#was gonna post this to my other blog and said ykw. need this in their actual tags
henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
ykw i need to say SOMETHING about this, and fuck it i'm gonna say this publicly because i am TIRED of dealing with this privately
i have been constantly blocked by people related to my ex friends, one of which said they didn't wanna talk to me because one of their friends didn't like me. and you wanna know my best guess on why they want people blocking me?
either 1) they are so petty over me having bad jealousy issues and addressing problems i had with them that they didn't respond to properly and ignored for months on end that they just tell their friends "hey you should block this person because they're a big meanie"
or 2) they are spreading the most rancid bullshit about me to ever exist
i found out some of the shit they've been saying about me through a new friend, who i will be keeping anonymous for their own safety. here's only a few of the things they have said/done
said i am some sort of creep (an example of that being i had apparently sexualized the owner of the friend group's server owner's name)
said i was "shipping" two of the server members
they tried to evade my block on them by sending me anonymous hate asks to harass me (and other members fucking encouraged it)
they stalked my blog in some capacity, even more recently
and much, much more.
if worse comes to worse, i am making an entire doc that i will probably be releasing whether they like it or not. and i have screenshots of every nasty thing they have said about me as well as a sliver of evidence that has me convinced that they have been slandering my name to their fucking friends.
the worst part is, everyone interacts with them here on tmc tumblr, so if/when i release the doc, i will be going on an indefinite hiatus until i feel safe coming back.
i have had enough of this because just recently i have been kicked from a server where i never broke ANY of the rules and i was generally respectful to my understanding. neither the server owner nor the mod i had become mutuals with recently have contacted me with reasonings behind why i was kicked/banned from the server. hell, i tried contacting another mutual i made from the server and just ended up getting blocked as well.
i am tired of this shit, and i'm tired of a middle school tier situation with my ex friends continuing to affect me today. all over petty ass internet drama that could have easily been solved if they addressed my issues and if i had learned to control my emotions and communicated better. that's all.
if you want details, i will only be giving them through dms. i will not say anything else publicly until further notice.
that said, i might take a small break until maybe monday from posting due to both this situation and because i am graduating tomorrow. i do NOT want bullshit to happen on graduation day of all fucking days.
thank you. good night.
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