#was joe's disappearance sol's villain origin story or
pharawee · 4 months
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—Winner Tanatat Kunaneksin in MY STAND-IN THE SERIES · Episode 05
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nuttyrabbit · 6 years
Unorganized Archie Sonic ramblings
I’m perplexed by the existence of Ash the Mongoose. In a comic that already was filled to the brim, damn near BURSTING with characters, Karl Bollers decides that he needs to make ANOTHER character solely to formally close the Sonic/Mina/Sally love triangle......that he already closed 11 issues prior by having Mina herself admit that Sonic didn’t like her in that way....and then almost dying but I digress.  That’s all Ash was there for, to block Sonic from Mina. He had no other role outside of being “Mina’s boyfriend”, no personality outside of that, nothing. He was an average joe type, which is an interesting idea in a world like Sonic’s, but nothing much is really DONE with it.  He just...EXISTS, and it’s so weird too because he’s even like that in the fandom wherein Mina herself is shipped with all sorts of characters, from the semi-canon ones in Sonic and Tails to characters like Shadow, Honey, and even Nack, but NEVER Ash.  Most fics I’ve seen that even reference Ash tend to demonize him or make him look like a total dick a la Sally in Sonamy fics and Fiona in anti-Fiona fics.  It’s just weird man
Speaking of weird, has anyone ever brought up the fact that Sonic Forces kind of used the “Sonic disappears for a long period of time thanks to villains, things go to shit, then he comes back to fix it”  thing from the pre-reboot when Sonic disappeared into space because of the Xorda? And the fucked thing is that both of them bring up the fact that when Sonic was gone, Eggman took over 99.9% of the world (The exact same number in both). Honestly, I can’t tell which one was done “better” because both honestly really fucking sucked in execution.
Also can we talk about how Sonic just....fucked off to space for 5 or so issues? Because that happened. He almost died, got warped to the other side of the universe, almost lost his ship in a foot race, met E.V.E again, fought Fleetway Super Sonic, met these weird ant aliens, and just all sorts of shit.  And these issues could be argued to be more interesting that most of the shit that happened between #75 and #125 because a lot of THAT shit was just either meandering or stupid drama shit that went nowhere interesting (And also that Tails clone thing seriously WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT THAT CAME OUTTA FUCKING NOWHERE). And you could argue it was better than a lot of what came after because 134-159 is unarguably the WORST part of the comic’s history. With exception of RTAI and the one ghostwritten by Jon Gray, pretty much every single story in that era is absolute fucking GARBAGE with some of the worst ideas ever conceived of in the comics.
Remember fucking Kodos? I always thought he had a pretty okay design but was just boring as fucking sin and was only there to die in issue 100 and chase the Sword of Plot I mean Acorn (That was a dumb thing too what the fuck was that anyways?)
You know, I really wish one of these days Ian would just tell us what the fuck Maw’s deal was, because for all the fan content and shit he’s gotten, he realy has very little in the way of actual character and shit which is a shame , because he had a lot of potential that was sadly never capitalized on. Kind of like Cassia and Clove but they had more character to begin with and I REALLY WISH THEY GOT SOME CLOSURE GODDAMMIT
You know, I wonder how Bunnie felt that not only was she from the Sol Dimension, but that her parents died in battle like Antoine’s probably did (They never specified how they died I think), and definitetly against the thing her and Blaze fought.  I wonder where they were going to go with that and I’m pissed it was cut short because like the other arc of Bunnie’s that didn’t concern Antoine, it was REALLY GODDAMN INTERESTING AND NEVER GOT TO GO ANYWHERE.
Oh yeah, Uncle Beau was fucking cool as hell and a really unique idea. One of the FFs relatives being an Egg Boss/Grandmaster isn’t the most original concept, but having him actually be a decent person caught in a bad situation is a really interesting take on it, and gives Bunnie more of a reason to try and help him than “He’s family”, especially since it’s implied her and Beau were really close. More lost potential I suppose.
One last thing, isn’t it interesting how the only Chaotix in the pre-reboot to not really GET a backstory iirc was Vector? We don’t know who his parents are other than that he was “raised” in the same place Barby was (I think) and that he has SOME ties to Downunda that never got explained.  He just....IS and it’s so jarring to me in a comic where EVERYONE had their own families and societies and secret backstories and what have you that Vector was just....Vector.
I just needed to ramble about this shit it’s on my mind, especially after talking about the comics more as of late, I need to get back to this
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