and hope, many thrived on the exciting and happy pop music that existed.
Horned Serpent: Classical, Musicals, Rap, Ballads; Horned Serpents aren't as inclined towards the music of popular culture as other houses as they usually enjoy music they can work to. They like music that has a predictable but unique rhythm. Originally, they listened exclusively to classical music. However, over the years they expanded to musicals and ballads. Horned serpents like musicals because they are incredibly creative and tell a story that the listener can follow. Although they won't tell anyone, serpents can be very big nerds of musical theater, so when they’re in groups back in they’re dorm they’ll act out musical numbers; one of their favorites is Les Miserables because there are so many parts to sing and there is. so. much. singing. Horned Serpents, because of their natural inclination towards scholarship and creative thinking, are often very talented musicians. In the HS dorms there are several music practice rooms that are completely sound proof from the outside. They also can expand to fit either just one person or a whole band. Because of this, Serpents have pretty much kept up with the musical trends over the years; although they can play rock, jazz, country, or pop, they love the classics. Recently, however, they’ve taken an interest in rap. Initially, they dismissed it for the most part as not “real” music and a genre that didn’t take as much skill. However, with the advent of the musical, Hamilton, they suddenly took a deep interest in rap and hip-hop and the culture behind it. In fact, in only the past couple years there has been a huge surge of hip-hop in Horned Serpent house. Every other Thursday evening they have an open-mic for spoken word poetry, freestyle raps, or even rap battles between friends from time to time. The general consensus these days is that rap is an excellent form of music because it allows the artist to perform complex, extensive ideas in poetic lyrics in a fast-paced and difficult to master rhythm.
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