#wanna know WHY I watched it AFTER I submitted the diss?? I was saving it as a treat to celebrate submitting the diss with
aranciafiamma · 6 years
Thank You, Next (beta)
"I think... I think we should break up." 
 The unthinkable spills out of Teru's mouth. Mob blinks at him.
“... Yes. I think we should.”
(a bunch of disorganized snippets from my very ambitious TeruMob fic)
(that probably will never be written)
"I still love you. I don't think I can ever stop loving you. But... We weren't making each other happy. I mean, it was fairly obvious from the start. What did we have in common? Apart from being psychic. And you taught me that being psychic doesn’t mean much. I guess... I guess I didn't really learn even after all that..."
"Do you have something in common with Edano?"
"We have the same taste in bands. And we're both rough around the edges. He is unfailingly rude."
"Oh. You do have a lot in common then."
Teru snorts. "How are things with Emi?"
"She submitted a new short story in a magazine! ... I forgot which though..."
"That's okay. I can ask her. I'd love to read it later."
"I've learned a lot of cool new words. Like, pulchritude."
"Oh? What does that mean?"
"It's a fancy way of saying beautiful."
Teruki laughs. And it's like they're fifteen again. They're walking home from their first day of high school. Mob always liked that he could make him laugh like that.
But the laughter fades. Teruki's right, of course. They hadn't been happy. They can only smile easy now because they've reset. This new, post-boyfriend relationship brought them back to those first days of being friends, when there was no world to save and no identity crisis to solve. Mob loves Teruki the same way he loves Tsubomi, still and always. But he grew away from both, and that just happens.
"You're dating Edano? Seriously? Talk about a step down!"
"Excuse you, little brother! You did not just diss my boyfriend. I happen to like him very much. And yes, he's not Shigeo. But that was kind of the point? Your brother and I didn't work out! So I found someone different than him and we do match, quite a bit actually. He's a good boyfriend and I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult him. You were raised to be kinder than that!"
Reigen blows a smoke ring at Ritsu.
"Relationships are a trial and error sorta deal. Not everyone meets their one true love at the age of 13."
"Sho's not my one true love! Not that I don't love him, I do. I mean - You know what I meant!"
"You guys have been dating for six years and still going strong."
"Uh, no? We've been dating for three."
"Right, flirted for three then dated for three. My point is, you have the kind of relationship fairy tales are about."
"He knocked me the fuck out when we first met."
"Yeah. Like a fairy tale."
"Have you read a fairy tale in your entire life?"
"Whatever! I'm just saying! You're a lucky kid!"
"I don't - I have - I'm sorry!"
"What? No! Please. The last time I dated a girl, I was thirteen and a brat. I touched a boob like once. I hadn't been looking forward to being clueless down there. Not that vaginas are like super difficult to figure out or anything. I just, you know, I have more experiences with penises. I mean-"
"Oh gosh! I get it! Stop, you dork! Too much information!"
Teru laughs and flops down on the bed, taking her with him. "You are a stunningly beautiful woman, did you know that?"
Rei squeals, landing on his chest. She flicks him on the nose. "I did actually! But you're just saying that to make me blush!"
"I wanna see if I can get your face to match your hair."
Rei has to kiss him then or else he'd never shut up.
“I still can’t believe you’re dating Momo-chan.” “You know he hates it when you call him that.”
“Hence, why I persist in doing so.”
“Also, we broke up.”
“Oh. Shit. Sorry.”
“It was never serious. He was already half in love with someone else. I was just a stand in.”
“That’s... Okay, wow. What a dick.”
“I knew - or I was... aware. It was fun while it lasted. And besides... He was a stand in for me too.”
Mob goes silent. His gaze seems very intent on his coffee. Teru watches the tips of his ears redden. Understanding clicks like the lock of a door.
“... Is that what’s happening here? Is this... Is this a date?”
Mob shakes his head, still refusing to look at him. “No! This is coffee. Just coffee.”
“Good. Because I... The thing is... Why did you tell me that?” Teru leans back in his chair, fingers combing through his hair. He looks up at the ceiling. “I love you still. I do. But this - we can’t be happening. Not... Not right now.”
Mob lifts his head and looks at Teru. “Now?
"She might be open to me seeing you. But if she's not... I don't want to break up with Rei. Not even for you, Shigeo. I'm sorry... We can't... This isn't..."
Teru hastily gets up and leaves the table.
"Clairvoyant... I... I try not to look into the future. Especially not the futures of those close to me. All it's ever caused is grief. And I guess... This was no different. You love him - Ritsu-kun's brother."
"That doesn't make me love you any less!"
"... Oh, Teru... Maybe not now. But in the future."
"The future isn't here!"
"But it will be! You don't want to hurt me, I get that. Except staying with me out of pity? That's just as bad. Belt up, and just end this."
"I don't want to? I'm not going to leave you."
"... Then I will."
Teru swallows. His eyes blink rapidly. He breathes in deep. "You know... Shigeo once taught me that our powers aren't the end all, be all. That we can grow to be more and not have to rely on any of it. ... I just assumed you thought the same. But I guess I was wrong."
"My predictions always come true! And you know what, I'm glad I looked! So I wouldn't be blindsided when it finally happens! And you break my heart!"
"So you're not even going to fight for us?  This is it? Rei... Goddamn, I really thought I knew you."
Teru leaves the apartment.
"I... am a homewrecker."
"Wow. Wooooow, big brother. Didn't know you had it in you! I'm so proud!"
"Sho. Go sit in the corner."
"That's fair. That's totally fair."
"This - You and Me - This! Ugh! I don't want to prove her right! Okay? So can you just - Could you like - Stop being so you! It's driving me crazy!"
Teruki grabs Mob's face and kisses him hard on the lips. He pulls back.
"Right. I just need to get that out of my system. I am now walking away. I know that's mixed signals but let me have this!"
"I want me and Mob to be my choice! And I feel like - fucking hell..."
Teru takes a swig of his beer. Reigen watches him.
"It's so weird that I can now drink with you boys."
"That's what happens when you get old, old man."
"Yeah, yeah..." Reigen takes a sip of his beer. A pause. "You know, you still can. It's still your choice. The reason you broke up isn't because you were predetermined at birth to end up with Mob. But because she made a decision and that was to give up on your relationship. Are you listening?"
Teru nods. A beat. Tears start running down his cheeks. "I love her... I really do... I chose her. Why didn't she - Why couldn't she -?"
Reigen drags Teru closer to him, letting Teru cry on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, kiddo... I'm so sorry..."
"I think Ritsu's building a harem."
"... You wanna talk to him about it?"
"Hell no. I'm proud."
"All that drama! And here we are again! How can we be so stupid?"
"I don't think people are meant to be smart."
Teru laughs. He laughs until he cries. He brings Mob's hands to his lips, kissing the knuckles gently.
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